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Investor Presentaiton

Securing Democratic & Civil Rights Protecting The Human Rights Defenders In The Environmental Sector Ardi Stoios Braken Deputy Head of Mission Kingdom of Netherlands ERASMUS MUIS From left to right: Joris Ramm (Dutch Embassy Indonesia Diplomat), Ardi Stoios-Braken (Deputy Head of Mission Kingdom of Netherlands), Ririn Sefsani (Team Leader of the Human Rights Defenders Program), Evi Mariani (General Manager of Project Multatuli), Marsya Mutmaihan (ICEL researcher), Ardimanto Adiputro (Vice Director of IMPARSIAL - The Indonesian Human Rights Monitor), Ade Wahyudin (Director of LBH Pers), Rifqi S. Assegaf (Director of Democratic, Justice, Governance and Regionalization KEMITRAAN Program) From early 2019 to the end of 2021, KEMITRAAN, supported by the Kingdom of the Netherlands, implemented programs on Environmental Sector Protection of Human Rights Defenders for Sustainable Development in Indonesia. The main objective of this program is to promote the protection and security of human rights defenders, especially environmentalists. The program has worked towards policy changes and practices together with increasing community capacity to defend their rights against criminalization. The impact of this project can be illustrated by the following case. In late 2020 the Village of Kenanga, Sungai Liat District, Province of Bangka Belitung 66 Islands, six residents were imprisoned and sentenced to one month in prison in relation to protesting about the air pollution and stench arising from a tapioca plant waste operating near the community. This case of criminalisation of protest constituted an example of a strategic lawsuit against public participation (SLAPP) intended to discourage public expressions of opposition. Through this project KEMITRAAN was able to support these residents appeal to the provincial High Court to seek their acquittal. This appeal process, also supported by ICEL (Indonesian Center for Environmental Law), was successful with all six being acquitted of charges. ICEL Director Raynaldo G. Sembiring appreciated the support of KEMITRAAN in this case. He hoped that KEMITRAAN can continue to support legal assistance for SLAPP victims so that there will be more fair Anti-SLAPP court decisions. In addition, he said, "KEMITRAAN also needs to participate in advocating changes to its procedural law, especially the Criminal Procedure Code to prevent SLAPP as early as possible." -Raynaldo G. Sembiring 46 | KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 99 Photo: doc. GB During the closing ceremony of the program on January 27, 2022, Ardi Stoios Braken, Deputy Head of Mission, the Netherland Embassy, gave a speech on collaborating with KEMITRAAN. "KEMITRAAN and human rights defenders and journalists they work with, help the government to account. They provide information on how government decisions and actions impact real people on the ground, and tell them when and where the things could be improved upon." "Human Rights Defenders that we have seen in KEMITRAAN's project that we put on the spotlight today are not only lending their ears to the government, but they are also the eyes for the government. They report on when people, companies, or the government itself might be singing out of tone. In a vast country like Indonesia, it is important to build and strengthen the capacity to do so in the different corners of the country. So, the data can be transparent and open about what is happening in all the archipelagos from Sabang to Merauke, from Sumatra island to Papua. When civil society speaks, it is important for the government to listen." "KEMITRAAN and the Netherlands are long-standing partners. Since reformasi, KEMITRAAN has been playing an indispensable role in helping to build a democratic, transparent and tolerant Indonesia. The Netherlands are glad to be part of that." 99 KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 | 47 447
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