Investor Presentaiton slide image

Investor Presentaiton

BARATTA COPPER & REE PROJECT Wyacca (Cu-Ag) 300,000mE 325,000mE Valley well (Pb-Zn) Baratta Copper Mine Worumba Anticline Birthday Ridge (Cu-Ag) TARUGA -6,475,000mN Napoleon (Cu-Ag-Zn) Holowilina Mount Craig Diapiric Breccia Morgans Creek (REE) Mt Craig TARUGA Copper Project TARUGA 6,450,000mN kilometres GDA 1994 MGA54 Lone Pine (Cu-Co) Windowarta (Cu) Bibliando (Zn-Pb) Baratta Mine EL 6863 Bibliando Diapiric Breccia Windowarta Diapiric Breccia Baratta Springs Eukaby M Baratta STELAR EL 6803 Zinc Prospect Base Metal Prospect Stelar Granted Tenure Copper Prospect Quaternary aeolian sediments Quaternary sediments Holocene sediments Pleistocene sediments Moralana Supergroup Yerelina Subgroup Wilpena Group ABC Range Quartzite Pound Subgroup umberatana Group Yudnamutana Subgroup Burra Group Emeroo Subgroup Diapiric Breccia Baratta Copper Mine Gravity Shells Magnetic Shells EL 6863 и STELAR METALS NORTH EL 6803 Baratta historic Copper Mine active 1896-1904 along 1.5 kilometres strike length Multiple copper soil anomalies along parallel structures extending over 7km strike length Copper mineralisation underlain by dense and magnetic bodies Untested large IP anomaly along strike to the west Rare Earth potential in Bibliando Diapiric Breccia 14
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