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#1Workshop de Investimento Energia Sustentável na Guiné-Bissau Guinea Bissau Sustainable Energy Investment Workshop Apresentação do Relatório Nacional do Ponto de Situação das Energias Renováveis e Eficiência Energética da Guiné-Bissau Presentation of the Guinea Bissau Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency National Status Report Isabel Cancela de Abreu Executive Director ALER#2Framework Project: Promoting investments in small to medium scale renewable energy technologies in the electricity sector of Guinea Bissau: Partners: UNIDO, ECREEE, Ministry of Energy and Industry Funding: GEF Activities: Publication of the report; Organisation of Investment Workshop in Lisbon in May; Organisation of International Conference in Bissau in December; Organisation of a mini-grid training for policy makers from all portuguese-speaking African countries in Bissau in December; Communication and dissemination. ORGANIZAÇÃO: ALER Associação Lusofona de Energlas Renovevels APOIO: UNIDO ECREEE TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE ENERGY gef 2#3Main goals of the report The main goal of the National Status Report is to compile, process and provide information on the current state of the Renewables and Energy Efficiency Sector in Guinea-Bissau. UNIDO • The intention is to provide up-to-date and relevant information to potential investors and project promoters, as well as to assist public institutions in disseminating information and raising awareness of the national potential. UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION ALER Associacio Lutons de Engl Renovável • Main players of the sector will be presented in ALER's Directory of Contacts and all documents consulted will be available online in the LERenováveis database. ENERGIAS RENOVÁVEIS E EFICIÊNCIA ENERGÉTICA NA GUINÉ-BISSAU RELATÓRIO NACIONAL DE PONTO DE SITUAÇÃO / Dezembro 2018 Renewables and Energy Efficiency in Guinea Bissau-National Status Report/December 2018 ORGANIZAÇÃO: ALER Associação Lusofona de Energlas Renovevels UNIDO ECREEE TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE ENERGY APOIO: gef 3#4Methodology For the elaboration of the report, ALER subcontracted TESE-Association for the development and applied a two-step approach for collecting information: • . Primary data collection: questionnaires and interviews with the main stakeholders; Secondary data collection: in depth analysis of bibliography (reports, statistics, plans, etc.). A steering committee, composed by main stakeholders is monitoring and following up the elaboration of the report. . Júlio António Raul - DGE Yuri Lima Handem - ECREEE • Gervásio Vaz Moreno - Ministry of Finance\Plan • Patrício Ribeiro - IMPAR . Adelcio Silva - EAGB João Raimundo Lopes, MADS/GEF ORGANIZAÇÃO: ALER Associação Lusofona de Energlas Renovevels APOIO: UNIDO ECREEE TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE ENERGY gef 4#5Timing The elaboration of the report began in January and the final version will be available by the end of 2018, in line with the schedule of implementation: • January 2018: Project kick-off; • February 2018: End of literature review and data collection; • April 2018: 1st draft version with main outcomes per chapter; • May 2018: Final draft version; . ORGANIZAÇÃO: June 2018: Final version after input of all comments from stakeholders; July 2018: Translation to English; September 2018: Design; October 2018: Printout; November 2018: Transportation to Bissau; December 2018: Launch at the conference. ALER Associação Lusofona de Energlas Renovevels UNIDO ECREEE TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE ENERGY APOIO: gef 5#6Report Structure The report is composed by 7 main chapters, including barriers and recommendations for each part. The final structure is the following: 1. Brief country overview: general information about Guinea-Bissau; 2. Legal and institutional framework: information about the energy sector organization, policies, strategies, national plans and legal framework; 3. National energy profile: general information about the energy and electric sector; 4. Renewable energy sources and projects: information about renewable energy potential and projects; 5. Energy efficiency potential and projects: information about energy efficiency potential and projects; 6. Economic and financial framework: market evaluation and information about investment, financing mechanisms and financing institutions; 7. Education and training: information about education, training, investigation and certification in the energy sector; 8. Conclusions. ORGANIZAÇÃO: ALER Associação Lusofona de Energlas Renovevels APOIO: UNIDO ECREEE TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE ENERGY gef 6#7Prada Camtos de Ferro Phi -Estrada Percipan Fronteras memo oneras Regiona Aeroportos Pncipas Capital Cidade Principes Out Calad 1. Brief country overview • Located in the western African coast, Guinea-Bissau has a total surface of 36 125 m² and an estimated population of 1 842 564 inhabitants. Approximately 58% of the population lives in rural areas and 40% are aged under 14. Administratively, The country is divided in 8 regions and the autonomous sector of Bissau, which is the capital city. The Human Development Index is low, ranking 178 in 188 countries. The economy is based on the primary sector (agriculture 49%), on services and on international cooperation. Instability characterizes the political context, historically and at the moment. OCEANO ATLANTICO Cacheu Canchungo CACHEU Cuntine SENEGAL GUINÉ-BISSAU Bissors Sonaco Contaboel & Gard 00 Bafata GAB Mansoa BAFATA Sambadinca haca Quintame Ossad Enaude Xitole OUNARA Bedanda Guede *Catid TOMBAL Map of Guinea Bissau GUINE National GDP (%), 2016 Serviços 37% Agricultura 49% ORGANIZAÇÃO: ALER Associação Lusofona UNIDO de Energlas ECREEE Renovevels TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE ENERGY APOIO: gef Indústria 14% 7#82. Legal and institutional framework Legal framework: • Law N.° 2/2007; • Law N.° 3/2007. Institutional framework: • Ministry of Energy and Industry; • General Energy Directorate, specialized Services and Regional Offices; EAGB; • • Independent and autonomous electricity producers, private companies and associations; There is not yet a regulatory authority. ORGANIZAÇÃO: ALER Associação Lusofona de Energlas Renovevels APOIO: UNIDO ECREEE TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE ENERGY gef 8#92. Legal and institutional framework Main policies and strategies: • Regional: • Política para as Energias Renováveis de CEDEAO (EREP), 2013; Política para a Eficiência Energética da CEDEAO (EEEP), 2013. National: . Documento de Estratégia Nacional de Redução da Pobreza II (DENARP II), 2011-2015; Plano Estratégico Guiné-Bissau 2025 «Terra Ranka». Sectorial: ORGANIZAÇÃO: Plano Director de Energia e de Desenvolvimento das Infra-estruturas de Produção e Distribuição de Electricidade, 2013; National Renewable Energy Action Plan (PANER), 2015; National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (PANEE), 2015; SE for ALL Action Agenda (SEforALL AA), 2015; SE for ALL Investment Prospectus (SEforALL IP), 2015. ECREEE APOIO: ALER Associação Lusofona UNIDO de Energlas Renovevels TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE ENERGY gef 6#102. Legal and institutional framework Tariffs and investment framework: • Energy and electricity tariffs vary depending on the source, the region and the producer. ⚫ • Main market actors: • EAGB-Bissau Regional electricity public services - Interior Agrosafim - Safim SCEB Bambadinca FRES - Contuboel Independent and autonomous producers • Investment is promoted by the Ministry of Economy, the customs code of ECOWAS and the national investment code, but without a specific framework for energy projects, beyond cooperation funds. ORGANIZAÇÃO: ALER Associação Lusofona de Energlas Renovevels APOIO: UNIDO ECREEE TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE ENERGY gef 10#112. Legal and institutional framework Project licensing: • • • • . Environmental licensing clearly defined. Laws N.° 2/2007 and 3/2007 liberalized the energy and electricity market, establishing general disposition regarding production, distribution and supply. The Ministry of Energy and Industry awards concession to private companies, collective structures or public utilities. However, technical licensing not yet standardized and each project doesn't follow the same steps. An ongoing study, financed by the EU, aims to clarify a new concession scheme, focusing on renewables and mini-grids. ORGANIZAÇÃO: ALER Associação Lusofona de Energlas Renovevels APOIO: UNIDO ECREEE TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE ENERGY gef 11#122. Legal and institutional framework International protocols and agreements: African Union African Development Bank • World Bank UNDP • West African Development Bank • UNIDO . ECOWAS GEF ECREEE . SE4ALL . • UEMOA SABER-ABREC IRENA . ISA • CPLP ORGANIZAÇÃO: ALER APOIO: • Associação Lusofona de Energlas Renovevels UNIDO ECREEE TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE ENERGY gef SIDS DOCKS 12#133. National energy profile Energy mix: Final Energy Consumption (2012) Energy Consumption per sector (2012) 1,5 1% 0,2 3,6 4,9 10% 6,8 14% 75% 83 ■Lenha ■Carvão vegetal ■Produtos petrolíferos Electricidade ■ Agricultura e Pesca ■ Outros Industrial Transportes Terciário Residencial Energy data availability and update is complicated, however the new Energy Information System can provide and centralize data. ORGANIZAÇÃO: ALER Associação Lusofona de Energlas Renovevels APOIO: UNIDO ECREEE TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE ENERGY gef 13#143. National energy profile Electricity mix: Electricity Production (2018) 1% ORGANIZAÇÃO: 99% ■Centrais térmicas ■ Centrais fotovoltaicas Electricity production type EAGB-Bissau Regional units Independent and autonomous producers PV mini-grids ALER Associação Lusofona de Energies Renovevels Electricity consumption per sector (2012) 18,8 38,9 4,4 17,6 20,4 ■ Agricultura e Pesca ■ Outros ■ Industrial ■ Terciário ■ Residencial APOIO: Installed operational capacity (MW) 8,5 3,67 UNIDO ECREEE TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE ENERGY gef 26 0,412 14#15Sunus 3. National energy profile . Infrastructure: • OMVG HV line; National grid; Bissau grid (ring). BISSALANCA SAPM 2 BISSAC CABINE RENE 2 ч Bissau grid plan ORGANIZAÇÃO: ALER Associação Lusofona de Energlas Renovevels UNIVERSITE ANPAGET UNIDO CENTRALE Postes Rehabilitation BM Passage à 10 kV Postes Construction BM Poste BM -Cable BT Construction Cables HTA Renouvellement -Lignes HTA Construction Poste MT/MT 30 kV -Cables HTA Renouvellement -Lignes HTA Nouveau Construction Postes BAD Postes Proposes EAGB Boucle 30KV Projet PUASEE BANQUE MONDIALE OCEAN ATLANTIQUE APOIO: ECREEE TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE ENERGY gef SENEGAL BOLAVA varsa COMBA BAZATA SEUNTA Poste 2251663/330 kV Poste 1616333 Poste 6333 o Villes électrifies Villes à électrifer Barrages hydroélectriques 0303 CGotage Ligne 225 kV Cara SONAR Navy NCA GEBCO Ligne 161 WV Lipe W OMVG HV line and national grid plans GUINEE 15#163. National energy profile Electrification rate: . The electrification rate is one of the lowest of the region (11,5%). • Bissau's cover rate is estimated at 29%, while in the interior it is lower than 5%. . Target of at least 80% until 2030. ORGANIZAÇÃO: ALER Associação Lusofona de Energlas Renovevels 40 SANDOMINGOS CACHEU BULA O o CANCHUNGO O FARIM BIGENE BIODORA OKHAGRA BISSAU TITE BOLANIA OSONACO CONTUBOEL OMANZABA GANAMUDO O OBAFATA OMANDOA SAMBADINCA GALOMARO الی حالی ම FULACUNDA OXITOLE CATIO SEDANDA OQUEBO Echelle 1:1 200 000 Electrification rate map (2012) APOIO: UNIDO →ECREEE TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE ENERGY gef PIRADA O PITCHE GABU C O BOE Légende Taux d'accès en % 0,00% 0,01% -0,60% 0,61% -3,00% 3,01% -10,00% 10,01%-100% 16#174. Renewable energy sources and projects Among various renewable energy sources (solar, wind, hydro, tidal, biomass), the ones that present a significant potential are solar, hydro and biomass: • Global solar irradiation varies from 1 800 to 2 000 kWh/m², with the best potential being located in the islands and the coastal areas. Hydro power potential is located in the eastern part of the country (rivers Corubal and Geba), with an estimated capacity potential of 29,9 MW composed by small dams. Guinee Bissau - Moyenne Annuelle de l'irradiation normale directe (BNI) - periode 2004-2010 copyright Mines ParisTech / ARMINES/Transvalor - Aout 2011 17 BNI moyen annuel (kWh/m2) 13 IRRADIATION ANNUELLE (BN moyen annuel en KWh/m N Valeur BNI annuelle N Valeur BNI annuelle T 2002 1873 2 1926 12 1859 1988 13 1883 4 1958 14 1913 1900 15 1895 6 1885 16 1927 7 1861 17 1916 1955 18 1924 1887 19 1937 10 1853 20 1801 1828 1856 1882 1909 1937 1964 1991 2018 2045 Global solar irradiation map With an economy based on agriculture (cashew, rice, sugar cane), biomass potential is significant and immediate potential is estimated at 4,4 MW. Data availability and precision is a significant barrier that needs to be overtaken. ORGANIZAÇÃO: APOIO: ALER Associação Lusofona UNIDO de Energlas Renovevels ECREEE TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE ENERGY gef 17#184. Renewable energy sources and projects Off-grid operating PV projects: Operating projects Installed capacity (kWp) Management model Tariff model Bambadinca PV hybrid 312 Public-Community Hourly rate, Pre-paid mini-grid Contuboel PV mini-grid 100 500 Private N/A Hourly rate, Pre-paid N/A . Bissorã PV hybrid mini-grid Smaller scale PV: SHS, water pumping systems and public lighting On-grid future potential projects: • • PV: Gardette (20MWp, 200kWp constructed), WB project (feasibility study, up to 3 powerplants, 20-30 MWp with storage) Hydro: Saltinho (14MW), Cussilinta (13MW), agricultural dams (2,94 MW) SE4ALL IP identified projects: . 18 projects off-grid . 13 bioenergy and clean cooking projects ORGANIZAÇÃO: ALER Associação Lusofona de Energlas Renovevels APOIO: UNIDO ECREEE TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE ENERGY gef 18#195. Energy efficiency potential and projects Savings up to 71 GWh/year until 2030. 600 Projects implemented: Distribution grid efficiency; • Relamping; Improved cookstoves (INITA). SE4ALL IP identified projects: • 4 energy efficiency projects ggg Demanda (GWh) 300 400 500 200 100 0 2010 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 Demanda total de eletricidade (GWh/ano) do país Demanda total de eletricidade com EE (GWh/ano) do país Electricity demand evolution and savings Education of the main stakeholders of the sector is necessary, in order to clarify the difference of renewables and energy efficiency, as well as to highlight the importance of the sector. ORGANIZAÇÃO: APOIO: ALER Associação Lusofona UNIDO de Energlas Renovevels ECREEE TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE ENERGY gef 19#206. Economic and financial framework • • Main market stakeholders and institutions : 13 private companies; 5 banks; 2 assurance companies; 3 micro-credit institutions; 21 financing institutions. . Low private sector investment rate • Absence of special financial mechanisms for energy projects; • • Innovative business models are/can be implemented (Fee-for-service; Pay-as-you-go); Burdensome fiscal benefits to be facilitated by the renewables law (under project); Stakeholders awareness of the general framework is limited; • Investment considered of high risk; • Low quality equipment available in the market, creates competition for new modern projects. ORGANIZAÇÃO: APOIO: ALER Associação Lusofona UNIDO de Energlas Renovevels ECREEE TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE ENERGY gef 20 20#217. Education and training • Few institutions of higher education but technical and vocational schools. 5 schools 1 R&D institution • Scholarships and cooperation programs. Specific training actions are implemented as part of energy projects. ORGANIZAÇÃO: ALER Associação Lusofona de Energlas Renovevels UNIDO Sale Electricity course in ADPP school in Bissorã ECREEE TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE ENERGY APOIO: gef 21#22Next steps In order to guarantee a detailed report and the involvement of all national and international stakeholders, the following steps are foreseen: • • • May 2018: Review of the draft version by the steering committee; June 2018: Public review of the draft version by all stakeholders; July-October 2018: Translation and production of the report; Ongoing: Data collection for ALER's Directory of Contacts. ORGANIZAÇÃO: ALER Associação Lusofona de Energlas Renovevels UNIDO Conferência Internacional Energia Sustentável na Guiné-Bissau Guinea Bissau Sustainable Energy International Conference 6-7 Dezembro APOIO: ECREEE TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE ENERGY gef BISSAU December 2018 Hotel Ledger Bissau 22#23Thank you for your attention OALER CONTACT Associação Lusófonal de Energias Renováveis Isabel Cancela de Abreu Executive Director +351 91 603 21 87 [email protected] ORGANIZAÇÃO: ALER Associação Lusofona de Energlas Renovevels UNIDO ECREEE TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE ENERGY APOIO: gef 23

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