Investor Presentaiton
Project Commitments
Dakota Range III will comply with the PUC's siting requirements, local CUP wind
ordinance requirements and all other applicable laws and rules.
All turbine locations are currently planned to be 1,500 feet or greater from an existing residence,
business, church, or other public building.
Sound levels will not exceed 45 dBA at non-participating and participating occupied residences
Shadow flicker will be less than 30 hours/year at non-participating and participating occupied
residences, unless a waiver is signed.
The project plans to use Aircraft Detection Lighting System (ADLS), if approved by FAA.
Dakota Range III will have Road Use Agreements in place with the counties and townships.
Generally a road use agreement establishes how the Facility will improve and repair roads
before, during, and after construction.
The Facility's design includes safety and control mechanisms which are monitored using a
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition ("SCADA") system. Each turbine is connected to the
SCADA system via fiber-optic cable, which allows the turbines to be monitored in real time by
the O&M staff.
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