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Investor Presentaiton

4. Renewable energy sources and projects Off-grid operating PV projects: Operating projects Installed capacity (kWp) Management model Tariff model Bambadinca PV hybrid 312 Public-Community Hourly rate, Pre-paid mini-grid Contuboel PV mini-grid 100 500 Private N/A Hourly rate, Pre-paid N/A . Bissorã PV hybrid mini-grid Smaller scale PV: SHS, water pumping systems and public lighting On-grid future potential projects: • • PV: Gardette (20MWp, 200kWp constructed), WB project (feasibility study, up to 3 powerplants, 20-30 MWp with storage) Hydro: Saltinho (14MW), Cussilinta (13MW), agricultural dams (2,94 MW) SE4ALL IP identified projects: . 18 projects off-grid . 13 bioenergy and clean cooking projects ORGANIZAÇÃO: ALER Associação Lusofona de Energlas Renovevels APOIO: UNIDO ECREEE TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE ENERGY gef 18
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