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#1BBVA Creating Opportunities Mexico 1Q21 Results BBVA#2BBVA Creating Opportunities Disclaimer 1Q21 Results 1 This document has been drafted for information purposes and for the use of BBVA Bancomer, S.A., Institución de Banca Múltiple, Grupo Financiero BBVA Bancomer (BBVA Mexico) investors to whom it is addressed, in order to facilitate their understanding of certain information regarding BBVA Mexico, and only refers to the businesses of BBVA in Mexico. For detailed financial information about BBVA Mexico please visit the Bank's website The information contained herein (hereinafter "Information") shall not be deemed to be considered in any case as financial advice, investment advice, tax/legal advice or otherwise nor an offer to sell or a solicitation to acquire or dispose of an interest in securities, nor a recommendation to buy or sell securities or enter into any transaction nor should it be relied upon to make any sort of Decision in any direction. BBVA Mexico does not assume any obligation whatsoever to communicate any changes to this document or to update its contents. BBVA Mexico has obtained the information included in this document from sources considered to be reliable. However, notwithstanding the fact that reasonable measures were taken to assure that the Information contained herein is not mistaken or misleading, BBVA Mexico does not represent or warrant, either express or implicit, its accuracy, integrity or correctness. Investors or potential investors who have access to this document should be aware that the securities, instruments or investments to which it may refer may not be appropriate for them due to their specific investment goals, financial positions or risk profiles, as these have not been taken into account to prepare this report. Therefore, investors should make their own investment Decisions considering said circumstances and obtaining such specialized advice as may be necessary. BBVA Mexico accepts no liability of any type for any losses arising from the use of this report or its contents. In no case BBVA Mexico, its branches, and/or its directors, officers, employees and authorised personnel shall be held responsible for any damage, losses, claims, or any sort of expenses that could result from the use of this document or from its contents. The Information must be treated as confidential and no part of this document may be (i) copied, photocopied or duplicated by any other form or means (ii) redistributed (iii) quoted or (iv) furnished to any other person or entity without the prior written consent of BBVA Mexico. It is understood that its recipients accept all of the warnings and conditions contained herein in its integrity. All the data contained in this document is set forth as an example and is due to change." This document is the property of BBVA Mexico. Any denominations, designs, and logos are registered trademarks of BBVA Mexico.#3BBVA Mexico BBVA Creating Opportunities#4BBVA Creating Opportunities A history of success... BANCOMER Banco de Comercio Bancomer 1932 1977 1Q21 Results 3 bancapromex BBVA Bancomer 1998 2000 2019 BBVA Creating Opportunities 1992 1995 BBV 1996 PROBURSA BBV✶ PROBURSA G BANCA CREM Banca Cremi Banco de Oriente BBVA Grupo Financiero#5BBVA 1Q21 Results Creating Opportunities We are is part of a well positioned and solid international group BBVA 7,254 branches >30 countries €1,210M Net Income €719,705 M Total Assets Group 47% 53% 122,021 collaborators 79.8 M customers 37.2 M digital customers 35.7 M mobile customers *Grupo BBVA Information as of March 2021 4#6Business Model BBVA Creating Opportunities#7BBVA Creating Opportunities 1Q21 Results 6 Business model focused and specialized in each of the customer segments Leverage on investment to create new technology, digital channels, products, services to keep with the transformation and innovation projects. Extensive key distribution network to provide easy and secure access to financial services. Corporate Middle-market and Government Micro-businesses Express Private Banking SMES E Insurance Affluent Personal Specialized and personalized attention for each one of the customer segments that allows to provide a higher quality service. m Banking to continue creating opportunities and consolidate the position of the institution in Mexico#8BBVA Creating Opportunities 1Q21 Results 7 BBVA is the leading financial institution in Mexico guided by a clear purpose, achieving a transversal leadership BBVA MEXICO'S PRESENCE Mar 21 OUR PURPOSE INFRASTRUCTURE 1,728 12,957 Branches ATMs SOCIAL IMPACT 23.4 M Customers INNOVATION BBVA 12.9 M Digital Customers #1 33,759 Employees 67% Digital Sales Strategy aimed at increasing financial penetration "To bring the age of opportunity to everyone" WE FOLLOW GRUPO BBVA'S STRATEGIC PRIORITIES Improving our client's financial health Helping our clients transition towards a sustainable future Reaching more clients Operational excellence The best and most engaged team Data and Technology#9BBVA Creating Opportunities Our digital capabilities a main competitive advantage in the current social distancing context BBVA DIGITAL CUSTOMERS 12.9 M +26% vs. Mar.20 MOBILE CUSTOMERS 12.4 +27% M vs. Mar.20 DIGITAL SALES 67.2 1Q21 Results 8 % +7p.p. vs. Mar.20 TOTAL FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS, 3M21 (excludes TPVS) % financial transactions 435 M 517 M 69 35 million NEW ACCOUNTS million accounts 60.9% 5% 36% 51% Teller Window -20% vs. 3M20 T +300pb Correspondents vs. 3M20 852K Mobile Web 3M'21 ATM 264 million 39.1% 49% 36% Teller window 10% 7% 3M20 3M21 +70% Mobile / Web vs. 3M20 Digital channels Other channels More than 1 million transactions in the last twelve months#10BBVA Creating Opportunities 1Q21 Results Offering new developments that improve the experience of our customers and facilitate their transactions through mobile channels PAYMENTS WITH BBVA POINTS OR MONTHS WITHOUT INTEREST Change the payment method for purchases that you already have in the app were carried out, using BBVA points or financing with months without interests. +200 k CUSTOMERS IN 3M21 • DIGITAL APPOINTMENT Save waiting time in the branch, creating a differential experience with our customers. +72 k IN 3M21 • DIGITAL AND ADDITIONAL CREDIT CARDS Add additional cards (from the family or from other accounts) to the card management view in the app, to know the balances and / or turn the cards on and off. 9#11Financial Performance 3M 2021 BBVA Creating Opportunities#12BBVA 1Q21 Results 11 Creating Opportunities Promote the country's economic and productive activities Performing Loans (billion pesos, Y-o-Y %) -6.5% vs.. 1Q20 Commercial Consumer Mortgages Mix ↑ 7.9% YOY +1.4% vs. 4Q20 43% Retail 1,312 BBVA 1,209 1,227 57% -5.9% Commercial YOY Mar.20 Dec.20 Mar.21 Figures under local accounting standards with BBVA Mexico data. -11.0% YOY#13BBVA Creating Opportunities Maintaining a profitable mix of the resources Bank Deposits (billion pesos, Y-o-Y %) +4.8% vs. 1Q20 Time -12.8% +2.9% vs. 4Q20 1,299 1,333 1,365 Mix YOY 18% Time 82% Demand Demand ↑ 10.0% YOY 1Q21 Results 12 Mar.20 Dec.20 Mar.21 Figures under local accounting standards with BBVA Mexico data. CCL 203.12% (local LCR) 1CCL (Local LCR) Minimum requirement for 2021: 100%#14BBVA Creating Opportunities Positive Net Income despite a difficult environment BBVA Mexico (million pesos) Mar.20 Mar.21 Y-o-Y % Net Interest Income 33,044 32,498 (1.7) Provisions for loan losses (16,237) (10,445) (35.7) Net Interest Income after 16,807 22,053 31.2 provisions Fees & Commissions 6,928 7,225 4.3 Trading Income 2,327 848 (63.6) Expenses (16,581) (17,135) 3.3 Operating Income 9,550 13,273 Net Income 6,444 9,702 39.0 50.6 Efficiency 1Q21 Results 13 Net Interest Income impacted by lower interest rates, change in loan mix and the application of support programs. Higher provisions to face challenging scenario, given a weaker macroeconomic environment as a result of the Covid-19 pandemia. Lower commissions as a result of lower credit and debit card transactions and lower investment banking commissions. 39.1% 41.9% +281 bps Strict control of expenses reflected in the annual evolution of this item. Figures under local accounting standards with BBVA Mexico data.#15BBVA Creating Opportunities Capital & Liquidity Ratios Capital index (%) 17.5 15.1 3.1 3.1 3.6 Minimum 12.0% LCR (%) 203.12 190.49 141.88 Minimum 100% Mar-20 Dec-20 Mar-21 (short-term liquidity ratio, quarterly average)) T2 14.6 ■ CET1 14.4 Loans/Deposits 11.5 Mar-20 Dec-20 Mar-21 Figures under local accounting standards with BBVA Mexico data. (%) 101.0 90.7 89.9 Mar-20 Dec-20 Mar-21 1Q21 Results 14#16Corporate Responsibility BBVA Creating Opportunities#17• BBVA Creating Opportunities We continue to be committed to Mexico, working on financial inclusion and sustainability BANCARIZATION 回收 . Our strategy of Banca de Barrio for SMEs. Boost CoDi among clients, focus on new developments for its use. םים 5 M ENROLLED BBVA ACCOUNTS (62% TOTAL) 38% 42% PAYMENTS DEPOSITS • 1Q21 Results 16 DIVERSITY AND EDUCATION Diversity and inclusion council: Action plans on Gender Diversity in leadership positions. Our scholarship program continues through Fundación BBVA. In the 2020-2021 academic year: 40,685 YOUNG SCHOLARSHIPS SUSTAINABLE FINANCING Loans with special conditions to individuals and companies 612 MP INDIVIDUALS 3M21 371 MP COMMERCIAL 3M21 Issuer of the first Social Gender Bond of BID Invest 2,500 MP SOCIAL GENDER BOND Specific products for young people: • Financial education: LinkCard: Debit <18 year Credit Card Crea Credit 18 and 30 years Specific Workshops Web FE 15 thousand NEW 3M21 +16% vs. 12M20 12 thousand NEW 3M21 +30% vs. 12M20 1.4 M +900 WORKSHOPS VISITS 3M21 3M21#18BBVA Creating Opportunities Contact information BBVA Mexico Investor Relations email: [email protected] 1Q21 Results 17#19BBVA Creating Opportunities Mexico 1Q21 Results BBVA

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