Coursera Investor Day Presentation Deck slide image

Coursera Investor Day Presentation Deck

Career Pathways Guided Projects provide hands-on learning using real-world tools • Boost skill development with 3,400+ hands-on, short-form projects in under 2 hours ● Access real world tools via the browser with no setup • Minimal IT resources required with zero download/configuration • Downloadable project portfolio to demonstrate skill mastery to employers Source: Coursera data as of March 9, 2023. ace GQ & 4 28 L Fle Edit Selection View Go Run Terminal Help EXPLORER OPEN EDITORSUNSAVED ✓ SCORES > OUTLINE TIMELINE B Adding one Guided Project to a target course increases completion and retention rates Progress 2 3 scorepy-scoees Visual Studio Code Administrator] score (Int) (Input("Please enter score 0-100:")) if score 58: else: print("pass") print 15 PROBLEMS OUTPUT TERMINAL DESUS CONGOLE 1: cand 1024 x 768 B X +80x Virtual, pre-recorded instructor PRepot an issue Tracked ? Help Challenge Video Settings Instructor E Files Fit (46%) ← 4. Challenge Task: Python Input and Decisions Challenge zation Pass Fail Inspection Score • A food supplier has come up with a numeric scoring system for its products. Any product with a score less than 50 needs to be flagged as failing. If the score is 50 or above, it passes. Psychology earch and Design tistical Programming Leave Session See Challenge Description • Add a new file called in a project folder called scores. Open the folder in Visual Studio Code. Write a python application to assigr a pass/fail grade based on a score. Input the score as an integer. If th score is less than 50, ou vise, output a "pass' message. ate of Employee Nielsen Competitors Marketing coursera Finance Web Development Machine Learning Sales Computer Networking uter Programming 2023 INVESTOR DAY 77
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