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Investor Presentaiton

||| Social management Employees Health awareness Health promotion programs for employees aim to provide information on this top- ic, prevent injuries and occupational diseases and support the health conditions of employees. In 2021, Viveo built the Health Center, in Blumenau (SC) to offer face-to-face and remote care to all its employees free of charge. Led by a mul- tidisciplinary team doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, ergonomists, and speech therapists the new space enables the provision of care in the following areas: - General Practice: Diagnosis, the request and evaluation of tests and pre- scriptions; Pediatrics: Non-emergency care for children; Psychology: Psychological complaints and coping with stress and anxiety: Psychiatry: Treatment and follow-up of mental disorders; Physiotherapy and ergonomics: Care for pain prevention and job adap- tation; Orthopedic: Specialized clinical care in musculoskeletal complaints; and Integrative Therapies: Alternative treatments validated by SUS. viveo 64 Sustainability Report 2021 Blumenau Health Center (SC) ka VE Blumenau Health Center (SC) Cuida cada é noss ão Sir Centro de faled Caca vida importa ingridade vem em primeiro lug Pensar de forma integrada nos fo Simplificar é nosso papel Nas construímos o futuro da saúde viveo
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