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Investor Presentaiton

Prada Camtos de Ferro Phi -Estrada Percipan Fronteras memo oneras Regiona Aeroportos Pncipas Capital Cidade Principes Out Calad 1. Brief country overview • Located in the western African coast, Guinea-Bissau has a total surface of 36 125 m² and an estimated population of 1 842 564 inhabitants. Approximately 58% of the population lives in rural areas and 40% are aged under 14. Administratively, The country is divided in 8 regions and the autonomous sector of Bissau, which is the capital city. The Human Development Index is low, ranking 178 in 188 countries. The economy is based on the primary sector (agriculture 49%), on services and on international cooperation. Instability characterizes the political context, historically and at the moment. OCEANO ATLANTICO Cacheu Canchungo CACHEU Cuntine SENEGAL GUINÉ-BISSAU Bissors Sonaco Contaboel & Gard 00 Bafata GAB Mansoa BAFATA Sambadinca haca Quintame Ossad Enaude Xitole OUNARA Bedanda Guede *Catid TOMBAL Map of Guinea Bissau GUINE National GDP (%), 2016 Serviços 37% Agricultura 49% ORGANIZAÇÃO: ALER Associação Lusofona UNIDO de Energlas ECREEE Renovevels TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE ENERGY APOIO: gef Indústria 14% 7
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