Espirito Santo Oil & Natural Gas Yearbook 2021
2.5.1. Offshore Production in Espírito Santo
The offshore oil production in
Espírito Santo in 2020 was 87.1
million barrels, 14.2% lower than
the volume recorded in the pre-
vious year (Chart 17). With this
drop, the state is approaching
the levels produced in 2010, the
year when production from the
pre-salt layer of Espírito Santo
waters began. The drop can be
explained mainly by the perfor-
mance of the production of pre-
salt layer wells, which, in 2020,
dropped by 19.7%, reaching a
production equal to 234 million
barrels of oil. Production in the
pre-salt layer is responsible for
51.7% of the total oil produced
offshore in Espírito Santo.
Regarding the division by loca-
tion, Espírito Santo's offshore
production can be divided into
three parts. The first two are
located in the Campos Basin, in
the producing fields of Parque
das Baleias and of Parque das
Conchas, and the third one is lo-
cated in the producing fields of
the Espírito Santo Basin.
Offshore oil production is con-
centrated in Parque das Baleias
and Parque das Conchas, oper-
ated by Petrobras and Shell Bra-
sil, respectively. The production
of natural gas associated with
oil is concentrated in Parque das
Baleias and the production of
natural gas not associated with
oil is concentrated in the produc-
ing fields of the Espírito Santo
Basin, mostly operated by Petro-
bras and in the process of being
sold by the company.
duced in 2019, responsible for
4.3% of oil production in Espírito
Santo in 2020.
It must be noted that offshore
oil-producing regions, part of the
Campos Basin and the Espírito
Santo Basin are in the natural
phase of declining production
and, consequently, they have
shown a decline in production.
Regarding offshore natural gas in
Espírito Santo, Parque das Bale-
ias produced, in 2020, 1.8 billion
m³ of the input, 17.4% lower than
the previous year. Parque das
Conchas produced, in the same
period of comparison, a total of
157.5 million m³ of natural gas,
a 24.6% increase relative to pro-
duction in the previous year. The
fields in the Espírito Santo basin
produced a total of 275.5 million
m³ of natural gas, 1.6% less than
the previous year.
Natural gas production in Parque
das Baleias and the offshore
fields in the Espírito Santo Basin
represented 80.0% and 12.0% of
Espírito Santo's total natural gas
production, respectively. The pro-
duction of natural gas in Parque
das Conchas represented, in the
same period used for compari-
son, 6.8% of the total production
of natural gas in Espírito Santo.
Both offshore oil-pro-
ducing regions, part
of the Campos Ba-
sin and the Espírito
Santo Basin are in
the natural phase of
declining production
and, consequently,
they have shown a
decline in production
in recent years.
barrels of offshore
oil were produced in
Espírito Santo in 2020
m³ of offshore natural gas
were produced in Espírito
Santo in 2020
In 2020, oil production at Parque
das Baleias fell by 18.9% com-
pared to the same period in the
previous year, producing 68.7
million barrels of oil that year,
but still accounting for 78.9%
of the total oil produced in the
state. In 2020, Parque das Con-
chas produced a total of 14.6
million barrels of oil, a 10.8%
With a drop of 14.2% in
2020, oil production in
Espírito Santo approaches
the level produced in 2010.
Chart 17-Offshore Oil production by location (thousands of oil barrels)
drop compared to the previous
year, concentrating 16.8% of to-
tal local oil production.
The only oil-producing field in the
offshore producing fields of the
Espírito Santo Basin is the Golfin-
ho field which, in 2020, produced
a total of 3.7 million barrels of oil,
7.3% higher than the level pro-
2010 2011 2012
Parque das Baleias
2014 2015 2016
Parque das Conchas
Source: ANP | Prepared by: Ideies/Findes
9. In 2019, ANP and Petrobras signed an agreement concerning the Parque das
Baleias reservoir for the purpose of paying royalties and special participations.
The agreement considered only one reservoir called Novo Campo de Jubarte,
which included the areas between Jubarte, Baleia Azul, Baleia Franca, parts of
Cachalote, Mangangá, and Pirambu. The agreement made it possible to ap-
prove a new Development Plan for Novo Campo de Jubarte, with an extension
for another 27 years for the production phase.
2017 2018 2019 2020
Campos in the Espirito Santo Basin
10. Comprised by the Abalone, Argonauta, and Ostra fields.
11. Comprised by Cação, Camarupim, Camarupim Norte, Canapu, Cangoá,
Golfinho, and Peroá fields.
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