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#1TOGETHER WE ASPIRE, TOGETHER WE ACHIEVE REPUBLIC OF TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO MINISTRY OF EDUCATION PRIMARY HEALTH AND FAMILY LIFE EDUCATION (H.F.L.E.) CURRICULUM Curriculum Development Division January 2006#2H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document Foreword Acknowledgements. Introduction PART ONE: CURRICULUM FOUNDATIONS Philosophy of Education Curriculum Underpinnings Vision. Rationale PART TWO: CURRICULUM CONTENT Regional Standards Goals of H.F.L.E. Intended Leaning Outcomes Curriculum Map TABLE OF CONTENTS i iii V 1 3 4 5 7 8 13 PART THREE: COURSE OUTLINES Level One (Infants Years One & Two) Level Two (Standards One, Two & Three) Level Three (Standards Four & Five). 25 56 86#3H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document FOREWORD The new Primary Health and Family Life Education Curriculum represents a paradigm shift from its predecessor. Unlike the old Curriculum which was biased toward the acquisition of knowledge, the new document focuses on the development of Life Skills for psycho-social competence. Students are expected to acquire these skills through guided learning experiences both within and outside the classroom. The document targets issues related to four (4) thematic areas as mandated by UNICEF in conjunction with the CARICOM Secretariat. These thematic areas are:- Self and Interpersonal Relationships • Sexuality and Sexual Health • Eating and Fitness and • Managing the Environment. These four (4) themes will allow teachers to target the overarching theme which is Health and Wellness. This Curriculum Guide is laid out in three (3) parts which deal with the Curriculum Foundations, the Curriculum Content and the Course Outlines in that order. The Course Outlines are organized in the following three (3) levels:- • Level One Infants Years One and Two. • - Level Two Standards One, Two and Three. • Level Three - Standards Four and Five. i#4H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document Opportunities are provided for teachers to explore a range of pedagogical approaches and alternative forms of assessment designed to facilitate the delivery and assessment of the Health and Family Life Education Programme. Teachers have been trained to implement the curriculum in school-based and regional workshops. It is expected that their experiences, together with this Curriculum Guide will make possible the positive behaviour change manifested through individual and collective social action. Sharon Douglass-Mangroo Director of Curriculum Development January 2006 ii#5H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The Primary Schools Health and Family Life Education Curriculum Document would not have been produced without the commitment, expertise and efforts of several persons. The Ministry of Education of Trinidad and Tobago wishes to express its sincere appreciation to the following persons who were instrumental in the writing of this new Health and Family Life Education Curriculum Document:- Mr. Carlisle Branker Dr. Emmanuel K. Senah Mrs. Aurea Honoré Mr. Clifford Bullock Mr. Trevor Chadee Ms. Whilma Daniel Ms. Jacqueline Headley Ms. Vimla Ramsumair Mr. Theophilus Nedd Ms. Joyce P. Persad Mr. Ramsundar B. Seenath Mr. Rennie Balroop Mr. Roydon Rampersad Mr. George Gunn Ms. Cheryl Park-Wellington Ms. Valerie Kydd Ms. Patricia Williams Curriculum Co-ordinator, Health and Family Life Education. Morals and Values Education Co-ordinator. Curriculum Officer, History/Social Studies. School Supervisor III, Victoria Education District. Curriculum Facilitator, Social Studies (Caroni Education District). Curriculum Facilitator, Social Studies (Tobago Education District). Curriculum Facilitator, Mathematics (Victoria Education District). Curriculum Facilitator, Social Studies (Victoria Education District). Curriculum Facilitator, Social Studies (North Eastern Education District). Curriculum Facilitator, Social Studies (South Eastern Education District). Curriculum Facilitator, Science (Caroni Education District). Teacher, Orange Valley Government Primary School. Teacher, Waterloo Presbyterian Primary School. Teacher, Carapichaima A.C. Primary School. Teacher, Santa Rosa Government Primary School. Teacher, Sangre Grande Government Primary School. Principal (Ag.), Cunapo R.C. Primary School. iii#6H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document Acknowledgement (continued) Mr. Kenny Edwin Ms. Pamela Manjoo Mr. Lakshmana Sharma Ms. Albertha Alexander Ms. Jacqueline Dillon Ms. Jennifer Ewing-Joseph Ms. Patricia Bascombe-Fletcher Mr. Yeon Glasgow Ms. Vashti Badal Ms. Donna Ramjohn-Khan Teacher, Macaulay Government Primary School. Teacher, Cocoyea Government Primary School. Teacher, Ste. Madeleine Government Primary School. Teacher, Castara Government Primary School. Teacher, Scarborough R.C. Primary School. Teacher, Mason Hall Government Primary School. Teacher Educator, Valsayn Teachers College. Teacher Educator, Corinth Teachers College. Teacher, St. Mary's Government Primary School. Teacher, Princes Town Presbyterian #1 Primary School. Special thanks is extended to the secretarial support staff of the Curriculum Development Division of the Rudranath Capildeo Learning Resource Centre and the following agencies who worked diligently to prepare this document for publication:- ▲ UNICEF. ACARICOM Secretariat. ▲ School of Education, University of the West Indies, St. Augustine. ▲ Supervisors in all Education Districts. ▲ Principals of Teachers' Colleges and Primary Schools from which teachers were released to participate. iv#7H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document INTRODUCTION The decision to review, revise and re-design the Primary Health and Family Life Education (H.F.L.E.) Curriculum had its genesis in the 1996 Agreement signed by the Standing Committee of Ministers of Education and Health. At this meeting they re-affirmed their commitment to the strengthening of H.F.L.E. among CARICOM member states. This agreement gave birth to the CARICOM Multi-agency H.F.L.E. Project. This UNICEF led initiative was designed to reach completion through three distinct phases:- Phase I - Development of national H.F.L.E. policies. Phase II - Development of country H.F.L.E. curricula. Phase III - Training of teachers and production of resource materials. By Cabinet Minute No. 1401-2001/16/03 the Government of Trinidad and Tobago approved the National H.F.L.E. Policy. This document was produced by an interim National H.F.L.E. Committee which included:- The Curriculum Officer responsible for H.F.L.E. ❖A UNICEF appointed consultant. ❖ Representatives of the: - • Ministry of Education. • Ministry of Health. • Pan American Health Organisation (P.A.H.O.). • Family Planning Association (F.P.A.). • National Parent Teachers Association (N.P.T.A.). • University of the West Indies (U.W.I.). • Trinidad and Tobago Unified Teachers Association (TTUTA). • Inter-Religious Organization. V#8H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document Introduction (continued) The National H.F.L.E. Policy speaks to, inter alia, the institutionalisation of H.F.L.E. as a key component of the core curriculum throughout all levels of the education system in Trinidad and Tobago. The revised Primary H.F.L.E. Curriculum represents a significant paradigm shift. Unlike its predecessor which focussed heavily on knowledge, the new curriculum has been designed for emphasis on the teaching of valuable life skills as well as imparting knowledge and assisting pupils in acquiring proper attitudes, morals and values. It is hoped that the revised H.F.L.E. Curriculum will give teachers the capacity to provide culturally relevant, gender-sensitive and high quality experiences for our children. These will assist them in becoming psycho-socially competent and closer to that notion of the Ideal Caribbean Person. vi#9H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document PART ONE: CURRICULUM FOUNDATIONS#10H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION The philosophical statements found in the Education Policy Paper 1993-2003 are the foundation for the HFLE Curriculum. The curriculum is based on all the philosophical statements found therein. . That every child has an inherent right to an education which will enhance the development of maximum capability regardless of gender, ethnic, economic, social or religious background. That every child has the ability to learn, and that we must build on this positive assumption. That every child has an inalienable right to an education which facilitates the achievement of personal goals and the fulfilment of obligations to society. That education is fundamental to the overall development of Trinidad and Tobago. That a system of ‘heavily subsidized' and universal education up to age 16 is the greatest safeguard of the freedom of our people and is the best guarantee of their social, political and economic well-being at his stage in our development. That the educational system of Trinidad and Tobago must endeavour to develop a spiritually, morally, physically, intellectually and emotionally sound individual. That ethical and moral concerns are central to human development and survival. Fundamental constructs such as “decency,” “justice,” “respect,” “kindness,” “equality," "love," "honesty" and "sensitivity" are major determinants of the survival of our multi-cultural society. That the parent and the home have a major responsibility for the welfare of the child and that the well-being of the child can best be served by a strong partnership between the community and the school. That the educational system must provide curricular arrangements and choices that ensure that cultural, ethnic, class and gender needs are appropriately addressed. That students vary in natural ability and that schools therefore should provide, for all students, programmes which are adapted to varying abilities and which provide opportunities to develop differing personal and socially useful talents. CURRICULUM FOUNDATIONS 1#11H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document Philosophy of Education (continued) That we must be alert to new research and development in all fields of human learning and to the implications of these developments for more effective teaching and school improvement. That the educational system must be served by professionals who share and are guided in their operations by a set of systematic and incisive understandings, beliefs and values about education in general and its relationship to the development of the national community of Trinidad and Tobago. That there is a need to create and sustain a humanized and democratized system of education for the survival of our democracy. That the democratization and humanization of the educational system are largely contingent on the degree to which the system is professionalized. The nature of educational problems is such that the professional core must be engaged in decision-making with respect to the problems that affect their expert delivery of the services to the clientele and ultimately to Trinidad and Tobago. Professionals must come to experience a real sense of 'control and ownership' of matters educational. That from a psychological perspective, education is a means of looking out beyond the boundaries of the immediate. It can be the viable means which creates individuals with the intellect and capacity to develop and lead societies, communities, villages and/or neighbourhoods and families of the future. It should be responsible to and stimulate the searing human spirit and the emphatic quest for human communication, interaction, love and trust. That learning is cumulative and that every stage in the educational process is as important and critical for the learner's development as what has gone before tit and what is to come. As such we must view educational programming and development in the round, recognizing the importance of every rung on the ladder of delivery by intensifying our efforts throughout the system. CURRICULUM FOUNDATIONS 2#12H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document CURRICULUM UNDERPINNINGS The philosophy and nature of knowledge, the society and culture, the learner and learning theories are curriculum foundations. These underpinnings significantly influence the goals. objectives, teaching/learning strategies and expected outcomes of the programme. The HFLE Curriculum is designed in a behaviour change model to address the challenges of life. Its Life Skills approach is intended to give learners practical experiences which will equip them with the life skills so much needed in today's society, to ensure that they can cope with life's challenges and become responsible, contributing members of society. The Life Skills approach takes its roots in the theories of:- ➤ child and adolescent development; ➤ social learning; problem solving; ➤ problem behaviour; social influence; ➤ cognitive problem solving; ➤ multiple intelligence; ➤ risk and resiliency. Drawing from these theories, the approach is one which attempts to bring authentic experiences into the classroom thereby engaging learners in a programme which places great emphasis on the development and execution of life skills through social action. Its highly interactive nature is meant to provide teachers with strategies which will engage learners of all learning styles. CURRICULUM FOUNDATIONS 3#13H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document VISION The H.F.L.E. Curriculum will strengthen the capacity of teachers to provide high quality, culturally relevant, gender and ethnic-sensitive experiences using a skills-based approach so that pupils may acquire knowledge, skills, attitudes and values to make life-sustaining choices that will result in healthy and productive lifestyles and demonstrate appropriate social action which will support their holistic development. RATIONALE Our society is experiencing accelerating social changes, many of which are impacting negatively on our children and youth who are ill-equipped to cope effectively with these environmental changes. The children and youth of our nation are affected by a number of social, psychological and physical problems. Among the major concerns in Trinidad and Tobago are poverty, teenage pregnancy, juvenile delinquency, HIV / AIDS, substance abuse,, child abuse and neglect, violence, inadequate recreational facilities, lifestyle related diseases and the negative influence of the media and new sub-cultures. As a result of this the H.F.L.E. sectors are advocating that a formal H.F.L.E. Curriculum be the thrust to empower our children and youth with the necessary life skills they need to overcome these social ills. The H.F.L.E. Programme, according to the Draft National Policy on H.F.L.E. for the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, should be planned, comprehensive, life-skills based, child- centred and promote an understanding of the principles which underlie social and personal well-being and foster the development of the competencies and attitudes that make for healthy social and family life. Accordingly, there is need for the implementation of an H.F.L.E. Curriculum with the impetus for positive social action as the major end product resulting from the acquisition of knowledge, values, attitudes and life skills. CURRICULUM FOUNDATIONS#14H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document PART TWO: CURRICULUM CONTENT#15H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document Themes for Life Skills for H.F.L.E. in schools The four (4) thematic areas for H.F.L.E. in school are as follows:- • Self and Interpersonal Relationships. • Sexuality and Sexual Health. • Eating and Fitness. • Managing the Environment. CURRICULUM CONTENT Within the CARICOM Framework for the development of H.F.L.E. Curricula in Schools of the CARICOM member states the following regional standards were derived for each of the four (4) themes. REGIONAL STANDARDS Regional Standards for Self and Interpersonal Relationships 1. Examine the nature of self, family, school and community in order to build strong healthy relationships. 2. Acquire coping skills to prevent behaviours and lifestyles associated with crime, drugs and violence. 3. Respect the rich differences which exist among Caribbean peoples as a valuable resource for sustainable development of the region within the framework of democratic and ethical values. CURRICULUM CONTENT 5#16H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document Regional Standards for Sexuality and Sexual Health 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the concept of human sexuality as an integral part of the total person which finds expression throughout the human life-cycle. 2. Analyze the influence of socio-cultural and economic factors as well as beliefs on the expression of sexuality and sexual choices. 3. Build individual capacity to recognise the basic criteria and conditions for optimal reproductive health. 4. Develop action competence to minimise vulnerability to priority problems including HIV/AIDS, cervical cancer and STIs. 5. Develop knowledge and skills to access age-appropriate sources of health information, products and services related to sexuality and sexual health. Regional Standards for Eating and Fitness 1. Build individual capacity to make healthy eating choices throughout the life-cycle and reduce the risk factors associated with the development of lifestyle diseases. 2. Demonstrate an understanding of fitness, its relationship to good health and the prevention of lifestyle diseases. 3. Analyse the influence of socio-cultural and economic factors as well as personal beliefs and choices related to eating and fitness. 4. Develop action competencies related to eating and fitness for an active healthy lifestyle. 5. Develop knowledge and skills to access age-appropriate sources of information, products and services related to eating and fitness. CURRICULUM CONTENT 6#17H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document Regional Standards for Managing the Environment 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the inter-relationships of a sustainable natural environment. 2. Demonstrate an understanding of the environmental threats to the health and well being of students, families and schools and communities. 3. Analyze the relationship between a sustainable and healthy environment and the social and economic well being of students, schools and communities. 4. Demonstrate scientifically sound and affordable responses to the creation of healthy and sustainable environments and the reduction of environmental health threats in the home, school, community and region. 5. Develop knowledge and skills to access age appropriate sources of information, products and services related to managing the environment. GOALS OF HFLE DEVELOPED OUT OF THE REGIONAL STANDARDS The goals of the primary HFLE programme are to enable pupils to: become productive and contributing adults/citizens by developing creative and critical thinking skills; develop an understanding of the principles that underlie personal and social well-being; ☐ develop knowledge, skills, attitudes and values that make for healthy family life; ■ ◉ demonstrate sound, health-related knowledge, attitudes and practices; practise responsible decision-making with respect to social and sexual behaviour; make life-enhancing choices which will influence their health and personal development into adulthood; develop social, cognitive and emotional coping skills, attitudes and values which will improve their social and family life; ☐ promote ecologically sustainable development of the environment; appreciate how their choices affect health and family life and take responsibility for their action. CURRICULUM CONTENT 7#18H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES The intended learning outcomes are organised into: a. Knowledge and Concept Outcomes. b. Skills Outcomes. c. Attitude and Values Outcomes. KNOWLEDGE AND CONCEPT OUTCOMES Through the Primary School H.F.L.E. Programme pupils will:- Demonstrate an understanding of the factors that enhance and undermine self-esteem. Demonstrate an understanding of how self-esteem affects their behaviour. " Demonstrate an understanding of how one's behaviour/actions affect others. ◉ Recognize the importance of respecting the views, beliefs, fundamental rights and freedoms of others. ■ Demonstrate an understanding of conflict resolution. ◉ ■ Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between self and others. Demonstrate knowledge of attitudes that reflect appreciation of others. Demonstrate an understanding of ways in which individuals can help promote a healthy and beautiful community. Demonstrate an understanding of their role as positive contributing members of the society. Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between rights and responsibilities. Demonstrate an understanding of how introspection leads to appropriate changes in behaviour. Demonstrate an understanding of the concept of human sexuality. Demonstrate an understanding of the personal responsibility associated with sexual expression and be aware of the consequences associated with sexual expression. CURRICULUM CONTENT 8#19H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document Analyze the influence of beliefs, values, norms, mores and economic factors on sexual expression. Demonstrate an understanding of one's physiology as it relates to optimal reproductive health. ◉ Develop action competence to reduce vulnerability to priority problems including HIV/AIDS, cervical cancer and STIs. ■ Develop competencies necessary to access age-appropriate sources of health information, products and services related to sexuality and sexual health. ◉ Demonstrate an understanding of man's interdependence on the ecosystem. ◉ Demonstrate an understanding of man's interaction with the environment. Recognise the need for ecological balance. " Recognise the need for conservation and preservation of the environment and their roles in so doing. ◉ Critically assess the impact of human activities on the environment. ◉ " Be knowledgeable about the physical activities that will promote healthy bodies and minds. Develop the capacity to make the healthiest choices appropriate to their needs. Demonstrate the ability to combine appropriate eating and physical activities that will contribute to wellness. Demonstrate knowledge of appropriate leisure activities to enhance healthy lifestyles. ◉ Understand the use of technology to enhance fitness. ■ Demonstrate an understanding of the structure and function of the human body as they relate to physical well-being. Understand safety practices as a means of injury prevention. Design and use fitness programmes/routines to achieve and maintain fitness. Understand the effects of substance abuse on fitness and performance. ◉ Understand the effects of diet on body composition and performance. ■ Make lifestyle choices that are in harmony with the environment so as to maintain wellness at the personal and communal level. Exercise care and wisdom when buying goods to satisfy their needs. Demonstrate knowledge of the health factors that should determine their purchasing choices. Demonstrate knowledge of the basic laws of Trinidad and Tobago in relation to sexuality. CURRICULUM CONTENT#20H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document SKILLS OUTCOMES Through the Primary School's H.F.L.E. Programme pupils will:- ■ Deal constructively with health and other decisions about their lives by assessing the different options and what effects the different decisions may have - Decision-making. ◉ Deal constructively with problems in their lives which, if left unattended, could cause new problems including physical and mental stress - Problem solving. Explore the available alternatives and various consequences of their actions or non-actions - Creative thinking. " ◉ Recognise and assess the factors that influence attitudes and behaviours such as media and peer pressure influences - Critical thinking. Transfer information, understanding and emotions from themselves to others to make their intent clear - Communication. ◉ ◉ ☐ ◉ Keep and develop friendly relationships thus fulfilling their esteem and belonging needs as well as effectively communicate with, motivate and influence one another - Interpersonal relationship skills. Recognise their feelings and values which would help them to communicate effectively, build positive relationships and empathize with others - Self awareness. Relate to others who may be different from themselves, respond to people in need - Empathy. Respond appropriately to their emotions and avoid the negative effects that prolonged pent up emotions may have on their physical and mental health - Coping with Emotions. Meet and address individual needs and concerns in ways that are mutually beneficial thus enabling them to work and play cooperatively with others - Negotiation skills. Engage in health-enhancing behaviours that are consistent with their values and decisions - Refusal skills. Adjust to levels of stress to avoid the negative consequences of stress including burnout, boredom, susceptibility to disease and behavioural changes - Coping with stress. Take actions that are in their own best interests like being able to defend themselves or others without feeling intimidated or anxious as well as expressing feelings and points of view honestly and openly – Assertiveness skills. Maintain health-enhancing decisions from day to day as well as reach longer term health and wellness goals – Healthy self management / monitoring skills. CURRICULUM CONTENT 10#21H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document ATTITUDE AND VALUES OUTCOMES Through the H.F.L.E. Programme pupils will:- ■ Respect self. ◉ ◉ Love and appreciate self as a unique individual who can contribute positively to society. View self as a personal, social interactive being. Demonstrate compassion for others' feelings and circumstances. Respect and appreciate the differences between self and others. ◉ Respect the views of others. ◉ ◉ Work constructively and cooperatively with others towards positive outcomes. Display an awareness of the impact of one's actions on the feelings of others. Be courteous and polite in interactions with others. Demonstrate responsibility when making choices with respect to relationships. Value friendship. ■ Empathize with those who are especially challenged. ☐ Have confidence in their own feelings. ◉ Be disciplined in all actions. Adopt a positive attitude towards developing a healthy body and mind. Demonstrate responsibility when making dietary choices. ■ Demonstrate respect for the needs and limitations of one's body. Demonstrate responsibility when making choices as they relate to leisure time. Empathize with those who have physical and dietary challenges. Develop high levels of self esteem, self concept and self awareness through the understanding of their sexuality. CURRICULUM CONTENT#22H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document ◉ ◉ ◉ " Appreciate role differences and similarities between male and female as a source of strength. Respect oneself and the sexual rights of others. Demonstrate a positive disposition towards sexuality. Develop an innate sense of self discipline and self control with respect to sexual activities. Demonstrate sensitivity towards the influence of socio-cultural and economic factors on sexual expression. Demonstrate sensitivity towards socio-cultural and economic differences. ◉ Develop a sense of caring for the physiology of the body. ◉ Develop an awareness of the biological changes which the individual experiences. Develop empathy towards those with sexual problems. Sensitise oneself to the associated dangers of HIV/AIDS, cervical cancer and STIs. Display trust and openness in acquiring information on sexuality and sexual health. ◉ Care for and appreciate the ecosystem. ■ Develop sensitivity towards human actions and their impact on the environment. Respect and make collaborative decisions which will promote harmonious co-existence with the environment. Display responsibility for environmental preservation. Develop empathy towards victims of sexual violation. CURRICULUM CONTENT 12#23H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document CURRICULUM MAP The Course Outline is arranged according to the four themes in three levels: Infants Year One and Year Two. 1. Level One 2. - Level Two Standards One, Two and Three. 3. Level Three – Standards Four and Five. CURRICULUM MAP 13#24H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document Self and Interpersonal Relationships TOPIC LEVEL ONE LEVEL TWO Dimensions of Self Knowing myself. Responsibility. • Positive relationships. ☐ Rights. Strengths and weaknesses (emotional, ☐ Managing feedback. social, building confidence). Respect for self and others. LEVEL THREE Personal needs. Conflict Resolution. Appropriate behaviour. Respect for self and others. Etiquette. Managing Emotions Relationships with others Respect for self and others. ■ Rights and responsibilities. Expression of feelings and emotions. Managing feedback. Relationships-Family, siblings, peers, authority figures, strangers. Speaking with others. Anger management. Bullying. ☐ Conflict Resolution. ◉ Coping with everyday situations. Positive relationships. Talents and contributions of others. Developing interpersonal skills. Feelings and emotions. Resolving negative emotional states. Self control. Rights of others. Relationships. Positive characteristics. Strengths and weaknesses. Biases and prejudices. Unity- Harmonious living. Coping Strategies. Reflection. Making adjustments. Delayed gratification. CHANGES -personal and social change. Reflection and introspection. Adapting to and ■ Sharing. ■ managing change ■ Caring. Conflict Resolution. " Reflecting. ☐ Crisis and stress. CURRICULUM MAP 14#25H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document ➤ Self and Interpersonal Relationships TOPIC LEVEL ONE Technology And Self ◉ Messages. Choices. ■ Leisure. LEVEL TWO Safe and unsafe practices. Assessing information. Choosing appropriate leisure activities. Developing communication skills. LEVEL THREE Responsible use of resources. Sourcing useful information. Ethical responsibilities. Developing Self and Community ■ Loyalty to family. ◉ Loyalty to peers. ☐ Loyalty to school and community. Patriotism. ■ Patriotism. ☐ Interdependence. Sensitivity to those with Special Needs Concept of special needs. Sensitivity towards those with special needs. Empathy. Developing harmonious relationships (inclusion). Patriotism. Community building. Collaboration and collegiality. Strengths and limitations. Empathy. Valuing contributions of persons with special Recognising and accepting the contributions of special needs peers. needs. CURRICULUM MAP 15#26H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document ➤ Eating and Fitness TOPIC LEVEL ONE Physical Fitness Good Health Habits. Food and Nutrition Active Healthy Lifestyles. LEVEL TWO Active healthy lifestyles. Maintaining a healthy body – setting fitness goals. LEVEL THREE An active healthy lifestyle - activities that contribute to a healthy body. Developing a fitness routine. Choosing healthy foods and snacks. ■ Water Intake. ☐ Links between eating habits and physical, mental and intellectual well-being. Barriers to optimal health. Reading labels on food products including snacks. Balanced meals. Consequences of eating imbalanced meals. Nutrients and Food Groups. Issues that relate to self esteem and decisions regarding proper diet. Adapting to the body's changing needs. B.M.I. (Body Mass Index). Influences on Food Choices Influence of:- Influence of:- personal likes and dislikes; family; ☐ adults and peers; " peers; advertisements. the media; culture; availability. Influence of:- peers; parents; the media; culture; availability. CURRICULUM MAP 16#27H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document Eating and Fitness TOPIC Anatomy and Physiology LEVEL ONE Exercise and the body. Parts of the body and their functions - muscles, bones, heart, lungs – in relation to health and fitness. LEVEL TWO The Digestive System. Aids to a healthy digestive system. Skeletal system. Need for healthy bones. LEVEL THREE The Immune System. Personal Hygiene/ Safety " Personal hygiene - washing hands, etc. Injury Prevention Preventing injury at home and school. ☐ Personal hygiene - health habits/behaviour (sneezing into tissue or handkerchief). Personal grooming. Personal hygiene - self Effects of improper practices related to cleanliness and grooming. Prevention and care of injuries related to eating and fitness. ☐ Emergency numbers. Prevention and care of injuries related to eating and fitness. Emergency numbers. First Aid practices. CURRICULUM MAP 17#28H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document ➤ Eating and Fitness TOPIC Consumer Health Food Safety ■ LEVEL ONE Shopping for healthy foods and snacks. Proper use of Medication. Safe food handling principles - use and storage. Attention/care required for milk and milk drinks. LEVEL TWO Valid health information services. Choosing health care products wisely. Visiting health professionals - doctor. Sourcing and using health information and products. Drug abuse - 'over-the-counter' drugs. LEVEL THREE Choosing health care products wisely. Reading medicine labels - use according to instructions. Learning from labels and advertisements - food and medicine. Food safety. ◉ Proper storage and disposal. ☐ Handling food. Purchasing from vendors. Expired food (reading labels). Vendors what to look for when deciding from whom to buy. Analysing advertisements. CURRICULUM MAP 18#29H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document ➤ Sexuality and Sexual Health TOPIC Relationships 1: Concept of sexuality/gender Relationships II: LEVEL ONE Who am I? I am a boy./ I am a girl. Body parts. ■ Roles: in the family; in the village; in the country. Parenting. Friendship. Respect for self and ■ What friends do? others ☐ ☐ LEVEL TWO Who am I - male, female; - different but equal. Appreciating one's gender. Gender roles/responsibilities. Parenting. ☐ Role sharing. Misconception of gender - Taboos. Appropriate ways of expressing love and friendship I. Boy/girl relationships – caring. Emotions as they pertain to boys and girls. ■ " ■ What friends don't do? Appropriate touching. Avoiding derogatory terms. Dealing with Child Abuse. Boy/girl relationship (caring). ■ Touching. ☐ Avoiding derogatory terms. ☐ ☐ ☐ Understanding Sexual Abuse and exploitation. It's okay to tell someone. What can I do to protect myself? Emotional changes with development. Stigmatization associated with abuse. LEVEL THREE Sexuality is not just about sex. Appreciating one's gender. Gender roles and responsibilities. Parenting. Role sharing. Role Modelling. Misconceptions of gender. Appropriate ways of expressing love and friendship II. Boy/girl relationships - caring. ☐ Touching. Emotions as they pertain to boys and girls. Avoiding derogatory terms. Dealing with Child Abuse (Sexual). It's okay to tell someone. What can I do to protect myself? Emotional changes that occur with development. Stigmatization related to abuse (sexual). CURRICULUM MAP 19#30H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document ➤ Sexuality and Sexual Health TOPIC Relationships III: Sexual Health LEVEL ONE Maintaining Friendships: " Personal hygiene. Emotional hygiene. Conduct. Growth and Development Life Cycles Where did I come from? - My Body Changes. Concept of birth. ■ Parenting. " Hygiene. LEVEL TWO Disease HIV/AIDS - What do you know pertaining to the spread of HIV? Information STI's. Stigmatization. Hygiene. LEVEL THREE Disease HIV/AIDS, STI's. - Preventing the spread of HIV. It's not worth the risk. Showing empathy for persons affected by HIV. Stigmatization. Abstinence. What can I do to help? Information, products and services. ◉ Puberty and Associated changes. Sexual maturity/Readiness. Sexual control - Abstinence. Concept of Birth (understanding reproduction). Dangers of early sex. Sexual maturity/Readiness. Sexual control - Abstinence. Concept of Birth and Reproduction. Dangers of early sex. Understanding reproduction. Puberty and Physical changes. Responsibility of child bearing. CURRICULUM MAP 20#31H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document ➤ Sexuality and Sexual Health LEVEL ONE hear and do? TOPIC Factors influencing sexual expression What I see, What I see, hear and do? Social practices: Peer pressure. Family practices. Societal practices. Influences of substances: alcohol, drugs, cigarettes. Influence of the media and technology: - Print. Computer. T.V./Video. ☐ LEVEL TWO Social practices: Family practices. Peer pressures. Societal practices. Sexuality. Economic practices affecting sexuality. Cultural. Influences of substances: alcohol, drugs, cigarettes. Influence of the media and technology: Music, T.V., Print. Sexual exploitation. LEVEL THREE Social practices: - Family practices. Peer pressures. Societal practices. Influences of substances: alcohol, drugs, cigarettes. Influence of the media and technology: - Music, T.V., Print, Computer. Dangers of sexual chat rooms. Sexual Exploitation/ Vulnerability: economic factors; vulnerability when in need or in subservient positions. CURRICULUM MAP 21#32H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document ➤ Managing the Environment TOPIC Caring for the Environment Waste disposal " LEVEL ONE Relationship between self and the environment (ecosystem). Responsibility: Projects - Caring for garden/plants/Environment. LEVEL TWO Define the ecosystem. Linkages within the ecosystem as it relates to one's health, well-being and survival. Responsibility: Value and respect life. Performing actions to reflect same. Planting appropriate trees. Telling appropriate stories. ■ LEVEL THREE How to promote a healthy and aesthetic environment? Developing habits to generate a productive environment (ecosystem). Responsibility: caring for the environment both private and public. Concept of waste. Types of waste. Methods of waste disposal. Responsibility: Application of knowledge and ensuring that others do the same. ☐ Definition of terms. Methods. Effects of improper disposal in the community. Hazardous waste. Responsibility: Re-cycling & reusing waste (bottles, boxes etc). Effects of improper disposal of waste on man and the environment (island to global village). Responsibility: Methods used - recycling bio-degradables. Project work- ➜compost Pollution Concept of pollution. Causes of pollution. How pollution affects us? Responsibility towards the environment. Concept of 'pollution.” Types and causes. Effects of pollution. ☐ Responsibility: prevention measures. ☐ Types of pollution. Appropriate measures to deal with various types of pollution. Developing a change in attitude. Responsibility: practicing appropriate behaviours. CURRICULUM MAP 22#33H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document ➤ Managing The Environment TOPIC LEVEL ONE Conservation and Preservation Concept of conservation and preservation. Reasons for conservation and preservation. Conservation techniques. Responsibility: Developing a positive attitude. LEVEL TWO Explanation of terms. Reasons for conservation and preservation. Roles of individuals and how they can impact both negatively and positively. Responsibility. ☐ LEVEL THREE Technology used to promote conservation and preservation - the R's. Responsibility: developing a positive attitude and practising appropriate actions. Relationship between Environmental Health and Personal Health ■ Understanding that all living things need air, water and land to survive. Environmental Practices: main diseases caused by unhealthy environment. Preventing diseases. How human attitudes/actions affect the environment and health - (Pest Control, Deforestation, burning). Man-made systems (dams, dredging). Responsibility: Making Wellness Choices: Performing actions that are environmentally safe. ☐ How does human actions affect environmental health? Health Issues - lead poisoning caused by poor quality of life/goods and services. Alternative products used to reduce health risks and environmental degradation. Responsibility: Making lifestyle choices in keeping with the promotion of wellness. Disaster Preparedness ◉ Concept of disaster. Definition of terms. ◉ Types of disasters. - Disaster Preparedness: ☐ Floods. Hurricane. Fire. Earthquakes. Types of disasters - Natural and man-made. Precautionary measures. ◉ Appropriate responses. " ◉ ■ Disaster preparedness. The use of N.G.Os. Responsibility: Developing a plan to respond to natural and man-made disasters. Precautionary measures. Appropriate responses. CURRICULUM MAP 23#34H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document ➤ Managing The Environment TOPIC Environmental Laws and Organisations LEVEL ONE Concept of Laws and Rules. Adherence to laws and rules. Responsibility: ensuring that members of home, school/community adhere. Consequences of actions. LEVEL TWO Recognition of the necessity for laws. Recognition of :- (1) the roles of organizations (2) their roles in upholding the law How laws impact on the home, school and community. Responsibility: Upholding the law. Becoming proactive inform others. - ■ LEVEL THREE Environmental laws: Recognition of the need for laws. Recognition of the need to uphold and maintain the law. Organisations responsible for upholding environmental laws. Responsibility: Advocacy. CURRICULUM MAP 24#35H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document PART THREE: COURSE OUTLINES#36H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document COURSE OUTLINE LEVEL ONE INFANTS YEARS ONE AND TWO LEVEL ONE 25#37H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL ONE Self and Interpersonal Relationships: Dimensions of Self SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ SOCIAL ACTION EVALUATION Critical Thinking Knowing myself Nurture positive feelings about oneself. Story telling Story books Group discussion Assertiveness Dramatization Videos Interpersonal (See Sample Lessons in Develop a positive identity. Recitation Pictures Teachers' Guide) Coping Role play CDs Self Awareness Discussion Resource personnel Presentations on self: -Drawing -Dramatization -Poems Selecting characters with positive identities. Exhibit positive behaviour. Speak positively and confidently about self. Change undesirable behaviours. Communication Positive Relationships Develop positive relationships. Negotiation Cooperation Discussion Reflection Slides Role play/Drama Build positive relationships. CDs Structured observation Differentiate and relate to characteristics of optimism Critical viewing Cassettes and pessimism. Pictorial expression - Art Critical thinking Self management Self monitoring Self Awareness Role modelling Personalities Develop the ability to recognize and manage mood. Tally chart to record behavioural patterns Video clipping Exhibiting an optimistic attitude in a given situation. Resource Games - Simon says Personnel Listening to music and poetry. LEVEL ONE 26#38H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL ONE Self and Interpersonal Relationships: Dimensions of Self SKILL TOPIC Empathy Strengths and Weaknesses Negotiation Co-operation Decision making Problem solving Communication Etiquette Interpersonal Decision making Self monitoring OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES Identify individual strengths Each child states personal and weaknesses. Identify strengths and weaknesses of others. Develop and improve individual strengths. strengths. Discussion Show and Tell - Pupils do an action and classify strengths and weaknesses. RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Picture books Newspaper Clippings Selecting attributes from mystery box and demonstrate. Display positive assertive behaviour. strengths or weaknesses. Assist others in overcoming weakness and developing strengths. Cartoons Pupils Cassette Oral description of visuals which depict Movie Stories Folksongs Describing strengths. Group activity to brainstorm how to improve strengths. Rhymes Jingles Display appropriate courtesies in given situations. Create opportunities for pupils to verbalise and demonstrate courtesies e.g. table manners, greetings. Cartoons Dramatizing situations. Movies Pictures Practise courtesies in everyday situations. LEVELONE 27#39H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL ONE Self and Interpersonal Relationships: Managing Emotions SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Display behaviour that demonstrates respect for others. Negotiation Respect Exhibit attitudes that depict respect for self. Assertiveness Communication Co-operation Decision making Rights Critical thinking Self monitoring Interpersonal Assertiveness Empathy Problem solving Critical thinking Managing feelings Managing stress Demonstrate an understanding of the rights of self and others. Demonstrate an understanding that rights have associated responsibilities. Recognize feelings and emotions. Group discussion e.g. Right to be heard comes with the responsibility to listen. Movies Pictures Role playing Brainstorming Newspaper Simulation exercises Song Designing slogans about self respect Creating scenarios Completion of assigned task Show obedience to rules, laws, norms and mores. Display ability to introspect or reflect. Storybook Group appraisal Treat others with respect. Storytelling Role play situations which have negative or positive impact. Discuss responses. Emotions, expressions and feelings:- -Happiness -Excitement -Sadness -Anger -Hatred -Jealousy -Possessiveness Manage expressions of feelings and emotions. Drill: Exercises to develop controlled responses to stimuli in the environment. Pictures Toys Drawing a face to show emotion. Practise self- control. Show and tell Puppets Puppetry - dramatization LEVEL ONE 28#40H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL ONE Self and Interpersonal Relationships: Managing Emotions SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ SOCIAL EVALUATION ACTION STRATEGIES Communication Managing Feedback Accept positive feedback for self improvement. Brainstorming Group interaction Making positive decisions. Negotiation Discussion Accept constructive criticism. Observation of Decision making Implement feedback to initiate positive change. Role play pupils' behaviour. Problem solving Critical thinking Self management Creative thinking Oral reports LEVELONE 29#41H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL ONE Self and Interpersonal Relationships: Relationships with Others SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES Communication Relationships Assertiveness with:- -family members -peers -authority figures -others Interpersonal Speaking with others. Co-operation Use communication skills to relate to peers, adults and those in authority. Develop positive relations with peers and others. Be open and honest in relationships. Develop ability to be objective with family and friends. Decision making Managing feelings SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES Dialogue Role play Co-operative learning RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Resource personnel:- -Guards -Principals -Teachers -Arts in Action -children -community members Positive real-life interaction with personnel. Respect peers, siblings, relatives, those in authority and others. Arts Role Play Group presentation Maintain healthy relationships. LEVELONE 30#42H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL ONE Self and Interpersonal Relationships: Adapting To and Managing Change SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ SOCIAL EVALUATION ACTION Managing stress Sharing Discuss the importance of sharing and identify ways to share. Teamwork Movies Composing: - songs Display Managing feelings Role play CD -calypsos Caring Discuss the importance of caring and display a caring attitude. -writings characteristics of kindness and caring. Observation Cassette -slogans Self monitoring -poems Display positive Decision making Conflict resolution Identify problems in relationships. Discussion Games, -rhymes/jingles Problem solving Develop an optimistic view of a situation to solve problems. Dramatization Cartoons, Creating posters Group Work Newspapers pictures Critical thinking Reflecting Reflect on decisions and actions. collages Stories - Folk Negotiation Tales Empathy Refusal Selecting responses for conflict resolution. Implementing selected response to resolve problems. Oral presentations. problem solving skills. Exhibit resilience and commitment in adapting and managing change. LEVEL ONE 31#43H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL ONE Self and Interpersonal Relationships: Technology and Self SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Communication Messages Co-operation Decision making Choices Self management Critical thinking Leisure Differentiate between positive and negative verbal and non verbal messages. Choose appropriate digital games for leisure Critical viewing Newspapers Labelling messages Make right Discussion Cartoons Classifying messages. Make right choices concerning information via the media and otherwise. Group work Computer Ads Computer Selecting movies and books with positive choices. Influence others to make right choices. messages. newspaper Choosing and magazines describing a game. movies Giving reasons for choice of game. games video games computer software LEVEL ONE 32#44H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL ONE Self and Interpersonal Relationships: Self and Community SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ SOCIAL EVALUATION ACTION Interpersonal Loyalty to :- -self Develop a sense of loyalty. Discussion Cartoons Composing: Display positive - songs regards for Decision making -neighbourhood -national Develop a sense of loyalty to family and peers. Critical viewing Movies -calypsos family, peers and -writings country. community Brainstorming Stories -slogans -poems Critical thinking Trust Self monitoring Respect Listening National Anthem -rhymes/jingles Singing Creating Prayer posters Patriotism Display a sense of patriotism. Reciting pictures Pledge collages Discussion Rules Demonstrating appropriate behaviour. LEVEL ONE 33#45H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL ONE Self and Interpersonal Relationships: Sensitivity to Those with Special Needs SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ SOCIAL EVALUATION ACTION STRATEGIES Interpersonal Concept of special needs. Recognize individuals with special needs. Observations Videos Making value Co-operation Group discussions DVDs judgments from created scenarios. Decision making Managing feelings Empathy Sensitivity towards those with special needs. Develop and display sensitivity towards peers with special needs. Create scenarios Stories Group activities Simulated exercises Newspaper clippings Field trips Resource personnel Role play Display empathy. Treat special need individuals with the same respect given to other peers. Provide help to special needs individuals. LEVEL ONE 34#46H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL ONE Eating and Fitness: Physical Fitness SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION Decision Making Good health Habits Discuss good health/ fitness. Case studies/Story telling Stories Observing Class discussion Songs Participating in class. Communication Note that physical activity An active Interpersonal healthy and healthy eating are good for personal well-being. Puppetry Nursery Rhymes Reporting: - oral lifestyle Healthy self Colouring physical fitness poster. - written Pictures - graphic management Explore how sleeping (rest) Self monitoring and eating promote health and Setting activity goal. fitness. Puppets Keeping logs - recording physical activities pursued. Engage in moderate to vigorous activity in and out of school. SOCIAL ACTION Select and participate in active play and or sports for the purpose of sustaining or improving physical fitness. Encourage and influence peers and others to do the same. LEVEL ONE 35#47H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL ONE Eating and Fitness: Nutrition SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Communication Critical thinking Choosing nutritious food and snacks. Explain why food is important. Questioning Rhymes and Performance tasks: stories about Choose healthy foods and snacks. Decision Making Negotiation Healthy Self management Self monitoring and snacks. Name the six (6) basic food groups. Naming and colouring foods. food 1. Using pictures to Food pyramid assemble healthy meals and snacks. Encourage peers to do the same. Class and group discussion. Identify healthy meals Samples of food 2. Packing Roger's lunch kit. Persuade parents or Role play Make healthy food choices. Demonstrations Lunch kit or lunch box 3. Packing a snack box. guardians to provide healthy foods and snacks. Reporting: Sorting foods into two Snack boxes - oral groups -healthy and unhealthy. - written Pictures of foods - graphic Disposable plates Glue Keeping logs food choices made for the week. Evaluating snack choices made for the week. LEVEL ONE 36#48H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL ONE Eating and Fitness: Influences on Food Choices SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Samples of food Keeping a log - graphic and/or written on personal food choices made for one week and giving reasons. Drawing picture to show positive health habits learned. Composing: - songs Select foods that enhance health while satisfying personal tastes and cultural heritage. Plan meals and menus. Recommend healthy snacks to friends. Critical thinking Personal likes and dislikes. Problem solving Explore factors that influence dietary choices. Role play Discussion Pictures Flash cards Family Self awareness Story telling Peers Decision making Critical viewing Stories Culture Communication Video clip/s Advertisements Refusal skills Self management Make healthy food choices. Choosing meals and snacks and explaining choices. Advertisements Newspaper clippings LEVEL ONE -calypsoes -writings -slogans -poems -rhymes/jingles to promote healthy choices. Creating: posters collages to promote healthy choices. LEVEL ONE 37#49H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document Eating and Fitness: Anatomy and Physiology SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Self awareness Parts of the body Identify parts of the body. and their Demonstration Critical thinking functions. Communication Self management Identify body parts – heart, muscles, bones, lungs and their relationship to fitness and health. Discussion Rhymes Songs Dramatization Skeletal model Journaling Drawing and labelling body on a large sheet of paper. Set and pursue personal goals for physical activity in and out of school and track progress. Explore the relationship between exercise and strong, flexible muscles. Drawing and labelling Video clips -graphic and/or written Reporting: -oral Self monitoring Explore the relationship between exercise and healthy heart and lungs. Set personal activity goal. LEVEL ONE -written -graphic LEVEL ONE 38#50H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document Eating and Fitness: Personal Hygiene and Safety SKILL TOPIC BJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Critical thinking Decision making Cleanliness as a disease prevention strategy. Examine practices to keep the body clean. Questioning Rhymes Demonstrating Class discussion Songs Observation Self awareness Communication Healthy self management Self monitoring -Washing of hands before and after meals. -Bathing regularly (cleansing of ear, eyes, nose, private parts, between toes, nails etc.) -Daily change of clothing. Good grooming: -Care of teeth. Practise skills to prevent and control the spread of diseases. Critical viewing Pictures Reporting: - oral Demonstration Puppets - written -graphic Role play Doll Puppetry Soap Dramatization Wash rag Toothpaste Floss Self appraising Toothbrush Comb Brush Shampoo Video clips Practise good personal hygiene and grooming habits. Encourage peers and others to practise good personal hygiene and grooming habits. LEVEL ONE 39#51H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL ONE Eating and Fitness: Injury Prevention SKILL Critical thinking Healthy self- management Communication Assertiveness Problem solving TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Preventing injury at home and school. Identify careless behaviour that can result in accidents and injury. Storytelling Stories Questioning Puppets Describe actions and Class Discussion Pictures behaviours to protect oneself. Puppetry Cartoons - graphic Drawing a picture to show safe practices that can help us avoid injury. Reporting: - oral - written Practise skills essential to enhancing health and avoiding dangerous situations. Influence others to practise health enhancing skills. Identify appropriate people Dramatization Video clip/s to approach in an emergency. on injury related incidents. Critical viewing Observation LEVEL ONE 40#52H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL ONE Eating and Fitness: Consumer Health SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Assertiveness Critical thinking Shopping for healthy foods and snacks. Select healthy foods and snacks from among the items available at home and school. Role play Class shop - Observation Select and purchase Class and group discussion grocery, market, cafeteria Reporting: - oral healthy foods and snacks. Communication Buying and Selling Pictures - written Negotiation Self management Critical viewing Video clip Television set V.C.R. - graphic Keeping personal logs on food choices. - graphic and/ or written. Encourage peers and others to choose healthy foods and snacks. Critical thinking Proper use of medication. Accept medicines provided Questioning Puppets Questioning by parent, guardian or Stories Problem solving recognized authority only. Labels Observation Puppet show Communication Describe correct use of medicine. Boxes Role play Self management/monitoring Discussion Pictures Identify harmful medicines. Identify potentially hazardous substances. - Reading labels (looking for signs such as skull, etc.) Health brochures Accept medications from parent, guardian or recognized authority only. Use medications only as prescribed. LEVEL ONE 41#53H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL ONE Eating and Fitness: Food Safety SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Assertiveness Food care: -handling Communication -cooking Critical thinking -refrigerating Discuss how foods and drinks should be handled, used and stored. Analyzing case studies Video clip/s Quiz Discussion Songs Observation Observe healthy practices in using and storing foods and drinks. -covering Decision Sharing of food. making Observe safe practices when sharing food. Singing Critical viewing Art supplies Reporting: - oral Pictures Role play Interpersonal Buying safe food. Self Describe ways to choose a safe vendor. management Sickness caused by improper food care. Identify sicknesses caused by improper food care. - written - graphic Creating: posters collages to promote healthy practices. Encourage others to observe safe practices regarding the use and storage of food. Observe and evaluate health conditions before making purchases. Report symptoms of sickness to appropriate persons. -food poisoning -gastro enteritis -cholera LEVEL ONE 42#54H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL ONE Sexuality and Sexual Health: Relationships I: Concept of Sexuality/Gender SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ SOCIAL ACTION EVALUATION Self awareness Critical thinking boy/girl. Who am I? I am a Recognize characteristics that differentiate male and female (body parts). Brainstorming Pictures Participating in discussion Software Accept and be confident about one's gender. Role play Problem solving Private parts Communication Analyze maleness and femaleness through examination of their likes and dislikes. Video clips Effective communicating Group work Cassette Reciting poems Decision making Appreciate oneself. Establish: "I like being male/female." Puppets Singing songs Discussion Healthy Self management Making critical choices from among gender related objects. Creating songs or poems on self. Record and playback session. LEVEL ONE 43#55H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL ONE Sexuality and Sexual Health: Relationships I SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ SOCIAL ACTION EVALUATION Decision making Roles in:- family Differentiate between male and female beings in all species. Brainstorming Pictures Portfolio Critical thinking village country. Interpersonal Demonstrate awareness that both male and female are needed for procreation in all life forms. Identification through the use of pictures and video clips. Resource persons Matching pictures Accept appreciate gender roles and responsibilities. Video clips Self awareness Healthy self management Be aware that both male and female must be at a level of maturity before they can start a family. Small group/ class discussion Puppets Decision making Gender roles Critical thinking Identify traditional roles of males and females as they relate to physique. Role play Video clips Group discussion Pictures Dramatizing roles that are traditional. Perform traditional roles when opportunities arise. Decide in which circumstances it is appropriate to interchange male/female roles. Class discussion Puppets Creating situations for interchanging roles. LEVEL ONE 44#56H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL ONE Sexuality and Sexual Health: Relationships II: Respect for self and others SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Decision making Friendship: What Self awareness Interdependence Decision making Critical thinking Refusal skills Healthy self management friends do and don't do? Develop the ability to say 'No' to inappropriate touch. Choose appropriate ways of expressing affection. Appreciate and recognize that the body is special. Distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate touch. Small group discussions. Puppets Case scenarios - children's Be proud of their bodies. Use of mannequin to demonstrate inappropriate touch. Mannequin or doll Song - 'My body is my body' Use of video clip to highlight different ways of Media clips displaying affection appropriately. responses to 'yes' touch and 'no' touch. Describing appropriate ways to show affection. Participating in class/group discussion. Refuse in a firm and polite manner to be touched inappropriately. Refrain from touching others inappropriately. Problem solving Avoiding derogatory terms. Note derogatory expressions used in their environment. Critical viewing Video clips Decision making Coping skills Healthy self management Explore alternative forms of expression. Attentive listening Display tolerance to peers using derogatory expressions and seek to correct them. Demonstrate the ability to convey their dislike for use of such terms. Class discussion of appropriate comic strip. Role play Taped conversations Comic strip Puppets Participating in role play and class discussion. Use appropriate expressions to express dissatisfaction. Express their dissatisfaction to those who use derogatory terms in a friendly manner. Help peers to avoid using derogatory terms. LEVEL ONE 45#57H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL ONE Sexuality and Sexual Health: Relationships III SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Decision making Maintaining friendships: Demonstrate the proper care of the body. Demonstration - proper care using doll Doll Participating in class activity. Self awareness - personal hygiene; Bathtub Examine the link between relationships Class discussion Creating: Healthy self management - emotional well- and proper hygiene. Toiletries - collages being; Refusal skills - appropriate conduct. Empathy Diseases Display an understanding of the concept of HIV/AIDS and other STI's. Identify behaviours which make a person vulnerable to HIV/AIDS and STI'S Take precautions to protect themselves from STI's eg. avoid contact with blood, refuse to be touched in private areas etc. Video clips on STI's Resource personnel Critical viewing/listening Video clips Brochures Role playing refusal skills Pictures -posters on HIV/AIDS. Keep themselves clean. Tell others about the dangers of HIV/AIDS. Avoid behaviours that can promote vulnerability to HIV/AIDS and other STI's LEVEL ONE 46#58H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL ONE Sexuality and Sexual Health: Growth and Development: Where did I come from? SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES Self awareness Concept of Birth Demonstrate knowledge of the relationship between maturity and Communication My Body Changes childbearing. Critical thinking Parenting Empathy Appreciate that the responsibilities associated with childbearing are adult responsibilities. SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES Puppet initiated conversations or taped conversations. Critical viewing/ listening Questioning RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Puppets Participating in class discussion. Display responsible behaviour during interactions with Posters Critically analyzing recorded discussions. peers. Video clip Recording of class discussions Cassette LEVEL ONE 47#59H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL ONE Sexuality and Sexual Health: Factors Influencing Sexual Expression: What I see, hear and do? SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Critical thinking Decision making Social practices Critically analyse social practices to determine which are healthy and unhealthy. Critical viewing of video recordings disorderly behaviour by adults and adolescents. Video clips Communication Interpersonal Influence of substances on behaviour. Refusal skills Self monitoring Influence of the media on behaviour. Demonstrate awareness that practices such as the use of drugs (alcohol, cigarettes) can result in inappropriate behaviour. Discriminate between appropriate and inappropriate messages promoted by the media. Differentiate between acceptable and unacceptable forms of behaviour and dress. Show awareness that affectionate expression can be appropriate or inappropriate according to relationships and age. Advertisements - print Critical analysis of photographs (dress). - audio electronic Selecting posters that promote positive Participating in discussions. Identifying positive and negative advertisements. Be vocal about inappropriate behaviour. Demonstrate ability to resist influences that promote inappropriate behaviour. expressions and Critical analysis of soap operas. Photographs (age-related relevance and propriety of affection displayed) behaviour. Composing: - songs Posters (age -calypsos -writings Discussion Role play refusal skills. appropriate) -slogans -poems -rhyme/jingle to promote positive choices. Creating: posters collages / murals to promote positive messages. LEVEL ONE 48#60H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL ONE Managing The Environment: Caring for the Environment SKILLS TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Creative thinking Understanding the Examine the relationships within Brainstorming Environment ecosystems. Healthy self Discussion Pictures Charts management/ monitoring Examine the relationship between self and the environment. Questioning Decision making Discuss ways of caring for the environment. Group work Plants Problem solving Drama/Role Play Self-awareness Models/ Diagrams/ Maps Video Clip(s) Participation in:- discussion; - nurturing project. Completion of food chains/diagrams. Matching exercises of acceptable/ non-acceptable practices (picture). Portfolios ways of caring for the environment. Participate in beautification project within the school. Participate in agricultural project within the school. Appreciate and care for public utilities:- parks, street lights, stand pipes, recreational facilities. LEVEL ONE 49#61H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL ONE Managing The Environment: Waste Disposal SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION Creative Waste Discuss the concept of 'waste.' thinking Decision making Explore different forms of waste that can be found within the environment. Brainstorming Discussion Pictures Charts Group work Problem solving Methods of waste Practise appropriate methods of waste disposal. Drama/Role play Resource persons disposal Constructing of signs and posters. SOCIAL ACTION Video tape Participating in class activities. Completing of worksheet or checklist. (types of waste disposal) Composing: - songs -calypsoes -writings -slogans. -poems -rhymes/jingles -raps to promote healthy practices related to waste disposal. Creating: - posters collages murals to promote healthy practices related to waste disposal. Apply knowledge. Use waste bins effectively. Ensure that others do same. Become involved in recycling projects. Encourage people to develop recycling practices through model behaviour. LEVEL ONE 50 50#62H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL ONE Managing The Environment: Pollution SKILLS TOPIC Effective Concept of pollution. OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES Gives examples of pollution in Brainstorming their environment. Communication Discussion Causes and effects Interpersonal of pollution. Discuss the causes and effects of pollution in their Questioning Critical thinking Healthy self management/ Monitoring Decision Responsibility towards the environment. environment. Explore strategies to avoid pollution in the environment. Display proper waste disposal practices. Field trips Clean-up campaigns making Coping Skills RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Pictures Charts Video clip Resource persons Ministry of Health Dust bins in appropriate places Participating in discussion. Observation: Participating in clean- up campaigns. Reports on personal practices. Participate in on-going clean-up at home, class, school. Avoid practices that can lead to pollution of the environment. Speak out against practices that result in pollution. Report offenders. LEVEL ONE 51#63H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL ONE Managing The Environment: Conservation and Preservation SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION STRATEGIES Effective Concept communication Discuss concept of conservation and preservation. Brainstorming Pictures Discussion Charts Problem solving Benefits State reasons for Group work Video Clips Interpersonal conservation and preservation. Critical viewing of video tapes Negotiation Methods Examine the different Radio programmes Assertiveness methods of conservation and preservation. Field trips Developing personal practices. Demonstrate practices of conservation and preservation. Describe ways in which their behaviour can intentionally conserve or preserve the environment. Drama Construction of signs and posters. Participating during discussions. Matching pictures to show acceptable and non acceptable practices. Demonstrate a positive attitude toward conservation and preservation practices. Become involved in conservation and preservation activities - recycle chubby bottles, boxes. Report offenders. LEVEL ONE 52 52#64H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL ONE Managing The Environment: Relationship between Environment and Health SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES interdependence among living and non-living things. Identify diseases that are caused by unhealthy environment. SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES Discussion Group Work Use of resource persons - lectures Brainstorming Critical thinking Interdependence Discuss the Creative thinking Environmental Decision practices that making prevent diseases. Effective communication Resources/Facility: Self awareness Interpersonal -Health centres -Hospitals -School Clubs Identify resources/ facilities in and out of school that contribute to health. Role play Drama RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Slides/Pictures Video Resource person - EMA Constructing a picture chart to show interdependency. Describing the ill effects of poor environmental practices on others. Observing the practice of habits that promote a healthy home, school and community. Creating posters with messages of positive interdependence. Promote a clean and healthier environment at home, school, and community. Speak out politely against improper environmental practices. LEVEL ONE 53#65H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL ONE Managing The Environment: Disaster Preparedness SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ SOCIAL ACTION EVALUATION Interpersonal Healthy self management/monit Concept of a disaster. oring Self awareness Disaster preparedness. Examine the different types of disasters to which humans are vulnerable - (floods, hurricanes, fire, earthquakes). Drama. Co-operative learning. Resource person Making and explaining posters. Develop a disaster preparedness plan (floods, hurricanes, fire, earthquakes). Video Tapes Lecture. Portfolio development Pictures Creative thinking Flooding Hurricane Fire Decision making Empathy Examine the effects of specific disasters on Demonstration. Print resources health and physical wellness. Case studies. Projects. Practise safety measures and precautions that could be put in place e.g. Fire drills. Storing food and water. Identify how and where to obtain help. LEVEL ONE 54#66H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL ONE Managing The Environment: Environmental Laws and Organizations SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING RESOURCES STRATEGIES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Negotiation Litter Rules Develop rules for keeping class and school clean. Role play Resource person Writing class rules. Creative thinking Drama Elect litter wardens within the class or school environment. Decision making Effective communication National litter laws and fines List rewards and penalties. Video Listing rewards and penalties. Resource person Environmental Organisations Empathy Self awareness Become familiar with national environmental laws and fines-(litter). Identify the national authority responsible for the upkeep of environmental laws. (EMA) Pictures Stating fines for negative Value clarification exercise environmental practices Display positive environmental practices. Newspapers Demonstrations Projects Team teaching Photographs identified in lesson. Observing the development of positive attitudes towards upkeep off rules and laws. Stating which authority should be notified if environmental laws are broken. Tell others about environmental laws. Report law breakers. LEVEL ONE 55#67H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document COURSE OUTLINE LEVEL TWO (STANDARDS ONE, TWO AND THREE) 56 94#68H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL TWO Self and Interpersonal Relationships: Dimensions of Self SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Communication Responsibility Use self awareness skills to identify personal qualities. Brainstorming Video Interpersonal Group discussion on created scenarios CD Designing a card/poster to highlight personal qualities. Act confidently. Decision making Rights Identify rights and responsibilities of self and others. Stories Debating Accept and fulfil Critical viewing responsibilities. Critical thinking Role Play Resource personnel Public speaking/ Oral presentations Self management/ monitoring Managing Feedback Accept suggestions for improvement of self. Observation Newspaper articles Journal entries Discussion Participation in group discussions. Group discussions LEVEL TWO 57#69H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL TWO Self and Interpersonal Relationships: Managing Emotions SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Negotiation Interpersonal Anger management. Identify ways of appropriately dealing with anger. Analysis and discussion of classroom situations. Pictures Dramatizing appropriate/ inappropriate responses to Pupils created scenarios. Problem solving Accept personal responsibility for response to anger. Critical viewing of scenarios. Movies Using alternative Brainstorming responses to scenarios. Critical thinking Stories Bullying Managing stress Identify ways to deal with bullying. Discussion Composing: Reflection Classroom situations - songs -calypsoes Managing feelings Creating scenarios Conflict resolution Identify conflict issues. Self management Role Play Demonstrate ways to effectively Self monitoring deal with conflict. Refusal Coping with everyday situations Demonstrate social and coping skills. DVD/video CD Newspaper Cartoon -writings -slogans -poems -rhymes/jingles -raps to promote positive practices Creating: posters - collages murals to promote positive practices. Show self control. Speak out against bullying. Resolve conflict peacefully. LEVEL TWO 58#70H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL TWO Self and Interpersonal Relationships: Relationships with Others SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ SOCIAL ACTION EVALUATION Communication Positive relationships Develop positive relationships with others. Critical viewing Newspaper articles Dramatizing Maintain positive relationships. Interpersonal Observation Cartoons Writing journals Assertiveness Talents and Appreciate the talents and Role modelling Classroom situations Interacting in group contributions of others contributions of others. activities. Acknowledge others' Co-operation Listening Movies contributions. Portfolio Empathy Developing interpersonal skills Be assertive without aggression. Role Play/Drama CDs Assessing situations Assessing given situations. Negotiate effectively. Resolve dilemmas. LEVEL TWO 59#71H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL TWO Self and Interpersonal Relationships: Adapting to and Managing Change SKILL TOPIC Managing stress Communication OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Changes likely to occur (1) Identify changes likely to occur in various situations. Role play Video clips self home school community (2) Explore positive and negative feelings associated with changes identified. Small group discussion Critical viewing of appropriate video clips Stories Writing journals Role playing Manage feelings in everyday situations. Assist peers to Newspaper clippings Presentation:- manage feelings. oral Real life experiences of students written graphic Case studies Resource personnel Composing:- songs calypsoes Self Management Critical Thinking Cooperation Reflection Management of feelings Coping strategies and making adjustments (3) Reflect on the consequences of expressing positive and negative feelings. (4) Develop strategies to counteract negative feelings. slogans poems rhymes - jingles raps Responding to scenarios depicting change LEVEL TWO 60#72H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL TWO Self and Interpersonal Relationships: Technology and Self SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Communication Safe and unsafe practices. Decision making Discriminate between safe and unsafe practices in using technology. Discussion Computer personnel choices. Exploring research techniques on net. Computer Accessing Problem information solving Critical Developing thinking Self monitoring Source appropriate information using ICT. Use media to develop communication skills. communication skills to Choosing appropriate leisure activities. address problems. Choose appropriate technology for leisure activities. Be aware of the dangers of visiting inappropriate websites and developing online friends. Demonstration information: Discriminating between Media -oral appropriate and inappropriate websites. -written Books -graphic Communicating Digital games Journal Critiquing newspaper articles on related issues. Selecting Selecting appropriate Presentation of Creating: -project Booklets -cartoons, -portfolio Arts & Crafts Games Use technology appropriately and responsibly. Develop resiliency to peer pressure related to inappropriate use of ICT. Influence peers to use ICT appropriately. LEVEL TWO 61#73H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL TWO Self and Interpersonal Relationships: Developing Self and Community SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Communication Loyalty to school and Develop a sense of loyalty to Discussion Stories community. school and community. Negotiation Situational analysis Songs Designing posters Writing slogans Display patriotic behaviour. Refusal Patriotism Display a sense of patriotism for country. Dramatization Documentaries Demonstrating appropriate behaviours Interpersonal Self Singing Resource personnel Cooperate and communicate effectively. Creative expression management Interdependence Recognize the Role Play interdependence of members Pupils of the community. Drama LEVEL TWO 62#74H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL TWO Self and Interpersonal Relationships: Sensitivity to those with Special Needs SKIL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Communication Empathy Show empathy to those with special needs. Empathy Integration of special needs peers into mainstream in the other subject areas. Resource personnel Harmonious relationships. Interpersonal Develop harmonious relationships with special needs peers. Pupils Role Play -slogans Stories Cooperation Team work Managing feelings Problem Recognizing and accepting contributions of special needs peers. Appreciate the Movies Composing: - songs -calypsoes -writings -poems -rhymes/jingles -rap Collaborate with others. Show empathy. Treat special needs contributions of special needs peers. Group interaction to promote equal peers with respect Newspaper treatment for special during interaction. P.E. clippings needs peers. Solving Accept the contributions of special needs persons. Singing Magazines Discussion Observation Critical viewing Electronic media Creating: -posters -collages -murals -cartoons -Portfolio to promote equal treatment for special needs peers. Presenting: - oral - written - graphic Critical viewing LEVEL TWO 63#75H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL TWO Eating and Fitness: Physical Fitness SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES Decision making/ goal setting Active healthy lifestyles. Define physical fitness. Problem solving -recreation -exercise Examine the importance of regular physical activity to enhance health. SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES Analysis of case studies e.g. "Active Joe and inactive John" RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Pictures Group reports Comic strips Group discussion Cartoons Critical thinking Creative thinking Identify activities that promote/ enhance physical fitness and health. Critical viewing Video clips Lecture/discussion Healthy self management/ monitoring Resource personnel Developing a fitness plan and a monitoring system. Keeping logs- detailing activities pursued, regularity and duration. Exhibit a physically active lifestyle in and out of school. Encourage others to make appropriate fitness choices. Fitness goals Examine the importance of personal fitness goals. Demonstrating Set personal fitness goals. Setting personal fitness goals. LEVEL TWO 64#76H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL TWO Eating and Fitness: Food and Nutrition SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Communication Impact of eating Negotiation habits on the individual. Examine the effects of eating habits on physical, mental and intellectual health. Brainstorming Pictures Observing Discussion Resource personnel Reporting: -oral Decision Lecture making Menus from restaurants -written -graphic Balanced meals Healthy Self Distinguish between a balanced meal and a snack. Discussion Food pyramid Portfolios management/ Lecture/discussion monitoring Analyse the nutritional content of packaged foods. Pictures Demonstration Refusal skills Consequences of Explore the causes of eating imbalanced meals: -obesity -diabetes disorders/ diseases related to unbalanced nutritional intake. Interpreting the information on labels, boxes etc Paper plates, glue -cholesterol levels -etc. Samples of food Performance task - Planning a balanced meal and/ or a healthy snack. Performance task - Reading and evaluating information on labels to make informed Labels, boxes, packages choices. Brochures from Ministry of Health Writing journals. Eat balanced meals and healthy snacks. Make wise choices with respect to meals and snacks. Make informed choices when shopping. Encourage others to eat healthy foods. LEVEL TWO 65#77H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL TWO Eating and Fitness: Influences on Food Choices SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES Communication Analysing Analyse the factors that influences on eating influence eating choices. SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES Analysing case studies and / or stories. RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Puppets Creating: - Critical thinking choices: Advertisements - parents -other adults Demonstrate ability to make appropriate choices. Class discussion Stories Self awareness -peers Puppetry -the media Photographs Problem solving -culture -availability Analysing advertising strategies. Presentations: Food labels Refusal Decision making Advocacy Making posters and ads promoting healthy eating. Packaged foods -display -project -portfolio -oral Brochures from Ministry of Health. posters jingles slogans conveying messages on food choices. Adopt healthy eating practices. Display resilience to influences. Persuade parents and friends to make healthy food and menu choices. Influence adults to provide healthy foods for themselves and others. Jingles LEVEL TWO 66#78H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL TWO Eating and Fitness: Anatomy and Physiology SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED RESOURCES TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Critical thinking Digestion and health Demonstrate an Brainstorming understanding of the Decision making Communication Healthy self digestive process. Lecture/discussion Research Model Charts Examine practices that will aid or hinder proper digestion. Transparencies Photographs management Writing journals about physical activities. The Skeletal Demonstrate an System OHP Drawing and/ or labelling the digestive system. Identifying practices that aid digestion. Observe health rules that aid digestion. Develop habits that facilitate maintenance of a healthy skeletal system. understanding of the skeletal system. Video clip Examine the importance of T.V. healthy bones. V.C.R. Identify practices that facilitate keeping a healthy skeletal system. Charts Literature Health related brochures and posters LEVEL TWO 67#79H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL TWO Eating and Fitness: Personal Hygiene/ Safety SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ SOCIAL ACTION EVALUATION STRATEGIES Self awareness Cleanliness and grooming. Discuss characteristics of good grooming. Dramatization of scenarios Pictures Observation Present a well groomed self. Interpersonal Discussions Charts Self reports. Healthy self management Communication skills Practices that reflect good grooming:- -proper care of self, personal clothing and belongings. Be aware that cleanliness and good grooming show consideration for self and others. Explore ways to promote cleanliness and good grooming. Demonstrations Video clips Peer assessment. Practise habits that promote health. Literature Display ability to handle hygiene issues sensitively. Model/s Charts Health related brochures LEVEL TWO 68 89#80H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL TWO Eating and Fitness: Injury Prevention SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ SOCIAL ACTION EVALUATION (Choking, consuming dangerous substances, physical injuries from cuts, burns and falls etc.) Awareness Critical thinking Prevention and care of injury related to eating and fitness. Decision making Problem solving Refusal skills Healthy self management Emergency numbers -parents -police Self monitoring Identify possible hazards at school and at home. Explore measures to protect oneself from these hazards. (Preventive measures) Identify responsible school personnel and community helpers (doctor, nurse, dentist etc) who are first aid practitioners. Identify emergency numbers suitable to their age. Discussions Role play Demonstrations Interactive lecture. Critical viewing of video clips. Analysing stories or case studies Pictures Observation Stories Self reports Video clips Demonstration Resource personnel Making posters Comic strips Cartoons Art materials Paper Follow the correct procedure in response to specific hazards. Use emergency numbers responsibly. LEVEL TWO 69#81H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL TWO Eating and Fitness: Consumer Health SKILL TOPIC Critical thinking Problem solving Valid health information and services. Decision making Healthy self management Communication OBJECTIVES Identify resources used by individuals to manage their daily lives. (toiletries, medications) Identify sources of valid health information and services. Collect and evaluate health information. Drug use and drug Distinguish between 'drug' and abuse. 'medicine'. Examine reasons why over the counter drugs should not be abused or misused. SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES Discussion Analysing and interpreting labels, brochures, health magazines, website articles etc. Locating caution on medication - discussing meaning and importance. Dramatization RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Health literature Project Medicine boxes Poster making Medicine labels Journal Resource personnel Survey Source and use valid health information and services. Influence others to source and use valid health information and services. Make informed selection when purchasing and using drugs. LEVEL TWO 70#82H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL TWO Eating and Fitness: Food Safety SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES Brainstorming RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Creating posters and cartoons with messages on food safety. Practise appropriate habits in preparing, storing and disposing of food. Evaluate safety and health practices of vendors. Critical thinking Food safety Examine the importance of proper storage and disposal of food to health. Pictures Discussions Problem solving Newspaper clippings Dramatization Decision making Handling food Demonstrate proper practices when handling food. Stories Portfolio Critical viewing of: -Photographs Resource Observing Healthy self -Video clips personnel management/ monitoring Purchasing from vendors Identify and weigh criteria for selecting a vendor from whom to purchase. Reporting: -oral -written LEVEL TWO -graphic Take appropriate action if unsafe food is consumed. LEVEL TWO 71#83H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document Sexuality and Sexual Health: Relationships I SKILL TOPIC Self Who am I? awareness Interpersonal Empathy Self awareness Decision making Gender roles and responsibilities Critical thinking Gender Taboos Empathy OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Appreciate the physical differences in males and females. Appreciate and be comfortable with oneself as a sexual being. Develop an understanding and respect for the opposite sex. Listing attributes to show appreciation Resource personnel Brainstorming Small group and class discussion Doll Participating in discussion. Display positive and dignified behaviour. Chart Observation Stationery Resource personnel Cartooning, drawing Brainstorming, role play Pictures Display Documentary Making journal entries Video clip Newspaper clippings Creating poems or songs about roles and responsibilities. Volunteer to perform duties and assist others in performing duties. Avoid stereotyping. Demonstrate an understanding of gender roles and responsibilities. Appreciate changing gender roles in relation to the needs and demands of the home and society. Eliminate existing gender-related taboos. Critically examine role models (peers, parents, other adults) to inform positive behaviours. Appreciate gender equity and interdependence. Dialogue Video clips Case studies Class and or group discussion Dramatization LEVEL TWO 72#84H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL TWO Sexuality and Sexual Health: Relationships II SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING ASSESSMENT/ RESOURCES EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION STRATEGIES Self awareness Appropriate ways of expressing love and friendship. Decision making Interpersonal Effective Communication Assertiveness Appreciate that one's body is private and special, and should be treated with respect by all. Display proper behaviour in boy/girl relationships. Firmly convey disapproval of inappropriate touch. Express love and care in appropriate age related ways. Role play Video clips Participation in class discussion Display appropriate behaviour. Puppets/Dolls Discussion of related incidents. Cassettes Demonstrating proper Comic strips treatment of oneself using a doll. Empathy Analysing case studies. Creating a cartoon with messages on topic. Express disapproval firmly to inappropriate touch. Seek assistance from a trustworthy adult for self and/ or others. Be advocates against abuse. Refusal skills Coping skills Self control Derogatory terms Self monitoring Assertiveness Critical thinking Decision making Refrain from addressing peers with derogatory terms used in their environment. Class and group discussions. Convey firm disapproval of derogatory terms. Critiquing songs and music Use positive expressions to replace derogatory terms. Dilemmas. videos that use such terms. Songs Journal entries Video clips/recordings Cassette recording of peaceful disapproval. Creating a poem or calypso about positive and negative expressions. Speak out confidently against use of derogatory terms. LEVEL TWO 73#85H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL TWO Sexuality and Sexual Health: Relationships II continued SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ SOCIAL ACTION EVALUATION Assertiveness Sexual abuse Develop ability to say 'No' to sexual advances. Discussion Video clips Journal entries Communication Analysing case studies Case studies Role play Decision making Problem solving Empathy Advocacy Stigmatization Be vocal about sexual abuse of self and peers. Develop strategies to avoid being in compromising situations. Empathize with peers who may be experiencing abuse (avoid stigmatization). Panel discussion Critical viewing of video clips Resource personnel Exercise caution in developing relationships. Seek assistance from a trustworthy adult. Treat victims with respect. Be advocates against sexual abuse. LEVEL TWO 74#86H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL TWO Sexuality and Sexual Health: Relationships III SKILL TOPIC Decision making Hygiene Self awareness Healthy self management Decision making Diseases Self awareness Healthy self management Stigmatization Empathy Advocacy OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ SOCIAL ACTION EVALUATION Appreciate the need for and practise good hygiene emphasizing care of private parts. Be aware of the necessity to wear clean undergarments daily. Critical viewing of pictures or films depicting body care. Discussion small group; - class. Pictures Questioning Practise good hygiene. Research Health literature Journal entries Series of pictures or comic strip Oral reports Textbook Encourage and influence peers to do the same. Handle hygienic issues with sensitivity. Share information about HIV/AIDS. Be aware of diseases that result from Critical viewing of video unhealthy practices. Be knowledgeable about HIV/AIDS and how it is spread. Empathize with persons living with HIV/AIDS. Share information about HIV/AIDS and other related diseases. recordings, medical brochures and magazines. Journals Lectures and discussions involving -people who care for persons living with HIV/ AIDS -persons living with HIV/ AIDS ―relatives of persons living with HIV/AIDS. Video clips Pictures Journal entries Oral presentations Poster campaign Medical journals Health Literature on HIV/AIDS Resource personnel -people who care for persons living with HIV/AIDS -persons living with HIV/AIDS - relatives of persons living with HIV/AIDS. Dramatising empathy for victims. Empathize with HIV/AIDS victims. Become advocates for HIV/AIDS awareness. LEVEL TWO 75#87H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL TWO Sexuality and Sexual Health: Growth and Development: Life Cycles SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES Self awareness My body changes Identify changes the body experiences as it matures. Group discussions Picture Self Video Clips Charts Puberty management Speak respectfully about body changes. Class discussions Pictures Participation in role play. Self monitoring Refusal Abstinence Examine the relationship between physical maturity and reproduction. Treat discussions about private parts with the same attitude that the other body parts receive. Practise self control and abstinence. Role play Diagrams ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION Observation of students over time. SOCIAL ACTION Practise abstinence. Speak about sex related issues respectably. Treat opposite sex with respect. Medical journals Magazine Websites. Critical thinking Concept of birth. Communication skills Negotiation skills Refusal skills Parenting - Responsibility of childbearing Develop awareness that sexual intercourse should be delayed until one is ready for family commitments. Be aware that the consent of both adult male and adult female should precede sexual contact. Appreciate the role of male and female in child bearing. Demonstrate knowledge of the responsibilities associated with child bearing. Case Study Group and class discussion Drawing cartoons Role play Critique of behaviour of adult and peers Health literature on the body. Peer assessment. Video clips play. Charts Participate in group discussions and role Resource personnel (E.g. A Nurse or youth whose career path has been spoiled due to early pregnancy.) Dramatization. Speak about child bearing respectably. Take action to preserve one's sexual integrity. Avoid premature sexual involvement. LEVEL TWO 76#88H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL TWO Sexuality and Sexual Health: Factors Influencing Sexual Expression: What I see, hear and do? SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Critical thinking Decision making Social practices: -family Note that some adult social practices are unhealthy. Critical viewing of Video different scenarios -peers -others reflecting negative Video clips Self management Identify the consequences of negative social practices on sexual expression. practices. Case studies Assertiveness Role play about family and peer scenarios. Communication Identify the consequences of irresponsible sexual expression. Class discussion Advocacy Problem solving Influence of Coping substances on sexual expression. Self management Self monitoring Assertiveness Communication Vulnerability Advocacy Role play to show ways of addressing negative practices of adults and peers. Speak out assertively when one encounters negative social practices. Identify substances used in the home and in advertisements that can lead to promiscuous behaviour. Critically assess the impact of the family and peer pressure on drug use. Be aware that drug abuse has negative consequences on sexual expression. Survey Case study of a victim of substance abuse. Role-play of refusal skills. Labels Role play of refusal skills: Discussion. Literature Examination of the labels of such products. Video clips Case study self assessment group assessment Creating a poem or poster on "Say 'No' to drugs" Advocate for abstinence. Treat opposite sex with respect. Exercise self control. Cassettes LEVEL TWO 77#89H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL TWO Sexuality and Sexual Health: Factors Influencing Sexual Expression: What I see, hear and do? SKILL TOPIC Problem solving Influence of Media and Technology Coping Self management Self monitoring Assertiveness Communication Sexual exploitation Refusal skills OBJECTIVES Critically assess the negative impact of selected advertisements, songs, movies and websites on sexual expression. Make responsible choices when selecting music, print material, movies and websites. Say 'No' to peer influences when selecting material. Be aware that they are vulnerable to sexual exploitation. Develop strategies to avoid being sexually exploited. Be vocal about any form of sexual exploitation. SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES Analysis of cases studies of victims of inappropriate sexual lifestyles who were influenced by the media. Open confessions from students who were tempted to view inappropriate materials. Discussions RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Literature Create: - posters Video clips - songs Cassette recordings -calypsos -writings -slogans -poems on responsible choices, irresponsible advertising and exploitation. Speak out against irresponsible media messages and child exploitation. Be vocal about all forms of exploitation. Display resilience towards peer pressure and other negative influences. LEVEL TWO 78#90H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL TWO Managing The Environment: Caring for the Environment SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Critical thinking Concept of an ecosystem. Examine ecosystems in their environment. Brainstorming Pictures Problem Field Trips to zoo, Wild Fowl Trust, swamps etc Newspapers Designing posters showing the ecosystem. Planting appropriate trees. solving Encyclopaedias Oral questioning Self awareness Healthy self management Coping with Recognition of linkages within the ecosystem as it relates to one's health/ well-being and survival. Value and respect life and perform actions to reflect same. Analyse and illustrate that all living things are dependent on each other and the environment (non living) for survival. Appreciate the value and contribution of all life forms on the environment. Close passages emotions Refusal skills Negotiation Empathy Interpersonal Videos Composing: Art and Craft (drawings) -posters Discussion Resource personnel -songs -calypsoes -writings Campaign against indiscriminate behaviour toward flora Role Play -slogans -poems and fauna. Interviews LEVEL TWO 79#91H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL TWO Managing The Environment: Waste Disposal SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES Creative thinking Concept of waste Explain the different disposal. Photographs methods of waste disposal. Discussion Critical thinking Interpersonal Communication Healthy self management/ monitoring Methods and effects of Analyze the effects of improper disposal. Reuse, recycle Demonstrate ways to use recycling as alternatives to disposal of waste. inappropriate disposal of waste in life. Brainstorming Analysis of articles on topic. Role Play Designing posters containing messages. RESOURCES Actual specimens of pieces of waste materials. Chart Articles from magazines and websites. Resource personnel ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Role playing Presentation of short reports. Participation in group and class activities. Critiquing posters. (peer assessment) Dispose waste properly to ensure healthy environment. LEVEL TWO 80#92H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL TWO Managing The Environment: Pollution SKILLS TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED RESOURCES TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION Creative thinking Concept of pollution. Identify pollution in their environment. Discussion Pictures Extracting information from pictures. Video clips Critical thinking Causes of pollution Life choices Express views on the various ways in which pollution can be caused. Interpreting signs posters related to pollution. Making checklists. Songs Sentence completion. Problem Composing poems, songs, jingles etc Poems solving Responsibility Charts Photographs of polluted areas. Brainstorming Healthy self Resource management/ monitoring Empathy Prevention measures Apply basic techniques in preventing pollution. Role play to convey messages personnel about pollution. SOCIAL ACTION Assume roles of litter wardens. Participate in environmental projects in the school and community. Advocate for clean up of the unsanitary areas in the school and community. LEVEL TWO 81#93H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL TWO Managing The Environment: Conservation and Preservation SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Creative thinking Critical thinking Concept of conservation and preservation Examine how conservation and preservation impact on healthy living. Discussion Videos Portfolios (create) Become involved in Brainstorming Charts Developing a chart Communication Decision making Healthy self The effects of conservation and preservation Inviting resource personnel Television set Interviews Journals Writing short essays on issues discussed. activities to ensure the conservation and preservation of the environment e.g. development of a play park; community work. management/ monitoring Conservation and preservation strategies Examine strategies used to conserve and preserve our environment. Analyzing articles on the topic Overhead projector (OHP) Question session Interpersonal Empathy Responsibility towards Coping with stress environment Explore ways in which our decisions and those of others can have both positive and negative effects on the environment and our health. Resource personnel Photographs Become an advocate for conservation and preservation. LEVEL TWO 82#94H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL TWO Managing The Environment: Relationship between Environmental Health and Personal Health SKILL TOPIC Refusal Effects of Negotiation attitude and actions on our health Creative thinking Man made systems Critical thinking Wellness choices Communication Interpersonal Empathy Decision making Self awareness OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ SOCIAL ACTION EVALUATION Identify and discuss how the actions and attitudes of humans affect our environmental health (through pollutants, deforestation, coastal dredging, use of pest controls etc). Examine how man made systems may affect the community. Examine the relationship between resource use, reuse, recycling and environmental health. Justify the need for a healthy environment. Cultivate a desire for a harmonious relationship between the environment and personal health. Brainstorming Discussion making use of video clips critical viewing Interview Field Trips Debates Charts Video recordings Quizzes Close passages Become advocate for healthy environment. Computer Resource personnel Composing: -posters -songs -calypsoes -writings Engage in:- recycling projects restoration projects -slogans sharing of -poems information. Portfolio LEVEL TWO 83#95H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL TWO Managing The Environment: Disaster preparedness SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Drawing pictures of disasters. Writing a short story to an adult about their experience and how they will prepare in future for a disaster. Peer assessment of skits/puppet shows about what happened and what should take place when a disaster strikes. Writing journals Develop action plan for dealing with disasters. Show empathy to those affected. Decision making Concept of disaster. Differentiate between natural and man made disasters. Brainstorm disasters experienced or heard of in news Videos Pictures Critical thinking Types of disasters. Empathy Communication Effects of disasters. Describe the types of disasters that are most likely to affect the home, school and community and discuss how they affect individuals. Classify cases into natural and man-made Newspaper clippings Discussion Counselling techniques Leaflets/ pamphlets Disaster Interpersonal preparedness Explore how one can prepare for disasters. Role play Resource personnel Empathise with people and Conducting surveys (E.M.A, communities that have been struck by disasters. NEMA etc) Field Trips Portfolio Local Relief Identify disaster relief Interviews organizations. organizations. LEVEL TWO 84#96H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL TWO Managing The Environment: Environmental Laws and Organizations SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Decision making Recognition of the necessity of laws. Become aware of the necessity for laws and Use of flow charts Flow charts Making brochures / pamphlets/leaflets to regulations for the Dramatization Computer Creative environment. thinking Discussion Video Self awareness Problem solving Interpersonal Recognition of roles of organisation in upholding laws. Communication Critical thinking Upholding laws Examine how these laws impact on the home and the school. Outline the role of organisations and agencies that deal with environmental laws and regulations. Assess the effectiveness of these laws on the environment. Demonstrate ways by which laws can be upheld and be proactive in doing so. Writing letters to the Lecture Resource relevant authorities. personnel Critical viewing of video clips Brochures Resource personnel Pamphlets Form class committees to forge the upholding of enlighten people of laws and laws (walkathon). organisations. Help enforce laws/rules in the school by serving as environmental police, prefects etc. Report offenders to the relevant authorities. List of organisations LEVEL TWO 85#97H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document COURSE OUTLINE LEVEL THREE STANDARDS FOUR AND FIVE 98 86#98H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL THREE Self and Interpersonal Relationships: Dimensions of Self SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Interpersonal Personal Needs Identify personal needs. Reflection Resource personnel Writing journals. Think/ Act critically and creatively. Prioritize personal needs. Introspection Story Critical thinking Producing semantic maps Recognize and seek intervention to satisfy needs. Negotiating Case Study Discussion Resource personnel Self management Self monitoring Conflict Resolution Demonstrate the capacity to use coping, social and cognitive skills to handle dilemmas. Identify appropriate and inappropriate behaviours with respect to conflict resolution. Sharing Newspaper articles -oral Developing portfolios. Making presentations: -written Communicating Students -graphic Role-play School rules Formulating positive Resolve conflicts peacefully. Analyzing Cartoons school rules, slogans, jingles. Appropriate behaviour Exhibit behaviours that will display appropriate conduct. Group activity Documentary Engaging in creative expression. Creating scenarios Dramatization PowerPoint presentations LEVEL THREE 87#99H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL THREE Self and Interpersonal Relationships: Managing Emotions SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION STRATEGIES Communication Feelings and emotions:- Develop sensitivity to each others' feelings. Discussion Posters, CD, Cassette Analyzing role plays. Display emotional management. Negotiation -anger Debates Film Creating: -hatred Assertiveness -fear Resolve negative emotional states. -posters Group activity Audio-visual material -jingles -jealousy -Movies -slogans Problem solving -love Display emotional self control. Negotiation - Stories -possessiveness -Video Clip -rap -calypsoes Critical thinking -sadness Show sensitivity to the Drama - CD Respect and accept each Self emotions and feelings of the opposite sex. Analyzing violent situations. Story management Self monitoring Interpersonal Cooperation Assertiveness Feel confident in Resolve conflicts that arise in relationships. Role Play News articles on contemporary issues Open Forum Puppetry presentation others differences. Responding to created scenarios, role play, drama Real life experiences Writing journals Resolve conflict peacefully. communicating feelings and Critical viewing Communicate feelings and emotions appropriately. choices. Resource personnel Research project Engaging in peer assessment. Keeping a log on emotions experienced and managed. LEVEL THREE 88#100H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL THREE Self and Interpersonal Relationships: Relationship with Others SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES Self management Positive characteristics Develop positive personality characteristics. Cooperative learning Resource personnel Observation Internet Self monitoring Strengths and weaknesses Identify strengths and weaknesses of others. Interviews Books Negotiation Research Cartoons -written -graphic. Interpersonal weaknesses. Biases and Prejudices Collaborate to improve strengths and reduce Examine how prejudices and Snowballing Introspection Documentary Observing ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION Engaging in panel discussion. Making presentations: -oral SOCIAL ACTION Display positive interaction with peers and others. Interact harmoniously. Avoid discrimination and stereotyping. Newsprint Engaging in peer assessment. biases affect relationships. Think-pair-share Markers Use social skills to reduce prejudices. Brainstorming DVD, CD, Movies Unity - Examine how good harmonious living relationships build strong community. Group discussion Role Play Stories Drama groups Drama Scenarios Critical analysis Rewards Idioms Newspaper articles Composing: - songs -calypsoes -slogans -poems -rhymes/jingles -raps to promote positive practices. Writing journal/ reflections. Case Studies LEVEL THREE 89#101H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL THREE Self and Interpersonal Relationships: Stress and Crisis SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES Critical thinking Stress Demonstrate an understanding Brainstorming Current events of coping skills to deal with Negotiation adverse and high risk situations. Case studies Demonstrate an appreciation of Role play Managing stress a need to deal with adverse and high risk situations. Anonymous question Self Coping strategies management Apply appropriate skills to cope Small group discussion with adverse and high risk situations. Student Support Services Creative expression/ writing Self monitoring ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Newspaper article Writing journals Simulating group activities: -talk shows Composing: Stories/Documentary -radio programmes Resource personnel - - songs -calypsoes -slogans -poems -rhymes/jingles -raps to promote positive practices Creating: posters collages murals to promote positive practices. Writing letters to editors. Cope with stress and crises successfully. Assist others in coping with stress and crises. LEVEL THREE 90#102H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL THREE Self and Interpersonal Relationships: Adapting To and Managing Change SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES Critical thinking Delayed gratification Identify friendly steps of refusal skills. Role play Managing issues Communication Use refusal skills effectively. Self Brainstorming Changes:- management Negotiation Interpersonal - Personal change - Social change Identify changes in situations with self and others. Set and implement goals to achieve potential to adjust to change. Communication Cooperation Critical thinking Reflection and Introspection Apply skills to adjust to change. Reflect and introspect on adjustment to change. RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Stories Writing journals Video clips T.V. Composing:- - songs -calypsoes Practise friendly refusal skills. Display assertive behaviour. Critical viewing Discussion Current events Real life experiences -slogans -poems -rhymes/jingles Manage change successfully. -raps Small group activity Open Forum Resource personnel -oral Documentary -written Books Stories -graphic Responding to scenarios depicting change. Presentations:- LEVEL THREE 91#103H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL THREE Self and Interpersonal Relationships: Technology and Self SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES Communication Responsible use Use information and computer technology (ICT) with moral and ethical responsibility. Decision making of ICT Problem solving Making appropriate choices Self monitoring SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES Demonstration Critical viewing Role-play Source useful information to make appropriate choices. Be aware of the dangers of visiting in appropriate websites and developing online friends. Make responsible selections. Modelling Research Discussion RESOURCES Books Computer Resource personnel ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION Observing use of ICT Writing journals on experiences related to use of ICT. Making presentations: - oral -written -graphic Preparing -projects -reports SOCIAL ACTION Use technology appropriately without supervision. Influence peers to make responsible choices when choosing websites. Resist negative influences of peers when choosing websites. LEVEL THREE 92#104H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL THREE Self and Interpersonal Relationships: Developing Self and Community SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Critical thinking Develop social responsibility. Display a sense of loyalty to country. Discussion Songs Decision making Role play Emblems headers Responding to scenarios depicting negative behaviour. Volunteer community service. Coping Interpersonal Communication Negative behaviour: -vandalism -defacing -obscenities -inconsideration Express an appreciation of the roles and responsibilities of persons in the community. Engage in activities which foster the collective good of the community. Treat with behaviour which impact negatively on the community. Small group activity Research Conducting interviews Real life situations Projects Environmental information Video clips Resource personnel Library books Journals Library personnel Observing and reporting behaviours and incidents in their environment. Group presentation of a community project plan. -oral -written -graphic Display a sense of ownership for community through positive actions. Dissuade others from engaging in negative behaviour in the community. Develop community project plan. LEVEL THREE 93#105H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL THREE Self and Interpersonal Relationships: Sensitivity to those with Special Needs SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES Brainstorming Communication Research Empathy Special needs Identify strengths and persons. Critical thinking limitations of those with special needs. Creative Empathize with special needs thinking persons. Role-play Cooperation Value the contributions of special needs persons. Group presentation Managing feelings Communication Interact positively with special Observation needs persons in every day activities. Peer assessment RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Newspaper clippings Responding to Real life situations Documentaries Resource personnel Observation scenarios depicting interaction with special needs persons. Performing peer assessment Composing: songs -calypsoes -slogans -poems -rhymes/jingles -raps on issues relevant to special needs persons. Empathize and work collaboratively with those having special needs. Encourage others to display affirmative action towards persons differently abled. Creating -cartoons -collage -posters Writing journals LEVEL THREE 94#106H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL THREE Eating and Fitness: Physical Fitness SKILL TOPIC Critical thinking An active healthy lifestyle. Creative thinking Activities that contribute to a healthy body. Healthy self management Self Developing a fitness routine. monitoring OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES Identify and work to develop components of health-related fitness - flexibility, cardio- vascular endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance. Set fitness goals. Select appropriate activities to improve fitness. Brainstorming Lecture Demonstration Group work Literature Resource personnel Sports Officer Video clips Keeping log - charting progress towards fitness goal. Critical viewing of video programmes on fitness. ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION Performance tasks - development of personal and group fitness plan. SOCIAL ACTION Incorporate a fitness programme into daily life. Form fitness teams / clubs. Participate in fitness competitions. LEVEL THREE 95#107H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL THREE Eating and Fitness: Food and Nutrition SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Critical Nutrients and thinking Food Groups. Correlate nutrients and food groups. Cooperative learning groups Dietary guidelines Writing journals on eating choices. Eat for health. Class and group discussion Decision Changing needs making of the body. Compare their food intake with recommended adolescent guidelines. Food pyramid Keeping logs. Case studies Persuade others (peers, parents and other adults) to eat for Video clip/s Self management Relationship of self esteem to Communication diet. Self awareness Advocacy B.M.I.(Body Mass Index) Correlate diet and a healthy appearance. Correlate diet choices based on food facts and nutritional requirements. Be aware of B.M.I. Calculate their B.M.I. Critical viewing Group work to plan meals using local and inexpensive foods Literature Planning and executing a food fair involving parents and community. health. Creating : -cartoons -collages -posters. LEVEL THREE 96#108H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL THREE Eating and Fitness: Influences on Food Choices SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Video clips Keeping a log of how they respond to influences around them. Ranking, rating and grading Advertisements of advertisements. Choose foods based on health principles rather than on whims and fancies. Influence and help others to choose a diet based on health principles. Critical thinking Influences on eating choices: -parents Review influence of people around them on their eating practices. Cooperative learning groups Discussion Decision -peers Newspaper articles making Problem culture -availability solving Refusal skills -advertisements Evaluate advertisements as they relate to personal health practices. Develop ability to resist negative influences on food choices. Critical viewing Critical analysis of ads Boxes Carousel technique Packages Self awareness Healthy Self management Self monitoring LEVEL THREE 97#109H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL THREE Eating and Fitness: Anatomy and Physiology SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Critical thinking The Immune System Describe the structure and function of the immune system. Lecture Video clips Developing a portfolio Research Transparencies Creating : Problem Differentiate between -cartoons solving communicable and non- Resource -collages communicable diseases. personnel -posters Self awareness Describe ways to avoid / or Literature Displaying and Self prevent communicable and non- presenting materials management communicable diseases. Internet created. Self monitoring Adopt a lifestyle that enhances health Influence and help others to do adopt a healthy lifestyle. LEVEL THREE 98#110H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL THREE Eating and Fitness: Personal Hygiene/Safety SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES Critical thinking Personal hygiene and safety Formulate a personal hygiene routine. Research Creative thinking Critical viewing Effects of improper Decision making practices related to cleanliness and Identify sicknesses and illnesses caused by poor hygiene. Self awareness Self management grooming: sickness diseases Address issues related to hygiene for safety. isolation. Group work Carousel brainstorming Discussion group, class - Critical viewing Advocacy RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Literature Writing journals Adopt habits of good grooming. Internet Resource Monitoring Adopt safe practices to avoid injury. personnel Pictures charts Video clips Pictures Charts LEVEL THREE 99 99#111H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL THREE Eating and Fitness: Injury Prevention SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Prevention and care of injuries related to eating and fitness:- -choking; -consuming dangerous substances; -physical injuries from cuts, burns and falls. Awareness Critical thinking Decision making Problem solving Emergency numbers:- Refusal skills -local ambulance; -police; -parents. Healthy self management Self monitoring First Aid Practices. Prescribe ways to prevent injuries. Role-play actions and behaviours to protect oneself from these hazards. (Preventive measures) Identify emergency numbers. Be aware that emergency numbers should be used responsibly. Identify responsible school personnel and community helpers (doctor, nurse, dentist etc) who are first aid practitioners. Demonstrate first aid practices. Analyzing stories or case studies Identify possible hazards at school and at home. Discussion Pictures Responding to Use emergency scenarios depicting Role playing Stories numbers emergency situations. responsibility. Demonstration Video clips Demonstrating First Follow the correct Aid practices. Resource Interactive lecture. personnel Creating:- procedure in response to specific hazards. -cartoons Critical viewing of video clips. Comic strips -collages -posters Cartoons Art materials Paper LEVEL THREE 100#112H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL THREE Eating and Fitness: Consumer Health SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Critical thinking Health information. Identify characteristics of accurate health information. Lecture/discussion Research Problem solving Communication Health promoting Self products and services. management Self monitoring Advocacy Validate and verify why one health product will be chosen over another. Identify community agencies that advocate for healthy individuals and communities. Cooperative learning Critical analysis of prescriptions and labels for medicines and health care products. Compare and contrast data on labels. Literature Oral presentations. Labels hair and skin Formulating a Consumer products, etc Guide listing positive ways to get information. Prescriptions Resource personnel – Consumer Affairs Health personnel Internet ads and literature on weight loss or fitness programmes. Formulating a checklist for evaluating health products and services. Selecting wisely health products and services. Writing letter to the editor of a newspaper. Be responsible consumers. Advocate for accurate health information and wholesome products and services. LEVEL THREE 101#113H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL THREE Eating and Fitness: Food Safety SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/ LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Decision making Food Preservation Develop appropriate practices relevant to the preservation of foods. Analyzing labels Food labels Interpreting data Problem Literature Critiquing posters and literature on each topic. Presenting information on Select appropriate methods for storing foods. solving Read and interpret information on Group work food labels accurately. communication Discussion Resource personnel Expired food Self monitoring Deal responsibly with expired food items. topic:- -oral -written -graphic. Read labels carefully at all times. Research Charts Advocacy Improper practices and effects. Identify improper practices which Lecture are dangerous to one's health. Video clips Planning an awareness campaign. Execute an awareness campaign. Critical viewing Internet Recognize sicknesses caused as a result of improper storage and handling. Displaying methods of food preservation. LEVEL THREE 102#114H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL THREE Sexuality and Sexual Health: Relationships I SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Critical thinking Gender equity and inequity Be aware of gender inequity. Brain storming Pictures Decision Display equal treatment towards both sexes. Critical viewing Journals making Questioning Resource personnel Self awareness Panel discussions Problem Gender role solving and responsibilities Cartoons, Art pieces Communication Role modelling Display comfort with one's sexuality. Maintain behaviours which depict responsibility towards one's gender roles. Relate changing gender roles in relation to needs and demands of society. (interdependence) Critique misconceptions about gender roles. (boys don't cry; ladies belong to the kitchen, etc) Critically evaluate role models (peers, parents, other adults) to inform behaviour. Model positive attributes that lead to responsible sexual behaviour. Lecture Resource personnel Games-puzzles Panel discussions Role-play radio or T.V. - talk show. Games, puzzles Video/ televisions Advertisements Writing journals. Accepting and participating in role play and panel discussion Ongoing observation -treatment of others Display comfort with each other showing equal treatment. Show responsibility and become intrusive in accepting roles when need arises. Choose appropriate role models. Display responsible sexual behaviour. LEVEL THREE 103#115H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL THREE Sexuality and Sexual Health: Relationships II SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ SOCIAL ACTION EVALUATION Self awareness Inappropriate touching Express love and care in appropriate age related ways. Discussions Video Participating: Behave Decision making Interpersonal Effective communication refusal advocacy negotiation Empathy Display good moral conduct in boy/girl relationships. Communicate openly and responsibly disapproval about inappropriate touch. Treat one's and others' body with respect. Develop ability to say 'No' to sexual advances. Be vocal to appropriate authorities about sexual abuse of self and peers. Develop strategies to avoid being in compromising situations. Empathize with peers who may be experiencing abuse. Puppets asking questions. Critical viewing of video clips good and bad behaviour. Cassette recorder -class discussion. -peer and self assessment appropriately with peers and adults. Cassette Role play scenarios recorder Producing a video recording of drama created by class. Take responsible action to stop abuse. Comic strip Puppets Producing a cassette Cassette recordings to generate discussions. recording of Display ability to use refusal skills participation in class discussion. LEVEL THREE 104#116H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL THREE Sexuality and Sexual Health: Relationships II continued SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ SOCIAL ACTION EVALUATION Effective Derogatory terms Refrain from using derogatory terms. Discussions communication refusal advocacy negotiation Convey firm disapproval to those who use derogatory terms. Role play scenarios Cassette recordings to generate discussions Participating in class discussion. Behave appropriately with peers and adults. Production of Empathy Interpersonal Use positive expressions when expressing dissatisfaction. Critical viewing of video clips on behaviour Video Cassette recorder cassette recording highlighting refusal skills. Video recording class drama. Take responsible action to stop abuse. Critical viewing of comic strips Puppets asking questions Puppets LEVEL THREE 105#117H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL THREE Sexuality and Sexual Health: Relationships III SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Self awareness Hygiene Be aware that additional care is needed for the body during puberty. Lecture resource personnel Video recordings Participating in class activities. Assertiveness Discussion Charts Analytical and critical thinking Access necessary products, information and services to ensure hygienic practices. Critical viewing Pictures Role playing hygienic practices. Health Literature Self management Explore relationship between personal hygiene and sexually related diseases. Become role models of good hygienic practices. Resource personnel Adopt appropriate hygienic practices. Influence/persuade peers to do same. LEVEL THREE 106#118H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL THREE Sexuality and Sexual Health: Relationships III (continued) SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Lecture/demonstrations by resource personnel Decision making Problem solving Sexually related diseases Identify sexual diseases. Identify symptoms associated with HIV/AIDS and other STDs. - Coping Refusal Advocacy Self awareness Empathy Abstinence Be aware of the dangers of HIV/AIDS. Access information, products and services as they relate to sexually related diseases. Identify behaviours which make one vulnerable to HIV/AIDS and other STDs. Become an advocate of the abstinence policy. Stigmatization Empathize with persons living with STDs and HIV/AIDS. nurses persons living with HIV/AIDS relatives of victims Case Study/ studies Health literature Video clips Resource personnel Pictures Research on HIV/AIDS Over-The-Head Projector Role play Display literature on sexually related diseases. Debate on sexually related issues. Role play consequences of being a person living with sexually related diseases. Writing journals. Take steps to avoid contracting sexually transmitted diseases. Adopt an abstinence policy as the only safe method of protection from HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted infections and diseases (STIS, STDs). LEVEL THREE 107#119H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL THREE Sexuality and Sexual Health: Growth and Development: Life Cycles SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES Self awareness Body changes - sexual Examine and accept the changes Self management maturity/ readiness associated with puberty (hormonal, emotional, physical). SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES Lectures RESOURCES Video clips Discussions Drawings Self monitoring Be aware that puberty is an indication that females can conceive babies. Critical viewing of video recording on topic Documentaries ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION Observing students' interaction with others. Participating in discussion. Decision making Analytical and critical thinking Video clips Be aware that puberty is an indication that Role-play males can father babies. Writing journals. Resource Question & answer sessions Personnel Self control Coping and abstinence Practise self control and abstinence in response to the new urges being experienced. Refusal Speak respectfully and openly about puberty. SOCIAL ACTION Cope with emotions. Exercise restraint. LEVEL THREE 108#120H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL THREE SEXUALITY AND SEXUAL HEALTH: Growth and Development: Life Cycles (continued) SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES Self awareness Assertiveness Self management Concept of Reproduction or Birth Examine how babies are conceived. Be aware that a consenting adult male and female is the responsible way to conceive babies. Self monitoring Dangers of early sex Be aware of the dangers of early sex. Seek responsible help if they become victims of sexual abuse. SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Lectures Age appropriate Participating in video clips on discussion and role Advocate for abstinence. Discussions. conception and play. birth. Debate on the advantages and disadvantages of irresponsible sex. Charts Relevant literature Role play to highlight Debating sexually related issues. Engaging in self and peer assessment dangers of irresponsible sexual activities. Resource Avoid early sexual activities. Personnel Writing journals. LEVEL THREE 109#121H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL THREE Sexuality and Sexual Health: Growth and Development: Life Cycles (continued) SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES Critical thinking Responsibility of Decision making child-bearing. Appreciate the serious responsibility that comes with child-bearing. Self management Self monitoring Negotiation Refusal Be aware that best practice means delaying sexual activities until one is mature and ready for family commitments. Become role models and advise peers confidently that they should practise abstinence. Be aware of the negative consequences associated with unwanted pregnancies for all parties mother, father and baby. RESOURCES Struggle and success stories. Literature Video clips Class discussion to promote abstinence. Resource Personnel Debate: Abstinence vs. Free expression Analyzing case studies- Stories or question and answer session with victims of unwanted pregnancy and role models. ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION Responding to scenarios depicting the consequences of unplanned parenthood. Writing journals. Debating the pros and cons of child bearing. Creating and critiquing posters on: -promoting abstinence. -negatives consequences of unplanned and unwanted pregnancies. Set up displays in appropriate places to promote abstinence. SOCIAL ACTION Advocate for abstinence. LEVEL THREE 110#122H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL THREE Sexuality and Sexual Health: Factors Influencing Sexual Expression: What I see, hear and do? SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ SOCIAL ACTION EVALUATION Self awareness Social practices; Self monitoring/ management family peers society Note that practices of one's family, peers and society influence personal sexual expression. Group discussion. Video Clips Engaging in peer assessment of drama Critical viewing of video scenario of family practices. Audio Recordings and conversation recordings. Critical thinking Assertiveness Coping Identify practices of one's family, peers and society result in unacceptable sexual expression. Speak confidently against practices which result in irresponsible sexual expression. Avoid and advocate against the use of language, behaviour and dress that exhibit vulgarity. Critique of recording of conversations related to topic. Role-play scenario in which assertive and advocacy skills are used. Critique of video clips or pictures showing appropriate vs. inappropriate dress. Resource Personnel Photographs Case studies Self and peer assessment of use of language. Critiquing choice of wear. Demonstrate proper forms of expression in social interactions. Dress appropriately and influence friends to dress appropriately. Display resilience to negative influences. LEVEL THREE 111#123H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL THREE Sexuality and Sexual Health: Factors Influencing Sexual Expression: What I see, hear and do? (continued) SKILL TOPIC Critical thinking Problem solving Refusal skills Communication Self management Influence of substances on sexual expression: - drugs (alcohol, cigarettes, etc.) OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES Identify the range of substances abused. Research Literature on substance abuse. Posters Brochures Charts Explore how substance abuse can result in irresponsible sexual expression. Develop the ability to say 'No' to influences/ pressures to use substances. Refrain from visiting places that nurture negative sexual practices. Use of resource personnel - patient in rehab centre. Case Studies Role-play use of firm refusal skills. Literature Video clips Audio recordings Resource person ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION Developing portfolio on substance abuse. Rubric to assess participation in scenarios depicting the consequences of victims of substance abuse. Set up display on substance abuse. Role-playing refusal skills. SOCIAL ACTION Organize campaigns to speak out against substance abuse. Avoid use of harmful substances. LEVEL THREE 112#124H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL THREE Sexuality and Sexual Health: Factors Influencing Sexual Expression: What I see, hear and do? (continued) SKILL Critical thinking TOPIC Influence of the media on sexual Problem solving expression: Refusal skills Communication Coping Self management -print, television, cable, video -computer. Decision making Sexual exploitation Problem solving Coping Refusal Advocacy Self awareness vulnerability OBJECTIVES Critique print (pornography etc), advertisements, movies, websites and chat rooms to differentiate which are clean and which promote promiscuity. Make responsible choices which indicate positive behaviours when using any of the media. Say 'No' to peer pressure when making choices. Identify causes of sexual exploitation (money, power, poverty, immaturity, favours etc) Resist sexual exploitation even when in need. SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES Discussion about topic. Group discussion on incidents featuring negative impact of media on young children and adults. Debate on censorship. Interact with resource personnel. e.g. Rapport Case studies Literature Video clips Audio recording Discussion about Audio/ video recordings of scenarios that lead to exploitation and model behaviour which can prevent sexual exploitation. Display self efficacy as a sexual being. Role play scenes to develop refusal skills. RESOURCES Literature Video clips of advertisements Movie clips DVD Resource Personnel Video clips Audio recordings Empathy ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION Engaging in peer and self assessment of debate. Critiquing clips on media publications. -advertisements -articles Role playing refusal skills. SOCIAL ACTION Speak out against improper sexual expression. Avoid being victim of the media and peer pressure. Advise friends about positive choices. Engaging in self and peer assessment of role play. Writing journals. Responding to scenarios depicting the consequences of being a victim of sexual exploitation. Speak out against sexual exploitation. Advise peers how to protect themselves. LEVEL THREE 113#125H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL THREE Managing The Environment: Caring for the Environment SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES Interpersonal Caring for the Environment Explain ways in which one can care for the environment. Lectures Packaged instructions Healthy self Value clarification exercise management Sustainable practices: -litter policy Advocacy Decision making -the R's -reforestation -using environmentally friendly products. Identify sustainable practices necessary for a healthy environment. Videos Field Trips Assertiveness Negotiation Team Teaching Case studies Role-playing Drama Resource Persons Slides Effective communication Problem solving ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Journals, projects portfolios. Oral and written presentation on ways in which one can take care of their immediate environment. Form an environmental club. Adopt and maintain a park or public place. Take necessary action to educate public about conservation and preservation practices. LEVEL THREE 114#126H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL THREE Managing The Environment: Waste Disposal SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION methods of waste disposal Analyze the effects of improper waste disposal Self- practices on man and the environment Creative thinking Effects of improper waste disposal on man and the environment. Discuss methods of waste disposal Researching Pictures Project Discussion Video clips Portfolio Decision- Identify and analyze improper making Group work Resource personnel Debate Problem- solving Brainstorming Field trips Flow charts Advertisements awareness Role play Coping with stress Assertiveness Responsibility- methods used in waste disposal. Practise proper methods of waste disposal which will impact positively on their home and environment Flow chart Buzz groups Lecture Use available methods to engage in recycling and re-using of waste material e.g. composting. Research and develop new methods in the use and/ or re-cycling of waste material. LEVEL THREE 115#127H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL THREE Managing The Environment: Pollution SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Critical thinking Creative thinking Problem solving Pollution and health Create community awareness of pollution and its impact on health. Class discussion Charts Debate Pictures Investigating - sources of pollution. Students produce a plan to reduce pollution in their environment. Reducing pollution Explore environmentally safe ways of reducing pollution. Panel discussion Videos Healthy self Case studies Management Interpersonal Effective communication Decision making Coping with stress Display habits that reflect a concern for reducing pollution. Develop a plan to reduce pollution in their community. Radio Programmes Creating: posters - jingles slogans Resource Personnel Drama E. M.A. conveying messages about pollution. Making presentations: - oral -written -graphic. Preparing: - projects - reports - portfolios on ways of reducing pollution and causes of pollution. LEVEL THREE 116#128H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL THREE Managing The Environment: Conservation and Preservation SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Empathy R's Critical thinking The Three (3) Examine the 3 R's, reduce, reuse and recycle as they pertain to conservation and preservation. Role playing Slides Projects Drama Videos Portfolios Problem solving Responsibility towards Display positive attitudes and practices towards the Projects on the R's Resource Personnel -Forestry division Advocacy environment conservation and preservation of Lectures the environment. -W.A.S.A. -E.M.A. Decision making Field work Songs Refusal Effective communication Self awareness Coping with stress Value clarification exercise Poetry Drama Participate in World Environment Day, Wetlands Day, Earth Days, etc. Take necessary action to educate public about conservation and preservation practices. LEVEL THREE 117#129H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL THREE Managing The Environment: Relationship between Environmental Health and Personal Health SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING RESOURCES STRATEGIES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION Communication Human actions affecting environmental Problem solving health. Analyze how human actions affect environmental health. Brainstorming Pictures Conducting interviews. Discussion Slides Decision making Self awareness Health issues -lead poisoning -toxic dumping -global warming Critical thinking Assess environmental health issues and state how they affect their lives and the lives of others. List factors which demonstrate that man's survival is dependent on his environment. Identify and examine health issues that exist due to poor environmental health. Research Resource personnel Making slogans. Writing journals. Lectures Project Creating posters. Assessing Flow Chart Flow Chart Role play Debates Decision making Alternative products used to reduce health risk and environmental Display alternative Critical thinking degradation. Communication Making lifestyle choices. Coping with stress products that are used to reduce health risk and environmental degradation Choose products that are environmentally friendly. Brainstorming Discussion Pictures Slides Research Web articles Display SOCIAL ACTION Speak out against unsafe environmental practices. Display behaviours that are environment friendly. Resource personnel Project Make lifestyle choices to promote wellness: - choosing environmentally friendly products e.g. hairsprays, deodorants Flow Chart LEVEL THREE 118#130H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL THREE Managing The Environment: Disaster Preparedness SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Construction of map of escape route Develop and participate in a plan to respond to natural and man made disasters. Decision making Disaster Preparation Distinguish among the different types of disasters. Composing poems Slides Portfolios Problem solving Discussions Creative thinking Communication Interpersonal Investigate how they affect oneself and the environment. Newspaper clippings/articles Essays Critiquing videos Discuss ways one can prepare for large scale disasters. Games Resource persons relationships Drama/role play Pictures Coping with Show compassion towards victims of disasters. Research Video clips emotions N.E.M.A. Empathy N.G.O.S Access help from appropriate authorities. Critical thinking Contact appropriate authorities in times of disaster. LEVEL THREE 119#131H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL THREE Managing The Environment: Environmental Laws and Organizations SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION environmental laws. Communication Concept of environmental laws? Interpersonal relationship Upholding and Critical maintaining thinking Creative thinking Problem solving Organizations responsible for upholding environmental laws. Advocacy Responsibility Explain why environmental laws and regulations are made and enacted. Compare and contrast environmental laws that may have a positive or negative impact on the environment and family life. Analyze the roles of organizations (e.g. private, community, gov't) in development and enforcement of environmental health laws as they relate to Health and Family Life. Recognize individuals' role in upkeeping environment laws. Brainstorming Charts Interview Role play Handouts Essay Resource persons Resource Debate persons Town meetings Portfolio Field trip- Video tapes/clips Research (E.M.A., Regional Corporation) Pictures Research Interviews Slide presentation Journal writing Participate in town meetings, speeches, walkathon to develop environmental awareness. Serve as school litter wardens. Report offenders to appropriate authority. LEVEL THREE 120

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