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#1HEALTHY TASTES: FIVE HONG KONG FOOD TRENDS An Ipsos Webinar 23 July, 2021 GAME CHANGERS Ipsos#2Background This webinar provides an overview of Healthy Food & Drink trends and signals on the horizon in Hong Kong. Findings from this webinar rely on our proprietary Ipsos Community Panel SpeakEasy - an instant community tool used to generate interactive deep dives with local consumers as well as data from global and local Ipsos surveys. Ipsos | Ipsos Hong Kong Community | Client webinar 2021 Ipsos#3OUR PLATFORM INTERACTIVE AND CUSTOMIZABLE Rich in multimedia and creative customization options, our communities allow for the development of an engaging environment unique to your brand, category or business objective. = Ipsos SpeakEasy Welcome Message/ Spotlight Blog Research activities/ Discussion topics 活動欄 投票 你喺過去一個禮拜,有幾多日出 過街? SpeakEasy香港 歡迎你加入SpeakEasy香港。這是由環球頂尖市場研究公司 Ipsos 建立的網上社群,旨在提供一個平台讓你就每日使用的 產品與服務發表意見。 你可於這裡就環球品牌到娛樂等一切範 疇,通過與主持人或其他會員進行討論,上傳照片/圖片/影 片等方式,向我們發表想法。我們通常會透過電子郵件邀請你 參與平台上新的活動(當中包括每月主題研究、網上論壇、網 上聚焦小組、等),你可以隨時隨地登入這個平台分享意見。 你付出了時間,當然值得回報!我們除了會定期在這個平台與 你分享有趣的研究資訊外,你亦有機會於參與個別調查活動後 賺取現金禮券作為謝禮。 希望大家享受在這裡互相交流意見。 Hello! ○ 冇出過街 Moderator Intro/ 1日 Community Info/ ○ 2日 FAQ 歡迎您加入SpeakEasy 香港!! ○ 3日 O 4E ○ 5日 6日 ○ 日日都有出 投票 你最近嘅消費模式 新型冠狀病毒引發嘅肺炎疫情改變咗我哋嘅生活 同消费模式-需要買乜嘢?去邊度買?點樣俾 錢?等等 我哋想了解一吓你同埋呢個網上社群…… Olive Moderator Bio i新加入?從這裡開始吧 3- © Ipsos | Ipsos SpeakEasy HK | Client webinar 2021 Ipsos *SpeakEasy SpeakEasy香港 活動欄 Hello! 歡迎您加入SpeakEasy 香港!! Ipsos#4OUR PRODUCT SUITE MULTIPLE SOLUTIONS FOR MULTIPLE BUSINESS NEEDS Our community solution comes in a wide variety of shapes and sizes to address diverse business needs - from longer term iterative projects to ad hoc, point-in-time engagements. ATLAS ONGOING 6+ months 500+ members An ongoing community used to inform multiple business objectives, stakeholders and audiences over time POP-UP 3 weeks - 5 months 300+ members A short-term community focused on in-depth learning around a specific objective in a defined time frame INSTANT <3 weeks 50+ members A point-in-time engagement leveraging existing communities managed by Ipsos or employing a custom recruit OIpsos | Ipsos SpeakEasy HK | Client webinar 2021 Ipsos#5A MORE SUSTAINABLE HONG KONG? Ipsos | Ipsos Hong Kong Community | Client webinar 2020 Ipsos#6SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS - TOP FIVE Source: Global Study Average SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS ZERO HUNGER 1 Zero hunger 5 NO POVERTY 2 No poverty 4 DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH GOOD HEALTH AND WELL-BEING Good health 3 Wand well-being CLEAN WATER AND SANITATION Clean water and sanitation Decent work & economic growth Zero hunger Clean water and sanitation Peace, justice & strong institutions Good health GOOD HEALTH AND WELL-BEING 16 PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS and well-being W4 Sustainable cities and communities CLEAN WATER AND SANITATION 3 ZERO HUNGER SSS 2 SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES 5 1 6 OIpsos | Ipsos SpeakEasy HK | Client webinar 2021 Ipsos#78- Ipsos SUSTAINABLE PRIORITIES 60% purchased health products/ supplements in past month Source: Ipsos Hong Kong Tracker Ipsos#8FIVE HONG KONG FOOD TRENDS Ipsos | Ipsos Hong Kong Community | Client webinar 2020 Ipsos#9TREND 1: DIETARY MEASURES ON THE RISE 9 OIpsos | Ipsos SpeakEasy HK | Client webinar 2021#10TRENDING DIETARY MEASURES LOW CARB DIET INTERMITTENT FASTING DIET VEGAN DIET 10 OIpsos | Ipsos SpeakEasy HK | Client webinar 2021 Ipsos#1111 CHANGE DUE TO HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES I + AS A HEALTH REGIMEN I am getting old, it's important to emphasize a high fiber and low-fat diet and induce less pressure to my body and help me to get a clear mind. 32 y.o., F., Married with kids FOR THE ENVIRONMENT 69% agreed that they will seek out products which are better for the environment. TO SOOTHE EXISTING HEALTH PROBLEM I picked up vegan diet occasionally after a serious illness and ate more veggie when I am in bad condition, so my body spend less energy to digest. I feel good physically and mentally after the new habit. 34 y.o., F, Married without kids OIpsos | Ipsos SpeakEasy HK | Client webinar 2021 Ipsos#12TREND 2: MORE RIGOROUS INGREDIENTS SELECTION 12 -- Ipsos | Ipsos SpeakEasy HK | Client webinar 2021#13HK CONSUMERS ARE BUYING HEALTHIER INGREDIENTS Purchased organic products in the past 4 weeks 50% 46% 47% 46% 43% 41% Jan-21 Source: HK COVID Tracker 2021 (Wave 10-18) - Q5 Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 13 Ipsos | Ipsos SpeakEasy HK | Client webinar 2021 Ipsos#14... AND GO BEYOND "NATURAL" 早摘み Range Poussin SHOWA 九州の Product HT T Origin: Whey Fat Size L Japan Content: 10pcs よかたまご日 Auto1863 21.08. 03 LOW DJ&A SHIITAKE MUSHROOM CRISPS LIGHTLY COOKED & SEASONED _日 15/05/212 SUNRIS SOYA BEVERAGE UNSWEETENED 豆漿皇 VALL NATURAL TEAD TO EAT SNACK GHOUSED NO ADDED MSO ENGELLENT SOURCE OF DHETARY FIBRE NO ACTIFICIAL COLOURS FLAVOURS OR PRESERVATIVES 14 - MADE WITH NON GENETICALLY MODIFIED SOYBEANS 採用非基因改造黃豆 OIpsos | Ipsos SpeakEasy HK | Client webinar 2021 44 FL OZ Oven-baked Organic Local No-growth-hormones Colorant Additive Preservative Imported GMO Unprocessed Free range Non-genetic Ipsos#15AWARENESS OF FOOD TECHNOLOGY PRODUCTS HAS GRADUALLY CONVERTED INTO USAGE 52 30 33 30 41 31 30 50 35 14 20 20 28 9 26 19 Plant based meat Plant based milk Meal replacements Plant based egg D ■ Aware ■ Used Interested to use 15 Ipsos | Ipsos SpeakEasy HK | Client webinar 2021 19 16 Functional food that contains probiotics, omega-3, dietary fiber Ipsos#16CONSCIOUS DECISIONS I'd like to try in order to contribute more on environmental protection, these food technology product eliminate killings, reduce CO2 emissions and ultimately resulting less suffering to the animals. 26 y.o., F, Single Population expansion, shrinkage of arable land, climate changes, etc. may cause food shortages! The above- mentioned technology food brings a revolution to the category, and I believe they would become mainstream in the future. 36 y.o., M, Married with kids We don't believe in either/or. While selecting the plant-based products, I will not compromise on taste. I do hope they would exceed my expectations and delivers great quality, clean ingredients, and most importantly - great taste. 34 y.o., F, Married with kids 16 OIpsos | Ipsos SpeakEasy HK | Client webinar 2021#17TREND 3: SUGAR REDUCTION 17 - Ipsos | Ipsos SpeakEasy HK | Client webinar 2021#188- Ipsos REDUCE SUGAR INTAKE 61% tried to maintain body weight and energy level by taking less sugar Source: Global Study Average - Future of fat Ipsos#1919 • • • THREE CONSUMER CHALLENGES 喂 INTENTION- BEHAVIOR GAP OPTIMISM BIAS X AWARENESS ON SUGAR CONTENT Fail to give up sweet Tendency to be influenced by others Hard to give up I am not paying much attention to sugar intake (as I am still young). 22 y.o., M, Single I can only tell the sweetness level by experience. I feel good as long as the product/ dish is claimed to be low sugar. 27 y.o., F, Single OIpsos | Ipsos SpeakEasy HK | Client webinar 2021 Ipsos#20SUGAR: WHAT NEXT? RE-FORMULATION Keen to adopt in low-sugar, low-fat product 20 OIpsos | Ipsos SpeakEasy HK | Client webinar 2021 Nutrition Information Energy/ 能量 Protein/ 蛋白質 Total fat/ 總脂肪 Per 100g/100 436kcal/ (1831kJ/F) 11g/克 16g/ ·Saturated fat/ 飽和脂肪 -Trans fat CSS 7g/克 0g/克 Carbohydrates/ 碳水化合物 62g/ 克 - Sugars/ 2g/克 730mg/毫克 PORTION SIZE Not willing to trade of quality and indulgence LABELLING Simple and intuitive are the key Ipsos#21TREND 4: THE NEW HOME CHEF 21 - OIpsos | Ipsos SpeakEasy HK | Client webinar 2021#22COOKING IS INCREASINGLY PERCEIVED AS A HOBBY, NOT AS A CHORE 22 Cooking as a hobby Consumer to foodie Honing culinary skills More premium on ingredient choice & keen to equip with different cookware OIpsos | Ipsos SpeakEasy HK | Client webinar 2021 Ipsos#23COMMUNITY CHALLENGE! LETTUCE WRAPS Directions: The Omnipork smells good, and it has a special aroma & taste in mouth. However, the texture is different from the real meat which I am not very used to it. I might need to add less seasoning next time, since the Omnipork seems to be seasoned. 25 y.o., F, Married with kids 23 OIpsos | Ipsos SpeakEasy HK | Client webinar 2021 Ingredients: ● ● • • • Omnipork Lettuce Lemongrass Shallots Red pepper Lime • Garlic Lemon leaves Ipsos#24TREND 5: EATING AND DRINKING OUT-OF-HOME 24-Ipsos | Ipsos SpeakEasy HK | Client webinar 2021#25THE OTHER SIDE OF THE COIN Eaten out at a restaurant vs. food delivery Eat out Food delivery 63% 63% 60% 60% 62% 54% 38% 35% 31% 31% 32% 30% Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Source: HK COVID Tracker 2021 (Wave 10-18) - Q5 25 OIpsos | Ipsos SpeakEasy HK | Client webinar 2021 Time is limited. I am terrified of planning for meals everyday 34 y.o., F, Married with kids I lack the skills to cook for a proper meal for the family. 28 y.o., M, Single Ipsos#26TAKE AWAY Ipsos | Ipsos Hong Kong Community | Client webinar 2020 Ipsos#27HOW TO ENHANCE YOUR CUSTOMERS' EXPERIENCE PERSONALISATION IMPROVE ACCESSIBILITY STRESS ON HEALTH & WELLBEING 27 - OIpsos | Ipsos SpeakEasy HK | Client webinar 2021 Ipsos#28OIpsos | Ipsos SpeakEasy HK | Client webinar 2021 Ipsos#29THANK YOU GAME CHANGERS Ipsos

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