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Investor Presentaiton

Ethics ambassadors Created a year ago and currently consisting of 54 employees selected from various sectors, the pro- gram is dedicated to disseminating the company's best practices and conduct through these ambas- sadors, who receive training in ethics. In 2022, we worked on fostering an ethical culture. The purpose is to strengthen the company's culture and integrity, supported by several compliance policies, such MULTIPLICADOR RES DA ETICA 2021/2022 iii Seja exemplo! as: Anti-Corruption; Gifts and Hospitality; Integrity Assessments for Business Partners; Conflicts of Interest; Donations and Sponsorship; Consequence Management; Non-Retaliation; Antitrust; Internal Controls; Internal Audit and Data Protection and Privacy. e Eldorado Brasil 806 Risk Management GRI 2-16, 2-25, 2-27 Incentive Ser exempl BARROS TILP ICA GONH CARA e Inspirar, Incentivar. Ser exemplo. MULTIPLICADORES DA ÉTICA etics Eldorado TORRE TH Key Business and Operational Risks ENVIRON- MENTAL SUPPLY CHAIN The risk of climate change and its financial implications. The risk of shortages, inability to source business-essential materials or failure to comply with good operational practices, such as failure by our suppliers to comply with laws, regula- tions and technical standards $ FINANCIAL Market risks, such as foreign-exchange and interest rate fluctuations REGULATORY Risks related to impacts on our business and operations from new laws, regulations and standards OPERATIONAL Forestry, mill, haulage, commercial and pulp logistics risks REPUTATIONAL Risks related to Eldorado's credibility and public trust SOCIAL The risk of impacts on local communities that could affect our operations Eldorado Brasil conducts risk management proce- dures in accordance with the Precautionary Prin- ciple (Principle 15) outlined by the United Nations (UN), namely that of protecting the environment and preventing potential damage, especially serious and irreversible damage. Risk management a key tool in strengthe- ning governance, enhancing transparency and protecting our reputation and our business. Our risk management plan is frequently revised, shared across all levels of the organization, providing gui- delines on monitoring, preventing and taking action to mitigate impacts within and outside the organi- zation. No significant concerns were recorded in the year that could impact the Company's business, and there were no significant fines paid for non-com- pliance in 2022. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY COMPLIANCE Risks to information security and customer and employee data privacy Employee and business partner misconduct and integrity risks; compliance with anti-corruption, conflicts of interest, anti-trust and internal audit policies, as well as privacy and data protection. Eldorado Brasil 32 = Foreword Sustainability Report 2022 The Eldorado Way Corporate Governance Planet Stewardship People GRI Content Index 33
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