Apollo Global Management Investor Day Presentation Deck slide image

Apollo Global Management Investor Day Presentation Deck

Minimal Credit Losses Historically and During COVID-19 ● DISCIPLINED RISK APPETITE ● Risk appetite is to avoid a credit rating downgrade in a typical "recession" scenario, and maintain an investment grade credit rating in a "deep recession" scenario like 2008/2009 • Risk management is deeply embedded in all business decisions and processes The enterprise risk appetite is established using stress testing and is cascaded to the business through risk limits Constant communication with rating agencies and reinsurance counterparties HISTORICAL CREDIT LOSSES¹ 12 bps LOWER IMPAIRMENTS 9 bps 5 YEAR AVERAGE Industry Average 15 bps 12 bps 2020 (COVID) Athene 1. Peer U.S. statutory impairments per SNL Financial, average includes AEL, AIG, AMP, BHF, EQH, FG, LNC, MET, PFG, PRU, VOYA and Transamerica. For Athene, U.S. statutory data adjusted to include impairments and assets in Bermuda. Linked presentations are not incorporated by reference. APOLLO INVESTOR DAY 2021 169
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