Atlantic Operations Overview slide image

Atlantic Operations Overview

Corporate Overview Institutional 59% Corporate Structure Shareholders³ Shares on issue (ASX: SBM) 817.8M Performance rights 8.8M Share price¹ $0.53 Market capitalisation1 $433M Retail 35% Genesis Shares to be distributed¹ $262M Other 6% Cash² $294M Substantial shareholders4 L1 Capital Baker Steel 9% 9% 1. Based on closing share price on 4 July 2023; 2. Cash position as at 30 June 2023 after debt repayment, excluding $12M in transaction costs, $33M tax payable on Leonora asset sale and $47M set aside for Atlantic rehabilitation bond; 3 Shareholders as at 16 June; and 4. Substantial shareholders as at 4 July 5
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