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#1BARRICK Investing in Côte d'Ivoire's future... Côte d'Ivoire NYSE: GOLD TSX: ABX Tongon Mine, January 2019. L environmental Working group World class mines. World class people.#2New Barrick... extensive land positions in many of the world's prolific gold districts. Donlin Gold (50%) BARRICK M&I Resources1 23% 4% 43% Golden Sunlight Hemlo Turquoise Ridge 30% Loulo-Gounkoto Goldstrike Cortez Goldrush/ Pueblo Viejo (60%) Jabal Sayid (50%) Massawa Morila (40%) 2017 Production2 Fourmile Lagunas Norte Tongon Lumwana Kibali (45%) Porgera (47.5%) 9% North Mara Bulyanhulu Buzwagi Zaldivar (50%) Norte Abierto (50%) Pascua-Lama Veladero (50%) 25% Kalgoorlie (50%) 53% 13% ● Producing • Projects Acacia (63.9% Barrick) ● Copper producing 1. M&I resources are shown inclusive of reserves. Reserves and resources are based on individual companies' assumptions. Stated on an attributable basis. 2. Source: company disclosure. Stated on an attributable basis. North America South America Africa O Australia Pacific#3BARRICK A leading African gold miner... Jabal Sayid (50%) Loulo-Gounkoto Morila (40%) Massawa Tongon Kibali (45%) North Mara Lumwana ●Gold production • Projects (63.7%) Bulyanhulu Buzwagi Acacia (63.9% Barrick) Copper production#4Tongon Mine.... Management and Employees BARRICK CEO Dr DM Bristow COO MEA Willem Jacobs Abidjan Office Bodiel Ndiaye COO West Africa Chiaka Berthe Executive Committee MEA GM Tongon Luiz Correia Operations Mine Employees Total Contractors Total Direct Employees Expats Nat Expats Nat Tongon & Project 17 688 705 17 1 001 1 018 1 723#5Tongon Mine... Development of local skills BARRICK Mine Expats 17 (0.9%) Total Employees: 1 723 Nationals: 1 689 (98%) Expats: 34 (2%) Contrators Expats Perm. 17 (0.9%) Mine Nationals Perm. 650 (37.7%) Contractors Nationals 1 001 (58.3%) Temporary Nationals 38 (2.2%)#6New Barrick...powered by an ambition to deliver sustainable profitability and growth BARRICK Superior Assets ■Tier One Gold Assets and strategic assets ■Sell non-core assets Diversified portfolio with extensive land positions in some of the world's most prolific gold districts World-Class Management Team ■Fully implement decentralised management ethos and ownership culture Streamline management and operations to eliminate non- essential costs ■Leverage innovation and technology to accelerate operational improvement Strive for zero harm workplaces Financial Discipline and Investment ■Disciplined approach to growth, leveraging partnership strategy ■Returns to shareholders driven by ROIC, IRR and FCF per share growth New Barrick will seek to leverage the combined strengths of Barrick and Randgold to become the leading gold investment vehicle and deliver long-term value to shareholders#7Barrick a travers Randgold Resources... Plus de 20 ans d'existence en Côte d'Ivoire Chiffres Actuels Investissement total à ce jour: CFA 312 milliards Production à ce jour (up Q2 2018): 58 tonnes 60 milliards de CFA investis dans exploration... ■100 millions de dollars (60 milliards de FCFA) consacrés à l'exploration en Côte d'Ivoire depuis 1995 Budget d'environ 10 millions de dollars (6 milliards de CFA) proposé pour l'exploration en 2018 ■L'équipe d'exploration de Barrick en CI comprend 58 personnes dont 52 Ivoiriens BARRICK Depenses de l'Exploration dans un CFA milliard contrat permanent depuis 1996. 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1996-1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017#8Portfolio in Côte d'Ivoire...finding world class deposits Tengrela North Tengrela South (released) Tiorotieri (released) Nielle Tongon Mine A Boundiali Mankono Nafoun Joint Venture Angoda Attobrou BARRICK Mankono JV projects Granted permits Permits under application Fapoha N at Fapoha S Targets with potential for satellite deposits 100km ΑΟΙ RRL/Newcrest Kouassi-Datekro North Kouassi-Datekro C (released) ☐ ■ Strategy to clean portfolio ongoing ■ 3 permits + 1 application dropped ■ Decision to be made on 2 more permits ■ Nafoun decree received and permit renewals on good progress ◉ Waiting for approval from Gvt. to consolidate grounds in SE CDI#9SE Côte d'Ivoire...a priority destination for Barrick/Newcrest Joint-Venture Total area of interest Barrick/Newcrest BARRICK + 1:250 000 Total Surface for survey: 11,066km² Total cost: $500,000 2 Barrick/Newcrest requests: ■All necessary authorisations and approvals to perform an Aerial Survey in AOI New permits to be granted to JV ■Applications to be processed and granted JV to be given priority on open grounds for consolidation Authorization for BLEG sampling Barrick/Newcrest to provide: Copies of all raw and processed data of the geophysical survey to the DNGM after that data has been processed by Randgold ■Training to DGMG agents during the data processing Better geological potential of the area Boost exploration and attract investments in SE CDI#10ZD Boundiali...encouraging drill results along strike of Fonondara BARRICK Infill VTEM Detailed VTEM over 45km corridor SANI TARGET Wide system confirmed with higher grades: 20m @ 1.43g/t from 30m (incl. 5m @ 4.79g/t from 35m) 24m @ 1g/t from 0m (incl. 5m @ 2.61g/t); 8m @ 11.74g/t from 2m (incl. 1m @ 70g/t) KATI NORTH New drilling defined 500m-long zone of potential immediately west of Fonondara Modeling ongoing FONONDARA KOLO TARGET 5km ■ 12 targets generated and prioritized New drilling returned narrow mineralization No follow up planned KATIERE TARGET Shallow drilling confirms 3 subparallel structures, 1.25km strike, first identified from Au-in-soil at 100ppb: 20m @ 1.5g/t from 0m (incl. 3m @ 5.08g/t); 24m @ 1.19g/t from 11m (incl. 4m @ 2.33g/t) Follow up RC planned 5 tested with shallow AC program; encouraging results along strike of Fonondara ■ Program continuing to optimally test Fonondara structure for conclusion#11New opportunities at Mankono... while Sissedougou permit being renewed Dokeka Togola Gbongogo Bafretou South Lokolo 5.5km 3.8km BARRICK ■ Soil extended towards north Results pending ■ Trenches and shallow AC drilling completed Multiple potential zones intersected ■ Results pending Strong soil anomaly over 6km Immediate extension of Morondo Trenches showed deformation and alteration which hosts grade Morondo (Orca) BAFSTR002 9m @ 0.45g/t (incl. 3m @ 0.95g/t and 1.5m @ 1.24g/t). Weak results due to deep weathering. AC results pending 34.1 Mt @ 1.1g/t for 1.2 Moz (cut off 0.7g/t)#12Orpaillage and illegal mining sites remain a challenge at Boundiali permit... Value destruction for Government and Investors BARRICK +300 artisanal miners next to Fonondara Main with risk of mining the resources Hundreds of artisanal miners recorded along strike arrived towards year end Risk of delays on RC/AC drilling programs ■Authorities informed and Barrick to request intervention#13Nielle permit... Building on a strong resource base Djinni Target Surface trenching confirms presence of sheared and altered sedimentary package with disseminated Au-bearing sulphide, c.600m to the SW. Additional RC and AC drilling planned in Q1'19 to extend current 500m strike both NE and SW in oxide Mercator Remodeling highlights potential for additional ounces in South Zone corresponding to wide Au-in-soil anomaly Q1'19 drilling planned to test southern extension towards mineralization at Jane (Badenou) Jane (prev. Badenou) Wide envelope of Si-Ser-CO3 alteration, associated with boxworks, intersected in AC, south along strike of Mercator: BDAC014: 15m @ 2.5g/t from 0m BDAC028: 42m @ 1.86g/t from 0m Strike extension from Mercator now more than 2.5km Deposit Identified target Follow up target ZD 5km BARRICK Shadow Follow-up trenching confirms presence of vein- hosted mineralization: SHTR002: 8m @ 2.27g/t from 4m Follow-up AC planned for Q1 TTZ Badénou Corridor Follow-up Q1'19 RC and AC drilling to infill gaps and extend strike of known targets along 15km Badénou Corridor Shear-zone hosted disseminated Au-in- sulphide mineralization along volcanic/metased contact with local dioritic intrusive Conceptual targets from regional soil remodel continue to feed base of Resource Triangle: Ourapa, Zulu and Jane East targets.#14Mercator-Jane...surface trenching highlights prospectivity along strike Belokolo Bend MTAC012 18m @ 1.52g/t from Om (incl. 6m @ 3.56g/t from 6m) MTAC016 3m @ 3.65g/t from 9m NEDH009 25.6m @ 1.15g/t from 173.9m NEDH001 25.6m @ 2.7g/t from 86.4m MTAC 104 6m @ 0.66g/t from 33m 820m BBAC055 15m @ 2.21g/t from 24m MTAC059 9m @ 0.61g/t from 30m MTAC065 6m @1.27g/t from 36m MTAC067 3m @0.91 g/t from 9m Mercator 2 MTAC 088 9m @ 1.35g/t from 21m BARRICK AC Drilling Program on the Badénou Corridor with Results on Remote Regolith Map Legend Integrated Nale 2 201801 C TYSCH POT + N0 GROOVE LEGEND Interpreted Alteration Envelope from AC Results received Results outstanding Interpreted Mineralized Source-Line Advanced Targets ★ Follow-up Targets Integrated Regolith 201801 Seala Dil Onday High Crsier De Depo BDTR002 12m @ 1.19g/t from 17m BDTR001 18m @ 1.25g/t from 7m 2 km BDAC014 Drainage & Roads Points 15m @ 2.5g/t from Om BDAC013 18m @ 1.12g/t from 24m Badénou Classifed Forest Arsenk Trend Oeared Soil subset Layer 2 530 8№ • 30€ 720 BDAC027 6m @ 1.35g/t from 36m Jane BDAC028 NI Total Litho Events Au5 a0001-1000000 100000-1500000 42m @ 1.86g/t from Om (incl. 3m @ 15.8g/t from 33m) 6000001- 00 m Drainage & Roads Dd Depo Go Dresioat Правопри Terg Integrate Geology _IT_AN#15Tongon mine...update BARRICK ■Following illegal strikes at Tongon in Q3, mine operations returned to normal in Q4 and achieved both planned production and revised market guidance for the year ■ Government endorsed protocol agreement, signed by the Minister of Mines at Tongon mine in the presence of the facilitator, local authorities, employees and community, allows for a peaceful climate to operate in and rebuilding of relations ■Zero LTIs in 2018 ■■ISO 14001 environmental accreditation achieved on the new version. ■Maintained OHSAS 18001 health and safety certification. ■Continued sustainable agricultural development to achieve food security on mine closure... record 4.4t/ha maize production achieved per hectare in 2018... looking to expand further ■Each of the eight surrounding and supported villages now boast primary construction. ■$10 million spent, project to date, on community infrastructure and facilities focused on primary schools, primary health, potable water and agribusiness. ■Grid power supply consistency and quality continue to be a challenge in maintaining steady production. The new Labou - Boundialli - Ferke 225kV ring main will partially help to resolve the grid power supply#16Tongon ensures good health and promotes the wellbeing of everyone... Health and Safety LTIFR of 0,00 - Zero LTIs recorded Tongon certified ISO 14001v2015 and OHSAS 18001 working with certified company, Lynx Logistics, for cyanide transport ■ Training of Health and Safety Committee members by the consultancy GERASUR and scaffolding compliance inspectors by APAVE Cote d'ivoire. ■Tongon in partnership programme with the IDEAL NGO continues to effectively manage public health (Malaria and HIV/AIDS) through prevention programmes on the mine and in surrounding community Malaria incident rate continues to decrease year on year LTIFR 2.5 Environment BARRICK Zero Class 1 environmental incidents The water management is effective at Tongon with no uncontrolled discharge. The water monitoring programme has been reinforced at the SWD (Storm Water Dam), Fresh, Lake Victoria and pits dewatering. ■ Water management system is in place with prioritized reuse of process water (RWD & SWD), Very little fresh water was pumped to the plant. All environmental risks noted during the strike were immediately addressed after resumption of work (TSF dam wall erosion, pits flooding). MIR 2010-2018 150 0.6 Fresh water used/t milled (m³/t) 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 100 50 50 0 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 0.4 0.2 0.0 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018#17Looking ahead... objectives and LOM opportunities ■Objectives ■Finalize protocol agreement and recover from the illegal industrial action ■Identify an additional two years life of mine through brownfields exploration Manage orebody and maintain its grade integrity ... no impairments ■Continued reduction of total cash cost of production for the benefit of all our stakeholders ■Build relations with our workforce and continue upgrading of the skills base Build community relations, communication and improve social development Maintain strong Barrick DNA and human capital development across the workforce ■Maintain and improve our environmental, health and safety achievements, eliminating LTIS ■Opportunities Seydou South: 48koz (721 000t @ 2.06g/t) ■Sekala: 51koz (827 000t @ 1.95g/t) ■Tongon West: potential for 50koz BARRICK ■Nafoun East (Mercator) accelerated towards an advanced target with a potential for >100koz @ 2.3g/t#18Tongon performance despite illegal work stoppages from January to September... Gold recovery % 95 Gold production oz 000 350 90 289 261 85 250 243 234 227 211 80 80 75 ठे 70 BARRICK 300 250 230 200 65 0 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Production -Recovery % 150 100 50#19Tongon contributes significantly to the economy of Côte d'Ivoire... Payments to the State and local companies as at end of Dec 2018 BARRICK Forms of Contribution Amount (KUSD) Shareholding Payroll Taxes Duties Royalties 26 746 26 724 79 395 Côte d'Ivoire 10% Private Entity (Ivorian) 1% Local Contractors and Community Investment 990 741 Other Taxes (Direct and indirect taxes, BIC) 47 251 National Salaries 61 256 Dividends and IRVM 57 209 Total 1 289 322 Payroll Taxes, 2% Dividends and IRVM, 3% National Salaries, 5% Other Taxes, 1% Local Contractors and Community Investment, 79% Duties, 3% Royalties, 7% Randgold Resources 89%#20Actual and forecast production... our goal is to extend the Life of Mine Production oz 000 Total cash cost $/oz Capex $m 1000 BARRICK Grade g/t 3 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Oz actual Oz forecast -Total Cash Cost/oz Capital Grade 2 1 0#210 1 1998 Tongon mine...reserves and resources 2 3 4 Moz 5 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 ■Reserves 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 ■Resources 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 BARRICK#22BARRICK Erratic grid power supply impacts costs... 0 Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 Apr-18 May-18 Jun-18 ■■The stability of the CIE grid power supply deteriorated progressively from February to year end...from 95% grid power utilization in January to 34% in December. Q4 was the most difficult quarter with a utilization rate (CIE / Generators) of 45/55, resulting in an annual ratio of 62/38 Total power consumption in Q4 was 59,730,818 kWh vs 52,975,456 kWh forecast compared to Q3 with 26,190,527 kWh consumed. Total fuel consumed was 8,556,104 vs 1,415,038 litres amounting to $ 7,041,948 vs $1,061,279 forecast Jul-18 Aug-18 CIE utilization vs total power cost 25 0.20 25 kWh total million Total Cost $/kWh 0.18 Generated power suplly 0.16 20 Total power cost………………….. Grid power supply - CIE 0.14 0.12 15 0.10 0.08 10 0.06 0.04 5 0.02 0.00 Sep-18 Oct-18 Nov-18 Dec-18#23Tongon localisation and employment... economic growth for all Labour Statistics Department Tongon Contract Total Expat % 100% Employed total Expat Geology 92 22 114 0% 80% Mining 21 624 645 16 2% 60% Process 229 178 407 2 0% Engineering 230 230 11 5% 40% Administration 91 194 285 1 0% 20% Project of invest. 42 0 42 4 10% Total staff 0% 705 1018 1723 34 2% complement Training courses 2013 to date Workers trained to date Training cost Trainees Engaged trainees Bursaries to scholars at the University of Grand Bassam 3511 $668 129,84 467 69 2 BARRICK % expatriates compared to nationals 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 ■% Expatriates ■% Nationals Successful nationalisation programme ■64 expatriates succeeded by nationals. ■13 expatriates in operation Leadership team: 83% of the heads of department and 100% of their assistants are nationals#24Protocol with 2 year agreement signed in presence of MOM and Local authorities... BARRICK Photo after protocol signature Protocol transfer to Union after signature. ■ Production loss: 70koz Financial impact to stockholders: ■Tongon loss: $32.6 million ToMi loss: $4.2 million Cote d'Ivoire (Tax advalorem, IRVM, BIC, Dividend): $29 million Community (Fishes loss): $22K ■ Challenges: ■Stable social climate ■■Achieve 2019 production target#25Our relationship with our employees is important... BARRICK Training on Initiation on Plant Maintenance Training on Communication and how to hold a Meeting Training and capacity building ☐ 3 511 people trained to date ☐ 74 employees trained this Quarter □ 10 Managers, 2IC and Coordinators on Project Management □ 36 operatives and Plant Engineering supervisors trained on Initiation of Industrial Maintenance 10 Foremen on How to draft a technical report, ☐ 15 Operators and supervisors on communication and how to hold a meeting □ 02 Seniors and supervisor IT, on computer network CISCO ICND2 □ 1 Environmental Superintendent in Environment and risks technological.#26Celebrating important occasions... Christmas Tree Celebration Christmas tree for 971 children of Tongon and subcontractors workers Retirees Celebration BARRICK Chickens, Rice and Oil Donation AST 40 2 workers on retirement celebrated Donation for New year celebration#27US$ 000 2008 - 2011 Q4 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Health 75 38 8 134 110 184 131 22 Investment in local economies and local communities around the mine... BARRICK Q4 community expenditure Health 5% Education 29% 2018 YTD TOT AL Road & Infrastructur 87 767 e 35% Education 164 135 165 91 106 189 223 116 219 1,292 Potable water 56 539 48 126 51 90 150 39 470 1,530 Security Agriculture 92 0 65 20 102 227 189 25 145 840 5% Donation 87 14 8 246 12 17 45 30 49 478 Others Others 204 22 186 147 107 31 49 9 52 798 2% Agricultur Potable water 10% Security 0 170 55 273 35 55 72 20 63 723 Donation 8% e 6% Road & Infrastructure 1,000 1,000 90 257 249 285 142 321 3,202 YTD community expenditure TOTAL 679 1,919 1,536 1,126 780 1042 1,145 402 1,407 9,631 Road & Infrastructu Health 6% Educatio n 16% Community expenses focus on potable water, Infrastructures (chefs Houses) and Education $401 863 (CFA 107,843,163) spent during Q4 2018 ■Bringing the Quarter to date figure to more than $1,406 885 (CFA 567,343,163) Operation to date cost estimated at $ 9.630 885 million re 23% Security 5% Others 4% Donation 3% Agricult (CFA 5.757 billion) ure 10% Potable water 33%#28Goal to provide health care centres to communities achieved... BARRICK OTOGAN KITOWN Construction of surgical unit for Mbengue completed and equipped The Mbengue surgical unit's equipment delivered by CURE as well has the supplement sourced in Abidjan has been sent to Mbengue clinic and installed. ■The assessment of the technical team of the health ministry is awaited Kationron health centre equipped and houses for the health staff completed ■Following the construction of the infirmary last year, the construction of the Sekonkaha nurses' house, appointment of a nurse in the village by the government have been completed ■Infirmary equipped for a cost of CFA 6.970.910 ($ 12 640).#29Actions for education redirecting towards secondary and nursery school... Poungbe computer room 3 classrooms of the Poungbe college BARRICK Education objective has been achieved. Each community village has a primary school of 6 classrooms ■ Actions on the education domain is being extended to nursery school construction and equipment to allow children to start school earlier ■Four nursery schools of three classrooms funded - Tongon (Poungbe Mbengue) including the new one under construction at Korokara ■ Secondary schools being converted to increase ion capacity for pupils from the community schools. First secondary school construction at Kofiple started this year. Construction of 16 classrooms already completed in secondary schools built by the government in the vicinity of the mine to allow pupils from our primary schools to progress, Including 3 at Poungbe and 4 at Korhogo Additional investment has been made to further increase the capacity of the community primary schools, to improve the accommodation and living. conditions of the primary school teachers and to further improve the quality of education. Introduction to computer science pupils reward ceremony 4classrooms of the LHB Korhogo#30Delivering on our promises... new projects delivered ■ Operating phase of revenue generative projects has started thought training and coaching BARRICK With a view to a real impact on the economy of the surrounding villages, and a successful ownership of the projects by the community, the difficulties encountered by the community in setting them up, coaching for beneficiaries over two years, is being carried out Cattle provided to Sekonkaha cattle park Cconstruction of the Sekonkaha cattle park completed and stocked with 10 cows and 2 bulls. Infrastructure planned for annex of the Poungbe abattoir and butchers'shop Tongon restaurant-bar functional Tongon restaurant-bar was opened for end of year celebrations Tractors provided to support the maize farm project#31Houses for the village chiefs to be completed in 2019... BARRICK ■First house completed and equipped has been handed over to the Tongon village chief by the Minister of Mines on the 27 December, in presence of the local authorities and all the community village chiefs A symbolic protocol agreement, stipulating that 100, 000 CFA will be paid per month to maintain the houses, signed by the Prefect and Tongon management has been given by the Minister of Mines to each community village's chief ■The construction of the Katonon and Kofiple houses have been completed and are being equipped. The remaining houses at the painting stage are planned to be completed mid-January and handed over when completed Tongon Katonon Poungbe#32Sustainable agriculture development to achieve food security... ■■Maize farm projects the yield objective of 3.5 tonnes per hectare targeted at the beginning of the season is exceeded by 26.24%, to 4.4ha/t ■■About 2158 tonnes of maize harvested is being transported to the villages (490.5ha) The maximum yield obtained is 8.8 t/ha Two main potential buyers (Africa tchedal " and "Agroserv of Burkina Faso) have been identified by the partner for the selling, which will start soon ■■ Already for the 2019 campaign, intention to develop 1 421ha of maize fields ■Challenge of funding recovery to be taken up ■Microfinance company has been contacted to make proposals in order to resolve the issue of the recovery of the loan granted to the farmers ■Cost of the project of 540 ha of maize farm is $165,189 (108,363,960 CFA) BARRICK **#33Public Relations... Christmas visits to chiefs BARRICK More than 450 children from 11 villages around the mine attended the Christmas Day organized in Poungbe under the supervision of the Member of Parliament, in the presence of local authorities. This evening was sponsored by Tongon SA, for a cost of 10 million FCFA. Gifts presented to all the children ■The parliamentary member took the opportunity to thank the mine for his contribution The first official visit of the G.M. to the communities, took place in mid-December in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere Donations for the end year celebrations has been made by the GM to the chief and to the local authorities#34Appendix A - Sani Target Significant Intercepts 1 Drill Results from Q4 2018 7.0 - 14.0 19.0-21.0 5.0 - 13.0 22.0-28.0 4.0 - 7.0 5.0 - 10.0 1.0-6.0 4.0 - 7.0 9.0-11.0 -50 15.0 - 20.0 -50 0.0 - 13.0 SNAC028 280 -50 18.0 - 22.0 Including TARGET Type Drill Hole Azimuth Dip Interval (m) Width (m) Au (g/t) Interval (m) Width (m) Au (g/t) Sani AC SNAC005 280 -50 Sani AC SNAC020 280 -50 Sani AC SNAC022 280 -50 Sani AC SNAC022 280 -50 Sani AC SNAC023 280 -50 Sani AC SNAC024 280 -50 Sani AC SNAC025 280 -50 Sani AC SNAC026 280 -50 Sani AC SNAC026 280 -50 Sani AC SNAC027 280 Sani AC SNAC028 280 Sani AC 7.0 1.41 2.0 0.56 8.0 1.25 6.0 1.38 3.0 0.59 5.0 0.76 5.0 0.78 3.0 0.72 2.0 1.21 5.0 2.18 13.0 Sani AC SNAC029 280 -50 3.0 - 10.0 7.0 1.39 4.0 0.89 13.40 7.0-10.0 3.00 6.37 Sani AC SNAC047 290 -50 9.0 - 14.0 5.0 0.85 Sani AC SNAC047 290 -50 26.0 - 29.0 3.0 1.94 27.0 - 28.0 1.00 5.46 Sani AC SNAC056 290 -50 10.0 13.0 3.0 2.34 Sani AC SNAC056 290 -50 31.0 -35.0 4.0 0.50 Sani AC SNAC057 290 -50 35.0 - 40.0 5.0 4.79 36.0 39.0 3.00 6.73 Sani AC SNAC059 290 -50 Sani AC SNAC066 290 -50 Sani AC SNAC066 290 -50 Sani AC SNAC066 290 -50 Sani AC SNAC066 290 -50 Sani AC SNAC066 290 -50 Sani AC SNAC070 290 -50 1.0-3.0 2.0 2.78 0.0 - 5.0 5.0 1.41 9.0-12.0 3.0 0.97 14.0 17.0 3.0 0.86 20.0-23.0 3.0 0.64 34.0 36.0 14.0 - 16.0 2.0 0.66 2.0 1.16 BARRICK 1. All intercepts calculated using a 0.5g/t Au cutoff and are uncapped; minimum intercept width is 2m; internal dilution is less than 25% total width. 2. Sani drill hole nomenclature: SN (Sani) followed by type (AC: Air Core) with no designation of the year. 3. True width of intercepts are uncertain at this stage. 4. Includings defined as any interval with a weighted average Au g/t equal to or greater than 5g/t. The drilling results for the Sani target contained in this presentation have been prepared in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 -Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects. All drill hole assay information has been manually reviewed and approved by staff geologists and re-checked by the project manager. Sample preparation and analyses are conducted by an independent laboratory. Procedures are employed to ensure security of samples during their delivery from the drill rig to the laboratory. The quality assurance procedures, data verification and assay protocols used in connection with drilling and sampling on the Sani target conform to industry accepted quality control methods.#35Appendix B - Katiere Target Significant Intercepts 1 BARRICK Drill Results from Q4 2018 Including TARGET Type Drill Hole Azimuth Dip Interval (m) Width (m) |Au (g/t) Interval (m) Width (m) | Au (g/t) Katiere AC KTIAC002 270 -50 44 - 55 11.0 0.59 Katiere AC KTIAC003 270 -50 Katiere AC KTIAC003 270 -50 Katiere AC KTIAC003 270 -50 Katiere AC KTIAC004 270 -50 Katiere AC KTIAC010 250 -50 Katiere AC KTIAC011 250 -50 Katiere AC KTIAC020 250 -50 Katiere AC KTIAC021 250 -50 Katiere AC KTIAC022 250 -50 Katiere AC KTIAC031 250 -50 Katiere AC KTIAC039 250 -50 Katiere AC KTIAC041 250 -50 11.0 13.0 17 - 20 27-35 1.0-14.0 38 - 49 7.0 - 10.0 2.0 2.76 3.0 1.44 8.0 2.07 13.0 2.20 8.0-9.0 1.00 6.71 11.0 1.36 3.0 0.51 25-27 2.0 0.63 23-31 8.0 4.93 25 - 26 1.00 31.54 27-29 2.0 0.60 27-31 4.0 1.59 0-3 3.0 0.74 26-28 2.0 0.83 1. All intercepts calculated using a 0.5g/t Au cutoff and are uncapped; minimum intercept width is 2m; internal dilution is less than 25% total width. 2. Katiere drill hole nomenclature: KTI (Katiere) followed by type (AC: Air Core) with no designation of the year. 3. True width of intercepts are uncertain at this stage. 4. Includings defined as any interval with a weighted average Au g/t equal to or greater than 5g/t. The drilling results for the Katiere target contained in this presentation have been prepared in accordance with National Instrument 43-101-Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects. All drill hole assay information has been manually reviewed and approved by staff geologists and re- checked by the project manager. Sample preparation and analyses are conducted by an independent laboratory. Procedures are employed to ensure security of samples during their delivery from the drill rig to the laboratory. The quality assurance procedures, data verification and assay protocols used in connection with drilling and sampling on the Katiere target conform to industry accepted quality control methods.#36Appendix C - Bafretou South Significant Intercepts1 BARRICK TARGET Drill Results from Q4 2018 Including Type Drill Hole Azimuth Dip Interval (m) Width (m) Au (g/t) Interval (m) Width (m) Au (g/t) Bafretou South AC BFSAC007 105 -50 31-33 4-8 242664237227 0.74 Bafretou South AC BFSAC008 105 -50 Bafretou South AC BFSAC008 105 -50 Bafretou South AC BFSAC015 105 -50 Bafretou South AC BFSAC037 105 -50 Bafretou South AC BFSAC037 105 -50 Bafretou South AC BFSAC038 105 -50 Bafretou South AC BFSAC063 105 -50 Bafretou South AC BFSAC065 105 -50 Bafretou South AC BFSAC081 120 -50 Bafretou South AC BFSAC082 120 -50 Bafretou South AC BFSAC106 125 -50 Bafretou South AC BFSAC109 125 -50 Bafretou South AC BFSAC118 120 -50 Bafretou South AC BFSAC119 120 -50 Bafretou South AC BFSAC120 120 -50 Bafretou South TR BFSTR002 105 0 Bafretou South TR BFSTR003 100 Bafretou South TR BFSTR004 120 Bafretou South TR 1.88 23-25 1.03 40 - 46 27-33 0.84 0.78 37-41 3-5 23-26 18-25 2.16 1.30 0.90 0.57 8-10 4.85 20 - 22 1.03 10-27 17 3.28 17-20 29 - 35 6 0.78 32-37 5 0.91 39 - 42 2.19 37-42 1.07 100.8 103.8 0.95 0 0.96 0 3.2-5.2 1.17 BFSTR004 120 0 54.4 - 56.4 0.97 64-66 353222 3.00 15.63 1. All intercepts calculated using a 0.5g/t Au cutoff and are uncapped; minimum intercept width is 2m; internal dilution is less than 25% total width. 2. Bafretou Shouth drill hole nomenclature: BFS (Bafretou South) followed by type (AC: Air Core; TR: Trench) with no designation of the year. 3. True width of intercepts are uncertain at this stage. 4. Includings defined as any interval with a weighted average Au g/t equal to or greater than 5g/t. The drilling results for the Bafretou target contained in this presentation have been prepared in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects. All drill hole assay information has been manually reviewed and approved by staff geologists and re-checked by the project manager. Sample preparation and analyses are conducted by an independent laboratory. Procedures are employed to ensure security of samples during their delivery from the drill rig to the laboratory. The quality assurance procedures, data verification and assay protocols used in connection with drilling and sampling on the Bafretou target conform to industry accepted quality control methods.#37Appendix D - Jane AOI Significant Intercepts¹ Drill Results from Q4 2018 TARGET JANE Type Drill Hole Azimuth Dip Interval (m) Width (m) Au (g/t) Including Interval (m) Width (m) Au (g/t) AC BDAC005 090 -50 JANE AC BDAC006 090 JANE AC BDAC013 090 JANE AC BDAC014 090 JANE AC BDAC027 090 JANE AC BDAC028 090 JANE TRENCH BDTR001 090 JANE TRENCH BDTR002 090 JANE TRENCH BDTR003 090 JANE TRENCH NET001 100 JANE TRENCH NET001 100 JANE TRENCH NET005 090 ܘܘܘ ܘܘܘ?????? 27-39 12.0 0.55 0-18 18.0 0.75 24-42 18.0 1.12 0-15 15.0 2.5 36-42 6.0 1.35 0-42 42.0 1.86 33-36 3.00 15.8 17-29 12.0 1.19 18-25 18.0 1.32 37-69 32.0 0.52 11.5-15.2 3.7 2.73 11.5-13.3 1.80 5.49 23.4-65.2 41.8 0.47 4.8-15.4 10.4 1.27 4.8-6 1.20 7.2 BARRICK 1. All intercepts calculated using a 0.5g/t Au cutoff and are uncapped; minimum intercept width is 2m; internal dilution is less than 25% total width. 2. Jane drill hole nomenclature: BD (Jane previously Badenou) followed by type (AC: Air Core; TR: Trench) with no designation of the year. 3. True width of intercepts are uncertain at this stage. 4. Includings defined as any interval with a weighted average Au g/t equal to or greater than 5g/t. The drilling results for the Nielle property contained in this presentation have been prepared in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 -Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects. All drill hole assay information has been manually reviewed and approved by staff geologists and re-checked by the project manager. Sample preparation and analyses are conducted by an independent laboratory. Procedures are employed to ensure security of samples during their delivery from the drill rig to the laboratory. The quality assurance procedures, data verification and assay protocols used in connection with drilling and sampling on the Nielle property conform to industry accepted quality control methods.#38Appendix E - Mercator AOI Significant Intercepts¹ TARGET Type Drill Hole* Drill Results from Q4 2018 Azimuth Dip Including Interval (m) Width (m) Au (git) Interval (m) Width (m) Au (g/t) Mercator RC MTRC001 086 -50 83-84 1.0 3.9 Mercator RC MTRC002 088 -48 51-53 20 N 25 Mercator RC MTRC003 092 -50 143-160 17.0 1.0 Mercator RC MTRC003 092 -50 165-166 1.0 4.9 Mercator RC MTRC003 092 -50 74-76 20 1.2 Mercator RC MTRC003 092 -50 4-7 3.0 0.5 Mercator RC MTRC004 092 -50 18-27 9.0 1.5 Mercator RC MTRC005 093 -50 127-150 23.0 1.6 Mercator RC MTRC005 093 -50 34-35 1.0 0.9 Mercator RC MTRC006 090 -47 105-106 1.0 1.5 Mercator RC MTRC006 Mercator RC MTRC006 Mercator RC MTRC006 090 -47 84-98 14.0 0.7 090 -47 57-58 1.0 0.6 090 -47 64-65 1.0 1.5 Mercator RC MTRC007 089 -49 108-132 24.0 1.4 Mercator RC MTRC007 089 -49 72-74 20 20 Mercator RC MTRC007 089 -49 89-95 6.0 0.8 Mercator RC MTRC009 082 -48 114-115| 1.0 0.5 Mercator RC MTRC009 Mercator RC MTRC009 Mercator RC MTRC010 Mercator RC MTRC010 Mercator RC MTRC010 Mercator RC MTRC012 Mercator RC MTRC012 082 -48 75-77 20 24 082 -48 17-21 4.0 0.4 088 -50 108-124 16.0 3.7 109-110 1.0 088 -50 146-151 5.0 0.7 088 -50 9-15 6.0 23 9-10 1.0 090 -49 65-81 16.0 1.3 74-75 1.0 090 -49 28-32 4.0 0.7 44.1 BARRICK 1. All intercepts calculated using a 0.5g/t Au cutoff and are uncapped; minimum intercept width is 2m; internal dilution is less than 25% total width. 2. Mercator drill hole nomenclature: MT (Mercator) followed by type (RC: Reverse Circulation) with no designation of the year. 3. True width of intercepts are uncertain at this stage. 4. Includings defined as any interval with a weighted average Au g/t equal to or greater than 5g/t. The drilling results for the Nielle property contained in this presentation have been prepared in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 -Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects. All drill hole assay information has been manually reviewed and approved by staff geologists and re-checked by the project manager. 6.5 Sample preparation and analyses are conducted by an independent laboratory. Procedures are employed to ensure security of samples during their delivery from the drill rig to the laboratory. The quality assurance procedures, data verification and assay protocols used in connection with drilling and sampling on the Nielle property conform to industry accepted quality control methods. 5.2#39Appendix E cont. - Mercator AOI Significant Intercepts¹ contd. All Drill Results TARGET Type Drill Hole² Azimuth Dip Interval (m) Width (m) Au (g/t) Mercator AC MTAC002 090 -50 18-24 6.0 0.6 Mercator AC MTAC003 090 -50 6-9 3.0 0.7 Mercator AC MTAC003 090 -50 18-21 3.0 1.2 Mercator AC MTAC003 090 -50 39-42 3.0 0.8 Mercator AC MTAC011 090 -50 27-30 3.0 0.8 Mercator AC MTAC012 090 -50 0-18 18.0 1.5 Mercator AC MTAC015 090 -50 33-36 3.0 0.9 Mercator AC MTAC016 090 -50 9-12 3.0 3.7 Mercator AC MTAC027 090 -50 39 - 42 3.0 0.5 Mercator AC MTAC028 090 -50 21-24 3.0 1.7 Mercator AC MTAC039 090 -50 33 - 36 3.0 0.8 Mercator AC MTAC043 090 -50 39 - 42 3.0 0.6 Mercator AC MTAC049 090 -50 18-30 12.0 1.1 Mercator AC MTAC050 090 -50 0-6 6.0 1.0 Mercator AC MTAC088 090 -50 21-30 9.0 1.4 Mercator AC MTAC089 090 -50 3-6 3.0 0.6 Mercator AC MTAC104 090 -50 0-3 3.0 0.6 Mercator AC MTAC104 090 -50 33-36 3.0 0.9 Mercator AC MTAC 105 090 -50 3-9 6.0 0.5 Mercator AC MTAC111 090 -50 27 30 3.0 0.5 Mercator AC MTAC115 090 -50 30 - 33 3.0 0.9 Mercator AC MTAC116 090 -50 9-18 9.0 0.5 Mercator AC MTAC116 090 -50 36-39 3.0 0.5 BARRICK 1. All intercepts calculated using a 0.5g/t Au cutoff and are uncapped; minimum intercept width is 2m; internal dilution is less than 25% total width. 2. Mercator drill hole nomenclature: MT (Mercator) followed by type (AC: Air Core) with no designation of the year. 3. True width of intercepts are uncertain at this stage. The drilling results for the Nielle property contained in this presentation have been prepared in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 -Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects. All drill hole assay information has been manually reviewed and approved by staff geologists and re-checked by the project manager. Sample preparation and analyses are conducted by an independent laboratory. Procedures are employed to ensure security of samples during their delivery from the drill rig to the laboratory. The quality assurance procedures, data verification and assay protocols used in connection with drilling and sampling on the Nielle property conform to industry accepted quality control methods.#40Appendix E cont. - Mercator AOI Significant Intercepts¹ contd. All Drill Results Including TARGET Type Mercator DDH NEDH001 Drill Hole2 Azimuth Dip Interval (m) Width (m) Au (g/t) Interval (m) Width (m) Au (g/t) 093 -54 129 130 1.0 0.7 Mercator DDH NEDH001 093 -54 136 140.2 4.2 0.6 Mercator DDH NEDH001 093 -54 175.5 176.6 Mercator DDH NEDH001 Mercator DDH NEDH001 Mercator DDH NEDH001 Mercator DDH Mercator DDH NEDH002 Mercator DDH NEDH002 Mercator DDH NEDH003 Mercator DDH NEDH003 Mercator DDH NEDH003 Mercator DDH 093 -54 85.2 111.8 26.6 093 -54 57.7 59 093 -54 68-69.7 NEDH002 091 -52 118 127.3 091 -52 132.8 - 140.1 091 -52 141.1 - 145.9 090 -50 118 133 090 -50 94 115 090 -50 73 75.7 NEDH003 090 -50 81 86.1 Mercator DDH NEDH004 090 -52 150.75-156 Mercator DDH Mercator DDH NEDH005 Mercator DDH NEDH006 Mercator DDH NEDH006 Mercator DDH NEDH007 Mercator DDH NEDH008 NEDH005 091 -50 122.8 123.9 091 -50 142.1-144 089 -52 180.4 - 192.8 089 -52 209.2 - 227.7 089 -52 111.9 114.2 1637 161-2745225511282 1.1 2.4 2.6 97-99.9 2.9 1.3 0.9 1.7 0.3 9.3 1.2 126.3 127.3 1 7.3 0.9 4.8 3.1 142.1 143.1 15.0 1.0 21.0 1.0 2.7 1.1 5.1 0.8 5.3 1.0 1.1 0.9 1.9 0.4 12.4 1.6 180.4 181.4 1 18.5 2.0 221-221.7 0.7 2.3 0.8 089 -52 109 110 1.0 1.0 Mercator DDH NEDH009 090 -50 173.9 180.6 6.7 2.1 Mercator DDH NEDH009 090 -50 191.3 199.5 8.2 1.0 Mercator DDH NEDH009 090 -50 98-105.9 7.9 0.9 Mercator DDH Mercator DDH NEDH010 Mercator DDH NEDH010 NEDH010 095 -50 145.1 152.9 7.8 1.1 095 -50 172.1-180 7.9 0.9 095 -50 33.7 39 5.3 2.1 37-38.2 1.2 BARRICK 1. All intercepts calculated using a 0.5g/t Au cutoff and are uncapped; minimum intercept width is 2m; internal dilution is less than 25% total width. 5.4 2. Mercator drill hole nomenclature: MT (Mercator) followed by type (DG: Diamond Core) with no designation of the year. 3. True width of intercepts are uncertain at 12 this stage. 5.22 5.24 4. Includings defined as any interval with a weighted average Au g/t equal to or greater than 5g/t. The drilling results for the Nielle property contained in this presentation have been 6.7 prepared in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 -Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects. All drill hole assay information has been manually reviewed and approved by staff geologists and re-checked by the project manager. Sample preparation and analyses are conducted by an independent laboratory. Procedures are employed to ensure security of samples during their delivery from the drill rig to the laboratory. The quality assurance procedures, data verification and assay protocols used in connection with drilling and sampling on the Nielle property conform to industry accepted quality control methods. 5.09#41Appendix F - Shadow AOI Significant Intercepts¹ Drill Results from Q1'19 TARGET Type Drill Hole² Azimuth Dip Interval³ (m) Width (m) Au (g/t) Shadow TRENCH SHTR002 125 0 Shadow TRENCH SHTR003P 135 0 8-12 73 - 76 4.0 0.9 3.0 1 Shadow TRENCH SHTR003 135 0 80-84 4.0 0.6 BARRICK 1. All intercepts calculated using a 0.5g/t Au cutoff and are uncapped; minimum intercept width is 2m; internal dilution is less than 25% total width. 2. Shadow trench nomenclature: SH (Shadow) followed by type (TR: Trench) with no designation of the year. 3. True width of intercepts are uncertain at this stage. - The results for the Nielle property contained in this presentation have been prepared in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects. All assay information has been manually reviewed and approved by staff geologists and re- checked by the project manager. Sample preparation and analyses are conducted by an independent laboratory. Procedures are employed to ensure security of samples during their delivery from the drill rig to the laboratory. The quality assurance procedures, data verification and assay protocols used in connection with trenching and sampling on the Nielle property conform to industry accepted quality control methods.#42Appendix G - Jane AOI Significant Intercepts¹ Drill Results from Q4 2018 Including TARGET JANE Type Drill Hole² Azimuth Dip Interval (m) Width (m) Au (g/t) Interval (m) Width (m) Au (g/t) AC BDAC005 090 -50 27-39 12.0 0.55 JANE AC BDAC006 090 -50 0-18 18.0 0.75 JANE AC BDAC013 090 -50 24-42 18.0 1.12 JANE AC BDAC014 090 -50 0-15 15.0 2.5 JANE AC BDAC027 090 -50 36-42 6.0 1.35 JANE AC BDAC028 090 -50 0-42 42.0 1.86 33-36 3.00 JANE TRENCH BDTR001 090 0 17-29 12.0 1.19 JANE TRENCH BDTR002 090 0 18-25 18.0 1.32 JANE TRENCH BDTR003 090 0 37-69 32.0 0.52 15.8 BARRICK 1. All intercepts calculated using a 0.5g/t Au cutoff and are uncapped; minimum intercept width is 2m; internal dilution is less than 25% total width. 2. Jane (previously Badenou) drill hole nomenclature: BD (Jane [Badenou]) followed by type (AC: Air Core; TR: Trench) with no designation of the year. 3. True width of intercepts are uncertain at this stage. 4. Includings defined as any interval with a weighted average Au g/t equal to or greater than 5g/t. The drilling results for the Nielle property contained in this presentation have been prepared in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 -Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects. All drill hole assay information has been manually reviewed and approved by staff geologists and re-checked by the project manager. Sample preparation and analyses are conducted by an independent laboratory. Procedures are employed to ensure security of samples during their delivery from the drill rig to the laboratory. The quality assurance procedures, data verification and assay protocols used in connection with drilling and sampling on the Nielle property conform to industry accepted quality control methods.#43- Appendix H – Belekolo Bend AOI Significant Intercepts¹ BARRICK All Drill Results 1. All intercepts calculated using a 0.5g/t Au cutoff and are uncapped; minimum TARGET Type Drill Hole² Azimuth Dip Interval (m) Width (m) Au (g/t) intercept width is 2m; internal dilution is BELOKOLO Bend AC BELOKOLO Bend AC BELOKOLO Bend AC BELOKOLO Bend AC BELOKOLO Bend AC BELOKOLO Bend AC BELOKOLO Bend AC BELOKOLO Bend AC BBAC021 090 -50 BBAC021 090 -50 9-18 27-36 BBAC022 090 -50 9-21 12.0 9.0 0.71 9.0 0.56 0.88 BBAC056 090 -50 21-24 3.0 1.98 BBAC061 090 -50 9-12 3.0 1.03 BBAC054 090 -50 9-12 3.0 0.98 BBAC055 BBAC029 090 -50 090 24-39 15.0 2.22 -50 3-6 3.0 0.99 less than 25% total width. 2. Belekolo Bend drill hole nomenclature: BB (Belekolo Bend) followed by type (AC: Air Core) with no designation of the year. 3. True width of intercepts are uncertain at this stage. 4. Includings defined as any interval with a weighted average Au g/t equal to or greater than 5g/t. The drilling results for the Nielle property contained in this presentation have been prepared in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 -Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects. All drill hole assay information has been manually reviewed and approved by staff geologists and re-checked by the project manager. Sample preparation and analyses are conducted by an independent laboratory. Procedures are employed to ensure security of samples during their delivery from the drill rig to the laboratory. The quality assurance procedures, data verification and assay protocols used in connection with drilling and sampling on the Nielle property conform to industry accepted quality control methods.#44Disclaimer... BARRICK Cautionary Statement on Forward-Looking Information Certain information contained in this presentation, including any information as to Barrick's strategy, plans, or future financial or operating performance, constitutes "forward- looking statements". All statements, other than statements of historical fact, are forward-looking statements. The words "continue", "potential" and "will" and similar expressions identify forward-looking statements. In particular, this press release contains forward-looking statements including, without limitation, with respect to: the potential for multiple zones of mineralization to be extended and combined at the Loulo-Gounkoto complex; and the potential mediation with the government of Mali with respect to tax issues and the outcome of any such mediation. Forward-looking statements are necessarily based upon a number of estimates and assumptions; including material estimates and assumptions related to the factors set forth below that, while considered reasonable by Barrick as at the date of this press release in light of management's experience and perception of current conditions and expected developments, are inherently subject to significant business, economic, and competitive uncertainties and contingencies. Known and unknown factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements, and undue reliance should not be placed on such statements and information. Such factors include, but are not limited to: changes in national and local government legislation, taxation, controls, or regulations and/or changes in the administration of laws, policies, and practices, expropriation or nationalization of property and political or economic developments in Mali; lack of certainty with respect to foreign legal systems, corruption, and other factors that are inconsistent with the rule of law; risk of loss due to acts of war, terrorism, sabotage and civil disturbances; fluctuations in the spot and forward price of gold, copper, or certain other commodities (such as silver, diesel fuel, natural gas, and electricity); timing of receipt of, or failure to comply with, necessary permits and approvals; failure to comply with environmental and health and safety laws and regulations; litigation; damage to the Barrick's reputation due to the actual or perceived occurrence of any number of events, including negative publicity with respect to the Barrick's handling of environmental matters or dealings with community groups, whether true or not; the speculative nature of mineral exploration and development; changes in mineral production performance, exploitation, and exploration successes; diminishing quantities or grades of reserves; increased costs, delays, suspensions, and technical challenges associated with the construction of capital projects; operating or technical difficulties in connection with mining or development activities, including geotechnical challenges, and disruptions in the maintenance or provision of required infrastructure and information technology systems; the impact of global liquidity and credit availability on the timing of cash flows and the values of assets and liabilities based on projected future cash flows; the impact of inflation; fluctuations in the currency markets; contests over title to properties, particularly title to undeveloped properties, or over access to water, power, and other required infrastructure; employee relations including loss of key employees; increased costs and physical risks, including extreme weather events and resource shortages, related to climate change; and availability and increased costs associated with mining inputs and labor. In addition, there are risks and hazards associated with the business of mineral exploration, development, and mining, including environmental hazards, industrial accidents, unusual or unexpected formations, pressures, cave- ins, flooding, and gold bullion, copper cathode, or gold or copper concentrate losses (and the risk of inadequate insurance, or inability to obtain insurance, to cover these risks). Many of these uncertainties and contingencies can affect our actual results and could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in any forward- looking statements made by, or on behalf of, us. Readers are cautioned that forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance. All of the forward-looking statements made in this press release are qualified by these cautionary statements. Specific reference is made to the most recent Form 40-F/Annual Information Form on file with the SEC and Canadian provincial securities regulatory authorities for a more detailed discussion of some of the factors underlying forward-looking statements, and the risks that may affect Barrick's ability to achieve the expectations set forth in the forward-looking statements contained in this press release. Barrick disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable law.

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