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Investor Presentaiton

H.F.L.E. Curriculum Document LEVEL THREE Managing The Environment: Pollution SKILL TOPIC OBJECTIVES SUGGESTED TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION SOCIAL ACTION Critical thinking Creative thinking Problem solving Pollution and health Create community awareness of pollution and its impact on health. Class discussion Charts Debate Pictures Investigating - sources of pollution. Students produce a plan to reduce pollution in their environment. Reducing pollution Explore environmentally safe ways of reducing pollution. Panel discussion Videos Healthy self Case studies Management Interpersonal Effective communication Decision making Coping with stress Display habits that reflect a concern for reducing pollution. Develop a plan to reduce pollution in their community. Radio Programmes Creating: posters - jingles slogans Resource Personnel Drama E. M.A. conveying messages about pollution. Making presentations: - oral -written -graphic. Preparing: - projects - reports - portfolios on ways of reducing pollution and causes of pollution. LEVEL THREE 116
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