Espirito Santo Oil & Natural Gas Yearbook 2021
Federação das Indústrias do Estado do Espírito Santo - Findes
Cristhine Samorini - President
Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial - Senai/ES
Cláudio Marcassa - Regional Director
Serviço Social da Indústria - Sesi/ES
Cláudio Marcassa - Regional Superintendent
Federação da Indústria do Estado do Espírito Santo - Findes
Paulo Lacerda Almeida e Silva - General Director
Research and Evaluation Executive Management - Sesi/ES and Senai/ES
Marília Gabriela Elias da Silva - Executive Manager
Instituto de Desenvolvimento Educacional e Industrial do Espírito Santo - Ideies
Marília Gabriela Elias da Silva - Executive Manager
Technical Team
Gabriela Vichi Abel de Almeida - Manager of the Business Environment Observatory
Mayara Lyra Bertolani - Studies and Research Analyst
Nathan Marques Diirr - Studies and Research Analyst
Thais Maria Mozer - Studies and Research Analyst
Graphic Design, Layout, Review, and Illustration
Curumim Vida Para Marcas
Text Review and Translation
Brazil Translations
Management of the Business Environment Observatory
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Fórum Capixaba
de Petróleo,
Gás e Energia
Espirito Santo Oil and Natural Gas Yearbook. Instituto de Desenvolvimento
Educacional e Industrial do Espírito Santo
- Vol. 5, 2022 - Espírito Santo: Ideies, 1971 - Annual
ISSN 2595-9255
1. Oil & GAS. 2. Espírito Santo. 3. Industry. 4. Industrial Development.
5. Energy.
CDU: 67(815.2)
We are currently experiencing an
intense period of changes relat-
ed to the future of the planet. The
term energy transition invaded the
discussions between the different
social actors, promoting changes
in consumption habits and, also,
greater demand from society for
the acceleration of actions that
promote the reduction of the im-
pacts caused by the increase in the
world's temperature. These aspira-
tions come up to reduce the need
for fossil energy consumption.
There is no question about the
benefits caused by the transition
from an energy matrix intensive
in fossil fuels to a matrix with low
or zero carbon emissions. The
doubts about this transition lie in
the speed at which it will occur,
given the need for energy securi-
ty and the financial, technological,
and regulatory stimuli to be pro-
moted by global leaders.
Recently, the world's attention has
been directed to the geopolitical
tensions involving oil and natural
gas-producing countries. The situ-
ation exposed the essential nature
of energy security, highlighting the
need for a decentralized, decarbon-
ized, and digitalized energy matrix.
It is in this context that the oil and
natural gas sector will continue to
be a fundamental part of the com-
ing decades, being responsible for
providing global energy security.
The big oil companies have com-
mitted to intensify the reduction of
carbon emissions along with the in-
put value chain, which represents a
significant effort in the reduction of
greenhouse gas emissions.
Ensuring that information is a pre-
cious asset, the 5th edition of the
Espírito Santo Oil & Natural Gas
Yearbook brings together the most
important variables of analysis of
the sector for Espírito Santo, com-
bining technical rigor and structured,
updated, and reliable information.
The first chapter of the Year-
book addresses the world oil and
natural gas industry. Chapter 2
explains the oil and natural gas
industry Espírito Santo. The
consequences of these activities,
focus on government participa-
tion, are dealt with in Chapter 3.
Chapter 4 discusses the Oil and
Gas sector's incentive mecha-
nism for Research, Development,
and Innovation. Finally, chapter 5
points out the new opportunities
in oil and natural gas exploration
and production for Espírito Santo.
For this year, the novelties consist
of the inclusion of analyses of nat-
ural gas and the presentation of an
exercise for the projection of oil and
natural gas production in Espírito
Santo. Ideies reaffirms its commit-
ment to the sector and Espírito San-
to industry, keeping the Panel - Oil
and Gas Industry - updated, which
contains the most relevant data in
the sector in a digital, intuitive, and
dynamic format. In addition, we
present the official map of the sec-
tor, in partnership with the National
Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas,
and Biofuels (ANP).
Good Reading!
Marília Gabriela Elias da Silva
Executive Manager of Ideies
DOCUMENT HEREView entire presentation