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Investor Presentaiton

Stakeholders Consumer Engagement and relationship initiatives Hold meetings, forums and commercial events with customers during the course of the year. Provide a channel for consumer complaints on the Eldorado Brasil website. Monitor and manage concerns raised by business partners. Main concerns raised This information is confidential. Ensure a regular agenda with Government and industry associations NGOs and Forums Suppliers Shareholders and investors A schedule of periodic meetings, working with partners on infrastructure and centers to receive requests. Regular participation in working groups and surveys to create improvements for the region. Participate in meetings, forums and industry and NGO working groups to discuss public policies and topics relevant for industry development, seeking sustainable development. We are members of the WWF MS Forum, and signatories of the UN Global Compact and the Brazil Climate Coalition. We are members of Instituto Ethos de Empresas e Responsabilidade Social, and active members of FSC International, IBÁ - Indústria Brasileira de Árvores, ABTCP (the Brazilian Pulp and Paper Association), REFLORE (the Association of Mato Grosso do Sul Reforestation Companies) and IPEF (Institute for Forestry Studies and Research). We manage our entire supply chain. Our suppliers are committed to best socioenvionmental practices, in line with our Code of Conduct and Brazilian and international legislation. Maintain close and frequent relationships with our stakeholders, primarily via phone or video-calls (Microsoft Teams). We manage concerns reported by stakeholders and share information on our business results and operating performance. government and institutions to maintain transparent and ethical relationships. Increasingly contribute to sustainable development, creating jobs and income for society, always responsibly using natural resources in our production processes. We strive to maintain close dialog with NGOs, sharing information about our processes and their potential positive or negative impact, keeping an open communication channel. Regarding associations, we are active participants in these forums, seeking to improve our processes and share experience with other industries. Maintain an active supply chain for services, products and materials for production. Maintain transparency around and provide disclosures about our results and performance across the economic, environmental, social and governance dimensions. Stakeholders Employees Forestry Partners Engagement and relationship initiatives Periodic communications on results, collective bargaining agreements, internal communications via our intranet, internal memos, periodic newsletters, PA systems on shuttle buses, and visual management dashboards. Training and skills building, communication of job openings and internal recruiting, compensation and benefits. Offering performance incentives such as rewards for innovation projects and variable compensation programs. Monitoring concerns reported by employees to ensure the continued growth and development of our workforce, while also improving quality of life for our people and their families. An annual meeting and telephone contact with our forestry partners. Main concerns raised Continuously engaging with employees, supporting their growth and development, providing regular employee training, improving quality of life and safety. Creating employment and income. Maintaining active communications channels with forestry partners, maximizing the yields of planted forests on our properties, and maintaining long-term contracts as a consistent source of revenue for partners. 88 Eldorado Brasil Sustainability Report 2022 Foreword The Eldorado Way Corporate Governance Planet Stewardship People GRI Content 89 Index
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