Coursera Investor Day Presentation Deck
Machine learning advancements can unlock international markets
Illustrative cost
Cost per course per language
Human linguistic service
2022 Status
Linguist services and translated subtitles augment
natively sourced content
Courses with translated
subtitles in 75 languages
Machine learning & post editing
Fully translated international courses
in 15 languages
2023 Target
Scalable translation engine powered by ML
provides full translation at high speed, low cost
Courses with translated
subtitles in 75 languages
Source: Coursera data as of March 9, 2023. Cost estimates based on Coursera analysis. International course defined as one course-language pair.
$20 - $25
Machine learning software only
Fully translated international courses in 15
languages with high scale in 7 key languages
2023 INVESTOR DAY 73View entire presentation