Investor Presentaiton slide image

Investor Presentaiton

- - Some guidelines to use when making charts and posters: Charts and posters should be large enough to be seen at 30 feet. Use letters in size from 1 inch to 3 inches high. Use a combination of capital and lower case letters. Use simple solid block-type letters. Use bold or heavy lined letters in preference to the thin, light or short, squatty letters. To emphasize a word, vary style of letter. Use color to emphasize words. Allow a margin on top and sides and slightly more on the bottom. Do not mix letters of various colors within words. They are difficult to read. TEXT Any writing you put on computer slides in your presentation is called text. Using a computer gives you many options to how much text you have, the color of the text, the fonts and sizes of text. Below are tips to remember about the text in your presentation. • Use the 6 X 6 rule -This rule states that you should have no more than six lines on a slide and no more than six words each line. Using this rule prevents you from putting too much information on the slide. A common mistake is typing everything you want to say. This takes attention off you be- cause the audience reads the information themselves and stops listening to you. And, since people read at a different speed than they listen this can become very distracting. Use easy-to-read fonts - While there are lots of different fonts you could use, stick to basic fonts like Arial and Times New Roman. Basic fonts are easier to read and can be found on most comput- ers. This is important if you plan to copy your presentation onto a CD or portable drive for use in another computer. If the second computer does not have the fonts you used in making your presen- tation, it will replace it with a font that is similar. This similar font might totally change the spacing of text on lines. Using basic, simple fonts can help prevent this from happening. • Limit font types and sizes - Try not to use more than two types and sizes of fonts in a presenta- tion. For instance, one font might be used for the titles and another the rest of the text in your slides. The size of the fonts in your presentation should be consistent throughout. That means all titles on each slide should be the same size and the body of the slide text should be the same size. The recommended minimum sizes for text are: о Slide title text - 44 points о Body of slide text - 28 points о Common fonts are Arial and Times New Roman Slide Title Slide Title Body of slide text Body of slide text Arial Times New Roman • Case size AVOID ALL CAPS- TEXT IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS ARE HARDER TO READ than case that has both upper and lower letters. • Use bold for emphasis. Use it sparingly, for headlines or a word here and there. Page 10
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