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Investor Presentaiton

The UPI FPBS Education University THE 7th ICOLLITE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LANGUAGE, LITERATURE, CULTURE, AND EDUCATION Cultural Dimensions of the Personal Legend of the Bengkulu Society The idea of culture is based on Clyde Kluckhohn's thesis of universal cultural components, which includes elements of language, knowledge systems, social structures, living equipment and technological systems, livelihood systems, religion, and the arts. Additionally, it is examined in light of cultural values, which can be broken down into five categories: relationships with God, nature, society, other people, and oneself (Yusliyanto, A., 2019). Story quote: Ia tahu bahwa segala kesaktian dan ilmu kanuragan yang dimilikinya belumlah sempurna sebelum berhasil memenukan jati dirinya. Dalam semedi itu, ia menyadari bahwa di atas langit terdapat langit yang jauh lebih tingi. Di bawah bumi masih terdapat bumi yang lebih dalam. Di atas orang yang sakti dan berkuasa masih ada yang lebih sakti dan berkuasa. Dialah Yang Maha Kuasa (BR//172). Faculty of Language and Literature Education | Indonesian University of Education
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