Espirito Santo Oil & Natural Gas Yearbook 2021 slide image

Espirito Santo Oil & Natural Gas Yearbook 2021

CHAPTER 3 GOVERNMENT SHARE AND ECONOMIC IMPACTS 41 47 Chapter 3 GOVERNMENT SHARE AND ECONOMIC IMPACTS 愛 The exploration and production of oil and natural gas generate de- mands for goods and services that create a specialized market around them. The consequences are an expansion in the number of compa- nies, qualified jobs, investments and payment of financial compensation, and taxes relative to the exploration of this natural resource. R$ 47.0 billion were paid for oil and natu- ral gas production in Brazil in connection with the government share in 2020 The composition of payments made to the Federal Government, States, and Municipalities was as follows Special 50.8% shares Royalties 48.5% Occupancy 0.6% rate Signing 0.03% Bonus 3.1. Government Share The oil companies bidding in oil and natural gas fields 12 pay finan- cial compensation for exploring a finite natural resource owned by the country 13 referred to as gov- ernment share. In 2020, the production of oil and natural gas in Brazil paid R$ 47.0 billion to the Government Share, an amount allocated to the Feder- al Government States and munic- ipalities. The breakdown of these pay- ments in the country was: 50.8% in special shares (SS); 48.5% in royalties; 0.6% in area occupa- tion or retention fee; and 0.03% in signing bonuses 14. We point out that only the first two are also redirected to State governments and municipalities. In 2020, the amount paid in the government share in Brazil was reduced by 64.4%, compared by the same period in the previ- ous year. This drop was mainly caused by the lower generation of signing bonuses (-99.9%), the amount disbursed by the compa- nies that won the bidding, due to the postponement of ANP auc- tions caused by the Covid-19 pan- demic. Furthermore, there were also reductions in revenues rom government share (-29.7%) and royalties (-6.8%) in the country Overall, Espírito Santo received R$ 2.3 billion in Government Shares in 2020, which corresponded to 5.0% of the total amount in the country. It was the third larg- est share collection among the states, only behind Rio de Janei- ro (R$ 18.7 billion) and São Paulo (R$ 2.5 billion). Of that total, 53.8% was allocated to the Government of Espírito Santo and 46.2% to the municipalities. 12. Companies that win the bidding rounds held by ANP (Law 9.478/1997). 13. Art. 20 of the Federal Constitution. 14. The signing bonus is a government share only destined for the Federal Government.
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