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Investor Presentaiton

H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL THREE Eating and Fitness: Injury Prevention SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Prevention and care of injuries related to eating and fitness:- -choking; -consuming dangerous substances; -physical injuries from cuts, burns and falls. Awareness Critical thinking Decision making Problem solving Emergency numbers:- Refusal skills -local ambulance; -police; -parents. Healthy self management Self monitoring First Aid Practices. Prescribe ways to prevent injuries. Role-play actions and behaviours to protect oneself from these hazards. (Preventive measures) Identify emergency numbers. Be aware that emergency numbers should be used responsibly. Identify responsible school personnel and community helpers (doctor, nurse, dentist etc) who are first aid practitioners. Demonstrate first aid practices. Analyzing stories or case studies Identify possible hazards at school and at home. Discussion Pictures Responding to Use emergency scenarios depicting Role playing Stories numbers emergency situations. responsibility. Demonstration Video clips Demonstrating First Follow the correct Aid practices. Resource Interactive lecture. personnel Creating:- procedure in response to specific hazards. -cartoons Critical viewing of video clips. Comic strips -collages -posters Cartoons Art materials Paper LEVEL THREE 100
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