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#12019 Annual Report invepar#2Contents Message from the CEO Overcoming Challenges Message from the Board | Restructuring Path Covid-19 | Mobilization against Covid-19. About this Report About the 2019 Annual Report. Materiality Matrix. Invepar 02 22 03 90 06 10 07 12 invepar 2019 Annual Report Invepar Management Excellence in Services Engineering Management 11 12 13 About Invepar 14 Trajectory 18 Vision, Mission and Values 20 Corporate Governance 21 Strategy 27 28 .29 Supply Management. 31 33 Awards and Recognition 36 Highlights 38 Invepar Airports 41 Invepar Urban Mobility. 48 Invepar Toll Roads 60 Risk and Compliance Management 79 Sustainability Management. 82 Personnel Management. 99 Economic and Financial Performance 106 Invepar Performance 107 Revenues .110 Costs and Expenses. 112 EBITDA 115 Results 116 Cash Flow and Indebtedness 118 Other Topics. 120 Investments and Divestments 122 Credits 124 GRI Index 125 General Disclosures 126 Economic Performance and Anti-corruption 128 Environment. 129 Labor Practices and Local Communities 131#3Message from the CEO Overcoming Challenges (GRI Standards 102-14) Invepar reached the end of 2019 with the achievement of important goals for the financial rebalancing of our companies. We faced great challenges, but we kept our hands firmly on the wheel, to readjust according to the new economic scenario. This report shows our activities and achievements in that period, but as it was published in the middle of the Covid-19, we need to take into account the global effects of this. Despite the heavy impact on companies in the group in terms of applying restrictive measures to control the pandemic, Invepar actively participated in supporting both society and workers in essential sectors to continue their activities. We have adopted new protective measures for our employees; we work to ensure the safety of users of our services on public transport and on highways; we have mobilized to collect donations which will reach poor communities. The full effects of the crisis are not yet known, but we never lose sight of the scale of our responsibility to preserve lives. We are tireless in fulfilling our duties and the quality of service provision. In 2019, we advanced on the path towards financial restructuring and started the sale of the Auto Raposo Tavares Concessionaire (CART) in São Paulo. We have reaped the benefits of an efficient administration and the positive results are a collective source of pride. We are also pleased with the successful completion and return to the Federal Government of the BR- 040 section between Brasília and Juiz de Fora. We are pioneers in developing this initiative, which was well-received by the National Land Transport Agency (ANTT) in 2019. Our decision to return this project to the granting authority was based on our transparency and business ethics. In view of the conditions presented, we recognize the impossibility of continuing to provide this service with due quality and compliance with the schedule provided for in the contract. The completion of the process will benefit everyone. Invepar has diverse operations and manages different methods of transport Contents Message from the CEO Overcoming Challenges | Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index | 03 2019 AR invepar#4Throughout the year, we also faced setbacks. The City Hall of Rio fought a hard battle with the Yellow Line, considering the destruction of the toll gate station. This was unprecedented national measure that creates a high degree of legal uncertainty, especially at a time when the city and the country need to attract investors. Contracts exist to be respected. We feel calm in relation to the signing of the contract and that there will be a fair solution for both parties, including in legal terms. We wish to respect regulatory norms, open dialogue, transparency and, above all, continue to provide services at a level of excellence for the people of Rio. We reinforce our commitment to providing services to Rio de Janeiro, the "Marvelous City". This is also part of an ongoing pledge to innovate. MetrôRio, one of the main transport networks in the city, started using the Near-Field Communication (NFC) technology and was the first high-capacity service in Latin America to adopt payment using a credit card or cell phone at the turnstiles. The acceptance of the new system was immediate and, in just eight months after installation, the number of users had increased by 11 times. The NFC serves everyone, including tourists, as it facilitates easy ticket payment. The same technology is used on the London, Hong Kong and Singapore Underground. High customer satisfaction levels and reliable security at the stations is confirmation of our success. We also had significant results in the highway segment. There has been a 25% reduction in road accidents over the past ten years. Achievements through investments in signaling, traffic education campaigns, and awareness, in addition to our operational and maintenance routines, are fundamental when it comes to road safety. To improve performance, we have developed an innovative highway management system, a multi-functional customized platform, which allows better information management and faster response to customer demands. GRU Airport finger, the largest airport in Brazil and South America with a record of 43 million passengers Contents Message from the CEO Overcoming Challenges | Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index The Mag | 04 2019 AR invepar#5In the flight sector, Guarulhos International Airport (GRU Airport) has established itself as the most important port of entry and exit for airport cargo in Brazil, responsible for 45% of the entire national volume. We broke the record of 44% market share in the months of June, July and August 2019, and received the Global Certification, issued by IATA (International Air Transport Association), an industry association that validates the quality, safety and standardization of the structure of the warehouses for receiving pharmaceutical cargo. GRU Airport received R$ 116 million in investments this year. We built a new apron for medium and large aircraft, improved the passenger terminals with expansion of the operational areas for boarding and connection and adapted the Cargo Terminal with expansion of refrigeration chambers, among other improvements. We also achieved a record of more than 43 million people that year, a growth of 1.8% compared to 2018, which makes GRU Airport the largest in Brazil and South America, in the domestic and international market. With such results, we believe we are on the right path towards the restructuring of the Invepar group and will, together, be successful. Forward together! Abel Alves Rochinha - Invepar CEO Contents Message from the CEO Overcoming Challenges | Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index | 05 2019 AR invepar#6Message from the Board Restructuring Path In 2019, we advanced in the restructuring project of the Invepar group with favorable results, fulfilling the main goals of financial rebalancing; the sale process of the Auto Raposo Tavares (Cart) Concessionaire, in São Paulo, and the beginning of the completion of the stretch of BR-040 in Minas Gerais. We work in alignment with the current shareholders to improve our corporate governance, establishing a relationship of trust with all stakeholders, contributing to the sustainability of the business. Performance policies and improvements in procedures guarantee a development based on efficiency, cost discipline, process improvement, ethics and transparency. In line with economic-financial priorities and the generation of long-term value, our social, environmental and safety commitments are also a key feature of the business chain, fulfilling our aim of being a company of diversity and inclusion. We have moved forward to 2020 efficiently and our constant search for high quality management and practices are fundamental to build a solid business. However, early in the year, we were surprised by the pandemic and quarantine. The entire transport and urban mobility sector was severely affected. Even in light of the drastic fall in revenue from our main assets, it was necessary to act quickly: we changed protocols, updated training, procedures and managed to maintain all operations to guarantee the relocation of essential personnel always with efficiency and safety. We remained connected to social demands and, together with our collaborators and partners, we are able to show solidarity and empathy to safeguard lives. Over three months, the Campanha Nós, created by the Invepar Institute, provided more than 110 tons of food to the communities in which our companies are located. Funds have also been allocated to highways. We conducted initiatives on our roads focusing on truck drivers through the distribution of food and provision of health checks, an important support for this group that ensured the continuation of the supply chain. The pandemic has presented great challenges and imposed a new reality, clearly, but we continue on a stabilizing path, towards social cooperation and the provision of quality service. Lamsa toll-gate station, one of the most important in the city of Rio de Janeiro Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Restructuring Path | Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index | 06 2019 AR invepar#7capital Co dal Cestas NLD VIA AL 2 Con TD,E TRIAGEM DE TEMPERATURA TEMPERATURE SCREENING B MANTENHA KEEP DIS; Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 Mobilization against Covid-19 | About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index Covid-19 Mobilization against Covid-19 The coronavirus has placed the world in quarantine, changing social and economic patterns. The circulation of people has been reduced, in terms of the use of public transport and roads. The watchword is 'care'. We take care of the communities in which we operate, of our customers, collaborators and partners. Our timely responses to this new social dynamic were entirely appropriate. This report refers to 2019, but due to the global relevance of the issue, it has became necessary to register how the Invepar group dealt with the first months of social isolation and how it participated in this mobilization network against the advance of Covid-19. Our companies will remain dedicated to the implementation of all necessary measures. This is our commitment. Our operations were adapted according to the protocols of the health authorities and, despite all the difficulties in carrying out the services, we managed to guarantee the flow of personnel working on the front line throughout the process, tackling the pandemic in all our segments. Coronavirus prevention initiatives were carried out in all of our segments | 40 07 2019 AR invepar#8Our Deliveries Communities The Invepar Institute created Campanha Nós, an initiative to mobilize and unite everyone to cope with the crisis in the most vulnerable areas of our services. The campaign includes investment by the Invepar group and broad engagement, with donations from third parties. For every R$ 1 donated by the public and by partner companies, an additional R$ 1 of resources from Invepar Institute was invested. Campanha Nós* Results: ■ R$ 483 thousand collected; ■110.3 tons of food; ■ 14 thousand liters of hygiene and cleaning products; ■ 24,000 eggs donated by Ovos Mantiqueira; ■ 1,200 masks obtained from community clothing cooperatives, to strengthen local business impacted by the pandemic; ■ 100 communities served; ■ 46 thousand people benefited. *Until June 2020 Clients Urban Mobility - MetrôRio: ■ New cleaning and hygiene protocol, including sanitization process, which consists of disinfecting wagons and stations with quaternary ammonia, as used by China against the Covid-19 virus; " Installation of alcohol gel dispensers at stations; Floor markings indicating the safety distance; ■ Audible warnings at stations on coronavirus prevention; ■ Guidance on the mandatory use of masks in messages conveyed on social networks, audio and video broadcasts inside trains and on information boards in the access to stations; Encouraging digital ticket payment; Distribution of cotton masks to customers, in partnership with Todos Pela Saúde, of Itaú Unibanco; ■ Operations by the Brazilian Army to disinfect trains and stations. New cleaning and sanitation protocol at MetrôRio to combat Covid-19 Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 Mobilization against Covid-19 | About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index KAING | 08 2019 AR invepar#9Airports - GRU Airport Passenger guidance for frequent use of masks; ■ Measurement of body temperature at boarding accesses; Automatic sterilization with ultraviolet light on handrails and devices where there is a greater flow of passengers; Floor signs for safety distancing; Encouraging the use of QR Code for mobile phones to access flight panels; ■ Sensors in bathrooms to map movement and trigger the cleaning team; ■ Installation of alcohol gel dispensers; Reinforcement in the supply of hygiene and cleaning items; ■ Installation of waste bins for the disposal of contaminating materials, such as masks and gloves; ■ Intensified monitoring of air quality; ■ Increased frequency of air conditioning system cleaning, preventive maintenance and replacement of air conditioning filters; Audible warnings, informative videos and social media publications on coronavirus prevention; " ■ QR Code with Anvisa recommendations to tackle Covid-19 throughout the airport, including buses for the transportation of passengers between airport terminals; Operations by the Brazilian Army to disinfect the terminal where operations are concentrated. Toll Roads Lamsa, CLN and Via 040 ■ Installation of acrylic screens in the windows of toll collection booths; ■ Constant cleaning of the cabins; ■ Installation of alcohol gel dispensers for drivers to use after handling banknotes and coins; ■ Distribution of mobile dumpers and pamphlets with guidelines for preventing coronavirus; Distribution of device for automatic passage through the toll; Rapid testing for Covid-19, snacks and hygiene kits for truck drivers who work in essential services, unable to stop their activities; ■ Pressure and temperature measurement services at stations installed close to toll collection booths. New cleaning and sanitation protocol at MetrôRio to combat Covid-19 Use máscara. Wear mask. GRUAIR #todos contraovirus Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 Mobilization against Covid-19 | About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index | 09 2019 AR invepar#10wepar VIA 040 Collaborators Immediate adoption of home office where possible; Review of operational levels and protection of risk groups, without loss of remuneration and benefits; Early holidays; ■ Provision of materials and equipment to facilitate remote work; Reinforcement of connection and integration tools on-line; ■ Reinforcement in hygiene and readjustment of workplaces where activities could not be interrupted; ☐ Providing alcohol gel and masks; Early food and meal vouchers to all employees; Acquisition of vaccines against the influenza virus (influenza); ■ To improve health, physical activity platforms were made available on-line; Up-to-date information on Covid- 19 prevention through videos, internal communication and digital channels Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 Mobilization against Covid-19 | About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index Influenza vaccination campaign carried out at Invepar group companies | 1 10 2019 AR invepar#11EMBARQUE DEPARTURES L B.C 201-246 PARA ONDE SERA SUA PROX About this Report About the 2019 Annual Report (GRI Standards 102-50, 102-54) This document was prepared according to the GRI methodology (Global Reporting Initiative), "Standards" version and refers to the rendering of accounts for the period from January 1 to December 31, 2019. Since 2014, when we presented the result of the realization process in a more robust way, we made adjustments and improved our review of the most relevant issues that should be included in our exercise of transparency and accountability. In 2018, we updated the Materiality Matrix through consultations with Invepar leaders, aligned with group strategies and taking into account the maturity of the process. The macro-themes defined in completion of this report can be found in the table below. These topics, priorities for management of the Invepar group, reflect our concerns with the control of effects, transparency, and generation of socio-environmental and economic benefits that contribute to the promotion of sustainability. Smiles O HUNDO SORRI PARA VOCE GRU Airport Terminal 2 Lobby Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report About the 2019 Annual Report Materiality Matrix Invepar Invepar Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index | 11 2019 AR invepar#12Materiality Matrix (GRI Standards 102-46, 102-47, 102-48, 102-49) Material Macrotheme GRI-related Aspect Reach Public Internal: Corporate (whole company) Economic GRI 201 - Economic Performance Regional and Financial Performance of External: Senior management, employees and suppliers Internal: Corporate (whole company) the Business GRI 203 Indirect Economic Impacts Regional External: Senior management, employees and suppliers <<< Ethics, Internal: Corporate (whole company) Compliance and GRI 205 - Anti-corruption Anti-Corruption Regional External: Senior management, employees, suppliers and users Internal: Corporate (whole company) Customer Satisfaction No GRI Related Aspect Local External: Senior management, employees, suppliers and users Internal: Corporate (whole company) Communities GRI 413 - Local Communities Local External: Senior management and employees Internal: Corporate (whole company) suppliers and users GRI 401 - Employment Wan People GRI 403 - Health and safety at Work GRI 404 - Training and Education Local External: Senior management, employees, Legal Compliance GRI 307 - Environmental Compliance GRI 103-2 (item 1.8) - Complaints and Labor Practices Regional GRI 302-Energy Regional Environmental Management GRI 303 Water GRI 304 - Biodiversity Regional GRI 306 - Effluents and Waste Climate GRI 305-Emissions Changes Regional Internal: Corporate (whole company) External: Senior management, employees, suppliers and users Internal: Airports, Toll Roads and Urban Mobility External: Senior management, employees, suppliers and users Internal: Airports, Toll Roads and Urban Mobility External: Senior management, employees, suppliers and users Internal: Airports, Toll Roads and Urban Mobility External: Senior management, employees, suppliers and users Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report About the 2019 Annual Report Materiality Matrix Invepar Invepar Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index | 12 2019 AR invepar#13Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar About Invepar Trajectory Vision, Mission and Values Corporate Governance Strategy Invepar Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index Invepar | 13 2019 AR invepar#14Invepar About Invepar (GRI Standards 102-1, 102-2, 102-3, 102-4, 102-5, 102-6, 102-7, 102-13) Invepar operates in Airports, Urban Mobility and Toll Roads segments with a portfolio of 11* concessions, six of which are subsidiaries and five joint ventures. In the airport sector, the group is the majority shareholder of GRU Airport, which controls São Paulo International Airport, in Guarulhos, the largest for passengers in South America. In the Urban Mobility segment, Invepar is responsible for the MetrôRio concession and holds shares in VLT Carioca, both in Rio. The group owns MetrôBarra S.A., which undertakes the procurement and provision of rolling stock and systems used on subway Line 4 in the state of MetrôRio. In 2019, the holding had eight concessionaires managing 2,337 kilometers including expressways and highways in the Southeast, Midwest and Northeast regions. In the state of Rio de Janeiro, it controls Linha Amarela S.A. (Lamsa), a shareholder in ViaRio and Rio-Teresópolis Concessionaire (CRT). In São Paulo, it controlled the Auto Raposo Tavares Concessionaire (Cart), whose sale process started in December 2019. In Bahia, it is the parent company of Litoral Norte Concessionaire (CLN) and shareholder of Bahia Norte Concessionaire (CBN). In Pernambuco, it has a stake in the Rota do Atlântico Concessionaire (CRA). Invepar also controls Via 040, responsible for managing the 936.8 km stretch of BR-040 between Minas Gerais, Federal District and Goiás. Since 2010 Invepar, the Invepar Institute and companies controlled by the group have been signatories to the UN Global Compact. In 2016, the company and its subsidiaries signed the Business Pact For Integrity and Anti-Corruption as part of their efforts to improve and enhance corporate compliance. *With the conclusion of the sale of Cart in April 2020, the Invepar group portfolio now has 10 companies. Rio de Janeiro, Invepar Group headquarters Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar About Invepar Trajectory Vision, Mission and Values Corporate Governance Strategy Invepar Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index | 14 2019 AR invepar#15Where We Operate PE GO DF SP Cart GRU Airport Via 040 MG invepar RJ Lamsa CRT ViaRio MetrôRio MetrôBarra → VLT Carioca M METRORIO Ba BA CBN CLN CRA GRUAIRPORT LAMSA LINHA AMARELA S.A. Airports The largest hub of passengers from South America, with an average daily movement of more than 118 thousand passengers. Toll Roads Manages the 17.4 km of the Linha Amarela expressway, an important link between the International Airport and the West Zone of Rio de Janeiro (Barra da Tijuca). Manages the 142.5 km Santos CRT Dumont Highway (BR-116/RJ) in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Manages 13 km of the 26-km Presidente Tancredo de Almeida Neves VARIO corridor (Trans-Olympic), one of the main urban mobility projects in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar About Invepar Trajectory Vision, Mission and Values Corporate Governance Strategy Invepar Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index Urban Mobility Controls, manages and operates Lines 1 and 2, and operates lice 4 totaling with 58 km, 41 stations and 64 trains. METROBARRA Responsible for the procurement of Line 4 trains and operations. Concessionaire of overground light rail VT system (VLT), operates and manages Lines 1, 2 and 3, totaling 28 km, 29 stops and stations and 32 trains. CARIOCA CART VIA 040 Total of 834 km on 3 highways in the interior of the state of São Paulo. Sale completed in April 2020. Concessionaire responsible for managing the 936.8 km stretch of BR-040 between Brasília (DF) and Juiz de Fora (MG), in the process of rebidding under the Federal Government's Investment Partnership Program. Manages 217 km of the BA-099, CLN from Lauro de Freitas to the states of Bahia and Sergipe. Concessionária Litoral Norte BAHIA NORTE CRA Manages the BA-093 Highway. Several municipalities in the metropolitan region of Salvador are linked by 132.65 km of highway. Sale announced in 2020. Manages the 44-km highway providing access to the Suape Industrial Complex and the south coast in the state of Pernambuco. It is in the process of being sold. | 15 2019 AR invepar#16Urban Mobility MetrôRio Controls, manages and operates Lines 1 and 2, and operates line 4, totaling 58 km, 41 stations and 64 trains. Metrôbarra Responsible for the procurement of Line 4 trains and operations. VLT Carioca Concessionaire of overground light rail system (VLT), operates and manages Lines 1, 2 and 3, totaling 28 km, 29 stops and stations and 32 trains. Airports GRU Airport The largest hub of passengers from South America, with an average daily movement of more than 118 thousand passengers. Main port of entry and exit of airport cargo in Brazil. CASTING 120 VLT Carioca at Parada dos Navios, next to the mural Etnias, by artist Eduardo Kobra Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar About Invepar Trajectory Vision, Mission and Values Corporate Governance Strategy Invepar Management Economic and Financial Performance VLT RIO CIFOG 120 #KO | 16 Credits GRI Index 2019 AR invepar#17Toll Roads Lamsa Manages the 17.4 km of the Yellow Line expressway, an important link between the International Airport and the West Zone of Rio de Janeiro (Barra da Tijuca). CRT Manages the 142.5 km Santos Dumont Highway (BR-116/RJ) in the state of Rio de Janeiro. ViaRio Manages 13 km of the 26-km Presidente Tancredo de Almeida Neves corridor (Trans-Olympic), one of the main urban mobility projects in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Cart Total of 834 km on 3 highways in the interior of the state of São Paulo. Sale completed in April 2020. Via 040 Concessionaire responsible for managing the 936.8 km stretch of BR-040 between Brasília (DF) and Juiz de Fora (MG), in the process of rebidding under the Federal Government's Investment Partnership Program. CLN Manages 217 km of the BA-099, from Lauro de Freitas to the states of Bahia and Sergipe. Bahia Norte Manages the BA-093 Highway. Several municipalities in the metropolitan region of Salvador are linked by 132.65 km of highway. Sale announced in 2020. CRA Manages the 44-km highway providing access to the Suape Industrial Complex and the south coast in the state of Pernambuco. It is in the process of being sold. Sunset on a stretch of Via 040 Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar About Invepar Trajectory Vision, Mission and Values Corporate Governance Strategy Invepar Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index |17 2019 AR invepar#18Trajectory 2013 Winning bid in the VLT Carioca (RJ) auction; • Winning bid in the auction of the stretch of BR 040 linking Juiz de Fora (MG) and Brasilia (DF). 2014 Inauguration of GRU Airport Passenger Terminal 3 (SP); • Beginning of operations for CRA (PE) and Via 040 (MG/DF/GO). 2015 Receipt of 15 trains for Rio de Janeiro Subway Line 4; Completion of the first phase of retrofit for terminals 1 and 2 at GRU Airport (SP). 2016 Inauguration of services on Rio de Janeiro Subway Line 4; Inauguration of the ViaRio (RJ) expressway; 2017 Compliance with Law 13.448/2017, concerning a fresh bidding process for Via 040 (MG/DF/GO); Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar About Invepar Trajectory Vision, Mission and Values Corporate Governance Strategy Invepar Management Economic and Financial Performance Inauguration of the first stretch of VLT Carioca (RJ); .Sale of all interests in LAMSAC and PEX Peru. • Founding of Invepar and Invepar Institute; • Invepar begins operations with Lamsa (RJ) and CLN (BA). 2000 10 00 00 00 Invepar won the Cart (SP) bid; Acquisition of MetrôRio and beginning of operations in the Urban Mobility segment. 2009 DD 10 00 ⚫Group takes over the concession from CBN (BA) and CRT (RJ). 2010 M Winning of CRA (PE) bid. 2011 ⚫Invepar merges with LAMSAC in Peru; Winning bid in the GRU Airport (SP) auction, beginning operations in the airport sector; Winning bid at the ViaRio Expressway auction (RJ). 2012 Credits GRI Index | 18 2019 AR invepar#192018 • Inauguration of the Metropolitan Highway (CBN and CLN), facilitating access to Salvador and the North Coast; Lamsa (RJ) switches to LED lighting on the highway, cutting energy consumption by up to 57%; .MetrôRio launches GIRO, a new card with online top-up and benefits; 2019 January ⚫ New LED lighting at CLN toll gate in Bahia; ⚫Inauguration of GATGRU: the General Aviation Terminal in Guarulhos, which now receives aircraft of various sizes; February CLN records an 11% reduction in road accidents. N April MetrôRio now accepts contactless payment (NFC) at stations; June ⚫Lamsa tests LED lighting in tunnels; August Launch of SGR: the country's first highway management system. Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar About Invepar Trajectory Vision, Mission and Values Corporate Governance Strategy Invepar Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index GIRO CO₂ September Abel Rochinha, new CEO of the Invepar group, takes over the management of the Company. MetrôRio's launches GIRO Card cashback option. •MetrôRio compensates for the greenhouse gas emissions for operations at Rock in Rio. November ⚫ANTT approves request to re-bid for the stretch of BR-040 granted to Via 040. December • Invepar Group sells the Auto Raposo Tavares Concessionaire (Cart). | 19 2019 AR invepar#20Vision, Mission and Values (GRI Standards 102-16) Vision To be a leader and international benchmark in transport infrastructure. Mission To provide and operate transport infrastructure, excelling in service provision and producing results that surpass the expectations of the public, our customers and shareholders. Values To base our operations on best practices in corporate governance, always prioritizing: People and teams Honesty ■ Social and environmental responsibility Entrepreneurship ■ Commitment Respect VI 040 SAIDA 7 N Bonsucesso Av. Democráticos Excellence in the provision of services provides value for all group companies Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar About Invepar Trajectory Vision, Mission and Values Corporate Governance Strategy Invepar Management Economic and Financial Performance 2355 | 20 Credits GRI Index 2019 AR invepar#21CAMERA KM538 Corporate Governance (GRI Standards 102-12, 102-13, 102-18) Invepar seeks to align its activities and decision- making processes with the Corporate Governance best practices, establishing a relationship of trust with the Company stakeholders and contributing to business sustainability. Over the past few years, Invepar has implemented processes and adopted management tools to continually improve governance standards. In 2016, Invepar and its companies joined the Business Pact for Integrity and Anti- Corruption, an initiative of the Ethos Institute for Business and Social Responsibility. The Pact includes more than 400 companies, with the common objective of promoting a more reliable and ethical market, and disseminate this attitude among their stakeholders. In July 2018, Invepar signed the commitment agreement of the Business Movement for Integrity and Transparency, an initiative of the Ethos Institute. Invepar and its subsidiaries are also signatories to the Global Compact, a United Nations initiative that advocates ten principles, the tenth concerning anti-corruption. Invepar has an Integrity Program aimed at preventing, detecting and correcting irregularities. The program was built based on the business risk profile and includes a set of practices, policies, regulations, and directives. Compliance risks are assessed every six months by the Compliance and Risks area.. Via 040 Operational Control Center Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar About Invepar Trajectory Vision, Mission and Values Corporate Governance Strategy Invepar Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index 21 2019 AR invepar#22Invepar implements a continuous elaboration and review of Policies and Norms that reinforce the Company commitment to ethics, highlighting, among others: " Integrity Policy Consequence Policy Purchasing and Contracting Policy Policy on third-party transactions and other situations involving conflict of interest ■ Health, Safety and Environment policies (HSE) Sustainability Policy ■ Environmental Control Program for constructions (PCAO), which aims to guarantee all the steps planned to control and offset the environmental impact, to maintain a high standard of environmental quality in the maintenance and operation of the group highways. Donation, Sponsorship and Partnership Regulation, which seeks to guide decisions in these areas, in addition to establishing rules for formalizing these partnerships and defining responsibilities within the areas involved. In recognition of the practices of its Integrity Program, Invepar was diagnosed by an international consultancy specialist in compliance with an integration maturity level of 4/5 It was also commended in 2018 and 2019 by Instituto Ética nos Negócios for its performance in terms of Ethical Management Indicators. Associated with the Brazilian Institute for Corporate Governance (IBGC), Invepar has been registered as a company since 2000, with category A classification since the enactment of Instruction CVM 480/09, issued by the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM). All Company shares are held by four shareholders, according to the organization chart below: PREVI (25.6%) PETROS (25.0%) FUNCEF (25.0%) Yosemite (24.4%) Invepar Shareholding Structure CLN VIA 040 LAMSA Con Loral Norte (100.0%) (91.5%) (100.0%) VARIO CRT BAHIA CRA NORTE (33.3%) (24.9%) (50.0%) (50.0%) →invepar- M VLT METRORIO (100.0%) METRÓBARRA (100.0%) CARIOCA (11.2%) GRUPAR (80.0%)² GRUAIRPORT (40.8%)² 1. Assets held for sale and discontinued operation. 2. Invepar holds an 80% stake in Aeroporto de Guarulhos Participações S.A., which holds a 51% stake in São Paulo International Airport. Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar About Invepar Trajectory Vision, Mission and Values Corporate Governance Strategy Invepar Management Economic and Financial Performance | 22 22 Credits GRI Index 2019 AR invepar#23Management System The Invepar governance model uses good corporate governance practices in order to establish criteria for control and standardization of procedures in the group companies, promoting transparency and generating value in its activities. The Company's decision-making processes are the responsibility of the following bodies: General Shareholder Meeting The General Shareholders Meeting is the company's highest decision-making occasion and is usually convened for the end of April; extraordinary meetings are convened whenever corporate interests require. Board of Directors The Invepar Board of Directors acts strategically, defining policy and steering the Company's business dealings in accordance with the Articles of Incorporation. The Board is made up of eight members and their respective substitutes and has its own internal regulations, which govern its operation, as well as the relationship between the Board and the other bodies of Invepar. The Board of Directors meets ordinarily once a month and extraordinarily whenever necessary. It has four non-statutory Advisory Committees aimed at enhancing efficiency by making recommendations according to their competence in the following areas: Finance and Investment Committee; Projects Committee; Human Resources and Governance Committee and Audit Committee. Each committee has up to five members coordinated by a board member. Invepar Board of Directors* ■ Renato Proença Lopes (Board Chairman) Arnaldo José Vollet ■Bruno Camara Soter da Silveira ■ Marcos Bastos Rocha ■ Maria Carmem Westerlund Montera ■ Olivier Michel Colas ■ Paulo Cesar Cândido Werneck ■ Renato Augusto Zagallo Villela Aerial image of the Yellow Line, 17.4km concession in Rio de Janeiro Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar About Invepar Trajectory Vision, Mission and Values Corporate Governance Strategy Invepar Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index *Commissioned until April/2020* | 23 2019 AR invepar#24Fiscal Council Invepar has a permanent Fiscal Council comprised of four members, with competencies determined under Law No. 6.404/76. Learn more (+) Internal Audit Reporting directly to Invepar's Board of Directors, the Internal Audit Team operates independently. The audit plan covering a one-year cycle is based on the company risk map, past audit experience, significant changes in the process, and requests from management and members of the Audit Committee and Board of Directors. The audit results are regularly submitted to the Audit Committee and the Board of Directors. If any fragility or control deficiencies are detected, the Internal Audit team makes recommendations to managers of the areas involved in the audited process in order to define and develop action plans to mitigate the risks identified. The Internal Audit team therefore helps strengthen the company's internal control environment. Jardim Oceânico Station on Line 4 of MetrôRio Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar About Invepar Trajectory Vision, Mission and Values Corporate Governance Strategy Invepar Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits SOMENTE WAKAS VISA GRI Index | 24 2019 AR invepar#25Executive Board The Invepar Executive Board has a remit to handle the corporate management and submit basic guidelines to the Board of Directors for the company to achieve its objectives and targets. None of the members of the Board of Directors holds the position of CEO of the company. Executive Board Members¹ Abel Alves Rochinha CEO Enio Stein Junior Vice-Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer, currently holding the position of Vice-President of New Business and Strategy Pedro Augusto Cardoso da Silva Vice President of Engineering Eduardo Marques de Almeida Dantas Vice-President of Toll Roads, New Business and Strategy Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar About Invepar Trajectory Vision, Mission and Values Corporate Governance Strategy Invepar Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index Eduardo de Abreu e Lima² Head of Legal Department Edson Renato Libório Monje² Compliance and Risks Director 1 The structure refers to December 2019. 2 Non-statutory executive officer. Learn more (+) GRU Airport, the largest hub in South America with 118 thousand passengers per day | 25 2019 AR invepar#26Organizational Structure* VP Director, New Business & Strategy * The structure refers to December 2019. Head of Legal Department Compliance and Risks Director Executive Manager for Communication, Sustainability and Customer Service VP Engineering Director VP Financial, Administrative and Investor Relations Officer CEO Internal Audit Manager Corporate Governance Manager Board of Directors Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar About Invepar Trajectory Vision, Mission and Values Corporate Governance Strategy Invepar Management Economic and Financial Performance VP Human Resources Director VP Toll Roads VP Director of Urban Director Mobility and Airports Credits GRI Index | 26 2019 AR invepar#27Strategy In 2019, the Invepar group invested in the consolidation of management excellence and in the optimization of resources, aimed at financial rebalancing and the fulfillment of commitments with creditors and partners. Invepar long-term goals: 1. Optimize capital structure, focusing on sustainable growth, where the public acknowledges our value; 2. To consolidate the operation of toll road, urban mobility and airport concessions; 3. Strengthen Invepar's culture of engagement through transparency, satisfaction and care for the community. Our commitment is to serve to the best of our ability and ensure quality services. Aerial view of Lamsa Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar About Invepar Trajectory Vision, Mission and Values Corporate Governance Strategy Invepar Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index 27 27 2019 AR invepar#28ACA DE LIDE const E Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index Invepar Management | 28 2019 AR invepar#29REQ TO PAY From Purchase Requisition to Payment + Automation of the Purchasing and Contracting process Use of email address Visibility, security and tracking + Interface between areas IT INFRA IT infrastructure and corporate communication ORDER TO CASH From Customer Order to Cash Centralization and standardization of collection processes - 24% of operator cash break Expenses with transportation of values 50% payroll processing time Security in the DataCenter network, with firewall (NSX) between servers +356% of servers +291% of storage capacity SAP FRONT Standardization of payments PLAN TO REPORT From Planning to Financial Statements + Method: working group to identify and deal with the most problematic cases 50% lançamentos manuais + Interface between areas Standardization: processing of 180 types of payments Manual accounting notes Security and tracking: fewer ZFI releases Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Invepar Management Excellence in Services In 2019, two major initiatives stood out in the Invepar group: the Service Excellence Program and the 9001 Certification of subsidiaries, both with the objective of improving internal processes and the service to customers and partners. The Service Excellence Program provided synergy between group companies to increase efficiency, reducing costs and risks by improving the development of teams, processes, systems and infrastructure. 20 initiatives were implemented on five work fronts: Req to Pay (from purchase requisition to payment), Order to Cash (from customer order to cash), Plan to Report (from planning to financial statements), IT infrastructure (IT infrastructure and corporate communication), and SAP (standardization of payments). Operating fronts of the company Service Excellence Program Credits GRI Index | 29 2019 AR invepar#309001 Certification The maintenance processes of all subsidiaries of the group were certified by Fundação Vanzolini in ISO 9001, a set of international technical standards for Quality Management. Lamsa, CLN and GRU Airport went through the process for the first time. CART, which already had integrated certification (ISO 9001, ISSO 14001 and OHSA 18001), ratified its commitment to the standards. Metrô Rio had 100% certified companies! ISO 9001 certification in the operations processes and extended the certification to the maintenance processes. Via 040 was certified to ISO 14001 and extended its commitment to ISO 9001. The commitment of the managers and employees of Invepar and the companies of the group made this achievement possible in less than six months. Group companies reaffirm their commitment to international certifications é da gente Management and Results This is our achievement. Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits Quality in focus CART CLN GRI Index GRUAIRPORT LAMSA M VIA 040 invepar | 30 2019 AR invepar#31Supply Management (GRI Standards 102-9, 102-10, 102-11) In 2019, the Supply Department completed the implementation of the pillars of the structural reorganization process. With this change, the Purchasing area incorporates a systemic vision that guarantees solutions to the demands of the group companies and the permanent search for the improvement of the production process, from negotiations and partnerships to the delivery of the product or service. As a result of this work, we took important steps to optimize processes, such as delivering the new package of normative Policies and Procedures, which guides activities in a clear and objective manner, ensuring increased productivity. Another important change was the new Inventory Policy for Metro and Toll Roads, which had a positive impact on purchase planning, business opportunities and cost reduction. In addition, the Supplier Management process, in line with Quality guidelines, was consolidated, which significantly contributed to the award of ISO 9001 certification for all assets. In response to the implementation of this new model, the change in structure generated a financial result of R$ 90.46 million of absolute savings for the group. The new Supply Portal project was completed in 2019. The objective is to make it the main business channel for the supplier market. With a modular structure, the new platform supports all supplier management, business processes, order issuing, expediting and contract administration. For 2020, the Supply area has the challenge of performing continuous process improvement, seeking to simplify and align with the best market practices. Another important goal is the integration of the Supply Portal with ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), software group management, and updating the category management model. Cargo terminal at GRU Airport, the country's main airport logistics complex Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index 31 2019 AR invepar#322019 Highlights Creation of the Executive Supplies Dashboard Update of Regulatory Supply Documents MetrôRio Stock Policy Definition Training for Applicants Supplier Management Assessment Creation of Contract Management R$90.46 million in savings 2020 Targets "Right Measure" Project: Review of the processes involved in Req to Pay (from purchase requisition to payment), identifying points for improvement and ensuring alignment with the best market practices. ME + SAP integration: Integration of the Electronic Market Purchasing Portal with the ERP SAP, facilitating contact with suppliers, organizing the competitive process, expediting orders and tracking. New categories management: Implementation of a new model and redistribution between centralized and decentralized processes. Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index | 32 22 2019 AR invepar#33YIA 040 TIA 40 VIA 040 Engineering Management Consolidated Advisory Support The Invepar Engineering department made important contributions to the group's new management model. In addition to the activities inherent to the area, the team consolidated its advisory role in the development of projects, studies and technical solutions, including project management, prospecting for new opportunities, innovation and technical support to the group's businesses. Also noteworthy is the implementation of the PMO area (Project Management Office), responsible for managing and controlling Capex for the entire group and implementing improvements in the processes, methodologies and tools related to Portfolio and Project Management. The Environment area solidified its contribution to the prevention and mitigation of risks, in the monitoring of liabilities and in the compliance with licensing processes, certifications and eco-efficiency studies for all subsidiaries. Technical teams accompany improvement projects and adaptations in the group's companies Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index | 33 2019 AR invepar#34Document Management Improvements The Archival Document Management (GDA) project establishes a methodology capable of enabling the best management of information, promoting guidelines related to production, classification, evaluation, processing, use, filing and review. The implementation of the methodology involved nine stages: diagnosis of the status of the collection; normative documents; macroflow of the process; centralization of the collection in a single repository; creation of the Engineering VP Document Management Portal; KPIs; training (67 students in eight classes); workshops raising awareness in different areas of the company, increasing the scope of the documentation team. GDA provides up-to-date and reliable records, tracking, business risk management, standardized documents, rapid information retrieval, protection and support in litigation, centralized information, business continuity in the event of a disaster, informed decision making. In 2019, the process of implementing the new methodology with the Regulatory Bodies (Mobility and Toll Roads) began. In the next stages, training will be conducted with teams who have benefited from the workshops. Boarding area of GRU Airport Terminal 2 Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits TAM GRI Index | 34 2019 AR invepar#352019 Engineering Highlights ■ Investment validation ■ Centralization of projects ■ Construction of wildlife crossings ■ As Built for rebidding Via 040 ■ Installation of equipment at km 643+800 and ■ km 650+000 of Highway SP270, on CART ■ Construction of Via Marginal Oeste between ■ km 239+312 to km 241+220, on CART One of GRU Airport Terminal 3 entrances Benefits of Archive Document Management (GDA) Updated and Reliable Records Tracking Standardized Documents Rapid Information Retrieval Business Risk Management Litigation Protection and Support Making Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits Centralized Information Business Continuity in Case of Disaster Reasoned Decision GRI Index 35 2019 AR invepar#3619 André Matoso Invepar Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance PARAF Awards and Recognition Invepar Group Business Ethics Award For the second consecutive year, the Invepar group was recognized by the Brazilian Institute of Business Ethics as one of the most ethical companies in the country. Parar Awards Invepar won the third place in the 100 Best Fleets Award, which selects the 20 best Brazilian companies in the area of fleet management. The award is given by Instituto Parar in partnership with Nafa Institute & Expo, the largest fleet event in the world. André Matoso (Invepar) won first place in the Fleet Manager category. Group fleet manager was awarded first place in the category at the Parar Awards Credits GRI Index | 36 2019 AR invepar#37GRU Airport Best of Brazil GRU Airport received the Viaja São Paulo Award for the third time, as the Best Airport in Brazil. Viaja São Paulo is an initiative of the DataFolha Research Institute in recognition of the companies, services and tourist destinations most recognized for spontaneous responses. Connectivity GRU Airport received the Routes Americas Awards, one of the most renowned awards in the aviation sector, which elects airports and airlines for the excellence of service provision and the the promotion of air transport. GRU Airport won in the category of airports that receive more than 20 million passengers per year. 4th Most Punctual in the World GRU Airport was recognized by the Punctuality League 2020 ranking as the 4th Most Punctual Airport in the World, in the Major Airports category. British consultancy OAG evaluated 57.7 million flights in 2019. GRU's punctuality performance was 81.39% in departures, second only to Istanbul, Turkey, Minneapolis and Detroit airports in the United States. CEIV Pharma The GRU Airport Cargo Terminal received the Global Certification, issued by IATA (International Air Transport Association), which validates the quality, safety and standardization of the warehouse structure for receiving pharmaceutical cargo. VLT Carioca Best light rail (VLT) operator in the country The VLT Carioca Concessionaire received for the third consecutive year the title of Best VLT Operator in the country as part of the Revista Ferroviária award, one of the most important publications in the sector. The award is made every year to the best operators and suppliers in the rail and subway sector (passenger and freight services), totaling 23 categories. GRU Airport Terminal 3, awarded for the third time as the best airport in Brazil Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index 37 2019 AR invepar#38LAMS Highlights Airports 43 million passengers, historic record ■ 41 airlines with scheduled flights (passengers and cargo) ■ 26 new routes, 10 of which are new to national destinations and 5 to international destinations ■ The Cargo Terminal strengthened its position as the country's leading airport logistics complex, with 45% market share. ■ 81 new retail operations, closing the year with 336 points of sale The country's main flight distribution hub with 90 destinations: 42 international and 48 domestic. ■ Achievement of CEIV Pharma, the global certification for receiving pharmaceutical cargo Urban Mobility 2275.6 million passengers transported ■ 244.5 million ticket purchases ■ More than 20 million boardings with Giro and 670,000 cards sold at MetrôRio Beginning of contactless payment in MetrôRio 36% increase in non-tariff revenue at MetrôRio ■ New traffic and traction control system at MetrôRio Inauguration of VLT Carioca Line 3 Economic-Financial Adjusted Net Revenue: R$ 3.4 billion (+2.8%) Adjusted EBITDA: R$ 2.0 billion (+0.2%) Adjusted EBITDA Margin: 58.2% (-1.5 p.p) Lamsa toll-gate station Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index | 38 2019 AR invepar#39Toll Roads Equivalent Paying Vehicles (VEPS): 244.4 million ■ 19,800 cubic meters of asphalt covering on our highways ■ 115,768 mechanical assistance call- outs on the group highways ■18,548 medical assistance call- outs on the group highways Implementation of a pioneer system in the country for the control and management of highways (SGR) ■ Incentives to reduce accidents on the Belo Horizonte ring road - Aliança Pela Vida (Alliance for Life) Project Inspection operation of heavy vehicles on the Ring Road Campaign for the safety of motorcyclists, against kite-line accidents Operation to improve flow at Km 0.8 DF, in Santa Maria, on Via 040. Traffic jams reduced by more than 60% "Mining road stretch": improvements at km 565, 566,567, 568 and 608 of Via 040, for road safety and better traffic flow ■ 34% reduction in accidents involving animals on the CLN road 72% reduction in accidents involving animals on the CART road Reconstruction of the Lamsa toll station Beginning of the revitalization and expansion of the capacity of the Oswaldo Cruz Bridge on the Yellow Line Beginning of the rehabilitation works for embankments at CLN ■ISO 9001 certification in maintenance processes in all controlled concessions Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index Maintenance work on the bridge over the Capivara River - Km 26.5 of CLN | 39 2019 AR invepar#40Socio-environmental ■ Total private investment: " social-private: R$ 3.3 million ■ Total water consumption*: 1,185,997m³ ■ Waste Generation (hazardous and non-hazardous)*: 35.838 tonnes ■ GHG Emissions (Scope 1 and 2)*: 76,820 tCO2e Energy consumption in the organization*: 490,356.13 MWh * Results for Invepar subsidiaries Greenhouses for the Roots for the Future project on Via 040 Customer Satisfaction GRU Airport " Survey sample: 11,210 passengers ■ Satisfaction: 91% satisfaction with the services provided MetrôRio Survey sample: 1,204 passengers ■ Satisfaction: 81% satisfaction with the services provided Lamsa Survey sample: 424 users ■ Satisfaction: 88% satisfaction with the services provided ATENDIMENTO AO USUÁRIO POSTO 16-CONTAGEM Via 040 User Service Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index YEA 040 0800.040.0040 | 4 40 2019 AR invepar#41GRUAIRPORT AEROPORTO INTERNACIONAL DE SÃO PAULO Invepar Airports São Paulo International Airport São Paulo International Airport has been managed by concessionary of the Guarulhos International Airport (GRU Airport) since 2012. Handling an average of over 118,000 passengers and 800 take-off and landing operations every day, the airport is the largest hub in South America - with 90 destinations: 42 international and 48 domestic and is the main hub in South America for national and international sectors. GRU Airport is also the most important entry and exit point for airport cargo in Brazil, with 42% market share (import + export). Record Passenger Numbers record GRU Airport broke a historic passenger in 2019, with more than 43 million users, an increase of 1.8% over 2018. There were 28,238,490 million domestic passengers and 14,763,629 million international passengers, with 292 thousand landings and takeoffs. Terminal 1 do GRU Airport HS Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index | 41 2019 AR invepar#42AVCB In 2019, the Fire Department Inspection Certification (AVCB) for the Passenger Terminal 3 was renewed and, in early 2020, the Passenger Terminal 1 certification was issued. The document attests that the Concessionaire meets the standards for firefighting. The process of issuing the AVCB to Passenger Terminal 2 is underway. Ágile In 2019, GRU Airport completed one year of the Ágile Project, carrying out the operations of landings and takeoffs simultaneously under visible weather conditions. The project was developed to provide greater efficiency in air traffic management and to contribute to and optimize the work of controllers and ground staff. Its effective implementation allowed an increase in the runway capacity to 57 movements/hour, an increase of 4% compared to 2018. The procedure was developed in conjunction with the Airspace Control Department (DECEA), the Brazilian Association of Airlines (ABEAR), GRU Airport, the Brazilian Airport Infrastructure Company (INFRAERO) and the International Air Transport Association (IATA), with support from the National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC). New routes 26 new routes were launched, 10 new national destinations and five international (three of which to cities hitherto not connected to GRU Airport). GRU Airport in Numbers 43 million passengers 3 passenger terminals + 41 airlines with scheduled flights (passengers and cargo) m m 393 mil m² of 292 thousand landings and takeoffs area constructed 336 commercial outlets (passenger terminal) Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index 301.500 m² of runway 100 mil m² covered area, the largest cargo terminal in South America 33,000 m³ refrigerator storage, 22 cool rooms | 42 2019 AR invepar#43Increase non-tariff revenues One of the goals of GRU Airport is to increase its non-fare revenues by expanding the experience of passengers during waiting periods in the departure and arrival halls. In 2019, 80 new retail operations were implemented, including expansions, renovations of stores and kiosks, replacements and inaugurations. We closed the year with 336 points of sale. Leisure and shopping has been expanded to 4,500 m², offering visitors a wide range of options. Our passengers can enjoy specialized services related to travel and tourism, food, culture, electronics, fashion and BOSS DUTY FREE beauty in famous brands such as Dior, Chanel and Victoria's Secret, in addition to different food options. The publication of Official Letter 89/2018/SRA of ANAC, in which the Granting Authority no longer required the creation of a wholly owned subsidiary for the provision of non-tariff services, allowed the introduction of diverse services on the airport website. This fact contributed to the prospecting and internalization of some services for passengers, airlines and cargo, such as the provision of cargo pallets and cold storage, both for export services. MICHAEL KORS Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index Duty-free area inside | 43 2019 AR invepar WICHT the GRU Airport#44TEZZ 17 GRU Airport Cargo The Airport Cargo Terminal (Teca) strengthened its position as the country's leading airport logistics complex, increasing its market share to 45% in 2019. Since the concession was first granted growth has been continuous, at 12%. Over this period, 284,081 tons were handled, of which 150,562 were imported and 133,519 exported. There was a 6% growth in cargo flights, through new operations, totaling 13 exclusively cargo flights weekly. GRU Airport also has the largest airport refrigeration complex in Brazil, with 33,000 cubic meters of storage capacity. Its 22 cold storage rooms provide a wide range of storage temperatures to accommodate all kinds of products. In addition, the terminal has 360 spaces for refrigerated containers for import and 8 for export. Patio 7 In 2019, the construction of Patio 7 was completed, resulting in 12 new spaces for medium-sized aircraft or six for large aircraft. Improvements in operation GRU Airport started operating two new boarding accesses at Passenger Terminal 3, improving service quality. At the Passenger Terminal 1, the capacity of the departure lounge was expanded, offering more comfort to passengers.. Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index View of Inside the Cargo Terminal | 44 2019 AR invepar#45Operational Indicators - Airports 2018 2019 Total Passengers (Thousand) International Domestic 42,232 43,002 1.8% 14,888 14,764 -0.8% Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar 27,344 28,238 3.3% Total Aircraft Movement: International Domestic 293,918 291,987 80,214 75,885 213,704 216,102 306,359 284,081 -0.7% Invepar Management Excellence in Services -5.4% 1.1% -7.3% Results Socio-economic Results - GRU Airport broke passenger records this year- 43 million and had a 3.3% growth in passenger movement on domestic flights, despite the negative of the end of Avianca operations (Brazil) on airport performance. Despite the decrease in the Southeast and Midwest regions, the increase in the other regions more than offset the negative performance. The end of Avianca operations (Brazil) had a very negative impact. However, the increase in passengers at other airlines (Gol, Azul and LATAM) sustained the positive results in the year. In relation to international destinations, travel to Europe registered the greatest growth, with Lisbon and Madrid the destinations with the highest number of passengers. There was a drop in passengers across the American continent, with the greatest impact in Central America and North America. Total Aircraft Movement decreased 0.7% in 2019 compared to the previous year. In the domestic market, the Northeast region recorded the greatest growth and the Midwest region was the only one to show a decrease. In terms of international flights, all continents decreased compared to 2018, with the largest recorded in North and South America. In terms of destinations, Santiago had the biggest reduction in flight supply, followed by Buenos Aires and Asunción. Lima and Santa Cruz were the positive highlights. Total Cargo (Tons) Passengers (Thousand) 42,232 43,002 38,984 36,586 37,766 64.7% 65.7% 65.1% 63.1% 63.0% Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and 34.9% 36.9% 37.0% 35.3% 34.3% 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Financial Performance Domestic International Credits GRI Index Aircraft Movement (Thousand) 295,030 293,918 291,987 267,786 267,827 73.2% 72.2% 72.2% 72.7% 74.0% 26.8% 27.8% 27.8% 27.3% 26.0% 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Domestic International | 45 2019 AR invepar#46The volume of cargo was 284.1 thousand tons in 2019, a decrease of 7.3% in the annual comparison. This result is a direct reflection of the reduction in the global air cargo market, with 2019 presenting the worst annual performance since 2009. Even so, GRU Airport managed to keep its market share at 42% for imports and 51% for exports. Environmental Results (GRI Standards 103-1, 103-2, 103-3, 302-1, 303-1, 305-1, 305-2, 306-2) The increase in energy consumption compared to 2018 can be explained by the construction of the new patio 07. In addition, 2019 was considered the warmest year in the country by the National Meteorological Institute (Inmet), meaning greater use of air conditioning systems in airports. The reduction in waste can be explained by the start of operations at American Airlines hangars in late 2018 and LATAM in early 2019, as all waste generated from aircraft maintenance has become the responsibility of airlines. Before the opening of the hangars, maintenance was carried out on the patios and the waste generated was the responsibility of GRU Airport. The increase in indirect emissions (Scope 2) is explained by the higher consumption of electricity at the airport, described in the previous paragraph. In addition, in 2019 the variation in the average emission factor of the national electricity grid, released by the National Interconnected System of Brazil, was 1.4% higher than in 2018. Cargo (Tonnes) 306,359 287,226 284,081 263,530 241,054 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Environmental Indicators (GRI 303-1.302-1. 306-2) Water Consumption (m³) Energy consumption within the organization (MWh) Waste Generation (Tonnes)* 2018 2019 1,038,055 1,037,971 0.0% 162,151 174,088 7.4% 11,346 11,016 -2.9% *In 2018: 371 tonnes of hazardous waste and 10.975 tonnes of non-hazardous waste, In 2019: 496 tonnes of hazardous waste and 10.520 tonnes of non-hazardous waste, Environmental Indicator (GRI 305-1.305-2) Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and 2018 2019 Financial Performance Total Emissions (tCO₂e) Direct Emissions (Scope 1) (tCO₂e) Indirect Emissions (Scope 2) (tCO₂e) 33,683 22,572 34,917 3.7% Credits 22,643 0.3% GRI Index 11,111 12,273 10.5% | 46 2019 AR invepar#47Private Social Investments In 2019, social and educational initiatives were developed to raise awareness of topics such as the prevention of accidents caused by kites and balloons, care for the environment and women's well-being in the communities surrounding the GRU Airport. Another cycle of the "Tuning the Future with Art" project was implemented in the Malvinas community, which serves 120 children and adolescents, through digital inclusion, the practice of sports, music and the arts, and introduces concepts of ethics and citizenship. It also offers academic reinforcement, functional English classes and introduction to the job market. Through Young Apprentice Programs, seven teenagers assisted by "Tuning the Future with Art" entered the job market. Sunha Project Tuning the Future with Art Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits FUTURO zam TOJETO TUROCOM WRITE HISTS! 650 Day 5 ROTO ANANDOO MARTI | 47 GRI Index 2019 AR invepar#48Invepar Urban Mobility The company has been responsible for managing MetrôRio Lines 1 and 2 since 2009 and operating Line 4 since 2016. It also owns MetrôBarra, which leases trains and systems to Line 4, and is a shareholder in VLT Carioca. In 2019, more than 252.5 million journeys were made on all three subway lines. In its second full year of operation, the light rail system (VLT) carried 23 million passengers. Cable-stayed bridge on the route of Line 4 Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits | 48 GRI Index 2019 AR invepar#49MetrôRio Lines 1 and 2 MetrôRio, the concession-holder, manages and maintains Lines 1 and 2, which together cover the South Zone, the North Zone and the Downtown Rio de Janeiro, with 36 stations and 42 km of track. Line 4 Operation Responsible for connecting Barra da Tijuca, in the West Zone, to the South Zone of Rio, Line 4 has 5 stations. Metrô Rio is responsible for operating and maintaining the rolling stock, system and infrastructure services for Line 4. An initiative of the Rio de Janeiro State Government, the line was inaugurated in 2016. Giro: 20 million boardings in 2019 Launched in 2018, 670 thousand Giro cards were sold and in 2019 there were more than 20 million boardings. With partnerships in the cultural area, Giro has already facilitated more than 12 thousand cinema visits, concerts, plays, exhibitions and musicals, offering special benefits and discounts to its customers. One of the highlights of the product are the joint operations with Uber, resulting in over 80 thousand trips with discount coupons for the transport platform, and BikeRio, which benefited more than 12 thousand customers with advantages in bicycle rental in Rio. The Giro can be recharged online, on the MetrôRio website or app, and offers discounts on stores, services, restaurants, concerts, cinema, theaters, airline tickets and app travel. The card allows the customer to recover the credits, in case of loss or theft, and monitor the use on the cell phone. MetrôRio in Numbers *Numbers for Lines 1, 2 and 4 252.5 million passengers transported* 41 stations* 64 trains 384 cars* Cidade Nova MetrôRio Station Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index | 49 2019 AR invepar#50Da Repiblica Start of contactless payment As of April 2019, Metrô Rio started accepting the payment of tickets by cell phone, credit card, wrist band and watch with NFC technology (Near-Field Communication) at 41 stations. The innovation, the result of a partnership with Visa, allows greater fluidity in boarding and optimizes customer time, saving queuing time. The project was designed to provide convenience, practicality and safety to subway passengers. From the launch until December 2019, around 590 thousand tickets were paid with Visa cards enabled by this new technology. And the number of users increases every day. A survey by MetrôRio shows that the average daily use went from almost 1,000 in May to 4,400 in December. Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits EMBARQUE CARTÕES METRORIO E PAGAMENTO POR APROXIMAÇÃO Boarding by contactless payment GRI Index | 50 2019 AR invepar#51Good practices in inclusion MetrôRio is one of the pioneering Brazilian companies in adopting measures to combat prejudice against minorities. With a Diversity Nucleus made up of the employees themselves and focused on equality of gender, race, LGBTI and people with disabilities, the concessionaire promotes affirmative actions to improve the inclusion process in the Company. The measures include raising awareness among managers and leaders and participating in relevant groups, such as the Social Inclusion Business Network. The path taken includes the signing by Metrô Rio, in December 2017, of the document to integrate the LGBT Business and Rights Forum. The concessionaire also entered into a partnership with TransEmpregos, which operates in recruiting trans people for the job market, and adopted a personalized name badge, so that employees choose how they prefer to be called. selection, thus prioritizing the competences of the candidates, based on their experiences. Inclusion actions are in line with the company guidelines that, besides promoting broad and democratic access to urban spaces through the service it offers, insists the same diversity must happen internally. More than operating as company that transports people, the concessionaire seeks to improve the routine of its customers and employees, in a diverse and healthy environment. Valorization of the female workforce is one of the principals of the company, which divulges internal campaigns against prejudice and in favor of women occupying leadership positions and traditionally male functions. One of the outstanding initiatives is the mentoring program exclusively for women. WHO- EVER YOU ARE Metrô Rio promotes some measures to promote diversity, including a nucleus formed by the employees themselves Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index In addition, the company signed voluntary commitments with the Business Coalition for Racial and Gender Equity and with UN Women, which is responsible for upholding the equal participation of women in all aspects of life. In 2019, MetrôRio introduced a new way of selecting professionals, called "blind recruitment". In the process, recruitment offices do not have prior access to detailed information about the candidate. Data such as gender, skin color, age, address and name of the educational institution are hidden in the first stages of the WE ARE M | 51 2019 AR invepar#52Partnerships By exploring a range of services, spaces, infrastructure and furniture, MetrôRio increased its commercial mix, expanding its non-tariff revenue. Diversification and innovation have led to the concessionaire having the biggest revenue jump in this segment in the last four years. Revenue rose 21%, compared to 2018, with gains on the three fronts of operation: advertising, leasing and telecommunications. The commercial operation also saw an improvement in its efficiency and non- compliance among licensees was almost halved. In addition to the occupation with better use of spaces, the locations featured new concepts of stores and services, such as fashion fairs, scooter parking and new vending machines. MetrôRio was a pioneer in the implementation of facilities that have impacted the logistics and internet sales markets. The smart lockers from Clique Retire mean the inclusion of thousands who were not served by traditional delivery services, but who can now collect their purchases at stations in a prompt and practical way. Advertising has also innovated by utilizing new spaces inside trains, with clear messaging and the usual external banners. Likewise, the exploration of spaces for the installation of fiber optic networks and data in underground tunnels is increasingly attracting the interest of telephone and technology companies, which can count on MetrôRio's infrastructure and commitment to offering quality services to the population and its commercial partners. QUANDO A BAD BATER Composição: Luan Santand Amor, eu só quero o seu bem Se for embora agora, vai ficar sem ninguem 今 Innovation also in advertising using all the available space, including tunnel banners at stations Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index LUAN EXCLUSI BICUSIVO pay LUAN | 52 22 2019 AR invepar#53APROXIMOS PAGE PASS G Technology in train traffic In 2019, MetrôRio implemented the new centralized traffic and transit supervision system, to improve the regularity of intervals and the sequencing between trains on Lines 1,2 and 4. For customers, the implementation of the new technology generates more regularity and increases the punctuality of trips. In addition, there is a reduction in train stops between stations, which can contribute to reducing travel time. The system, developed by the company Alstom, is used in several subways around the world. It automatically receives and processes information about stops, signals, speeds and journey times, according to operational planning. The tool will have traction control for energizing and de-energizing the three lines. With the new software, there will be integrated and remote control of the circulation of lines 1, 2 and 4 directly from the Operational Control Center (CCO). Megaoperation: the success of major events MetrôRio set up special operations with trains circulating 24h to serve passengers on Lines 1, 2 and 4 traveling to major events in the city of Rio de Janeiro, such as New Year's Eve celebrations, Carnival and Rock in Rio. On all occasions, the company has been the most reliable and practical option in transporting people. During the special operations, the concessionaire reinforced that their staff serve the population well and counted on face- to-face monitoring inside the trains and by cameras and temporary rigs appropriate for this type of event. Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index Oceânico Station Jardim | 53 2019 AR invepar#54Reading Station In August, MetrôRio and the International Book Biennial, the largest literary event in the country, promoted the joint action Embarque na Leitura (Reading Journey). A thousand titles with diverse genres were placed on the seats of the trains departing from the stations Pavuna, Botafogo and Jardim Oceânico. The works were 'discovered' by passengers at the start of their voyages. The partnership with MetrôRio was supported by Invepar Institute. The objective was to promote culture and encourage reading among the concessionaire's customers. Free travel for blood donors MetrôRio wore the shirt of solidarity and entered into a partnership with Hemorio to encourage blood donation and facilitate donor transport. In August, the company transferred 500 unitary pass cards to the Institute, to be given to donors. One return ticket was given to each donor after collection. Hemorio receives, on average, 150 donors per day. To keep the stock at a safe level, this number should be at least 300 people. PALCO Car Palco Carioca The Palco Carioca project underwent an important expansion in 2019. From the four stations, a facility for music and new talents has spread to twelve others: Carioca, Maria da Graça, Siqueira Campos, Jardim Oceânico, Jardim de Alah, General Osório, Cantagalo, Presidente Vargas, Central, Uruguay, Cidade Nova and Maracanã. The project has had up to eight thousand performances. Rock in Rio, the largest music and entertainment festival in the world, chose, in partnership with MetrôRio, eight singers from the Carioca Stage to perform in Cidade do Rock during the seven days of the event. The musicians Bel Spalla, Caio Cortez, John Bianchi, Julia Sorrentino Trio, Mary Di, The Wanted 22, Roberta Malucelli and Ualdo had the chance to play in Cidade do Rock and represent the Carioca Stage in the entrances to the festival. METRORIO O CAMINHO MAIS FACIL Carioca ESTAÇÃO ROCK IN RIO JA IMAGINOU TOCAR NO PALCO CARIOCA DO ROCK IN RIO? AGORA VOCÊ QU SUA BANDA PODEM FAZER PARTE DO AQUECIMENTO PARA O MAIOR FESTIVAL DE MÚSICA DO MUNDO. QUER PARTICIPAR? ESTACADROCKINRIO.COM.BR One of the presentations of the Palco Carioca project Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index | 54 2019 AR invepar#55VLT Carioca In 2019, the VLT Carioca became one of the main transport options in Rio, consolidating the line 3 project, the last scheduled stretch. The new line connects Central do Brasil to Santos Dumont Airport with 10 stops, three of which are new: Cristiano Ottoni-Little Africa, Camerino - Rosas Negras and Santa Rita-Pretos Novos. The names are tributes to African culture, in line with the Institute of National Historical and Artistic Heritage (Iphan) and black movement groups. Conecta Social Responsibility Program The VLT Carioca contributed to the movement towards social inclusion, resulting from Edital Conecta, made possible by the Incentive Law of the Municipal Department of Culture (ISS Law). In order to increase the training of management and the ability to raise funds, the social projects Gamboa Ação, Sparta Rio, Providenciando a Favor da Vida, and Efeito Urbano were mentored by Instituto Ekloos, an organization with 10 years of experience in the sector. The program included 153 initiatives aimed at areas such as management, diagnosis, marketing and business, with the participation of 13 managers of social projects. There were 765 hours of mentoring and 255 members of the projects benefited indirectly. VLT Carioca in Numbers +23 million passengers 180 thousand trips 1.8 million kilometers traveled average of 110 thousand passengers per day +56 million passengers since the beginning of the operation, in July 2016 Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index Light rail train downtown Rio de Janeiro 15 | 55 2019 AR invepar#56Results Socio-economic Results The Urban Mobility segment reached 244.5MM paying passengers in 2019, an increase of 6.1% over the previous year. MetrôRio saw a 4.3% growth in Lines 1, 2 and 4 in 2019, mainly due to the improved performance of Line 4, whose operation started in July 2016, with full operation from March 2017. Lines 1 and 2 grew by approximately 1% in the year. The month of September was positively impacted by major events around the city such as Rock in Rio 2019. In addition, the closing of Avenida Niemeyer, in effect since May 31, 2019, contributed to the increase in the flow of passengers on Line 4. We should note that the performance of MetrôRio, connecting workers from the Rio's north zone to Centro, is strongly impacted by unemployment rate in the municipality. Data from the General Register of Employed and Unemployed (CAGED) shows that the metropolitan region again saw a negative balance in 2019 (5,812) in the ratio of hired workers versus dismissed workers. This means that the number of unemployed continues to exceed new appointments, directly impacting subway revenues. The VLT Carioca showed an increase of 30.8% in paying passengers in 2019. This increase was mainly due to the inauguration of Line 3, in addition to the attendant ramp-up. Operational Indicators Urban Mobility - Paying Passengers (Thousand) Metrô Rio - Lines 1, 2 and 4 VLT Carioca Total Passengers (Thousand) Metrô Rio - Lines 1, 2 and 4 VLT Carioca 2018 2019 230.445 244.479 6,1% 214.925 224.174 4,3% 20.305 30,8% 15.520 260.120 275.570 5,9% 242.411 252.494 4,2% 17.709 23.076 30,3% Paying Passengers - MetrôRio (Lines 1, 2 and 4) (Thousand) 211,145 225,234 217,593 214,925 224,174 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Paying Passengers - VLT Carioca (Thousand) 15,520 10,051 3,958 20,305 2016 2017 2018 2019 Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index | 56 2019 AR invepar#57Environmental Results (GRI Standards 103-1, 103-2, 103-3, 302-1, 303-1, 305-1, 305-2, 306-2) MetrôRio The variation between 2018 and 2019 for water consumption at MetrôRio was considered within the acceptable range of consumption and may be related to the normal operation of the system. The same is true for energy consumption. However, for this indicator it can also be observed that the distance traveled by trains in 2019 was 3.64% greater than in 2018. In addition, 2019 was considered the hottest year by the National Meteorological Institute (Inmet), generating greater use of air- conditioning on trains, thus increasing energy consumption. For the waste generation indicator, the expressive increase in 2019 is justified by the greater volume of waste generated through the inactivation and disposal of equipment, as well as infrastructure works at the Maintenance Center. The increase in the generation of direct emissions (Scope 1) in 2019 is explained, mainly, by the higher consumption of insulating gas in the electric power substations in relation to 2018, due to maintenance carried out, as well as greater use of air-conditioning in trains in 2019, with an increase in the replacement of refrigerant gas. In relation to indirect emissions (Scope 2), the increase in 2019 is related to the higher energy consumption in the system, detailed in the previous paragraph, as well as the variation in the average of the emission factor of the electricity grid, which was 1.4% higher in 2019 compared to 2018. This information is released monthly by the National Interconnected System of Brazil. Environmental Indicators - MetrôRio (GRI 303-1, 302-1, 306-2) Water Consumption (m³) Contents 2018 2019 107.994 106.529 -1,4% 5,3% 1.436 2.874 100,2% Message from the CEO Message from the Board Energy consumption within the organization (MWh) 267.447 281.737 Waste Generation (Tonnes)* *In 2018: 75 tonnes of hazardous waste and 1,361 tonnes of non-hazardous waste. In 2019: 194 tonnes of hazardous waste and 2,680 tonnes of non-hazardous waste. Environmental Indicator (GRI 303-1, 302-1, 306-2) Total Emissions (tCO₂e) Direct Emissions (Scope 1) (tCO₂e) Indirect Emissions (Scope 2) (tCO₂e) C60 929 Innua 2018 2019 30.013 37.221 24,0% 10.588 16.324 54,2% 19.425 20.897 7,6% Tank-irs Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index Subway train at Jardim Oceânico Station 57 2019 AR invepar#58VLT Carioca The variation observed for water consumption, as well as energy, is due to the increase in the VLT fleet, with the start of operation of Lines 2 and 3, and the greater demand for cleaning and supply for the new support bases. As for the generation of waste, it is noteworthy that the year 2019 began with the completion of several implementation works, reducing the volume of waste compared to 2018. Environmental Indicators - VLT Carioca (GRI 303-1, 302-1, 306-2) Water consumption (m³) 2018 2019 Energy consumption within the organization Waste Generation (Tonnes)* 3,669 4,382 10,610 227 19.4% 12,585 18.6% 104 -54.4% *In 2018: 0.6 tonnes of hazardous waste and 226 tonnes of non-hazardous waste. In 2019: 13 tonnes of hazardous waste and 91 tonnes of non-hazardous waste. VLT Train in Zona Portuária of Rio 115 Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index | 58 2019 AR invepar#59Private Social Investments MetrôRio MetrôRio invested in strengthening the company relationship with the communities surrounding the stations. Throughout the year 11 social projects were undertaken with direct and informal resources, benefiting around 8,000, young and old, in 21 communities in the city of Rio. In addition to these initiatives, social and educational awareness initiatives were also developed on topics such as preparation for the job market, safe and caring attitudes and prevention of breast cancer. We should note the work of the Community Network, an initiative to train community leaders, promote dialogue between the company and communities, strengthen the relationship between parties, and contribute to local development around depressed areas near Metrô Rio stations. In 2019, eleven meetings were held, with the participation of 355 leaders. Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits Access to Cidade Nova MetrôRio Station GRI Index | 59 2019 AR invepar#60Invepar Toll Roads In 2019 we consolidated our processes, mainly in toll road operations. This was recognized through important certifications, such as ISO 9001, but mainly the achievement of a 25% reduction in the road accident rate in the last ten years, despite an increase in the number of vehicles. It is a source of great pride for all the personnel involved. Traffic accidents are the eighth leading cause of death worldwide, killing 1.35 million people a year, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Preserving lives is the priority. Stretch of toll road under the Via 040 concession Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index | 60 2019 AR invepar#61The reduction of accidents on our highways is the result of preventive measures and constant attention to the physical well being of our customers. We are engaged in the spread of information and awareness raising, in addition to our operational and maintenance routines, the fundamental pillars of traffic safety. Another important achievement was the innovative project implemented this year to improve our management, the Highway Management System (SGR). The customized multi-purpose platform integrates information and tackles day-to-day highways demands, including the 0800 emergency service, ombudsman services, operations and road maintenance. This gives greater transparency and integration to the management processes. Made up of eight modules used by the service, maintenance and operation areas, the SGR monitors and consolidates the processes, manages information and increases the speed of user service and effectiveness of the operation. Toll Roads in Numbers* *Controlled toll roads: Lamsa, CLN, Via 040 and Cart 38 Toll stations 47 Customer service stations 60 Ambulances 77 Light and heavy tow trucks 57 Inspection and customer service vehicles 12 Firefighting vehicles 12 Weigh stations (fixed and mobile) 16 Animal control vehicles 80 Variable message signs (VMSs) Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits 1,051 Emergency telephones 895 km of optical-fiber cables 2,064 Monitoring cameras GRI Index | 61 2019 AR invepar#62Highlights Yellow Line (Lamsa) Resilience and Reconstruction The evening of October 27 is a historic date for the Lamsa dealership. The City of Rio, after the publication of a special online edition of the Official Gazette (with a retrospective date of 25th), canceled the concession contract unilaterally, in an unprecedented breach of practices, totally without legal support. The action was followed by the destruction of the toll gate station and opening of the road barriers. The municipal operation lasted until the early hours of the next morning, using garbage trucks and backhoes, to demolish the cabins, cameras, glass structures, electronic equipment and systems, placing the health of users and operators at risk. LAMSA On the morning of the following day, after the court granted Lamsa the right to operate the concession, a team of around 100 professionals including employees from Cart, MetrôRio, ViaRio, Via 040, in addition to the headquarters, joined the Lamsa team in an effort to rebuild the structures. The repair operation effort lasted five uninterrupted days until the site was restored. Lamsa reiterates its commitment to respect the concession contract and counts on the courts to guarantee legal security and maintain a healthy environment for the provision of good services to locals. Asphalt resurfacing on Lamsa Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits | 62 GRI Index 2019 AR invepar#63Lamsa repairs Del Castilho's footbridge Lamsa completed the restoration of the Del Castilho footbridge, which was damaged by a bus fire in September. Metal and floor parts damaged by fire were replaced and the pedestrian crossing was concreted. During the works, Lamsa made a free daily van service available for people to cross, with maximum intervals of 15 minutes. The elaboration and execution was aligned with the local resident association. Keeping an eye on road safety Lamsa regularly develops traffic education initiatives. In 2019, the company distributed reflective stickers and anti-kiteline antennas to motorcyclists and gave free Safe Driving and Basic Mechanics classes to users. Lamsa also promoted theatrical presentations on road safety in partnership with the De Olho na Pista project. During the exhibition at the toll gate, artists entertained and informed drivers on traffic safety. The awareness initiatives are part of the Safe Attitude and Kindness Program, which also includes investments in road improvements, through an ongoing schedule of conservation and preventive actions. MP PARE Safe Attitude and Kindness Program 80 km 8 OLHO NA PIS Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index PART | 63 2019 AR invepar#64Revitalization of the Oswaldo Cruz Bridge The concessionaire started the modernization of the Oswaldo Cruz Viaduct, in Maré, which connects the expressway to Ilha do Fundão. After the intervention, the bridge will support loads of 45 tons, almost double the current limit. Capacity will increase by 87.5%, given the increased demand for heavy trucks going to the Technological Park of the Federal University of Rio and to the West Zone, enhancing the capital's logistics network. Approximately one thousand tons of steel and concrete will be used to modernize and reinforce the entire structure, 200 meters long and 27 meters wide, with a total of 5,400 square meters. ■ 45 tonnes " 87.5% increase in capacity ■ A thousand tonnes of steel and concrete Construction on the Oswaldo Cruz Bridge PERI UP Cixo EA | Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits 64 GRI Index 2019 AR invepar#65Safety at height In 2019 Lamsa began a series of construction works to check and reinforce the steep roadside slopes along the Yellow Line. R$ 3 million will be invested in measures to prevent landslides and rock falls from hills and gullies. The interventions are part of the concessionaire permanent maintenance and conservation calendar. This is the second stage of planning for slope containment. In the first, the sites were cleared, with vegetation removed, and the ducts for draining water cleaned. Close to achieving the UN goal The number of victims of accidents on the Yellow Line has fallen by almost half that of the past decade. The index is in line with the goal established by the United Nations (UN) between 2011 and 2020, the decade of Action for Road Safety. The reduction is due to the policy of investment in technology, education and preventive maintenance implemented on the road. Statistics point to a 61.5% drop in the number of accidents between 2010 and 2018, from 1,890 to 728. Professional on Lamsa hillside Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits | 65 GRI Index 2019 AR invepar#66800 024 2355 LAMSE invepar Reinforcement of the mechanical rescue operation on the expressway The concessionaire incorporated three new tow trucks into the fleet and expanded the capacity to service damaged or crashed vehicles by 40%. The new trucks can carry medium and long vehicles, supporting a load of up to three tons. The vehicles have a double cabin for up to seven people, air conditioning and offer more comfort for rescued drivers. The arrival of the new tow trucks also increased the logistics of the mechanical rescue operation, ensuring greater agility and, consequently, improved traffic flow. Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index Lamsa mechanical help | 66 2019 AR invepar#67Highlights - Via 040 Safe crossing in Valparaiso de Goiás In July 2019, Via 040 completed the construction of the footbridge at km 0.4 of BR-040, in Valparaíso de Goiás (GO). The service will contribute to safer pedestrian crossing. The structure, fully illuminated, is 68 meters long and has access ramps with safety lock to prevent use by motorcyclists, without impairing wheelchair access. In addition, anti-glare screens were installed, which minimizes discomfort caused by the reflection of vehicle headlights from opposing directions, and also preventing irregular crossing. Via 040 User Service (SAU) Road Safety on the Ring Road Aliança Pela Vida, a group of public officials, companies and Via 040 representatives, is making clear progress. The work carried out around the Ring Road, between the district of California and Olhos D'Água, included driver awareness-raising, reinforcement of signaling, implementation of nine radars and acceleration lanes, as well as strategic operational control to ease traffic flow. Nineteen educational and inspection initiatives were carried out, in partnership with the Military, Federal Highway Police and the National Department of Transport Infrastructure (DNIT). 830 vehicles were inspected. In the 33 operations since 2017, in addition to awareness programs, around 1,700 vehicles were inspected and more than 1,000 fines imposed by the police. Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits VIA VIA OLO 040 VIA 040 ATENDIMENTO AO USUÁRIO RETORNO A 5,0 km GRI Index | 67 2019 AR invepar#68Rebidding for the road stretch for Via 040 In 2017 the Via 040 group requested adherence to the process of amicable return of the infrastructure concessions, in accordance with Law 13.448/17, regulated by Decree 9.957/19 of the Federal Government, which allows a new auction to be held. The return request was unanimously approved by the National Land Transport Agency (ANTT) and validated by the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Investment Partnership Program Council. Via 040 will continue providing operation and maintenance services until the rebidding is completed, guaranteeing safety and traffic standards for the BR-040. Since taking over the concession in 2014, until December 2019, Via 040 has invested R$ 1.5 billion in works, equipment and services for users. In the same period, R$ 1.5 billion was collected, with a loss of R$ 751 million, including operating costs. For the maintenance and operation of the road in this period, it was necessary to resort to extra contributions from the shareholders of the Invepar group, to the order of R$ 1 billion. Even with these difficulties, the highway is in much better condition, according to quality surveys by the National Transport Confederation (CNT). There was also a reduction of about 40% in the number of fatal accidents. Among the investments, the company built 73 km of extra lanes in areas that had an approved environmental license. It also repaired the asphalt surface over a distance that twice exceeds the extension granted, in addition to installing more than 20 thousand new signposts. The 21 service stations built saw more than 440 thousand visits, including the delivery of 19 babies. Every day, about 240 users receive assistance from the company. During the period of operation, the Via 040 group encountered a very different scenario from before the time of bidding process, held in 2013. The conditions in place at that time were drastically affected by factors beyond the concessionaire management control i.e. lack of BNDES participation in the long-term financing of the necessary investments and the late issuing of environmental licenses for construction works. In addition, the severe crisis caused a reduction in economic activity across the country, significantly impacting the reduction in cargo and passenger traffic. Toll road stretch under the Via 040 concession Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index | 68 2019 AR invepar#69Highlights - CLN Nearly 50% reduction in accidents The BA-099 is used by approximately one million vehicles annually. The flow increases in summer and other holiday periods, exceeding 200 thousand vehicles in a single long holiday. Even so, in 2019, there was a 47% reduction in the number of accidents compared to the previous year. CLN attributes this result to the installation of safety devices along the road, such as 43.4 km of metal barriers, operational improvements, signaling and educational campaigns, offering guidance to users. Task force The oil spill on the beaches of the Northeast that shocked the country required great social mobilization. In order to support the cleaning work carried out by public agencies, CLN teams were deployed to support groups of volunteers in cleaning the sands of the North Coast. In addition to the workforce, individual protection equipment and support materials such as shovels, sieves, buckets, waste collection bags, gloves and sunscreen were also made available by the concessionaire. Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index CLN support for beach cleaning | 69 2019 AR invepar#70Highlights - Cart Sale of Cart Continuing the plan of balancing Invepar financial structure, the group started the sale process of the Auto Raposo Tavares Concessionaire (Cart). The value of the development is evidenced by its successful provision of customer services and mainly the efficiency of its operation over the years. The highway, a wholly owned subsidiary of the group, is made up of highways SP-225 João Baptista Cabral Rennó, SP-327 Orlando Quagliato and SP-270 Raposo Tavares, in São Paulo. Together, this set of more than 800 kilometers of roads crosses the territory of 27 municipalities in the Midwest of São Paulo, connecting it to Mato Grosso do Sul and to the North of Paraná. The transaction was completed in April 2020, after corporate, regulatory and creditor approval CART Atendimento Informações 8-150 DELIVERY DELIVERY CART 8-150 CART EMPRESA invepar RODOVIAS UMA EMPRESA Invepa RODOVIAS Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index Cart User Service Station DPC-0173 0 | 70 2019 AR invepar#71Building of Marginal Bauru There was increased flow of traffic on the João Baptista Cabral Rennó Highway (SP-225) after the completion of the Bauru marginal heading west. The road project started in June and lasted six months. The stretch was drained and paved, and signals and safety equipment installed. The new periphery road guarantees greater safety for residents of local condominiums and other drivers who use the SP-225 to access Bauru, Piratininga or other destinations in the region. Changes at Km 643 and 650 Increased convenience and safety for drivers who travel through km 643 of SP-270, in Caiuá, and km 650 of SP-270, in Presidente Epitácio. Cart delivered two slip roads in these stretches, allowing greater fluidity and accessibility. The construction started in March and lasted eight months. The work is part of the road network modernization project managed by the concessionaire. Slip road viaduct over Cart Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index | 71 2019 AR invepar#72Results Socio-economic Results Data from the Brazilian Association of Highway Concessionaires (ABCR) and Tendencias Consultoria for highways under the private concession regime point to a recovery in traffic in 2019, following the truckers strike in May/2018, with an emphasis on the increase of 17,4% in traffic in May 2019. Cumulative growth was 3.6%. Also according to ABCR, vehicle flow improved for all types of vehicles and regions, albeit differently. This increase was influenced by the recovery of the economy. A further expansion in the flow of vehicles is expected. However, these indicators must be carefully analyzed, since, when compared to 2018, they have clearly been affected by the truckers' strike, which occurred between May 21 and 31, substantially reducing the flow of vehicles on the highways. CLN Light vehicles Heavy vehicles CRT Light vehicles Heavy vehicles ViaRio Light vehicles Heavy vehicles Cart Light vehicles Heavy vehicles Via 040 Light vehicles Heavy vehicles CRA Operational Indicators - Toll Roads 2018 2019 Lamsa 40,820 41,480 1.6% Light vehicles 37,353 38,074 Contents Message from the CEO 1.9% Heavy vehicles 3,467 3,406 -1.8% Message from the Board 7,698 7,853 2.0% 6,570 6,654 1.3% 1,129 1,199 6.3% Covid-19 About this Report 14,287 14,329 0.3% Light vehicles 6,570 6,478 -1.4% Invepar Heavy vehicles 7,718 7,851 1.7% CBN 31,741 32,051 1.0% 18,092 18,473 2.1% 13,649 13,578 -0.5% 18,908 20,405 7.9% 17,298 18,809 8.7% Heavy vehicles 1,610 1,597 -0.9% VEPS for Continued Operations 113,454 116,118 2.3% Light vehicles 85,882 88,487 3.0% 27,573 27,630 0.2% 48,597 51,118 5.2% 16,061 16,445 2.4% 32,536 34,672 6.6% 66,849 70,646 5.7% 20,320 21,061 3.7% 46,529 49,585 6.6% 6,829 6,532 -4.4% Light vehicles 3,538 3,486 -1.5% Heavy vehicles 3,291 3,046 -7.5% Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance VEPS for Discontinued Operations 122,275 128,296 4.9% Light vehicles 39,918 40,992 2.7% Heavy vehicles 82,357 87,304 6.0% Credits GRI Index VEPS Totals 235,729 244,414 3.7% Light vehicles 125,800 129,480 2.9% Heavy vehicles 109,929 114,934 4.6% ABCR Brazil Index - Light + Heavy Vehicles 2019 × 2018 (Monthly) 3.2% 1.1% 1.1% 17.4% 5.0% 6.2% 2.6% 2.8% 3.4% 2.9% 1.5% -1.7% Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec | 72 2019 AR invepar#73Results of Continued Operations Total traffic in 2019 reached 116.1 million Equivalent Paying Vehicles (VEPs), an increase of 2.3% over the previous year, which totaled 113.5 million. Highlight for the performance of light vehicles. Heavy vehicles increased slightly, by 0.2%, totaling 27.6 million VEPS in the year. The comparison of the results considers the effects of the truckers' strike, which directly impacted the flow of heavy and light vehicles. It is important to note that one of the consequences of the strike was the exemption from toll charges of articulated vehicles (liftable axles), which, since May 31, 2018, has had a negative impact on the operational results of the CLN and CBN highways. This issue is the subject of contractual rebalancing, under analysis by the granting authority. Comparing the numbers for 2019 and 2018 in the same terms, the result is 1.7% in 2019, compared to the previous year. CLN recorded a 2% increase in the number of VEPS, with emphasis on the 6.3% growth in heavy VEPs. This result stems from the continuing positive impact of the highway Via Metropolitana, in operation since the last quarter of 2018. ViaRio, an urban road located in the center of Rio, continues to record strong growth in the number of VEPS, since it is going through a period of ramp- up, totaling 20.4 million in 2019, an increase of 7.9% over 2018. This result is also explained by the opening of the access roads in January and February. Equivalent Paying Vehicles (Thousand) 113,235 109,043 113,454 116,118 108,646 28.8% 27.0% 24.9% 24.3% 23.8% 71.2% 73.0% 75.1% 75.7% 76.2% 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Heavy Vehicles Light Vehicles Equivalent Paying Vehicles (Million) Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits 10.6 10.3 9.5 9.4 9.5 9.8 9.9 9.7 9.8 9.6 9.0 9.2 10.2 9.9 9.7 9.4 9.8 9.2 9.1 9.5 9.8 9.6 8.6 8.5 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2018 2019 GRI Index | 73 2019 AR invepar#74Lamsa continues to record improvement in VEPS, totaling 41.5 million in 2019, an increase of 1.6% compared to 2018. The closing of Avenida Niemeyer from May 31 due to the risk of landslides contributed to the positive increase in light vehicles, which represents more than 90% of registered VEPS. Rio Teresópolis Concessionaire reported 14.3 million VEPS in 2019, a slight increase compared to 2018, in particular heavy vehicles, which increased 1.7% in the period. Despite the improvement, CRT's performance continued to be negatively affected by the precarious state of conservation of access roads, especially the BR-493. Expansion works were paralyzed here and are affected by high levels of violence. CBN saw an increase of 1% in the number of VEPS, totaling 32.1 million in 2019. However, disregarding the rebound effect of the trucker strike, the highway registered a slight fall. This was due to road works in São Cristóvão, which cause congestion at the entrance to BA - 526 and negatively impact traffic around P5 (Praça de Pedágio 5), in addition to the inauguration of Avenida 29 de Março, in Salvador, encouraging the use alternative routes. Tunnel on Yellow Line, under the concession of Lamsa Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits 100 Meronica de Veicidade Ruz 9700M Atenção (100) Fiscalização Eletronica | 74 GRI Index 2019 AR invepar#75Results of Discontinued Operations Cart recorded a 5.2% increase in VEPS over the previous year. The record corn harvest in Mato Grosso do Sul and vehicles loaded with sugar cane contributed to the concessionaire's positive result in 2019, which since the second quarter of the year has seen a significant increase, directly impacting the performance of heavy VEPs. The CRA recorded a drop in vehicle traffic. The reduction in heavy vehicles reflected the loss of employment in the refineries and shipyards located in the Port of Suape, negatively impacting the local economy. A weaker economy reflects an increase in unemployment, which also negatively affected the flow of light vehicles. Via 040 saw a 5.7% increase in VEPS in 2019 compared to 2018. This result is even better when analyzing the performance of heavy vehicles, which represent about 70% of traffic on the highway and grew 6.6% in 2019, when compared to the previous year. The increase in the number of heavy VEPS is mainly related to the positive performance of the mining companies around the highway, which use it for access to the railroad, from where the ore is transported. The performance of light vehicles improved, mainly, due to the recovery of the economy, verified throughout the year. Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index Toll road stretch under Cart concession | 75 2019 AR invepar#76Environmental Results - Controlled Toll Roads (Lamsa, CLN, Cart e Via 040) (GRI Standards 103-1, 103-2, 103-3, 302-1, 303-1, 305-1, 305-2, 306-2) The reduction in water consumption in 2019 occurred on all highways controlled by Invepar, due to the expanding monitoring and maintenance of infrastructure and raising awareness among employees and third parties. A prominent action was the installation of volume controls on of Lamsa bathroom taps in 2018, with positive results in 2019. In 2019, no hazardous waste generated over and above the projections was produced, which justifies the reduction over the year. For non- hazardous waste, the significant variation reflects the control on Via 040 of milling tool donations, which started in the 4th quarter of 2018 and lasted throughout 2019, a period of twelve months. It is worth mentioning the reduction in the amount of waste sent to landfills at Cart, through partnerships established with Recyclable and Reusable Materials Cooperatives. The reduction in direct emissions (Scope 1) verified in 2019 is mainly related to the vegetation removal carried out in 2018 on Via 040 to improve the use of the highway, which did not occur in 2019. The slight reduction in indirect emissions (Scope 2) is justified by the lower energy consumption on highways, due to the continuity of the project to change fluorescent lamps for LED lamps. The slight increase in energy consumption in the organization in 2019 related to electricity and fuels, is mainly due to the increase in fuel consumption seen at Cart and Lamsa. Both companies had internal services previously provided by third parties, seeing an expansion in their fleets. Environmental Indicators 2018 2019 Controlled Toll Roads (GRI 303-1) Water Consumption (m³) Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar 43,124 41,497 -3.8% Invepar Management Environmental Indicators Controlled Toll Roads (GRI 306-2) Waste Generation Hazardous (Tonnes) Non Hazardous (Tonnes) Total Environmental Indicators Controlled Toll Roads (GRI 302-1, 305-1, 305-2) Energy Consumption within the organization (MWh) Total GEE Emissions (tCO₂e) Direct Emissions (Scope 1) (tCO₂e) Indirect Emissions (Scope 2) (tCO₂e) 2018 2019 29 9,199 9,229 21 -27.8% 21,927 138.4% 21,948 137.8% 2018 2019 33.851 9.418 8.411 1.007 34.531 2,0% 4.682 -50,3% 3.698 -56,0% 983 -2,3% Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index | 76 2019 AR invepar#77Environmental Results of Associated Toll Roads (CBN, CRA, CRT and VIARIO) (GRI Standards 103-1, 103-2, 103-3, 302-1, 303-1, 305-1, 305-2, 306-2) The variation in water consumption in the associated companies is mainly due to the reduction of irrigation around the highways and the expansion of monitoring of infrastructure in 2019. In 2018, the general cleaning work on highways led to a considerable increase in the generation of waste (about 3.7 thousand tons), not registered in 2019. Environmental Indicators Associated Toll Roads (GRI 303-1) Total water consumption (m³) Environmental Indicators Toll road stretch under CLN concession Contents Message from the CEO 2018 2019 Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar 32.910 24.848 -24,5% Invepar Management Excellence in Services 2018 2019 Associated Toll Roads (GRI 306-2) Waste Generation Hazardous (Tonnes) Non Hazardous (Tonnes) Total 30 5.478 5.508 0 -100,0% 1.905 -65,2% 1.905 -65,4% Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits | 77 GRI Index 2019 AR invepar#78Private Social Investments Lamsa The concessionaire maintains its relationship with neighboring communities through a broad, transparent, inclusive and continuous dialogue. Among the social responsibility initiatives are support for social actions and projects in 31 communities around the Yellow Line, which serves all ages in sport, culture, education and environmental awareness. In 2019, 22 projects and around 73 thousand people benefited from the initiatives implemented. Cart In 2019, two socio-sports projects were supported through resources provided in the city of Bauru, which benefited 210 children and adults. In addition to these initiatives, educational programs on traffic safety, health and citizenship were developed, with preventive health tests and general health guidance for drivers and surrounding residents, which benefited 9,000 people in 20 municipalities around the highway. CLN Two social projects were carried out in the cities of Camaçari, Mata de São João and Entre Rios, in Bahia, which benefited 1,800 children and adults. Among the initiatives, Legal Transit served 1,640 children in four schools, trained 40 teachers and raised awareness among over a thousand CLN users through highway police checks. The project was developed to encourage traffic education and include initiatives in schools in the region, campaigns with drivers on the highway and social networks, as well as operational and maintenance interventions on the road. Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index Social project Percussion da Maré | 78 2019 AR invepar#79Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index Risk and Compliance Management (GRI Standards 103-1, 103-2, 103-3, 205-2) 2019 saw the consolidation of the Integrity Program in conducting the business of the Invepar group, reinforcing the culture of ethics and transparency. Under the management of the Compliance and Risks Directorate, a series of compliance initiatives was implemented and integrated into the decision-making process. According to a diagnosis carried out by a specialized international consultancy, the Invepar Group Integrity Program evolved significantly in 2019, reaching the Integrated level. Companies at this level of maturity have a dedicated, specialized structure, standards implemented and available at all company levels, an outsourced complaints channel with the Ethics Committee, regular training and third-party and employee due diligence. Compliance issues are integrated in all corporate areas, especially legal, regulatory, procurement, auditing, risks and internal controls. Due to the efficiency of the integrity program, for the second consecutive year the Invepar group was recognized as one of the most ethical companies in the country by the Brazilian Institute of Business Ethics, which seeks to recognize and value companies for responsible performance. | 79 19 2019 AR invepar#80Reporting Channel The group Reporting Channel was implemented in 2014 and has become an important tool for employees to report non-compliances with our Code of Ethics and normative documents. It is managed by a third party company, which guarantees the anonymity and confidentiality of the data provided. All investigations are monitored by the Ethics Committee, made up of members of the Compliance, Legal, Human Resources and Internal Audit Departments. In 2019, 600 complaints were filed, an increase of 56% compared to 2018. Of the verifiable reports, 36% were considered valid and generated 80 corrective actions, such as improvements in internal controls, feedback, warnings and dismissals. Maturity level Contents Message from the CEO Compliance integrated into legal matters, regulatory affairs, risks and other groups backing Integrated Message from the Board research, consultancy, training and development of a compliance culture. 2018/2019 Ethics and Compliance Program monitored by an independent group (eg. Ethics/Compliance Committee), supported by a senior leadership Mature 2017 Compliance Program highlighted in the Sustainable Code of Ethics and Conduct and implemented through policy documents. 2015 Ethics and Compliance Program Weak neither highlighted or implemented. Organizational benefits AGIR DE FORMA ÉTICA ESTÁ EM NOSSAS MÃOS Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index co ETICA & CONDUTA TOOGPOINVOR Somos movidos por pessoas. E nossa atitude ética nos diferencia na forma de conduzir os negócios. Por isso é tão importante que nosso comportamento cotidiano seja sempre pautado pela transparência. invepar invepar Code of Ethics and Conduct promotion material to raise Invepar Group employee awareness | 80 2019 AR invepar#81Risks (GRI Standards 205-1) The group has a structured Risk Management process that is based on the principles of the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) and ISO 31000, with the aim of mitigating the negative economic, financial, operational, environmental, regulatory and compliance-related impacts, and adverse effects on the group's corporate image. In 2019, an Integrated Management System was implemented in order to allow a more efficient monitoring of risk management practices, internal controls and compliance in the companies of the Invepar group. Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits | 81 GRI Index 2019 AR invepar#82Sustainability Management (GRI Standards 102-13, 103-1, 103-2, 103-3) Invepar's Sustainability Guidelines are in line with the commitments made since 2010 on signing up to the United Nations Global Compact, and the Ethos Institute Guidelines for Companies and Social Responsibility. These organizations help stimulate engagement, both in-house and externally, to ensure that best practices are widely disseminated. In 2019, the Invepar group revised its Sustainability Policy*, reinforcing its commitments to sustainable development in all regions where we operate. Always seeking continuous improvement, through process management, performance indicators and environmental, social and economic risk assessment, the Invepar group establishes and monitors its Sustainability indicators through the ICG System on a monthly basis, in results meetings with group companies. The aim of this process is to ensure process compliance and sharing of best practices. *Sustainability Policy available at (+) Stretch Via 040 Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance | 82 20 Credits GRI Index 2019 AR invepar#83Results (GRI Standards 302-1, 303-1, 305-1, 305-2, 306-2) Results of Subsidiaries (Lamsa, CLN, Cart, Via 040, MetrôRio e GRU Airport) Water Consumption In all the subsidiaries of the Invepar group, a reduction in water consumption was verified. This reduction was within the acceptable range of consumption and may be related to the normal operation of the systems. Waste Generation For hazardous waste, in 2019 there was a greater demand for the disposal of Class I material in Metrô Rio, due to the substitution of equipment, works and maintenance of the infrastructure. For non-hazardous waste, the increase seen in 2019 is mainly due to the management of milling tools donations on Via 040. It should be noted that this process started in the 4th quarter of 2018, including 3 months of 2018 and the whole of 2019. In addition, the infrastructure works at the MetrôRio Maintenance Center and the increase in employees also generated a higher volume of Class II waste in 2019. Energy Consumption in the Organization 2019 was considered the warmest year on record in the country, according to data released in February 2020 by the National Meteorological Institute (Inmet). In the group companies, we can highlight the greater use of air conditioning equipment in companies located in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo (MetrôRio, GRU Airport and Cart), contributing to the increase in electricity consumption. In addition, construction of airport 07 patio, lighting projects for toll gate stations on highways and an increase in the distance traveled by trains on MetrôRio (greater number of working days) may also account for the increase in energy consumption. Environmental Indicator (GRI 303-1) Total water consumption (m³) Environmental Indicator (GRI 306-2) Waste Generation (types) Hazardous (Tonnes) Non Hazardous (Tonnes) Total Environmental Indicator (GRI 302-1) Total Energy Consumption (MWh) Electrical Energy Consumption Renewable Fuel Consumption (ethanol) Consumption of Non-Renewable Fuels (fossils) Fuel Consumption (Liters) Diesel Ethanol Gasoline 2018 2019 -0,3% 1.189.173 1.185.997 2018 2019 476 21.535 22.010 712 49,7% 35.126 63,1% 35.838 62,8% Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index 2018 463,448 2019 490,356 5.8% 432,106 457,972 6.0% 7,183 7,601 5.8% 24,160 24,783 2.6% 1,986,324 2,054,508 3.4% 1,211,800 1,282,395 5.8% 182,007 175,578 -3.5% | 83 2019 AR invepar#84For renewable and non-renewable fuels, we should note the restructuring projects of 2019, which explain the variations observed in 2018: ■ On two highways and MetrôRio, some activities previously undertaken by third parties were brought back in-house, generating an increase in the fleet of diesel vehicles such as vans and trucks, and also winches, and a consequent increase in diesel consumption. ■ For ethanol and gasoline consumption, some roads have replaced gasoline-powered vehicles with more economical models. This led to a reduction in gasoline consumption in 2019, as well as the acquisition of new vehicles powered by ethanol, increasing the consumption of this fuel in 2019. Cidade Nova MetrôRio Station Greenhouse Gas Emissions - GHG The increase in the group's direct emissions in 2019 may be related to the higher consumption of non- renewable fuels, described in the previous paragraph, compared to the consumption of insulating gas in the MetrôRio electric power substations and, also, the replacement of refrigerant gases in the MetrôRio trains, as described in the mobility chapter. In relation to indirect emissions (Scope 2), the increase in 2019 is related to the higher energy consumption detailed above, as well as the variation in the average emission factor of the electricity grid, which was 1.4% higher in 2019 compared to 2018. This information is released monthly by the National Interconnected System of Brazil. Environmental Indicator (GRI 305-1, 305-2) Total Emissions (tCO₂e) Direct Emissions (Scope 1) (tCO₂e) Indirect Emissions (Scope 2) (tCO₂e) 2018 2019 73,114 76,820 5.1% 41,570 42,666 2.6% 31,543 34,153 8.3% *The results of the affiliated companies were reported in the chapters by segment. Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits Cidade Nova 0800 595 1111 © Harris de funcionaments Estaçin Cilade Nous So Cde og Harris de Funcionaments Acessos Recess Hours D 1 | 84 GRI Index 2019 AR invepar#85Environmental Compliance (GRI Standards 103-1, 103-2, 103-3, 307-1) In 2019, a penalty was imposed within the scope of the Environmental Infraction Warning, concerning the erosion process in a neighboring area, to the sum of R$ 27,610.00, for the Cart highway. Notwithstanding, the group has appealed, since the concessionaire is not responsible for erosion. No environmental infringements or fines were recorded in 2019 for other Group subsidiaries. Biodiversity (GRI Standards 103-1, 103-2, 103-3, 304) The Invepar group remains committed to biodiversity initiatives within its companies and, in 2019 continued projects implemented in previous years, in order to guarantee the preservation of flora and fauna. We should note that all companies within the group have a management tool for mapping and updating the controls necessary to mitigate environmental risks, thus identifying the potential impact of their activities, including those directly related to the preservation of flora and fauna. Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index Wildlife crossing at CLN | 85 2019 AR invepar#86CART ONÇA-PARDA (Puma concolor) CART TAMANDUA-BANDEIRA (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) CART VEADO-CATINGUEIRO (Mazama gouazoubira) Wildlife Crossings Project In 2019, the Invepar group had over 150 permanent animal crossings in the holdings Cart and CLN. The creation and administration of wildlife crossings and the monitoring carried out on the highways ensure animal welfare and road safety for drivers, in addition to preserving the habitat of the species. Cart constantly monitors wildlife crossings. In 2019, this was expanded, with 10 new camera 'traps', bringing the total to 30 along the stretch. We were able to record the crossing of 10,539 animals in 2019, from 60 species. This figure represents a 43% increase in the number of species compared to 2018. The number of animal crossings doubled compared to the previous year. In addition to the endangered species registered, such as the giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla), otter (Otter longicaudis), small bush cat (Leopardus guttulus) and tapir (Tapirus terrestris), a puma family (Puma concolor) was observed.. Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index CART QUATI (Nasue nesue) Wildlife crossing on Cart | 86 2019 AR invepar#87The monitoring of wildlife on crossings has also taken place on the CLN highway, located in a protected area of high biodiversity value, which runs through four state conservation units: Environmental Protection Areas, known as APAS, in Joanes Ipitanga, Lagoas de Guarajuba, the Capivara River and the North Coast. Through this monitoring, more than 600 animals, including 11 different species, were registered on the crossings: tatuí (Dasypus septemcinctus), armadillo (Euphractus sexcinctus), three-striped cuíca (American monodelphis), white-tufted marmoset (Callitthrix jacchus), paca (Cuniculus paca), mouse (Rattus sp.), black hedgehog (Chaetomys subspinosus), yellow hedgehog (Cendou insidiosus), Sariguê (Didelphis albivestris), Ocelot (Leopardus pardalis) and the giant anteater (Anteater tetradactyla). The black urchin is listed as an endangered species and the ocelot vulnerable to extinction in Bahia. In 2019, the frequent use of suspended crossings by two species was observed: the white- tufted tamarin and the yellow hedgehog. Through the monthly monitoring of wildlife passages and the presence of animals on the highway, the CLN team has observed a reduction in the number of incidents involving animals over the years. Wildlife crossing at CLN | Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits | 87 GRI Index 2019 AR invepar#88Sloth Project This is conducted by CLN, in compliance with the Consent Decree (TAC) signed between the concessionaire and the Public Prosecutor's Office. It aims to survey key areas of risk and understand the main threats to the maned sloth, since it is one of the six species threatened with extinction. The species has common on the BA-099 highway, so it is important to act in its preservation. To this end, CLN has instigated research and environmental education initiatives involving the mobilization of specialists and the community to create an Action Plan for the conservation of the species. Sloth Project on CLN Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index | 88 2019 AR invepar#890537 GRU GRU 0753 4378 RUAIRPORT Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits Airport wildlife management The presence of wildlife at airports increases the risk of incidents involving aircraft. In order to mitigate this risk, GRU Airport operates an ongoing wildlife management program at site, including censuses, studies, vegetation control, access control, removal of commonly frequented locales, and transferal of individuals. One of the successful initiatives was the establishment of parameters for maintaining the lawn growth, essential for reducing the presence of birds such as lapwings (Vanellus chilensis) and carcaras (Caracara plancus). Thus, it was possible to reduce bird strikes by over 16% compared to the previous year. Wildlife rescue at GRU Airport | 89 GRI Index 2019 AR invepar#90Outubro/2019 Timing: Desember/2025 ANTT Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits Roots for the Future Project Since 2016 thousands of trees have been planted and cultivated along the Via 040 highway, totaling around 10,000 seedlings by the end of 2018. In 2019 the company established a partnership with the State Forestry Institute (IEF), Goiás State Secretariat for the Environment (Semad-GO) and Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF) to begin a major project, Roots for the Future. During the course of the project, 137 thousand trees have been planted along Via 040: over one hundred thousand seedlings in João Leite State Park, Goiânia (GO); over thirty thousand seedlings in the Paracatu State Park (MG); over five thousand seedlings in Jacques Cousteau Municipal Park, Belo Horizonte (MG); over two thousand seedlings at the Arêdes Ecological Station and Serra da Moeda Natural Monument in Itabirito (MG); and, in Ewbank da Câmara (MG), a forest nursery was created with an annual production capacity of more than twenty thousand seedlings native to the Atlantic Rainforest. By the end of the project, the sites will receive more than 450 thousand new trees. The maintenance of planted areas allows for forest rehabilitation, creating places of natural vegetation, shelter and a source of food for native wildlife, contributing to the preservation of water sources and ensuring water availability for future generations. SE RESTAURAÇÃO FLORESTAL L656 Parque Estadual João Leite VIA 040 Plantio e manutenção de 251712 mudas ativas en 151 ha Condicionantes das Autorizales de Supressão Wegetal boy2018 921/2014 emitidas pela BULMA Concessionária BR-060 (40) Secretaria de Estado de Meio Ambiente e Desenvolviment Sustentável (SEMAD) de estado de Cos - Invepar GOLAS Roots for the Future Project GRI Index | 90 2019 AR invepar#91Highlights CO₂ emissions The transport sector is responsible for about 25% of the global share of total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. As a means of mass transport, subway systems play a huge role in urban mobility and help significantly reduce equivalent CO2 emissions. Besides generating few gases, they prevent potential emissions generated by other types of transport (cars, buses, taxis, vans and motorcycles). In 2019, the Rio de Janeiro metro system prevented a net emission of approximately 70,500 tons of CO2, proving the environmental benefits of the operation. This corresponds to approximately 143 hectares of mature forest in the Atlantic Rainforest or 200 Maracanã Stadiums. Environmental Indicators CREDIT - Necessity avoided by MetrôRio DEBIT - Issued by MetrôRio (Traction energy of trains) RESULT - Liquid waste avoided by MetrôRio Emissions prevented per passenger-km Ratio of tCO2e emission avoided and emissions produced by MetrôRio Cidade Nova - MetrôRio station 2018 2019 93,496 tCO₂e 84,411 tCO₂e 13,273 tCO₂e 13,913 tCO₂e 80,223 tCO₂e 70,498 tCO₂e 26 tCO₂e 24 tCO₂e 7 6.1 Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index | 91 2019 AR invepar#92Rock in Rio 2019 During the festival, Metrô Rio, already a low climate impact solution, reduced emissions from its entire transport system through carbon credits. The credits will contribute to the implementation and operation of the Santa Vitória do Palmar and Chuí Wind Farm, in Rio Grande do Sul. In the previous edition of the festival, Metrô Rio offset GHG emissions in a project to promote the conservation of the Amazon Forest. The action is the result of a partnership with COD. AC19131 AMIGO DO CLIMA METRO RIO ROCK IN RIO 2019 the voluntary environmental Amigo do Clima program, which works with projects to reduce GHG emissions based on international standards. The systematic monitoring and existing initiatives are aimed especially at reducing energy consumption, GHG emissions and responsible water consumption, contributing to improving the Invepar business platform, with excellence and expertise in all matters related to transport infrastructure. CERTIFICADO O PROGRAMA AMIGO DO CLIMA certifica que a INVEPAR E O METRÔRIO compensou as emissões de Gases de Efeito Estufa referentes ao transporte das pessoas que irão utilizar o MetrôRio para chegar até o festival Rock in Rio. Foram compensadas 676 tCO₂e por meio do cancelamento voluntário de créditos de carbono no âmbito do Verified Carbon Standard (VCS), vinculado ao mercado voluntário. Detalhes sobre essa ação de responsabilidade climática podem ser acessados pelo website do programa, utilizando o código de rastreamento AC19131. Belo Horizonte, 23 de Setembro de 2019. Climate Friendly Certificate Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index CLIMATE NEUTRAL NOW C MEASURE REDUCE OFFSET M METRORIO Rockmile Felix Bittencount Felipe Bittencourt Programa Amigo do Clima | 92 20 2019 AR invepar#93Reduction of plastic waste and separation of recyclables in MetrôRio In 2019, the MetrôRio warehouse stopped using plastic bags in the delivery of uniforms and PPE (personal protective equipment). The initiative aims to raise employee awareness of the consumption of materials with low recycling potential and to reduce the environmental impacts caused by the operation. Also in 2019, MetrôRio revised some processes in its workshops and implemented actions to increase the separation of recyclable waste as an energy source. With these measures it was possible to reduce the volume of hazardous waste generated in the workshops in 2019. LED lighting at Lamsa results in energy savings and greater road safety Ecological asphalt Use of renewable technology from Ecological Asphalt, known as Foam Asphalt, to reshape the Cart surfacing. In addition to delivering a more durable asphalt, to last 10 years, according to tests already applied, Cart has reduced the environmental impact of its paving works. These are innovative measures and, in addition to the environmental gain, since the residues are not discarded, guarantee greater durability to the upper floor. The accommodation of the Foam Asphalt at the base of the floor grants more flexibility and, consequently, a reduction of cracks on the lanes. Installation of LED lamps on highways They provide up to 60% savings in electricity compared to traditional light bulbs, in addition to reducing the emission of carbon dioxide (CO2) and greenhouse gases. For drivers and motorcyclists, it means greater driving comfort, increasing road safety. 7742 Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index | 93 2019 AR invepar#94Sustainable Development Goals Achieved in 2019 1 NO POVERTY 3 GOOD HEALTH AND WELL-BEING 4 QUALITY EDUCATION 5 GENDER EQUALITY 8 DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH 10 REDUCED INEQUALITIES 11 SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES 15 LIFE ON LAND 16 PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG 17 PARTNERSHIPS FOR THE GOALS INSTITUTIONS Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits Community Relations (GRI Standards 103-1, 103-2, 103-3, 413-1) Open communication and relationships with communities around the Invepar group assets are pillars that guide social initiatives, improving the development and value of these areas. This mitigates the risk to operations and adds to the positive profile of the group. Through the Invepar Institute, the facilitator of the Invepar group Social Responsibility and Sustainability initiatives, strategic social investment covers four main areas: education, environment, sport and culture, each considered fundamental to the sustainable development of neighboring communities. The initiatives supported by the Invepar group are selected by means of a public announcement, with governance process based on ethics and transparency, aimed at the integrity of and continuous improvement in the use of resources. In 2019, 38 socio-environmental projects were supported, totaling R$ 3.3 million in private social investment, R$ 797 thousand direct resources and R$ 2.5 million incentive resources, which benefited 80 people in 54 communities in six municipalities of the country. Thirteen social projects also benefited 34 thousand people in vulnerable conditions. Social projects and initiatives are part of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and they achieved, in the last year, the following SDGs: 12 RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION QO | 94 GRI Index 2019 AR invepar#95The Invepar Institute develops, in partnership with group company employees, voluntary initiatives to assist social projects, such as the donation of toys, warm clothing, cancer prevention and reemployment programs, to engage them in social causes. For more information on Invepar Social Responsibility initiatives, access the links below: Invepar Institute website (+) Facebook (+) Instagram (+) Social Investments in Numbers $ R$3.3 million invested 51 social initiatives ecriand criando RAD Miti 114 thousand people benefited Invepar group employees participate in "Solidarity Christmas" in the "Recreating Roots" Project Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance DRONES | 95 Credits GRI Index 2019 AR invepar#96Qualidade em foco- Parkames LAMSA s VOUL ONSTRUTORES VE CAMINHC Responsible Attitude and Kindness (Via 040, CLN, Cart and Lamsa) Traffic safety program designed by the Invepar group, based on preventive engineering initiatives, road safety, inspection and education, focused on reducing road accidents. The initiatives of the education project, carried out in partnership with the Invepar Institute, consist of educational activities and campaigns to raise awareness about traffic safety and the welfare of those who live near the highways. Among the educational initiatives carried out, highlights include theatrical presentations, educational monitoring, distribution of kite line antennas, leaflets and booklets. During 2019, 197 initiatives were undertaken, which benefited around 5,000 people. Move Caminhos (MetrôRio and Lamsa) Professional training project for young residents of the communities of Complexo da Maré, Cidade de Deus and União de Del Castilho, through Customer Service certification, focused on road and toll gate station operation, to develop key skills and concepts. With the challenges faced by young people entering the labor market, the Invepar Institute strategy for the training of young in surrounding communities significantly enhances their job prospects. 55 students were trained, with a 95% retention rate and 94% participant satisfaction. The rate of direct employment of young people in the labor market was 30%. Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index Class for students of the professional training project Move Caminhos | 96 2019 AR invepar#97Eco Rede (Lamsa) Environmental education project for state school students in Cidade de Deus, through educational workshops and training for teachers and social and environmental promotion agents. Art Generating Income (Lamsa e MetrôRio) Training in cosmetics, nail painting, handicrafts, braids and turban making for people in the communities of Coelho Neto and Cidade de Deus, to stimulate local enterprise. Tuning the Future with Art (GRU Airport) Socio-educational project to develop experiences and artistic, cultural, sports and leisure activities for young people in the Malvinas community, in Guarulhos, São Paulo, to encourage them to finish their schooling strengthen family and community bonds. Eco Rede Project sponsored by Lamsa, with support from Invepar Institute RIO ECO FREDE RIO Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits G 839 | 97 GRI Index 2019 AR invepar#98Trânsito Legal (CLN) Socio-educational initiative to promote traffic safety, through educational and multidisciplinary activities for residents of Camaçari and Mata de São João, in Bahia. Bora Correr (Cart) Running project for people with visual impairments, in Bauru, São Paulo, focused on inclusion, well-being and self-esteem. Bora Correr Project promotes running for visually impaired people IRON COACH Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits | 98 GRI Index 2019 AR invepar#99Fender ARIA Lifesty Edition of Seja o Astro, an initiative to value talents of the Invepar group Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits Personnel Management (GRI Standards 103-1, 103-2, 103-3, 102-8, 102-41, 401-1, 403-2) É da gente (It's for us!) The project, which started in 2019, contributes to reinforce the sense of belonging and integration of employees in the Invepar group. The launch of É da gente marked the beginning of the construction of a new company culture, focused on valuing people. All internal initiatives are based on six pillars: ATTRACTION, SELECTION AND INTEGRATION You are always welcome here SAFETY AND QUALITY OF LIFE Here we build the best environment CAREER AND DEVELOPMENT Here you will develop and build your future RECOGNITION AND CELEBRATION Here our work has value MANAGEMENT AND RESULTS Here we strive for excellence INFORMATION AND ENGAGEMENT Here information is accessible GRI Index | 99 2019 AR invepar#100Training and development of leaders In 2019 we held the first edition of the Leadership Academy. There have been over ten thousand hours of meetings for leadership development within the group, aimed at current and future management challenges. Among the proposed topics, highlights were self-knowledge and team management activities. 570 professionals participated, including supervisors, specialists, coordinators, managers and directors. As a result, 94% of leaders participated in behavioral training modules, with a 93% satisfaction rate. Feedback: the driver of development The practice of assessing competencies enables progress all around, for the company and the employee. Strengthening employees through regular feedback, career reflection and succession mapping are key tools. The Ciclo de Gente (People Cycle) is an annual program aimed at enhancing employee potential and identifying improvement points. The objective is to promote continuous learning, encourage personal development and value talents, for the long- term sustainability of the business. Employees in the post of analyst and above, of all companies in the group, are eligible. 47 Career Advisory Meetings were held, involving 364 hours of dedicated work. In all, 1,200 professionals were evaluated, about 20% of the workforce. Leadership Academy - meeting of group leaders ories Soul Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index | 10 100 2019 AR invepar#101Family Silver 'Program Vi! - INTERNAL VACANCY' established in 2019 aims to recognize the Invepar group talents. For every new job opportunity, internal appointments are prioritized, after which external candidates are considered. Weekly, the company advertises new jobs in each area and applications are made through the Portal de Gente (Staff Portal). As an example of this valuing of internal talents, we should highlight opportunities for leadership positions: in 2019, 74% were filled internally. vi! VAGAS INTERNAS Welcome Every new hire generates expectations. To meet this demand, the first step is to ensure the new employee is positively welcomed and integrated. The Vem Com a Gente training program for new employees is provided by in-house professionals in this area. Immersion in the organizational culture contributes to a positive environment of integration and interaction. The content was developed by the HR team, standardized for all companies, including an online version. This new format, with a welcome kit, benefited over 600 newcomers in 2019. vi VAGAS INTERNAS Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits Mobilidade faz parte do nosso DNA. invepar GRI Index | Vi! Internal Vacancy Program | 101 2019 AR invepar#102DAMSA Occupational Health and Safety By the end of 2019, we completed the 2nd phase of the 'Safe Attitude Always' program to reinforce the anticipation and perception of risks and reduce accidents. As a result, there was a 12% reduction in serious accidents compared to the previous year. The program includes prevention and awareness activities, including commuting risks, regardless of the means of transport. Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index Lamsa Collaborator | 102 2019 AR invepar#103Open door policy SE GAR PARA COMPAR DESAFIOS E CONQUISTAS The new Invepar Internal Communication system was launched in 2019, restructuring the channels of communication. Internal communication was strengthened and reorganized, separated into specific content groups. The premise was to keep employees fully informed and favor constant, transparent and objective dialogue among teams. Among the channels are: ☐ Our_Information: daily announcements and notices. ■ Our_Week - local: Weekly newsletter distributed in each company. ■ Our_Week - group: Weekly newsletter distributed to the group with news from all companies. Our_Information Board and TV: featuring programs and local group news, updated weekly. ■ Direct From The President: message from the president with more strategic information. ■ Clock in and out alerts: with daily reminders. Coffee Briefing with President Abel Rochinha The leader-team communication events were organized as follows: Coffee briefing with the President: The president holds group meeting every two months. ■ Connect Leadership and Connect Team: The Board of Directors of each company shares sector results, guidance and projects with management on a quarterly basis. Leaders on a team meeting update mission. ■ Meeting of Leaders: Every six months, the Invepar group Executive Board gather all company managers to discuss business scenarios, strategy and objectives. Participants are trusted with sharing content with their teams. Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index | 103 2019 AR invepar#104Total Internal Employees Invepar and Subsidiaries' Third-party Employees 2018 2019 Invepar and Subsidiaries' Job Category Profile 2018 2019 Type of Allocation Presidency 1 1 Under construction 840 1,726 Directors 26 21 Recurrent services 4,845 3,851 Management 86 87 Total 5,685 5,577 Administrative² 1,124 1,369 1. Figures include information from Invepar and subsidiaries (GRU Airport, MetrôRio, Lamsa, CLN, Cart e Via 040) Source: Invepar Operations (Operation and 4,461 4,222 Maintenance) Interns 92 102 Apprentices 146 Total 5,936 133 5,935 Health and Safety Invepar and Subsidiaries' 2018 2019 Profile by gender 2018 2019³ Total Internal Employees 5.936 5.700 Men 4,127 3,945 Women Total 1,809 1,755 5,936 5,700 Total hours worked 9.641.730 10.957.318,57 Accidents Age group profile 2018 2019³ Under 30 1,643 1,192 Number of accidents Accident rate 117 56 12 5,11 Between 30 and 50 Over 50 Total 3,850 4,054 443 454 5,936 5,700 Occupational illnesses Number of occupational 0 0 illnesses Profile by region 2018 2019³ Occupational Illness Rate 0 Bahia 183 181 Minas Gerais 855 843 Days absent Pernambuco 0 0 Number of days absent 2.096 Rio de Janeiro 3,421 3,300 Absence rate 217 1.360,00 124,12 São Paulo 1,477 1,376 Absence Total 5,936 5,700 Absence 1. Figures based on information from Invepar and its subsidiaries (GRU Airport, MetrôRio, Lamsa, CLN, Cart and Via 040). 2. The Administrative category includes coordinators, specialists, supervisors, analysts, assistants and auxiliary staff. 3. Trainees and apprentices were not classified by gender, age group and region. Of the 5,700 employees, 75% are covered by agreements/ conventions. Source. Invepar 1. Figures based on information from Invepar and its subsidiaries (GRU Airport, Metrô Rio, Lamsa, CLN, Cart and Via 040). 2. The 2018 absence rate was adjusted for this edition. Source: Invepar Absence rate Fatalities 628.152 554.585,32 6,51 0 5,06 0 Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index | 104 2019 AR invepar#105Total Internal Employees Associated Companies' Job Category Profile Presidency Directors Third-party Employees Associated Companies' 2018 2019 2018 2019 Type of Allocation 0 3 Under construction 458 84 9 6 Recurrent services 930 333 Management 31 29 Total 1,388 417 Administrative² 251 245 1. Figures based on information from the associated companies CRA, CBN, CRT, ViaRio and VLT. Source: Invepar Operations (Operation and 1,137 1,022 Maintenance) Interns 18 10 Apprentices 54 46 Health and Safety 2018' 20192 Total 1,500 1,361 Associated Companies' Profile by gender 2018 20193 Total Internal Employees 1,174 1,341 Men 593 771 Women 907 570 Total hours worked 2,728,995 3,538,294 Total 1,500 1,341 Accidents Age group profile 2018 2019³ Number of accidents 30 7 Under 30 475 448 Accident rate 11 1.98 Between 30 and 50 939 819 Occupational illnesses Over 50 86 74 Number of occupational 0 0 Total 1,500 1,341 illnesses Profile by region 2018 2019³ Occupational Illness Rate 0 Bahia 363 346 Minas Gerais 0 0 Days absent Pernambuco 152 144 Number of days absent 1,571 56 Rio de Janeiro 985 851 Absence rate 576 15.83 São Paulo 0 0 Absence Total 1,500 1,341 Absence 1. Figures based on information from the associated companies CRA, CBN, CRT, ViaRio and VLT. 2. The Administrative category covers: coordinators, specialists, supervisors, analysts, assistants and auxiliary staff. 3. CBN trainees and apprentices were not classified by gender, age and region. Source: Invepar 1. Figures based on information from the associated companies CBN, CRT, ViaRio and VLT. 2. Figures based on information from the associated companies CRA, CBN, CRT, ViaRio and VLT. 3. The numbers of missed days and absence rate in 2018 were corrected for this edition. Source: Invepar Absence rate Fatalities 21,753 0.79 0 171,671 4.85 0 Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Excellence in Services Supply Management Engineering Management Awards and Recognition Highlights Invepar Airports Invepar Urban Mobility Invepar Toll Roads Risk and Compliance Management Sustainability Management Personnel Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index | 105 2019 AR invepar#106Economic and Financial Performance Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Economic and Financial Performance Invepar Performance Revenues Costs and Expenses EBITDA Results Cash Flow and Indebtedness Other Topics Investments and Divestments Credits GRI Index | 106 2019 AR invepar#107Use máscara. Wear mask #todoscontraovírus GRUASPORT Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Economic and Financial Performance Invepar Performance Revenues Costs and Expenses EBITDA Results Cash Flow and Indebtedness Other Topics Investments and Divestments Credits GRI Index Economic and Financial Performance Invepar Performance (GRI Standards 103-1, 103-2, 103-3, 102-45) In the past six years, the country has experienced a period of poor economic performance. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the last decade registered an average annual growth of 1.4%. This slower pace, especially in the second half of the decade, resulted in key social setbacks, such as a drop in employment and income levels, retraction of investments, low performance in the production sector, as well as damage to confidence levels in the markets and households. This scenario was aggravated in 2020 by the crisis resulting from the Covid pandemic, which negatively impacted the business. This impacted the flow of people, vehicles and cargo, affected by measures adopted by public and private entities, social isolation demands. However, as the pandemic effects were felt in 2020 they were not commented on in this Annual Sustainability Report, whose base year is 2019. More information on this topic can be found Public information to combat Covid-19 at GRU Airport |107 2019 AR invepar#108in "Material Facts" and in the 2020 Interim Financial Statements (ITRS), available on the Company website: (+) The Company Consolidated Financial Statements for the year 2019 noted changes compared to 2018, namely: i) the reclassification of Cart to Assets Held for Sale; and ii) the reclassification of Via 040 to Discontinued Operations. These changes were made in accordance with CPC 23 and CPC 31 and reflect Cart's expected completion of sale within one year, from the fiscal year ending 2019, and the decision to discontinue Via 040 operations, following the publication of Decree No. 9,957 / 2019, which regulates the rebidding procedure for the concession of the BR 040 stretch between Juiz de Fora (MG) and Segment Full consolidation of the results, balance sheet and cash flow Lamsa, CLN Brasília (DF), a corporate object of the Via 040 group. The figures for the fiscal year ending 2018 were adjusted in the 2019 Financial Statements to allow for an adequate comparison. The decision to sell the CRA highway, jointly controlled and financially consolidated according to the principal of equity, did not imply any relevant changes to the Financial Statements for the Fiscal Year ending 2019. Therefore, the consolidated results of the company for the fiscal years ending 2019 and 2018 presented below, in the chapters on Revenue, Costs and Expenses, EBITDA, Financial Results, Cash Flow, and Debts and Investments, were prepared with respect to the income accounts for assets, liabilities and cash flow statements of the group holdings: Lamsa, CLN, Metrô Rio, Metrôbarra and Grupar. Equity Method Consolidation Consolidated in Assets Held for Sale CRT, CRA CBN, ViaRio Cart Consolidated in Discontinued Operations Via 040 Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Economic and Financial Performance Invepar Performance Revenues Costs and Expenses EBITDA Results Cash Flow and Indebtedness Other Topics Investments and Divestments Credits GRI Index A Metrô Rio, Metrôbarra' VLT Carioca GRUPAR² 1. Provides train rental services. 2. Holds 51% of GRU Airport shares. Source: Invepar | 108 2019 AR invepar#109In the chapter on the Result of the Exercise (profit/loss), the results of the fiscal years of holdings such as CRT, CRA, CBN, ViaRio and VLT Carioca are added, as well as the results of Cart, recorded in Assets Held for Sale, and Via 040, reclassified to the Discontinued Operations line. The financial information related to the fiscal years ending 2019 and 2018 are in accordance with the Consolidated Financial Statements audited in 2019. The information related to the fiscal years ending 2017, 2016 and 2015 are held by management. Indicators End-of-period IPCA index End-of-period Dollar rate End-of-period CDI (Interbank Deposit Rate) End-of-period TJLP (Long-term interest rate) Average TJLP for last 12 Months End-of-period TR (Reference Rate) TR average for the last 12 Months Unemployment Rate - Brazil Unemployment Rate - Rio de Janeiro Monthly Survey of Services (PMS - IBGE) 2018 2019 3.75% 6.42% 6.98% 4.31% 14.9% R$ 3.87 R$ 4.03 4.1% 4.40% -31.5% Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board 0.0% 5.57% -20.2% 6.72% 6.20% -7.7% 0.0% Covid-19 About this Report Invepar 0.0% 11.6% 11.8% 15.1% 14.5% -4.0% 97.2 98.8 -0.1% 0.0% Invepar Management 1.7% Cart highways cross the territory of 27 municipalities in midwest São Paulo Economic and Financial Performance Invepar Performance Revenues Costs and Expenses EBITDA Results Cash Flow and Indebtedness Other Topics Investments and Divestments Credits GRI Index | 10 109 2019 AR invepar#110001-2462 23 24% 。 01 02 03 0 12345 237 40% 945 % 56 67% 05 % 241 945.3454 86% % 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 01 52 87,5523 12 32 62% 5.9223 75% 68% 70 936? 4 8 20% 12:45:2017 001350 23.734 002345 23.735 25.92 24 958 85% 145.3 32% 75% Revenues Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Economic and Financial Performance Invepar Performance Revenues Costs and Expenses EBITDA Results Cash Flow and Indebtedness Other Topics Investments and Divestments 2018 2019 3,294.6 3,386.7 326.4 342.0 943.5 1,006.4 2,024.7 2,038.3 2.8% 4.9% 6.7% 0.7% GRI Index Credits The Company Adjusted Net Revenue grew 2.8% in 2019, to R$3.4 billion. The Urban Mobility sector was a highlight with respect to tariff revenues, especially due to the MetrôRio fare adjustment, and in terms of accessory revenues, from innovation and strategic partnerships undertaken during the year, such as Clique Retire, in addition to operating services and the maintenance of Line 4. Revenue from the Airport segment increased by 0.7% over the year, driven by the increase in non-tariff revenues, with emphasis on revenue from property rentals, given the operations of the VIP Room and new hangars, in addition to new stores opened, with contracts from large food groups. We should note that, in 2019, the end of Avianca operations had a key impact on tariff revenues. The drop in cargo volume also impacted this result. The toll gate sector grew by 4.9% compared to 2018. This increase mainly reflects contractual tariff adjustments throughout 2019 and the increase in VEPS (Equivalent Paying Vehicles). Revenue per segment (R$ Million) Adjusted Net Income' Toll Road Revenue Urban Mobility Revenue Airport Revenue 1. Excludes the impact of IFRS related to Construction Revenue Adjusted Net Revenue Breakdown 2019 Toll Roads 10% 60% Urban Mobility 30% Airports | 110 2019 AR invepar#111Airports GRU Airport Tariff Revenue decreased 4.4% in 2019. This reduction is related to Avianca's financial reorganization, with no flights at GRU Airport since April 2019, and to the drop in cargo volume and TAM (Total Aircraft Movement) number. Non-Tariff Revenue increased by 7.5% in relation to 2018, with emphasis on revenues from the new operations of the VIP Room and hangars, stores opened and contracts signed with large food groups, in addition to the increase in car rental services and transportation apps. Toll Roads In 2019, Highway Tariff Revenue increased by 5%, due to the higher number of VEPS recorded throughout the year and contractual tariff adjustments. Urban Mobility The growth in Urban Mobility Tariff Revenue reflects the contractual adjustment of the MetrôRio fair by 7%, from R$ 4.30 to R$ 4.60. The new tariff was authorized in February 2019 by the Regulatory Agency for Public Services Granted for Water, Rail and Metro and Highway Transportation in the State of Rio (Agetransp), based on the concession contract. The increase in Non-Tariff Revenues is linked to innovation programs, campaigns and strategic partnerships over the year, including revenues from cell phone operator antennas and wi-fi routers at stations, floor-area rental and revenue from maintenance contracts and operations with the RioBarra Concessionaire. Adjusted Net Income (R$ Million) 3,386.7 3,294.6 3,044.7 2,888.6 2,717.6 2,024.7 2,038.3 1,765.6 1,649.0 1,624.8 775.6 932.6 960.2 943.5 1,006.4 317.2 307.0 318.9 326.4 342.0 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Airports Revenue per segment (R$ Million) Gross Operating Revenue Tariff Revenues Airports Urban Mobility Toll Roads Non-Tariff Revenues Airports Urban mobility Toll Roads Construction Revenue Gross Revenue Deductions Net Revenue Construction Revenue Urban Mobility Toll Roads 2018 2019 4,143.3 4,370.9 5.5% 3,076.9 3,065.1 -0.4% 1,784.4 1,705.9 -4.4% 938.2 987.3 5.2% 354.3 372.0 5.0% 1,040.8 1,131.8 8.7% 990.2 1,064.5 7.5% 47.7 65.0 36.3% 2.3 174.0 3.0 -23.3% 25.6 n.m, (823.1) (810.2) -1.6% Adjusted Net Revenue' 1. Exclusion of IFRS impact related to construction revenue. Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Economic and Financial Performance Invepar Performance Revenues Costs and Expenses EBITDA Results Cash Flow and Indebtedness Other Topics Investments and Divestments Credits GRI Index 3,320.1 3,560.7 7.2% 25.6 174.0 3,294.6 3,386.7 n.m. 2.8% 111 2019 AR invepar#112Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Economic and Financial Performance Invepar Performance Revenues Costs and Expenses EBITDA Costs and Expenses In 2019, Invepar Administrative Costs and Expenses increased by 7.7%. The increase in Operating costs is explained, in large part, by higher consumption and the adjustment in electricity fees at GRU Airport and MetrôRio. The expenses of asphalt maintenance and vehicle rental at Lamsa also increased. Administrative Expenses increased 29.2% in relation to 2018 due to the recognition of judicial provisions for administrative proceedings related to regulatory issues arising from the normal course of operations. These lawsuits are in progress at the administrative level and the Company has already presented defenses and appeals. The reduction in Personnel Costs and Expenses is explained by the organization restructuring process and activities at GRU Airport, started in February 2018. Asphalt maintenance on Lamsa Results Cash Flow and Indebtedness Other Topics Investments and Divestments Credits Operating Costs and Expenses (R$ Million) Personnel 2018 2019 (521.4) (511.7) -1.9% Conservation & Maintenance Operations (185.5) (146.4) -21.1% GRI Index Administrative expenses (279.0) (379.5) 36.0% Manageable Costs and Expenses (113.6) (146.8) 29.2% Variable Concession Fees (1,099.5) (1,184.4) 7.7% Depreciation and amortization (226.9) (232.3) 2.4% Operating Costs & Expenses (1,056.6) (1,172.4) 11.0% Adjustments 1 Construction Costs (IFRS) (2,383.0) (2,589.2) 8.7% Impairment - VLT (25.6) (174.0) 578.6% Impairment - Cart - (24.0) (25.8) 7.7% (80.2) n.m (197.3) n.m (3,066.6) 26.1% | 112 2019 AR invepar Impairment - VIA 040 - Operating Costs & Expenses Operating Costs & Expenses (2,432.6) 1. Disregards IFRS impacts in relation to construction revenue and costs, assets held for sale, discontinued operations and impairment entries.#113At MetrôRio, staff costs increased due to the collective bargaining agreement and the increase in health care expenses. At Lamsa, staff costs also increased due to the greater volume of highway interventions. The lower Conservation & Maintenance expenses in 2019 are explained, to a large extent, by a series of contractual reviews and renegotiations of varied types of services at GRU Airport, such as waste treatment and collection, cleaning and conservation, maintenance of equipment, air conditioning devices, baggage belts and the electrical system. There was an increase in MetrôRio costs due to higher expenditure on preventive and corrective maintenance of rolling stock, with the beginning of C2 services, carried out when the train covers 960 thousand kilometers. Changes in Adjusted Costs and Expenses (R$ Million) 1,099.5 (9.7) (39.1) 100.5 33.1 1,184.3 2018 Personnel Conservation and Maintenance Operational Administrative Expenses 2019 Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Economic and Financial Performance Invepar Performance Revenues Costs and Expenses EBITDA Results MetrôRio trains | Cash Flow and Indebtedness Other Topics Investments and Divestments Credits GRI Index 113 2019 AR invepar#114Operating Costs And Expenses Adjusted by Segment Toll Roads Urban Mobility 6% Airports 32% 1 Disregarding holding Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Economic and Financial Performance Invepar Performance Revenues Costs and Expenses Adjusted Operating Costs and Expenses increased 8.7% comparing 2019 with 2018. The increase is explained by the Depreciation & Amortization of investments implemented in previous periods and by the higher value of the GRU Airport Variable Grant, proportional to the growth in revenue. Operating costs and expenses include the effects of impairment relating to Via 040 (R$ 197.3 million in 2019), Cart (R$ 80.2 million in 2019) and VLT (R$ 24.0 million in 2018 and R$ 25.8 million in 2019). Intangibles and property, plant and equipment items showing a tendency for recorded costs to be higher than recoverable amounts are reviewed to determine the need for loss recognition to reduce the carrying amount to its realizable amount. In its annual analysis of the corresponding operating and financial performance of its assets, the management identified indicators that could be registered at book value, above the recoverable amount, and therefore were subject to impairment. These assets were impairment tested by comparing the book value with the recoverable amount. Further information can be found in the Company's Financial Statements for the fiscal year ending 2019, available on the Company Investor Relations website: (+) 62% 114 VLT Carioca EBITDA Results Cash Flow and Indebtedness Other Topics Investments and Divestments Credits GRI Index 2019 AR invepar#115EBITDA In 2019, the Company's Adjusted EBITDA grew 0.2%, reaching R$ 2.0 billion with an Adjusted EBITDA Margin of 58.2% (a reduction of 1.5% in relation to the previous year). These results reflect the increase in Net Revenue. EBITDA calculation, according to CVM Instruction, totaled R$1.1 billion in 2019, a reduction of 34.7% compared to 2018. The main reason for this reduction is the registration of the Discontinued Operation of Via 040, which is in an advanced process of re-bidding, and the recognition of impairment. EBTIDA and EBITDA Margin (R$ thousands) Net Income (Loss) (-) Construction Revenue 2019 Non-controlling interests (110,2) (324,0) (1.552,8) 379,3% (518,1) 370,0% Net Financial Results 1.392,6 1.784,2 IRPJ & CSLL (295,5) 236,8 28,1% -180,1% Depreciation and Amortization 1.056,6 1.172,4 EBITDA ICVM 1.719,5 1.122,5 EBITDA Margin 51,8% 31,5% 11,0% -34,7% -20,3 p.p (25,6) (174,0) n.m (+) Construction Costs 25,6 174,0 n.m (-) Assets for Sale - Cart 90,0 (8,4) -109,3% (+) Discontinued Operations - VIA 040 134,4 554,6 312,6% (+) Impairment VLT 24,0 25,8 7,7% (+) Impairment - Cart 80,2 n.m (+) Impairment - VIA 040 197,3 n.m Adjusted EBITDA' Adjusted EBITDA Margin' 1.968,0 59,7% 1.972,0 0,2% 58,2% -1,5 p.p 1. Disregards IFRS impact in relation to construction revenue and costs, results of assets held for sale, discontinued operations and impairment entries. Adjusted EBITDA (R$ Million) 92.1 84.8 1,968.0 Changes in Adjusted EBITDA (R$ Million) (5.5) 2.2 1,968.0 1,972.0 1,972.0 59.7% 1,650.9 58.2% 1,543.5 1,424.9 54.2% 53.4% 52.4% 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2018 Adjusted EBITDA Margin Adjusted EBITDA Net Admin. and Variable revenue Expense Costs Concession Fees Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Economic and Financial Performance Invepar Performance Revenues Costs and Expenses EBITDA Results Cash Flow and Indebtedness Other Topics Investments and Divestments Credits GRI Index Equity 2019 | 115 2019 AR invepar#116Results (GRI Standards 201-1) Net Financial Results The 2019 Net Financial Result was negatively affected by expenses updated to present value (AVP) related to the GRU Airport Fixed Grant, adjusted by the IPCA. This was also impacted by the increase in the monetary variation of the debt indexed to the IPCA, and by higher commissions, mainly related to the structuring of the General Debenture Holders of the subsidiaries Cart and Metrôbarra; and the respective waiver fee payment to debenture holders, added to the discount of the 5th debentures issue of Invepar. This result partially offset the higher cash scenario, which increased the profitability of financial investments. At the end of 2019, the GRU AVP represented approximately 50% of the Company Net Financial Expenses. Financial Revenue GRU Airport, voted the fourth most efficient airport in the world Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Economic and Financial Performance Invepar Performance Revenues Costs and Expenses EBITDA Results Cash Flow and Indebtedness Other Topics Investments and Divestments Credits Financial Income (R$ Millions) 2018 Financial Income (1,392.6) 2019 (1,784.2) 28.1% GRI Index 252.5 503.6 99.5% Interest 118.6 132.7 12.0% Foreign exchange and monetary variations Hedging operations 15.2 13.8 -9.3% 118.7 357.1 n.m Financial Expenditure (1,645.1) (2,287.8) 39.1% GRU Concession PV Restatement Interest (757.7) (887.0) 17.1% (752.3) (732.9) -2.6% Foreign exchange and monetary variations Hedging operations (21.8) (79.5) 265.9% (100.1) (461.6) 361.5% Other (13.2) (126.8) 867.9% | 116 2019 AR invepar#117Annual Income Invepar ended 2019 with a Net Loss of R$ 1.6 billion. This result includes the result of Discontinued Operations, with a loss of R$ 554.6 million, the recognition of impairment of Via 040, VLT and Cart to the sum of R$ 303.3 million, and the non-cash effect of AVP of GRU Airport's Fixed Grant. The worsening of the Net Financial Result, as explained in the previous chapter, and the increase in deferred IRPJ and CSLL in GRU Airport also influenced this result, due to the review of the tax base and decreased likelihood that the deferred tax assets will be recovered. Net Financial Expenditure × PV Restatement Fixed GRU Concession in 2019 GRU Concession PV Restatement 50% 50% Annual Income (R$ Million) Profit/Loss for the Year Other Net Financial Expenses 2018 (324.0) 2019 (1,552.8) 379.4% Changes in Annual Income, 2019 (R$ Million) 1,972.0 (671.7) (897.2) (500.7) 518.1 (303.3) (236.8) (554.6) (665.8) (1,552.8) 8.4 (887.0) Adjusted EBITDA, 2018 Fixed GRU Concession Amortization Financial Income (except GRU Fixed Concession PV rest.) Depreciation & Amortization (except GRU Fixed Concession amort.) Income Tax Non-controlling & Social Interests Contributions IFRS adjustments Discontinued and Impairment Operation Asset for Sale Result before GRU Fixed Concession PV rest. Fixed GRU Concession Loss 2019 PV rest. Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Economic and Financial Performance Invepar Performance Revenues Costs and Expenses | 117 EBITDA Results Cash Flow and Indebtedness Other Topics Investments and Divestments Credits GRI Index 2019 AR invepar#1181262.28 170 160 150 140 130 120 125- 110- D 3457.71- Mon Tue Wed Thu Sa Cash Flow and Indebtedness Cash Flow For the past year, Invepar cash generation stood at R$ 445.5 million, ending 2019 with a final cash balance of R$ 0.7 billion. The balance of Financing Activities in 2018 includes debt amortizations and the payment of GRU Grant, taking away from the flow generated through operating activities. 1,468.2 Cash Flow (R$ Million) (395.7) 1,109.2 18632 00 Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Economic and Financial Performance Invepar Performance Revenues Costs and Expenses EBITDA Results Cash Flow and Indebtedness Other Topics Investments and Divestments Credits GRI Index (1,518.0) Final Cash Balance Operating Activities Investing Activities Financing Activities 2018 663.8 Final Cash Balance 2019 | 118 2019 AR invepar#119Indebtedness The 2019 Net Debt was 17.5% below that recorded in 2018. The Company has been restructuring its financial liabilities, taking strategic measures compatible with the Group structure and business plan. At the end of 2019, the Total Net Debt of the Invepar group, considering the values of Cart and Via 040, was R$ 8.7 billion, about 10% higher than 2018, due to the lower cash scenario. Debt Composition per Indexer TJLP Cash assets and Debts (R$ Millions) Gross Debt Short term Loans and Financing Debentures Long Term Loans and Financing Debentures Cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents Financial investments Net Debt Adjusted EBITDA¹ Contents Message from the CEO 2018 (9.296,1) 2019 Message from the Board (7.448,0) (2.246,9) -19,9% (687,9) -69,4% (1.264,3) (276,3) -78,2% (982,7) (411,5) -58,1% (7.049,2) (6.760,1) -4,1% (3.297,3) (2.786,0) -15,5% (3.752,0) (3.974,2) 5,9% Financial Performance 1.380,0 914,2 -33,7% 1.109,2 663,8 -40,2% 270,8 250,4 -7,4% Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Economic and Invepar Performance Revenues Costs and Expenses (7.916,1) (6.533,8) -17,5% EBITDA IPCA Net Debt / Adjusted EBITDA' 1.968,0 4,0 1.972,0 0,3% 3,2 -25,0% 36% 38% TR 1. Disregards IFRS impact in relation to construction revenue and costs, results of assets held for sale, discontinued operations and impairment entries. 18% CDI 8% Results Cash Flow and Indebtedness Other Topics Investments and Divestments Credits GRI Index 8,465 Net Debt and Net Debt/Adjusted EBITDA (R$ Million) 7,916 6,534 CP 5.9 5,923 5,157 Amortization Schedule 2019 (R$ Million) 687.9 2021 4.0 3.6 3.3 3.2 2022 850.7 2023 854.5 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2024+ Net Debt Net Debt/Adjusted EBITDA 2,315.0 2,740.0 | 119 2019 AR invepar#120Other Topics In 2019, the Company and its subsidiaries Cart and Metrôbarra held General Debenture Holder Meetings (AGD) so that the early maturity of debentures would not be declared. The necessity for waiver of debenture holders occurred after the rating reviews carried out on February 11, 2019 by the risk rating agency S&P Global Ratings, namely: ■From 'B' to 'CCC+': issuer ratings on Invepar Global scale; ■ From 'brA-' to 'brBB-': nationwide issuer ratings for Invepar and its subsidiaries Cart and Metrôbarra, and for the 3rd and 4th debentures issues for Invepar, the 2nd for Cart and the 3rd for Metrôbarra. Cart -Auto Raposo Tavares Concessionaire Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Economic and Financial Performance Invepar Performance Revenues Costs and Expenses EBITDA Results Cash Flow and Indebtedness Other Topics Investments and Divestments Credits GRI Index | 120 2019 AR invepar#121The decision aimed at avoiding the early expiry of the debentures was taken in AGDs on the following dates: ■ March 26, 2019: the 3rd issue of Invepar; April 2, 2019: 4th issue of Invepar; June 5, 2019: 2nd issue of Cart; and April 29, 2019: 3rd issue of Metrôbarra The approvals for the non-declaration of the early maturity of the debentures of Cart and Metrôbarra occurred with respect to, among other conditions, the payment of a waiver fee, without renegotiation of fees. More information can be found in note 13 of the 2019 Consolidated Financial Statements. On November 8, 2019, the risk rating agency Moody's Corporation changed the risk rating assigned to Lamsa's 2nd private issue of debentures, controlled by the Company, from 'B1' to 'B3' on a global scale and from 'Baal. br 'to' on a national scale, enabling the activation of the early maturity clause of this debenture. Lamsa and Invepar are in negotiation with the sole creditor of this issue to carry out an AGD and obtain a waiver. Up until publication of the Management Report, there was no indication that Lamsa and Invepar would not be successful in these negotiations. Check financial statements on the Invepar website (+) Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Economic and Financial Performance Invepar Performance Revenues Costs and Expenses EBITDA Results Cash Flow and Indebtedness Other Topics Investments and Divestments Credits GRI Index Aerial view of the Lamsa toll gate station 121 2019 AR invepar#122Investments and Divestments In 2019, investments amounted to R$ 284.8 million. In Toll Roads, it is important to highlight investments in asphalt resurfacing, LED lighting, conservation of slopes and road signs. In the Urban Mobility segment, highlights include the revitalization of rolling stock and trains, maintenance of equipment and improvements at MetrôRio stations. In GRU Airport, investments were facilitated by increased revenues at the Passenger Terminals and the expansion of the storage capacity at TECA. 1,585 CAPEX (R$ Million) Aerial view of the Lamsa toll gate station 401 188 247 285 Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Economic and Financial Performance Invepar Performance Revenues Costs and Expenses EBITDA Results Cash Flow and Indebtedness Other Topics Investments and Divestments Credits GRI Index 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 | 122 2019 AR invepar#123On May 10, 2019, the Company announced as a material fact, that it had hired a financial advisor to assist in the search for potential investors for the acquisition of Concessionaire Auto Raposo Tavares S.A. - Cart. On December 19, 2019, Invepar signed, with Infraestrutura Brasil Holding II SA, controlled by Pátria Infraestrutura III Coinvestimento - Investment Fund in Multi-Strategy Participations, the Share Purchase and Sale Agreement (SPA). After the fulfillment of the prior conditions foreseen in the SPA, including the approvals of creditors and of the regulatory agency for road concessions in the State of São Paulo, ARTESP, on April 30, 2020, the Company concluded the sale of its stake in Cart. CLN Urban mobility MetrôRio Contents Investments (R$ Million) 2019 Toll Roads Lamsa 20,9 Message from the CEO 15,4 Message from the Board 5,5 Covid-19 142,3 126,6 15,8 116,0 116,0 5,5 284,8 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Economic and Financial Performance Invepar Performance Revenues Costs and Expenses Metro Barra Airports GRU Airport Holding Total Investments' Capitalization of Financial Income Other Non-Cash Effects Construction Margin GRU Concession Fees 1. Investment recorded in terms of cash flow, excluding GRU Airport fixed concession fees and other non-cash effects, in order to approximate the maximum financial investment. Breakdown of Investments by Segment 31,0 EBITDA Results 247,4 Cash Flow and Indebtedness Other Topics Investments and Divestments Credits GRI Index 1.9% 50.0% 7.3% 40.7% Toll Roads Urban Mobility Airports Headquarters | 123 2019 AR invepar#124Credits (GRI Standards 102-53) Organized by Sustainability and Communication, Investor Relations and Environment Teams [email protected] [email protected] Photographs Invepar Image Bank Getty Images Graphic Design and Text Layout Estúdio Pictograma Invepar on Social Networks O@grupoinvepar in We would like to thank all the collaborators involved in the preparation of this publication. Aerial image of CLN Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits Credits | GRI Index | 124 2019 AR invepar#125GRI Index Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index General Disclosures Economic Performance and Anti-corruption Environment Labor Practices and Local Communities | 125 2019 AR invepar#126GRI Index (GRI Standards 102-55) GRI Topic General Disclosures Page(s) Global Compact SDG 102-1 Name of the organization 14,15 102-2 Activities, brands, products and services 14,15 102-3 Location of headquarters 14,15 102-4 Location of operations 14, 15 102-5 Ownership and legal form 14, 15 102-6 Markets served 14,15 102-7 Size of organization 14,15 8 DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH 102-8 Information on employees and other workers 99 + 102-9 GRI 102 General Supply chain 31 RESPONSIBLE 12 CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION Q Disclosures 102-10 Significant changes to the organization and its supply chain 31 PEACE, JUSTICE 16 AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS 102-11 Precautionary Principle or approach 31 102-12 External initiatives 102-13 Membership of associations 102-14 Statement from senior decision-maker 102-16 Values, principles, standards and concerns about ethics 102-18 Governance structure 21 14, 21, 82 05 10 20 21 22 PARTNERSHIPS FOR THE GOALS 17 PARTNERSHIPS FOR THE GOALS 16 PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS 16 PEACE, RUSTICE AND STRONG Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index General Disclosures Economic Performance and Anti-corruption Environment Labor Practices and Local Communities | 126 2019 AR invepar#127GRI Topic General Disclosures 102-41 Collective bargaining agreements 102-45 Entities included in the consolidated financial statements 102-46 Defining report content and topic boundaries 102-47 List of material topics Page(s) Global Compact SDG 99, 104 DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH 107 12 13 12 102-48 Restatements of information 12 GRI 102 General Disclosures 102-49 Changes in reporting 102-50 Reporting period 12 12 11 102-53 Contact point for questions regarding the report 124 102-54 Claims of reporting in accordance with the GRI Standards 11 102-55 GRI content index DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH M Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index General Disclosures Economic Performance and Anti-corruption Environment Labor Practices and Local Communities 126 | 127 2019 AR invepar#128GRI Topic Economic Performance 103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its boundary Page(s) Global Compact SDG 107 GRI 103 Management 103-2 Approach The management approach and its components 107 GRI 201 Economic Performance 103-3 Evaluation of the management approach 107 PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS DECENT WORK AND 201-1 Direct economic value generated and distributed 116 ECONOMIC GROWTH M Page(s) Global Compact SDG GRI Topic Anti-corruption 103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its boundary 79 GRI 103 16 PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS Management 103-2 Approach The management approach and its components 79 GRI 205 Anti-corruption 103-3 Evaluation of the management approach 79 10 205-1 Operations assessed for risks related to corruption 81 Communication and training about 205-2 anti-corruption policies and procedures 79 19 10 AUCATION QUALITY PEACE, JUSTICE 16 AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index General Disclosures Economic Performance and Anti-corruption Environment Labor Practices and Local Communities | 128 2019 AR invepar#129GRI Topic Environment - Energy Page(s) Global Compact SDG 103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its boundary 46, 57, 76, 77, 82 GRI 103 Management 103-2 PEACE, JUSTICE 16 AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS The management approach and its components 46, 57, 76, 77, 82 Approach 103-3 Evaluation of the management approach 46,57, 76, 77, 82 AFFORDABLE AND CLEAN ENERGY RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION GRI 302 Energy AND PRODUCTION 302-1 Energy consumption within the organization 46, 57, 58, 76, 77 8 GRI Topic Environment - Water Page(s) Global Compact SDG 103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its boundary 46,57, 76, 77, 82 GRI 103 Management 16 PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS 103-2 The management approach and its components 46, 57, 76, 77, 82 Approach 103-3 Evaluation of the management approach GRI 303 Water 303-1 Water withdrawal by source 46, 57, 76, 77, 82 46, 57, 58, 76, 77, 83 CLEAN WATER 6 AND SANITATION GRI Topic Environment - Biodiversity Page(s) Global Compact SDG 103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its boundary 85 GRI 103 Management 103-2 Approach PEACE, JUSTICE 16 AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS The management approach and its components 85 103-3 Evaluation of the management approach 85 GRI 304 Biodiversity Invepar Number of animal crossings created and adapted on the roads administered by Invepar LIFE ON LAND 85 Indicator Preservation and forest rehabilitation Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index General Disclosures Economic Performance and Anti-corruption Environment Labor Practices and Local Communities | 129 2019 AR invepar#130GRI Topic Environment - Emisssions Page(s) Global Compact SDG 103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its boundary 46, 57, 76, 77,82 GRI 103 Management 103-2 The management approach and its components 46, 57, 76, 77,82 16 AND STRONG PEACE, JUSTICE INSTITUTIONS Approach 103-3 Evaluation of the management approach 46, 57, 76, 77, 82 305-1 Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions GRI 305 Emissions 46,57, 76, 77 12 RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION 305-2 Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions 46,57, 76, 77 GRI Topic Environment - Effluents and Waste 103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its boundary Page(s) Global Compact SDG 46,57, 76, 77, 82 PEACE, JUSTICE GRI 103 Management 103-2 Approach 16 AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS The management approach and its components 46,57, 76, 77, 82 K 103-3 Evaluation of the management approach 46,57, 76, 77, 82 GRI 306 Effluents and Waste 306-2 Waste by type and disposal method 46, 57, 58, 76, 77 CLIMATE ACTION RESPONSIBLE 12 CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION со GRI Topic Environment - Environmental Compliance Page(s) Global Compact SDG 103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its boundary 85 GRI 103 16 PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS Management 103-2 Approach The management approach and its components 85 103-3 Evaluation of the management approach 85 GRI 307 PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS Environmental 307-1 Compliance Non-compliance with environmental laws and regulation 85 Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index General Disclosures Economic Performance and Anti-corruption Environment Labor Practices and Local Communities | 130 2019 AR invepar#131Labor Practices - Employment GRI Topic 103-1 GRI 103 Management 103-2 Approach Explanation of the material topic and its boundary The management approach and its components 103-3 Evaluation of the management approach GRI 401 Employment GRI Topic GRI 103 401-1 New employee hires and employee turnover Labor Practices - Occupational Health and Safety 103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its boundary Management 103-2 Approach The management approach and its components 103-3 Evaluation of the management approach GRI 403 Occupational 403-2 Health and Safety GRI Topic Hazard identification, risk assessment, and incident investigation Labor Practices - Training and Education 103-1 GRI 103 Management 103-2 Approach GRI Topic Explanation of the material topic and its boundary The management approach and its components 103-3 Evaluation of the management approach Local Communities 103-1 GRI 103 Management 103-2 Approach Explanation of the material topic and its boundary The management approach and its components 103-3 Evaluation of the management approach GRI 413 Local 413-1 Communities Operations with local community engagement, impact assessments, and development programs Page(s) Global Compact SDG 99 99 99 99 PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS K DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH Page(s) Global Compact SDG 99 99 99 99 99 16 PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS Page(s) Global Compact SDG 99 99 PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS 99 Page(s) Global Compact SDG 94 94 94 94 E PEACE, JUSTICE 16 AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS GOOD HEALTH 3 AND WILL-BEING W 10 REDUCED INEQUALITIES SUCCAMABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES HA 12 RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION Contents Message from the CEO Message from the Board Covid-19 About this Report Invepar Invepar Management Economic and Financial Performance Credits GRI Index General Disclosures Economic Performance and Anti-corruption Environment Labor Practices and Local Communities | 131 2019 AR invepar

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