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#1ADVANCING A LARGE NEAR-SURFACE LEAD-SILVER-ZINC DEPOSIT IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA INVESTOR PRESENTATION JULY 2019 Pacifico Minerals Ltd ASX:PMY#2DISCLAIMER Pacifico Minerals Ltd ASX:PMY Forward-Looking Statements Certain statements in the presentation are or may be "forward-looking statements" and represent the Company's intentions, projections, expectations or beliefs concerning, among other things, future operating and exploration results or the Company's future performance. These forward looking statements speak, and the presentation generally speaks, only at the date hereof. The projections, estimates and beliefs contained in such forward looking statements necessarily involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties, and are necessarily based on assumptions, which may cause the Company's actual performance and results in future periods to differ materially from any express or implied estimates or projections. General Disclaimer The information in this presentation remains subject to change without notice. This presentation may contain information (including information derived from publicly available sources) that has not been independently verified by the Company. Not an Offer This presentation is for information purposes only. The presentation does not comprise a prospectus, product disclosure statement or other offering document under Australian law. The presentation does not constitute or form part of any invitation, offer for sale or subscription or any solicitation for any offer to buy or subscribe for any shares in Pacifico Minerals Limited. No Liability Pacifico Minerals Limited has prepared this document based on information available at the time of preparation. No representation or warranty, express or implied is made as to the fairness, accuracy or completeness of the information, opinions and conclusions contained in this presentation. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Pacifico Minerals Limited, its related bodies corporate and the officers, directors, employees, advisers and agents of those entities do not accept any responsibility or liability for any loss arising from the use of the presentation or its contents or otherwise arising in connection with it. Competent Person Statements The Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves (the 'JORC Code') sets out minimum standards, recommendations and guidelines for Public Reporting in Australasia of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves. The information in this report that relates to Mineral Resources is based on, and fairly reflects, information compiled by Mr David Williams, a Competent Person, who is an employee of CSA Global Pty Ltd and a Member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists (#4176). Mr Williams has enough experience relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as Competent Person as defined in the 2012 Edition of the Australasian Code for the Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources, and Ore Reserves (JORC Code). Mr Williams consents to the disclosure of information in this report in the form and context in which it appears. The information contained in this announcement that relates to geology and exploration results is based, and fairly reflects, information compiled by Mr David Pascoe, who is a Member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists. Mr Pascoe is a consultant to Pacifico Minerals Limited. Mr Pascoe has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2012 Edition of the 'Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves'. Mr Pascoe consents to the inclusion in this announcement of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears. All parties have consented to the inclusion of their work for the purposes of this announcement. The interpretations and conclusions reached in this announcement are based on current geological theory and the best evidence available to the authors at the time of writing. It is the nature of all scientific conclusions that they are founded on an assessment of probabilities and, however high these probabilities might be, they make no claim for absolute certainty. Any economic decisions which might be taken on the basis of interpretations or conclusions contained in this announcement will therefore carry an element of risks. PACIFICO MINERALS LIMITED ASX:PMY 2#3CORPORATE SNAPSHOT CAPITAL STRUCTURE (30 June 2019) SHARES ON ISSUE (BN, UNDILUTED) MARKET CAP (A$M) @ A0.006 CASH (A$M) ENTERPRISE VALUE (A$M) OPTIONS (M) CURRENT TOP 5 SHAREHOLDERS Pacifico Minerals Ltd ASX:PMY 2.3 HOLDER HELD OWNERSHIP 11.6 2.1 1. VILLIERS QUEENSLAND PTY LTD* 2. ZERO NOM PL 296,585,874 12.82% 191,388,888 8.27% 9.5 3. CITICORP NOM PL 163,932,072 7.09% 452 4. MR CRAIG GRAEME CHAPMAN* 114,619,999 4.96% 5. AIGLE ROYAL SUPER FUND PTY LTD 100,000,000 4.32% * Denotes merged holders. Λ Unlisted Options: 62.5M Expiring 6/5/20, Exercisable at $0.015. 2M Expiring 23/4/20, Exercisable at $0.020. 26.5M Expiring 21/11/20, Exercisable at $0.015. 10M Expiring 16/10/21, Exercisable at $0.020. Listed Options: 351M Expiring 21/11/20, Exercisable at $0.015. SHARE PRICE HISTORY 8/07/2018 0.01 0.009 0.008 0.007 0.006 0.005 0.004 Խm. 8/08/2018 8/09/2018 8/10/2018 PACIFICO MINERALS LIMITED ASX:PMY 8/11/2018 8/12/2018 8/01/2019 8/02/2019 8/03/2019 8/04/2019 8/05/2019 8/06/2019 8/07/2019 SHARE OWNERSHIP STRUCTURE 60.09% 2.45% 37.46% ■Directors & Management Top 5 Strategic Investors Other 3#4BOARD AND MANAGEMENT TEAM Pacifico Minerals Ltd ASX:PMY RICHARD MONTI CHAIRMAN Geologist with over 30 years' experience in technical, commercial, marketing and finance within the exploration and mining industry. SIMON NOON MANAGING DIRECTOR Appointed Managing Director at Pacifico in 2013. Simon is an Experienced Mining Executive with substantial experience in marketing, management and finance as well as securing and operating Joint Ventures with mid and top tier miners. PETER HAROLD NON-EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Process Engineer with over 30 years' experience in the minerals industry with extensive experience in development and operation of base and precious metal projects. ANDREW PARKER NON-EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Lawyer with extensive experience in the exploration and mining industry. Wealth of expertise in corporate advisory, strategic consultancy and vast experience in raising capital. AARON KING PROJECT MANAGER Metallurgist with more than 25 years' experience in the mining and resources sector. Significant experience in study management, detailed engineering design and Project life cycle management. PACIFICO MINERALS LIMITED ASX:PMY 4#5INVESTMENT HIGHLIGHTS Pacifico is developing a large near- surface and flat lying lead-silver-zinc deposit in WA. Outstanding infrastructure - project located close to port and connected by existing roads. Joint Venture with China's largest lead smelting and silver producer (Henan Yuguang 25% contributing interest). PACIFICO MINERALS LIMITED ASX:PMY 的 Pacifico Minerals Ltd ASX:PMY Significantly de-risked with EPA approval for Open Pit operation on pre-native title mining licenses. Simple metallurgy, low cost processing and high recoveries. PFS delivered compelling economics including modest Capex and fast payback. Low market cap and sufficiently funded for 2019 work programs. 5#6LOCATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE • Located ~50km north-east from the regional centre of Kununurra. • Existing sealed road to transport concentrate from site to the facilities at Wyndham Port, 150km away. Established infrastructure allows for fast tracked production. Sorby Management Pty Ltd SORBY HILLS PROJECT Transport Route From Sorby Hills Project to Wyndham Port Wyndham Port CoWyndnam GREAT NORTHERN HIGHWAY 20 km MGA Zone 52 Sorby Hills Project (Pb-Ag-Zn) Carlton Hill Sorby Management Project Town Current Transport Route Proposed Transport Route Major Road Minor Road Track VICTORIA HIGHWAY 450000E Image: Port of Wyndham - Currently Shipping Mineral Concentrates. Image: Sorby Hills Regional Location. PACIFICO MINERALS LIMITED ASX:PMY Ivanhoe o Pacifico Minerals Ltd ASX:PMY 0 Kununurra WESTERN AUSTRALIA NORTHERN TERRITORY Map Area NT OLD WA SA NSW 500000mE 6#7KEY GOVERNMENT APPROVALS SECURED Pacifico Minerals Ltd ASX:PMY "The WA Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) considers that...the Project can be managed in a manner that...avoids significant or unacceptable environmental impacts and risks." Source: PMY ASX Announcements 29 May 2019 PACIFICO MINERALS LIMITED ASX:PMY Report and recommendations of the Environmental Protection Authority Sorby Hills Silver Lead Zinc Project Sorby Management Pty Ltd Report 1491. October 2013 Report and recommendations of the Environmental Protection Authority Sorby Hills Silver Lead Zinc Project, under section 46 of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 to Amend Ministerial Statement 964 Sorby Management Pty Ltd Report 1632 April 2019 Assessment completed for the development of a lead-silver-zinc open pit mine with infrastructure and processing facilities at the Sorby Hills Joint Venture site. 7#8MINERAL RESOURCE ESTIMATE S Pacifico Minerals Ltd ASX:PMY Global Resource to 29.98Mt of 4.7%Pb equivalent including 10.85Mt of 5.0%Pb equivalent in Indicated Resources¹ "From 20 metres below surface and open in all directions." 0.35Mt @ 8.3% Pb 1.4% Zn, 38g/t Ag 1.03Mt @ 5.3% Pb 0.4% Zn, 27g/t Ag SORBY HILLS - NORTH-SOUTH LONGITUDINAL SECTION Indicated & Inferred Resource 1.72Mt @ 3.8% Pb 0.5% Zn, 24g/t Ag 3.28Mt @ 5.1% Pb 0.6% Zn, 63g/t Ag 3.19Mt @ 4.7% Pb 0.2% Zn, 42g/t Ag 2.15Mt @ 4.3% Pb 0.4% Zn, 33g/t Ag 2.37Mt @ 5.4% Pb 0.4% Zn, 77g/t Ag 1.96Mt @7.4% Pb 0.5% Zn, 90g/t Ag LEAD: 2.22Mt @ 4.5% Pb 0.3% Zn, 60g/t Ag ZINC: 1.20Mt @ 0.5% Pb 4.3% Zn, 35g/t Ag N A B H ALPHA C DE F BETA x2 Vertical Exaggeration Image: Sorby Hills Looking West Showing Mineralisation at a Slight Oblique View. Red Blocks Represent Mineralisation from the Block Model of the MRE. Source: PMY ASX Announcements 7 March 2019 Pacifico confirms that all material assumptions referenced on 7 March 2019, continue to apply and have not materially changed. PACIFICO MINERALS LIMITED ASX:PMY JORC MINERAL RESOURCE ESTIMATE AT A 1.0% LEAD CUT-OFF GRADE¹ RESOURCE CLASSIFICATION TONNES (Kt) Pb % Ag g/t Zn % INDICATED 10,850 3.9 46 0.4 INFERRED 19,130 3.6 42 0.7 TOTAL 29,980 3.7 43 0.6 1 See PMY ASX Announcement 7 March 2019 for further details including lead equivalent calculation. 8#9PRE-FEASIBILITY STUDY HIGHLIGHTS "Project significantly de-risked with Pre-Feasibility Study confirming highly robust financials." MINING AND PROCESSING Initial Mine Life (Years) Mining Rate (Mtpa) PRODUCTION 8 1 249 LOM Lead Metal Production (kt) LOM Silver Metal Production (Moz) 9.35 FINANCIAL Pre-Production Capital (A$M) 95.4 Steady-State Average Cash Flows (A$M) 60 KPI ANALYSIS US$ A$ Operating Cost $/lb Lead with Silver Credits 0.06 0.09 NPV Pre-Tax (A$M) 243 IRR Pre-Tax (%) 62 Payback from Commercial Production (months) 16 8 Year Initial Mine Life 1 Mtpa Mining Rate NPV, A$243M IRR 62% CAPEX A$95.4M Average Cashflow A$60M Capital Payback in 16 Months Source: PMY ASX announcements 26 March 2019 Pacifico confirms that all material assumptions underpinning the production target or the forecast financial information referenced on 26 March 2019, continue to apply and have not materially changed. PACIFICO MINERALS LIMITED ASX:PMY Pacifico Minerals Ltd ASX:PMY 9#10+497000 +8291000 498000 +498200 +498400 +8291500 OPEN PIT MINING Image: B, CDE and I Deposits Mineralisation and Pit Optimisation. Source: PMY ASX Announcement 26 March 2019. PACIFICO MINERALS LIMITED ASX:PMY +8292500 +8293000 125 250 Plunge +11 Azimuth 317 375 500 Pacifico Minerals Ltd ASX:PMY • • Initial production from 3 open pits over initial 8 year mine life. Only Indicated Resources used in current mining schedule. Mine life expected to increase as Inferred converted to Indicated Resources through infill drilling. Flat topography and easy free dig in first 30m enables low cost pre-strip and access to ore. Flat to gently dipping, shallow MVT-style lead-silver-zinc deposits minable 5 metre benches. Waste rock to be returned to exhausted pits to reduce rehabilitation. 10 10#11GEOLOGY Sorby Management Pty Ltd SORBY HILLS PROJECT General Location Plan N NINGBING HORST 25 km MGA Zone 52 Sorby Hills Project (Pb-Ag-Zn) Wyndham Port Carlton Hill Wyndnam KIMBERLEY BLOCK Sorby Management Project Town Major Fault Unconformity Pincombe Axis Late Carboniferous Early Permian Early Carboniferous Late Devonian Cambrian Ordovician Ningbing Reef Complex 400000ME Image: Regional Geological Map IVANHOE FAULT CARLTON! SUB-BASIN PINCOMBE INLIER BURT RANGE SUB-BASIN Kununurra HALLS CREEK MOBILE ZONE Source: PMY ASX Announcement 26 March 2019. PACIFICO MINERALS LIMITED ASX:PMY TERN AUSTRAL 500000mE Kneebone Legune COCKATOO FAULT SYSTEM STURT BLOCK 8300000mN Pacifico Minerals Ltd ASX:PMY • • . MVT style deposits formed in lower Carboniferous (Tournaisian) carbonates within the Burt Range Formation on the eastern flank of the Pincombe Range. Mineralisation occurs as a sediment replacement style deposit at the contact between an upper siltstone (Knox Sediments) and a lower dolomite (Sorby Dolomite). Mostly lead dominant system with high silver tenor within the galena. • Deposit open in all directions. Map Area NT QLD • WA SA Exciting down dip potential for SEDEX zinc mineralisation. NSW TAS 11#12METALLURGY AND PROCESSING "Excellent recoveries and high quality concentrate with simple processing." • • • Metallurgical testing confirms high recoveries for both lead (91%) and silver (87%) into high- value, high-grade concentrate (55-69% Pb). Simple lead sulphide mineralogy allows low. cost beneficiation before grind and flotation. Preliminary Dense Media Separation (DMS) testwork confirms ore grades can be upgraded by two to three times prior to flotation with minimal (<15%) metal loss. Soft ore: Work index (WI) of just 9.7kWh/t. Coarse galena with optimal grind size at 75mm. ROM PAD FEEDER ROM BIN Source: PMY ASX Announcement 26 March 2019. PACIFICO MINERALS LIMITED ASX:PMY PRIMARY CRUSHING JAW CRUSHER ACCEPTS WATER BALL MILL COME CRUSHERS SECONDARY AND DOUBLE DECK SCREENS TERTIARY CRUSHING BENEFICIATION PLANT REAGENTS CONDITIONING TANK Image: Treatment Plant - Lycopodium Designed Conceptual Flow Sheet. ROUGHER FLOTATION YYMM REJECTS CLEANER FLOTATION Pacifico Minerals Ltd ASX:PMY CRUSHED ORE STORAGE AND RECLAIM SURGE BIN DEAD BELT FEEDER STOCKPILE TAILS STORAGE TAILS THICK ENER WATER RECOVERY CONCENTRATE FILTRATION CONCENTRATE TRANSPORT TO PORT 12#13PHASE I INFILL DRILLING CAMPAIGN – DEC. 2018 - Pacifico Minerals Ltd ASX:PMY • Results have confirmed that C, DE, and F deposits are linked and can be referred to as a single deposit at a strike length of 1.7km and may be minable with a single open cut. Significant drill intercepts from each deposit drilled include^: - B Deposit: 9.0m at 8.3% Pb equivalent (7.6% Pb, 32 g/t Ag) and 1.1% Zn from 37m in drill hole AB033. - CD Link: 9.7m at 9.1% Pb equivalent (7.5% Pb, 68 g/t Ag) and 1.1% Zn from 76m in drill hole ACD019. - - DE Deposit: 20.0m at 8.6% Pb equivalent (7.3% Pb, 56 g/t Ag) and 0.4% Zn from 11m in drill hole ACD046. F Deposit: - - 2.6m at 19.5% Pb equivalent (15.3% Pb, 175g/t Ag) and 0.65% Zn from 108.5m in drill hole AF047. 7.3m at 5.8% Pb equivalent (4.1% Pb, 70g/t Ag) and 0.02% Zn from 110.7m in drill hole AF048. - - 14.4m at 4.1% Pb equivalent (3.6% Pb, 20g/t Ag) and 0.24% Zn from 57.6m in drill hole AF018. 11.7m at 13.2% Pb equivalent (10.8% Pb, 105 g/t Ag) and 0.4% Zn from 75.7m in drill hole AF005. Λ - I Deposit: 12.3m at 6.5% Pb equivalent (5.5% Pb, 42g/t Ag) and 0.23% Zn from 90m in drill hole AI011 and 10.0m at 7.8% Pb equivalent (6.6% Pb, 53 g/t Ag) and 0.9% Zn from 82m in drill hole AI010. Zn has not been included in Pb equivalent calculation at this time, however, work currently being completed by PMY may provide the supporting data to include in future calculations. Image: Diamond Core From AF013, 124.0m. Example of Abundant Sphalerite (Pale Brown) in Matrix of Dolomite Breccia Occurs Over 4m¹. 1 PMY ASX Announcement 3 December 2018. Source: PMY ASX Announcement 14 February 2019. PACIFICO MINERALS LIMITED ASX:PMY Image: Massive Sulphides - Typical Galena (Grey-Blue) With Pyrite (Bronze Colour), Diamond Core from AF005, 82.1m. Strong Lead Mineralisation is Intersected over 9.4m Length in this Particular Hole¹. 13#14PHASE II INFILL AND EXPANSION DRILLING UNDERWAY Pacifico Minerals Ltd ASX:PMY "Aiming to move Resources to an Ore Reserve to advance planning for a future mining operation" CDEF 111 B1 and B2 B Selection Geotech GeotechMet Metallurgy Resource Plunge +33 Azimuth 301 0 125 250 375 500 Source: PMY ASX Announcement 27 May 2019. PACIFICO MINERALS LIMITED ASX:PMY Image: Planned Drilling Colour Coded by Purpose. 14#15KEY MILESTONES AND NEWSFLOW “Outstanding progress made since Project acquisition. On track for DFS in 2020." Pacifico Minerals Ltd ASX:PMY Project Acquisition Phase 15,500m Drilling Significant MRE Uplift PFS Review & Update Phase II 6,000m MRE Update Drilling Program Optimised PFS & Ore Reserve Estimate 5 Oct. 2018 2018 1H 2019 · 2019 ACTIVITIES GENERATING STRONG NEWSFLOW 6,000m infill and expansion drilling program underway with market updates (July - September). • Metallurgy and processing optimisation testwork results (July). • Offtake and strategic investment discussions underway. Mineral Resources Estimate update (October/November). Optimised Pre-Feasibility Study and Ore Reserve Estimate (November/December). PACIFICO MINERALS LIMITED ASX:PMY 2H 2019 15#16CONTACT US Level 10, 105 St Georges Tce, Perth WA 6000 61 8 6268 0449 [email protected] Pacifico Minerals Ltd ASX:PMY#17APPENDICES Pacifico Minerals Ltd ASX:PMY#18CAPITAL INVESTMENT AND OPERATING COSTS PRE-PRODUCTION CAPITAL EXPENDITURE (A$M) OPERATING COST ESTIMATES TREATMENT PLANT 40 A$/lb US$/lb INFRASTRUCTURE 6 MINING 0.26 0.18 TAILINGS STORAGE FACILITIES 2 PROCESSING 0.18 0.13 CONTRACTORS AND CONSTRUCTION COSTS 4 TCRCS AND OUTBOUND LOGISTICS 0.19 0.13 MANAGEMENT COSTS 8 BY-PRODUCT DEDUCTION FOR NET SILVER OWNER'S PROJECT COSTS 10 0.34 0.24 REVENUE MINING (INC. DE-WATERING, PRE-STRIP) 14.9 LEAD C1 DIRECT CASH COST OF PRODUCTION 0.42 0.29 CONTINGENCY 10.5 (EXCLUDING SILVER CREDIT) TOTAL PRE-PRODUCTION CAPEX 95.4 ROYALTIES PAYABLE 0.09 0.06 Source: PMY ASX Announcement 26 March 2019. PACIFICO MINERALS LIMITED ASX:PMY Pacifico Minerals Ltd ASX:PMY 18#19SORBY HILLS MRE AT SELECTED CUT OFF GRADES JORC Category Cut off Pb % Tonnes Grade Pb % Grade Ag g/t Contained Pb (Kt) Contained Ag (Moz) 0.75 11,396,044 3.76 45 429.0 16.39 1.0 10,848,898 3.91 46 424.3 16.10 Indicated 1.5 9,771,410 4.20 49 410.8 15.35 2.5 6,948,729 5.11 58 354.8 13.03 3.0 5,463,716 5.75 66 314.2 11.53 0.75 19,389,025 3.54 42 687.1 25.9 1.0 19,125,576 3.58 42 684.9 25.58 Inferred 1.5 17,463,733 3.82 44 667.1 24.45 2.5 12,517,111 4.65 49 582.4 19.90 3.0 10,333,822 5.11 54 528.1 17.79 0.75 30,785,070 3.63 43 1,116.2 42.29 1.0 29,974,475 3.70 43 1,109.2 41.68 Total 1.5 27,235,143 3.96 45 1,077.9 39.80 2.5 19,465,840 4.81 53 937.2 32.93 3.0 15,797,538 5.33 58 842.2 29.32 For further information on the Mineral Resource Estimate refer to PMY ASX announcement 7 March 2019 PACIFICO MINERALS LIMITED ASX:PMY 19#20LEAD MARKET OPPORTUNITY - DEMAND BY APPLICATION Pacifico Minerals Ltd ASX:PMY • LEAD CONSUMPTION BY SECTOR Largest sector of lead demand is automotive (AV) batteries, accounting for more than 86% of refined lead (of which 64% is used in replacement batteries)¹. 13% 49% 14% 7% 16% Automotive replacement Automotive original equipment Industrial traction Industrial stationary Non-battery uses RECHARGEABLE BATTERY GLOBAL MARKET 2000-2025 MWh > 1000 GWh Others 730 GWh 440 GWh 325 GWh 210 GWh LIB NiMH NiCd Lead Acid 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 • Wood Mackenzie therefore expects automotive demand to boost lead battery production across 2019². Car ownership in China reached 240M units by the end of 2018 - up 10.5% from 2017. EVS require a separate energy storage system to power the lithium-ion propulsion batteries that run their battery management computers and safety systems (i.e. electric braking). Lead is significantly cheaper per unit of storage so it remains the core technology for this application. Start-stop automotive technology is becoming more common and places greater power demands on lead batteries these vehicles will therefore contain 25% more lead per battery ³. It is forecast that globally approximately 50% of all new vehicles will be SSVs by 2020. Rollout of 5G networks will also support demand for lead in 2019 as base stations currently use lead batteries¹. In China alone, base station production rose by 134% in 20184. Lead-acid has a role in the electrification of bikes. There are roughly 15M e-bikes are sold in China alone each year. There is growing use of lead in industry for energy storage systems in 2019. Australia alone is tipped to add more than 70,000 home batteries in 2019 due to government subsidies and incentives ³. 1 SMM Information & Technology Co Ltd 2018 ( 2Wood Mackenzie January 2019 Report 'Lead: 5 things to look for in 2019.' 3 The Assay Group Mining Magazine ( 4 RenewEconomy ( PACIFICO MINERALS LIMITED ASX:PMY 20 20#21LEAD AND CLEAN ENERGY Sustainable lead battery industry ESSENTIAL USES DATA TELECOM BACKUP OEMS VEHICLES HYBRID START-STOP PUBLIC TRANSPORT 99% Pacifico Minerals Ltd ASX:PMY "Advanced lead batteries support the clean energy transition." of lead batteries are recycled and reused Lead batteries currently provide 75% of worldwide rechargeable energy storage and start-stop functionality for all passenger cars, including EV's. Lead batteries are a key element in the transition to a low carbon economy, with unrivalled sustainability credentials: • 99% of lead batteries are recycled and reused; and BATTERY MANUFACTURING RAW MATERIALS 80% Recycled Material in New Battery Distribution LOGISTICS EMERGENCY BACKUP REPLACEMENT OUTLETS LEAD BATTERY COLLECTION INFRASTRUCTURE Retail Stores Mechanics Dealerships Repair Services LEAD BATTERY RECYCLING & RETAIL SOLAR & WIND ENERGY BACKUP LEISURE Golf Carts, Boats, ATV's Source: ILSZG May 2019 Presentation 'Importance of Zinc to the Circular Economy.' PACIFICO MINERALS LIMITED ASX:PMY • New batteries contain up to 85% recycled content. Lead's carrier properties make it an efficient and effective enabler for recycling a broad range of non-ferrous metals (i.e. Gallium which is used in solar panels). 21 21#22LEAD SUPPLY AND DEMAND BALANCE Pacifico Minerals Ltd ASX:PMY Short-term refined lead stocks are close to record lows. Global lead demand is forecast to rise by 1.2% to 11.87 million tonnes in 2019¹ due to increased usage in India, Japan, and the Republic of Korea. Analysts predict the global lead market demand will grow at a CAGR of 6.74% between 2018 and 20222. Base case shows 'deficit' for mined lead from 2023 without new mine supply. China remains the dominate player in 2019 for both lead production (>54% of 5.2Mt global production in 2018) and consumption (45% of 12.8Mt global consumption in 2018). BASE CASE MINED LEAD PRODUCTION VS. DEMAND³ 10000 Tons 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 260000 240000 220000 200000 180000 160000 140000 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 Base Case -Requirement for lead from concentrate LME LEAD INVENTORY (LAST 5 YEARS)4 1 International Lead and Zinc Study Group Press Release 9 May 2019. 2 Business Wire 3 Wood Mackenzie 4 PACIFICO MINERALS LIMITED ASX:PMY 120000 100000 80000 Jan14 $14 Jan15 Sunr Decis Junts Nov16 May17 Oct17 Apr18 Sep18 22 22#23Pacifico Minerals Ltd ASX:PMY NON-CORE ASSETS • "Exploring opportunities to sell or establish Joint Ventures for our non-core assets to realise shareholder value." BORROLOOLA WEST JOINT VENTURE (NORTHERN TERRITORY) Joint Venture Project in the McArthur Basin with Sandfire Resources NL (PMY 51%, SFR 49%). • Potential for Mt Isa style copper-cobalt-zinc. SOUTH AUSTRALIA TENEMENTS • Prospective for battery minerals (Co, Cu, Mn). COLOMBIAN PROJECTS . Berrio, Urrao and Natagaima Projects are highly prospective for the discovery of economic copper-gold deposits. PACIFICO MINERALS LIMITED ASX:PMY Base Metal Projects (Colombia) Sorby Hills (WA) EL's (SA) Borroloola West Project (NT) 23

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