Dogworx Presentation slide image

Dogworx Presentation

I ■ ■ ■ ■ Pet Care Industry LARGE AND GROWING DEMAND IN THE SECTOR 160 million companion animals 68% of US households have pets $17 billion veterinary expenditures '17 (v. $11 billion in '96) Americans spend $257/dog at $182/ cats per year for routine care Pet health insurance premiums exceeded $1.42 billion for first time in 2020 Dog owners spend on average $1,826 per year on each dog Sources: Wall Street Journal and ■ ■ ■ ■ DOGWRX PETS HAVE BEEN HUMANIZED AND OWNERS WILL PRIORTIZE SPENDING OVER BASIC LIVING 45% of dog owners take their dog out for a special meal on its birthday 79% of dog owners would give up going out to restaurants for their dog's care 67% would give up vacations 61% would give up cable TV and TV streaming 35% would give up their cell phones 27% would skip their credit card payments to care for their dog
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