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Investor Presentaiton

= ||| Caring for employees during the pandemic Social management Employees The Viveo Health Center emerged as the company's response to the difficulty faced in many cities to receive medical care during the pandemic and the need to avoid hospitals visits. Thus, the program offers employees medical appointments 100% free of charge, face-to-face or remote (online). In 2021, the program offered medical appointments in pediatrics, general practice, psychiatry, and psychology. For those who live in Blumenau (SC), the appointments took place in person. For the others, the service was provided by telemedicine and both formats were ex- tended to the children of employees. In addition to the reception at the Health Center, the company made available to employees a series of initiatives in order to protect people's health, such as: Hiring an infectious disease doc- tor to provide technical support to the medical and healthcare team of Viveo; Creation of the Salu Hot Line Group: technical support through the instantaneous shar- ing of information between all the company's doctors and the infectious disease doctors of Salu a service platform ded- icated to occupational health; The constant updating of proto- cols and scenarios regarding the development of the pandemic, carried out by our main leaders; > Educational live streams with in- fectious disease doctors; Internal communication and constant engagement on pre- vention measures; Delivery of PPE to collaborators; and > Employee transportation bene- fits. ESG strategy: Working Group for the Generation and Dissemination of Knowledge GRI 103-1; 103-2 Viveo considers the training of health professionals and the guidance of the population to be essential actions for sustainable development. Therefore, it created a working group dedicated to generating and disseminating knowl- edge and sharing relevant and scientifically based information through differ- ent platforms. With the mission of raising awareness, guiding, and training, this WG proposes actions aimed at both the internal and external public - which includes, in addition to clients and health professionals, the general population, which can be guided through informative and educational content on social networks, direct approaches, lectures, participation in seminars, etc. Among the activities carried out in 2020 and 2021, the following stand out: 73 themes mapped out for dissemination — 14 for collaborators and 59 for health professionals; 8,514 views on live streams and awareness talks; and 612 educational approaches on scientific/technical concepts with the at- tendance of approximately 10 thousand health professionals. SAÚDE E BEM-ESTAR 66 viveo Sustainability Report 2021
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