Auto Trader Group Mergers and Acquisitions Presentation Deck
The pace of change in the sale and distribution of new cars has never
been greater, requiring a disciplined and bold approach.
Car buyers now expect to be able to do more, or all, of the car buying journey online
Digital disruptors across all parts of the automotive ecosystem are investing at unprecedented levels
The growth of electric vehicles will accelerate as the
business case for existing manufacturers, and the threat
from new entrants becomes clearer
Personal leasing is growing fast. It's a compelling choice.
for buyers considering electric vehicles, but has also
benefited from the reduction in company cars and is
positioned well for a potential move towards usership
Ancillary products are increasingly 'bundled' as part of the
monthly price
Agency models are gaining traction, shifting sales and
customer acquisition to OEMs and digital channels
As supply constraints ease, we believe new car production
will return driven by new and existing OEMs
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