Investor Presentaiton
What is MIPEX?
Most comprehensive tool to compare integration policies in different countries:
•Number of indicators (167 indicator questions, in eight areas)
•Thematic scope (including labour market, education, family reunion, political participation, permanent residence,
access to nationality, antidiscrimination, and health)
•Methodology with national experts (experts and reviewers from each area, moderated anonymous discussions)
•Longitudinal scope (2007-2019)
•Geographic scope (52 countries)
Most cited international benchmark used by global actors, NGOs, media & researchers
Example: Draft Global Compact on Migration recommended participation of all States in MIPEX to identify
challenges & best practices Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration - Draft REV 1,«< 26 March 2018,
section 30(a), p. 18).
2019 Migration Policy Group
MIGRATION POLICY GROUPView entire presentation