Covered Bonds Key Facts

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#1Raiffeisenbank a.s. Investor report - information about Cover Pool as of 31.03.2020 1 ☑ Raiffeisen BANK Client inspired banking#2Covered Bonds Key Facts Total Outstanding [CZK eq.]: here of CZK denominated bonds: here of EUR denominated bonds: Cover Pool Key Facts Overcollateralization Current Overcollateralization: Overcollateralization consistent with current rating: Credit Ratings (Moody's) Issuer's Rating CB Rating 20 209 105 475 0 20 209 105 475 A3 Aa2 147,1% 7,5% Raiffeisen BANK Client inspired banking Asset balance [CZK] : 49 928 093 864 Loans to Employees 3,18% here of CZK denominated mortgages 49 928 093 864 Borrower concentration: 10 largest borrowers 0,43% Average loan balance: 1 610 636 WA Margin on Fixed Rate Loans 1,10% Number of loans : 30 999 WA Interest Rate on Fixed Rate Loans 2,29% Number of borrowers : 29 496 Number of properties: 33 696 Loans in Arrears > 90 days WA indexed LTV 0% 53,3% WA remaining term (in months): 252 WA seasoning (in months) : 62 2#3Covered Bonds Overview Covered Bonds Detail ISIN Currency XS1574150261 EUR XS1574149842 EUR XS1574150857 EUR XS1574151236 EUR CZK bln equiv. 10,0 Covered bonds - Maturity profile 9,0 8,0 3,3 7,0 6,0 5,0 4,0 3,0 2,0 1,0 1,4 0 2020 2021 2022 5,7 .... 4,4 3,3 2,2 2023 EUR Bonds (sold) 2024 2025 EUR Bonds (pledged/repoed)* 2026 2027 2028 2029 Raiffeisen BANK Client inspired banking Issue Date Maturity Date Issued Amount Sold Amt Pledged/Repoed Amt* Retained Amt Coupon Interest Rate Type 08.03.2017 08.03.2021 08.03.2017 08.03.2022 300 000 000 300 000 000 210 000 000 0 90 000 000 0,50% Fixed 0 169 948 000 130 052 000 0,63% Fixed 08.03.2017 08.03.2023 300 000 000 120 000 000 79 635 000 100 365 000 0,88% Fixed 08.03.2017 08.03.2024 300 000 000 160 000 000 0 140 000 000 1,13% Fixed *The Pledged/repoed amount is shown in graph with respect to maturity of REPO 3#4☑ Raiffeisen BANK Client inspired banking CRR eligibility Covered Bonds issued by Raiffeisenbank a.s. are subject to treatment according to Article 161(1)(d) of the CRR and therefore are less capital consumptive for potential investors. Article 129 of the CRR sets out requirements on the collateral of covered bonds which are subject to preferential treatment, relevant eligibility criteria for assets in cover pool of the Bonds are: (i) (mortgage) loans secured by residential property up to the lesser of the principal amount of the liens that are combined with any prior liens and 80% of the value of the pledged properties (the 80 per cent. LTV Limit) pursuant to Article 129(1)(d)(i) of the CRR (ii) alternative eligible assets specified in Article 129(1)(a) to (c) of the CRR (the Alternative Assets). - This condition (i) is ensured by comparison of Outstanding of the Bonds with total current balances of Mortgage Loans in the Cover Pool with LTV limit below or equal to 80 per cent.: CZK bln eq. 60 50 LTV >80% 40 LTV >70% <= 80% LTV >60% <= 70% 20 20 EUR Bonds (pledged/repoed) LTV >50% <= 60% 10 LTV >40% <= 50% 0 LTV <= 40% Cover Assets EUR Bonds (sold) Covered Bonds - Cover pool doesn't contain any alternative eligible assets as of 31.03.2020 Requirement on reqular publishing of information concerning cover pool, which is set out by Article 129(7) of CRR is ensured by this Investor Report, which is published on quarterly basis. - Requirements on valuation of mortgaged properties, which are set out by Article 208 and Article 229(1) of CRR are ensured by internal procedures of Raiffeisenbank a.s., which are aligned with ECB recommendations and guidelines and which are even more conservative in certain aspects: - Value of collateral is revaluated only in case of depreciation of the mortgaged property, in the other case evidenced value of collateral remains unchanged - Value of property is monitored and revaluated with annual frequency for residential properties Raiffeisenbank a.s. can provide on request a Memorandum by Allen & Overy (Czech Republic) LLP, which covers the CRR eligibility in more detail. 4#5Cover Pool Detail (1) CZK bln equiv. 3,0 2,5 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,3 2,3 2,2 2,2 22 2,0 1,8 1,5 10 1,0 0,5 Cover assets - Maturity profile 2,1 2,0 2,0 1,9 1,8 Raiffeisen BANK Client inspired banking 47 1,7 1,6 1,5 1,3 1,2 1,1 1,0 0,9 0,8 1,4 0 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 >2046 Cover assets Interest Rate Type Fixed rate with reset <=2 years Fixed rate with reset >=2 but <5 years Fixed rate with reset >=5 years Floating rate LTV ranges distribution 0 <= 40% >40% <= 50% Number of Loans % 517 1,67% 11434 36,89% 18973 61,21% 75 0,24% Current Balance 469 443 806 19 079 887 746 30 238 917 360 139 844 952 % 0,94% 38,21% 60,56% 0,28% Number of Loans % Current Balance % 8015 25,86% 6 528 055 578 13,07% 3600 11,61% 4 983 559 600 9,98% >50% <= 60% >60% <= 70% 4546 14,66% 7 534 334 528 15,09% 5475 17,66% 10 376 875 757 20,78% >70% <= 80% >80% <= 85% >85% <= 90% >90% <= 95% 6306 20,34% 13 589 690 384 27,22% 1855 5,98% 4 132 216 687 8,28% 818 2,64% 1958 779 864 3,92% 147 0,47% 341 535 008 0,68% >95% <=100% 99 0,32% 263 732 288 0,53% >100% <= 105% 24 0,08% 35 961 275 0,07% >105% 114 0,37% 183 352 896 0,37% 5#6Cover Pool Detail (2) Seasoning [months] < 12 >=12 <24 >=24<36 >=36 <60 >=60 Number of Loans % Current Balance 1086 3,50% 2 778 018 426 2 280 7,36% 4 822 650 166 3 399 10,96% 6 741 976 551 9 000 29,03% 15 763 846 377 15 234 49,14% 19 821 602 344 Distribution by volume [CZK] Number of Loans % 0 <= 500.000 4 630 14,94% >500.000 <= 1.000.000 >1.000.000 <= 1.500.000 6932 22,36% 6060 19,55% >1.500.000 <= 2.000.000 4525 14,60% >2.000.000 <= 2.500.000 3 264 10,53% >2.500.000 <= 3.000.000 >3.000.000 <= 5.000.000 2 167 6,99% 2 789 9,00% >5.000.000 <= 10.000.000 576 1,86% >10.000.000 <= 50.000.000 56 0,18% > 50.000.000 0 0,00% Principal Payment Frequency Number of Loans Monthly Bullet 30 860 126 Other 13 Current Balance ☑ Raiffeisen BANK Client inspired banking % 5,56% 9,66% 13,50% 31,57% 39,70% % 1 454 349 133 2,91% 5 196 455 402 10,41% 7 527 065 342 15,08% 7 865 403 615 15,75% 7 306 038 286 14,63% 5 916 656 735 11,85% 10 265 456 505 20,56% 3 649 836 019 7,31% 746 832 827 1,50% 0 0,00% % Current Balance % 99,55% 49 800 495 041 99,74% 0,41% 111 244 237 0,04% 16 354 587 0,22% 0,03% Geographical Distribution Prague The South Moravian Region Number of Loans % Current Balance % 5107 16,47% 11 793 097 395 3749 12,09% 5 858 644 415 The South Bohemia Region 2108 6,80% 2 870 727 346 23,62% 11,73% 5,75% The Karlovy Vary Region 691 2,23% 734 259 548 1,47% The Vysočina Region 837 2,70% 1 022 352 814 2,05% The Hradec Králové Region 1048 3,38% 1 476 535 775 2,96% The Liberec Region 1495 4,82% 2 074 173 822 4,15% The Moravian-Silesian Region 3087 9,96% 4 259 015 663 8,53% The Olomouc Region 1512 4,88% 2 080 992 301 4,17% The Pardubice Region 1410 4,55% 1 976 972 057 3,96% The Pilsen Region 1450 4,68% 1 939 734 142 3,89% The Central Bohemia Region 5405 17,44% 10 056 410 611 20,14% The Zlín Region 1187 3,83% 1 580 126 311 3,16% The Usti Region 1913 6,17% 2 205 051 665 4,42% 6#7Overcollateralization Detail CZK bln equiv. 70 50 30 50 48 46 43 41 39 36 34 31 29 27 22 Raiffeisen BANK Client inspired banking 250 200 150 10 25 22 10 20 18 16 14 13 11 9 8 5 4 3 2 1 2020 2021 100 2022 10 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 >2046 10 19 20 30 50 36 36 37 39 36 34 31 30 29 29 27 25 22 20 18 16 14 13 11 Cover assets (Ihs) Bonds (hs) Overcollateralization (rhs) 7 50#8Disclaimer ☑ Raiffeisen BANK Client inspired banking This information has been prepared by Raiffeisenbank a.s., Hvězdova 1716/2b, Prague 4, identification number: 49240901, registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the City Court in Prague, section B, entry 2051, the Czech Republic. Raiffeisenbank a.s. is authorised and regulated by the Czech National Bank. The information in this presentation is based on carefully selected sources believed to be reliable. However, we do not make any representation as to its accuracy or completeness. Any opinions herein reflect our judgement at the date hereof and are subject to change without notice. Any investments presented in this presentation may be unsuitable for the investor depending on his or her specific investment objectives and financial position. Any reports provided herein are provided for general information purposes only and cannot substitute the obtaining of independent financial advice. Private investors should obtain the advice of their banker/broker about any investments concerned prior to making them. Nothing in this publication is intended to create contractual obligations. We specifically disclaim any liability for any loss, claim or damage suffered by you or any third party resulting directly or indirectly from any use of or reliance on the information provided Without prejudice to the above, this presentation is not a prospectus for the purposes of EU Directive 2003/71/EC. Equally, this information is not for distribution or forwarding directly or indirectly in or into the United States, United Kingdom, Italy, Canada, Japan, Australia or South Africa or to any other jurisdiction where distribution or forwarding would be prohibited by applicable law. Any forward-looking statements contained herein are based on historical hypothetical performance under specified conditions. Any opinion, plan, forecast, or other statement of a forward- looking nature reflects our judgement based on information available at the time of the preparation of this document and are subject to change without notice. These forward-looking statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause the actual results to differ materially from those stated or implied. Any forward or future performance figures shown are based on past performance, and are not a reliable indicator for future performance and should not be used as such in any circumstance. This information may not be passed on or reproduced in whole or part under circumstances without written consent of Raiffeisenbank a.s. 8

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