Investor Presentaiton
Actions for education redirecting towards
secondary and nursery school...
Poungbe computer room
3 classrooms of the Poungbe college
Education objective has been achieved. Each community village has a
primary school of 6 classrooms
■ Actions on the education domain is being extended to nursery school
construction and equipment to allow children to start school earlier
■Four nursery schools of three classrooms funded - Tongon (Poungbe
Mbengue) including the new one under construction at Korokara
■ Secondary schools being converted to increase ion capacity for pupils from
the community schools.
First secondary school construction at Kofiple started this year.
Construction of 16 classrooms already completed in secondary schools
built by the government in the vicinity of the mine to allow pupils from our
primary schools to progress, Including 3 at Poungbe and 4 at Korhogo
Additional investment has been made to further increase the capacity of
the community primary schools, to improve the accommodation and living.
conditions of the primary school teachers and to further improve the quality
of education. Introduction to computer science pupils reward ceremony
4classrooms of the LHB KorhogoView entire presentation