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Investor Presentaiton

VLT Carioca In 2019, the VLT Carioca became one of the main transport options in Rio, consolidating the line 3 project, the last scheduled stretch. The new line connects Central do Brasil to Santos Dumont Airport with 10 stops, three of which are new: Cristiano Ottoni-Little Africa, Camerino - Rosas Negras and Santa Rita-Pretos Novos. The names are tributes to African culture, in line with the Institute of National Historical and Artistic Heritage (Iphan) and black movement groups. Conecta Social Responsibility Program The VLT Carioca contributed to the movement towards social inclusion, resulting from Edital Conecta, made possible by the Incentive Law of the Municipal Department of Culture (ISS Law). In order to increase the training of management and the ability to raise funds, the social projects Gamboa Ação, Sparta Rio, Providenciando a Favor da Vida, and Efeito Urbano were mentored by Instituto Ekloos, an organization with 10 years of experience in the sector. The program included 153 initiatives aimed at areas such as management, diagnosis, marketing and business, with the participation of 13 managers of social projects. There were 765 hours of mentoring and 255 members of the projects benefited indirectly. VLT Carioca in Numbers +23 million passengers 180 thousand trips 1.8 million kilometers traveled average of 110 thousand passengers per day +56 million passengers since the beginning of the operation, in July 2016 Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index Light rail train downtown Rio de Janeiro 15 | 55 2019 AR invepar
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