Investor Presentaiton
Investec Dual-Listed Company structure
Southern African operations
Investec Ltd
Non-Southern African operations
Investec plc
LSE primary listing
JSE secondary listing
A2X secondary listing
JSE primary listing
NSX secondary listing
BSE secondary listing
A2X secondary listing
Investec Bank plc
Investec Bank
Investec Wealth
and Investment
(Pty) Ltd
Investec plc and Investec Limited are
separate legal entities and listings, but
are bound together by contractual
agreements and mechanisms
Investec operates as if it is a single
unified economic enterprise
Shareholders have common economic
and voting interests as if Investec plc and
Investec Limited were a single company
Creditors, however, are ring-fenced to
either Investec plc or Investec Limited as
there are no cross-guarantees between
the companies
Investec Wealth & Investment Limited
All shareholdings are 100%. Only main operating subsidiaries are indicated.View entire presentation