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Investor Presentaiton

Managing Environmental Efficiency GRI 3-3: Management of material topics Eldorado Brasil has never stopped conducting stu- dies, monitoring natural resources and continuously improving the environmental quality of its processes, products and services. To achieve this, it constantly invests in innovations and management and control tools. This has led to the maturity of environmental indicators and successive records in pulp production in recent years, aligned with sustainable develo- pment and ensuring the sustainability of natural resources for current and future generations. Against this backdrop, the importance of biodiver- sity for the planet and for business means protec- ting our geographies is the rule not the exception. The company therefore invests in technology and good management practices in the planting of eucalyptus forests and throughout the process of transforming wood into pulp. The focus on environmentally sustainable actions underpins the practices of all company sectors. Eldorado Brasil complies with all current laws and goes above and beyond requirements in many sec- tors. We pay special attention to agricultural defense legislation, with practices that protect the health of plants, the identity, quality and hygienic-sanitary safety of areas, as well as the integrity of inputs and services used in forests. The company's forestry operations take extreme care of nature as proven by forest certifications that attest to good management practices, compliance with national and international standards and legis- lation, and respect for human rights. Sustainability Policy Consisting of nine commitments, the policy is one of Eldorado Brasil's strategic guidelines for conducting busi- ness and using natural resources. 1 Ensure the business remains competitive and operates in a socially and environmentally respon- sible manner; 4 Use natural resources sus- tainably and protect local biodiversity; 2 Comply with applicable laws and regulations in accordance with the requi- rements laid down by the Forest Management Council; 5 Contribute to attaining Brazil's INDC targets through forestry and by producing energy from renewable sources; 3 il Innovate and develop technologies that boost competitiveness while preventing pollution; 6 論 Foster ethical relations and transparent communi- cation with stakeholders; 7 BO Provide working con- ditions that offer equal rights without discrimina- tion based on gender, race or color; 8 Provide a motivating, safe and healthy work environment; 9 Invest in training and develop a culture of conti- nual improvement in our operations. $40 Eldorado Brasil Sustainability Report 2022 Foreword The Eldorado Way Corporate Governance Planet Stewardship People GRI Content Index 41
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