Investor Presentaiton
Health, Safety and Environment (SSMA)
Security capabilities
At Viveo, the job descriptions stipulate the need for training relat-
ed to health, safety, and quality issues, and, for operators, safety
procedures applicable to their workplace. To monitor these training
programs, the Company has a specialized team that guides profes-
sionals regarding the regulatory standards (NRS) necessary for the
activities performed - including the employees of hired third-party
companies. A monthly audit of the system is carried out to identify
workers who require updated training.
The purpose of the SSMA area is to provide care for the health
and safety of people and the environment in order to prevent
diseases, work, and environmental accidents, thus contributing to
the sustainability of the business.
To achieve this purpose with excellence and be a reference in car-
ing for people and the planet, in 2021 the strategy (2021-2025) of
the SSMA area was created and defined as its major objectives to:
Strengthen and evolve SSMA culture;
Meet legal health, safety, and environmental requirements;
Not generate pollution and environmental liabilities in
places where we operate;
Reduce generation and add value to the waste generated
in the business and for the customer;
Zero injuries and occupational diseases requiring leave; and
Value the well-being of the communities within and sur-
rounding the Company's locations.
Fábrica Cremer - Blumenau (SC)
Sustainability Report 2021View entire presentation