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Investor Presentaiton

Material topic GRI 3-2, 3-3 Management scope Social GRI/SASB SDG disclosures SDG 5. Human and organizational development Employee onboarding program; attracting and retaining talent; performance reviews; leadership development; average training hours per year. 203-1, 203-2, 401-1, 401-2, 401-3, 403-1, 403-2, 403-3, 403-4, 403-5, 403-6, 403-7, 403-8, 403-9, 403-10, 404-1, 404-2, 404-3, RR-FM-210 a.2 6. Diversity and Discrimination cases and corrective action taken; compensation differences between men and women; equal opportunity employee diversity at Eldorado Brasil. Location Targets of impact 5 5.1, 5.5, 8.5 8 Employees in Brazil and around the world. 5 202-1,405-1, 5.1, 5.5, Employees 405-2, 406-1 8.5 8 The Ten Principles of the Global Compact Two years ago, Eldorado Brasil joined the Global Compact's Ten Principles, a United Nations initiative calling on companies to align their strategies and operations with ten universal principles related to human rights, labor, environment and anti-corrup- tion, and take actions that advance societal goals. This initiative represents the world's largest corpo- rate sustainability initiative, with 16,000 corporate participants and other stakeholders, forming 70 local networks in over 160 countries. The 2030 Agenda, also launched by the UN in 2015, seeks to foster initiatives for a better world in the next decade. The initiative currently has 193 member states working toward a set of 17 Sustainable Deve- lopment Goals (SDGs). Each year, we report to the Global Compact on our progress in implementing the Ten Principles in our operations, and set goals that are aligned with the SDGs. 7. Local community development Governance Managing positive and negative social, environmental and economic impacts on surrounding communities; environmental education activities and social initiatives in municipalities within our area of influence; company engagement in the social programs of partner organizations; and corporate volunteer work. 8. Transparency, ethics and anti-corruption Communications and training on anti-corruption policies; protecting our reputation and credibility; preventing misconduct in management; confirmed incidents of corruption and corrective and/or disciplinary action taken. Communities in Mato Grosso do Sul. 11 Suppliers. 201-1, 203-2, 12 11.a, 12.8, 413-1,413-2 17.16 17 11.3, 11.6, Employees in Brazil. mill operations in Três Lagoas, MS, seedling nursery in Andradina, SP, and Rishis in Santos, SP). Environment (forestry and 205-1, 205-2, 205-3 16 16.7 Employees in Brazil and around the world. Consumer in Brazil and around the world. Government Agencies (environmental monitoring 16.5, 16.6, for compliance with operation license requirements, including air emissions and wastewater discharge, water bodies and aquatic communities, noise emissions, fauna and flora, and other periodic monitoring). Human Rights SUPPORT and respect the protec- tion of internationally proclaimed * Environment 7 SUPPORT a precautionary approach to environmental challenges. human rights in our area of influence. 8 UNDERTAKE initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility. 2 ENSURE that we are not complicit in human rights abuses. 9 ENCOURAGE the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies. Employment 3 UPHOLD the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining. + UPHOLD the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labor. 10 5 UPHOLD the effective abolition of child labor. UPHOLD the elimination of discri- 6 mination in respect of employment and occupation. Anti-corruption WORK AGAINST corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery. Eldorado Brasil 12 Foreword Sustainability Report 2022 The Eldorado Way Corporate Governance Planet Stewardship People GRI Content Index 13▶
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