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#1Corporate Presentation Unadited Financial Report 2012 Analyst Meeting PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Timur Tbk Ritz Carlton Hotel-Jakarta, 1 August 2012 bankjatim bankjatim bersama kami, berkembang pasti 1#2Table of Content bankjatim bersama kami, berkembang pasti page Macro environment 4-8 Performance Overview page 16-31 Macro economic environment 5 Bank Jatim Key Financial Highlight 17 Banking sector performance 6 Lending Growth 18 Banking sector performance-East Java 7 Multipurpose Loan Strengthen Lending Position 19 Economic prospect of East Java toward Bank Jatim 8 Multipurpose Loan Strengthen Lending Position 20 (East Java) Financial Review 9-15 Third Party Fund Raising 21 Balance Sheet Summary 10 Correlation between NIM, CoF and Productive Assets 22 Income Statement Summary 11 Operational Networking 23 Financial Ratio 12 Human Resources 24 Earning Asset Composition 13 Risk Profile 25 Loan Breakdown 14 Good Corporate Governance 26-27 Top Ten Loan by Industry Concentration 15 Award & Achievement 28 Growth Strategy for Enhanced Business 29 IT Development Strategy 30 Strategy 31 Corporate Profile Share Ownership Board of Commissioner Board of Director Share Performance 32-37 33 34 35 36#3Agenda Macro economic Review Financial Overview Performance Overview Corporate Profile bankjatim bersama kami, berkembang pasti 3#4Macro economic Review bankjatim bersama kami, berkembang pasti#5Macro Economic Review BI Rate -Inflation 8.00% 7.00% -6.96% 6.50% 6:35% 6.75% 6.75% 6.00% 6.00% 5.54% 5.00% 4.61% 4.00% 3.97% 3.79% 3.00% 2.00% 1.00% 0.00% 4Q10 1Q11 2Q11 3Q11 4Q11 1Q12 2Q12 Source: Bank Indonesia 13000 12000 11000 10000 9000 5.75% 5.75% 4.53% 13000 12000 11000 bankjatim Inflation pressure under control (national) bersama kami, berkembang pasti CPI inflation in May 2012 was 0.07% (mtm) or on an annual basis was recorded at 4.45% (yoy). The contained inflation was in line with the movement of core inflation, which remained low (4.14%, yoy), attributable to declining global commodity prices and contained domestic demand. Optimized growth at 6,3% Indonesia economic growth quarter III-2012 predicted lower grow at 6,3% and within the range 6,1%-6,5% on 2012 and 6,3%-6,7% on 2013. BI Rate predicted at 5.75% Exchange rate level still consistent with inflation estimation toward with still low and controlled within the range which defined, at 4,5% ± 1% on 2012 and 2013. Rp/USD exchange rate is on Rp9.200-Rp9400 10000 9000 08/08/2007 2008 MAY SEP 2009 MAY SEP 2010 MAY SEP 2011 MAY SEP 2012 MAY Source: Bloomberg сл 5#6Banking Sector Performance Loans Third Fund Party 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,545 2,339 2,351 2,397 2,217 2,000 2,092 -1,766 1,824 1,899 1,500 1,000 500 bankjatim bersama kami, berkembang pasti 2,785 2,826 2,909 2,283 2,404 May 2012, loans has growth about 26,59% compared with May 2011 which reach IDR 1.899 trillion and Third Party Funds also record growth about 21,36 % compared with May 2011 which reach IDR2.826 trillion. Besides, Working Capital Loan at the May 2012 has growth about 27,86% compared with May 2011 which reach IDR 707 trillion and Investment Loan at the May 2012 has growth about 27,67% compared with May 2011 which reach IDR 300 trillion. Deskripsi* Mei-11 Mei-12 YOY 4Q10 1011 May-12 3Q11 4Q11 1Q12 May-12 Loan 1.899 2.404 26,59 1000 Third Party Fund 2.397 2.909 21,36 904 800 830 843 789 LDR 78,45% 81,61% 4.03% 681 707 600 ROA 2,97% 3,05% 2.69% 400 347 370 383 CAR 17,41% 17,87% 2.64% 286 300 321 200 East Java 0 1Q11 May-11 3Q11 4Q11 1Q12 May-12 Description* Dec-11 May-12 % Investment Loan -WC Loan Loan 222,4 237,3 6,23 Source: Bank Indonesia Third Fund Party 252,3 260,5 3,15#7The Economic Prospect of East Java Towards Bank Jatim bankjatim bersama kami, berkembang pasti We have strong macroeconomic backdrop in East Java that provides us economic opportunity to grow our bank in size and quality. 9.3% 10.0% 9.0% 6.4% 8.0% 5.9% 6.1% 7.0% 6.4% 6.2% 6.7% 5.8% 5.7% 6.1% 6.1% 6.0% 5.0% 5.2% 4.7% 5.0% 4.3% 4.0% 3.0% 2.0% 1.0% 0.0% 2006 2007 2008 2009 East Java West Java & Banten 2010 National Second-largest contributor towards Indonesian economy. Approximately 15% of the national GDP comes from East Java; In 2011, East Java's economy grew at 7.2%, faster than national economic growth at 6.5%. In 2012, East Java estimates will grow 7.5%; ✓ As of 4th quarter 2011, placed as second largest GDP in Java Island, accounting for 14.7% of Java island's economy; The relatively high loans-to-deposits ratio, and low levels of non-performing loans. The inflation rate calendar year (January- May 2012) in East Java reached 0.99 percent, while the inflation rate year on year (in May 2011 to May 2012) for 4.58 percent of East Java. Source: Indonesia Statistic Bureau 7#8The Economic Prospect of East Java Towards Bank Jatim Economic sector Growth March 2011 - March 2012 Transportation & Communication Construction 13,01% 10,18% Trade, Hotel, & 9,69% Restaurants Agriculture 2,25% Contribution for east Java (March 2011- March 2012 0,90% 0,30 % 2,99% 0,39% bankjatim bersama kami, berkembang pasti For economic sector that most growth in March 2011-March 2012 are transportation and communication by 13, 01 percent followed by 10, 18 percent of Construction sector, Trade, Hotel and Restaurant of 9,69 percent and agriculture of 2,25 percent. The contribution of the Trade, Hotel and Restaurant on total economic growth in East Java to achieve the highest level of 2.99 percent, followed by 1.55 per cent of Manufacturing sector, Transportation and Communication sector 0.90 percent, 0.39 percent of the agricultural sector, financial sector, renting and business services 0.41 percent, the services sector 0.43 percent and 0.30 percent of the construction sector. While mining and quarrying, and electricity, gas and water supply growth contributed 0.10 percent and 0.11 percent Source: Indonesia Statistic Bureau 8#9Financial Overview bankjatim bersama kami, berkembang pasti 9#10Balance Sheet Summary bankjatim bersama kami, berkembang pasti (In billion rupiah) Total Assets Secondary Reserve-Gross Jun-11 Sep-11 Des-11 Mar-12 Jun-12 YOY 24.442 25.751 24.847 29.340 30.234 23,70% 7.386 7.697 6.097 10.342 9.864 33,56% SBI & Other Placement in 3.202 3.768 2.633 6.685 3.723 16,30% BI Placement with other 4.184 3.929 3.463 3.657 6.141 46,76% Bank Loans 14.880 15.850 16.135 16.562 18.085 21,54% Impairment on financial assets (230) (203) (101) (150) (284) 23,64% Third Party Funds 20.744 21.507 19.935 24.203 25.101 21,01% Current Account 10.342 10.314 8.177 12.143 10.724 3,69% Saving Account 4.542 5.128 7.081 5.906 6.426 41,49% Time Deposit 5.860 6.066 4.677 6.154 7.951 35,68% Equity Tier 1 Tier 2 2.417 2.499 2.604 3.354 3374 39,58% 154 169 171 160 171 11,33% 10#11Income Statement Summary bankjatim bersama kami, berkembang pasti (in billion Rupiah) 2Q11 3Q11 4Q11 1Q12 2Q12 Interest Income 639 719 718 666 701 Interest Expense (196) (210) (209) (197) (221) Net Interest Income 443 510 509 469 480 Non-Interest Operating Income 104 15 87 73 100 Non-Interest Operating Expense (300) (176) (337) (255) (378) Impairment Provision (25) 31 (23) (60) (156) Operation Expenditure (275) (207) (313) (195) (222) Net Non Interest Income (196) (161) (250) (182) (278) Pre-Provision Operating Profit 273 318 282 347 358 Operating Profit 247 349 259 287 202 Non Operational Income 3 2 2 4 (1) Pre-Tax Profit 250 351 261 291 201 Income Tax (62) (88) (95) (73) (50) Net Profit 187 263 166 218 151 11#12Financial Ratio bankjatim bersama kami, berkembang pasti RATIO Jun-11 Sept-11 Dec-11 Mar-12 Jun-12 ROA 5,05% 5,29% 4,97% 4,26% 3,43% ROE 33,30% 36,25% 33,65% 27,18% 22,44% NIM 7,77% 7,94% 7,95% 6,89% 6,63% CAR 16,64% 15,99% 16,53% 21,47% 20,51% LDR 71,33% 73,22% 80,11% 67,90% 71,52% NPL - Gross 0,88% 1,18% 0,97% 1,36% 2,55% NPL - Nett 0,35% 0,48% 0,55% 0,75% 1,27% BOPO 59,47% 57,09% 60,02% 61,15% 68,23% 12#13Earning Asset Composition 30 50 25 3.66 6.14 bankjatim bersama kami, berkembang pasti 3.93 20 20 4.18 3.46 6.69 3.72 21.97% 64.72% 3.75 2.63 13.31% 3.2 15 10 18.09 15.85 16.13 16.56 14.88 5 0 Jun-11 Sept-11 Dec-11 Mar-12 Jun-12 Loan ■SBI & Other Placement in Bl Placement with Other Bank Loans SBI & Placement in Bl Placement with Other bank 13#140 16 14 Loan Breakdown bankjatim bersama kami, berkembang pasti Loan Jun-11 Dec-11 Jun-12 YOY 1.00 Multipurpose* 8,65 8,87 9,48 9,60% 12 0.87 1.00 1.01 0.82 0.75 10 0.75 0.72 0.71 0.63 0.23 0.52 8:3 0.85 0.74 0.62 0.62 0.71 0.66 0.52 0.37 1.36 1.59 0.69 KUR 1,36 1,71 1,87 37,50% 0.31 1.87 1.71 1.81 Keppres 0,37 0,52 0,69 86,49% 8 .29 0.02 8:53 8:43 0.77 1.06 Standby Loan 0,71 0,62 0,82 15,49% Syndicated 6 0,85 1,00 1,00 17,65% Loan 4 7.99 8.14 8.28 8.32 8.65 8.81 8.87 9.05 9.48 2 Jun-10 Sept-10 Dec-10 Mar-11 Jun-11 Sept-11 Multipurpose* Standby Loan KUR Syndicated Loan Dec-11 Mar-12 Jun-12 Keppres 23.28%. 5.53% 4.53% 3.81%. 10.34% Multipurpose* ■KUR Keppres Standby Loan Syndicated Loan Other 52.40% 14#15Top Ten Loan by Industry Concentration bankjatim bersama kami, berkembang pasti No 1 House hold Sector Jun-11 Dec-12 Jun-12 38.98% 47.04% 50.96% 2 Wholesale and retail trade 26.00% 19.50% 16.82% 3 Construction 10.01% 8.85% 9.60% 4 Farming, hunting and Forestry 5.73% 5.91% 5.76% 5 Electric, Gas and Water 3.96% 4.40% 4.08% 6 Processing Industry 2.30% 2.50% 2.53% 7 Social services, social, cultural, entertainment and other personal 3.26% 2.80% 2.22% 8 Real estate, rental business and company service 2.48% 2.01% 1.85% 9 Education Service 1.67% 1.54% 1.35% 10 Financial intermediary 0.53% 0.75% 1.25% Others 5.08% 4.70% 3.58% TOTAL 100% 100% 100% 15#16bankjatim bersama kami, berkembang pasti Performance Overview of Bank Jatim 16#17Bank Jatim Key Financial Highlights ● • Total Asset increased by 23,69% YoY to 30,23 trillion; Outstanding Loans grew by 21,57% YoY to 18,09 trillion; bankjatim bersama kami, berkembang pasti Position Jun-11 Jun-12 YOY Total Asset 24,44 30,23 23.70% Outstanding Loans 14,88 18,09 21.54% Third Party Funds 20,74 25,10 21.01% Net Interest Income 0.91 0.95 4.40% Non Interest Income 0.15 0.17 13.33% Pre-Tax Profit 0.58 0.49 -15.52% Net Profit 0.43 0.38 -11.63% Ratio Jun-11 Jun-12 • Third Party Fund increased by 21,12% YoY to 25,29 trillion; ROA 5.05% 3.43% ROE 33.30% 22.44% • CAR reached 20,51% NIM 7.77% 6.63% LDR 71.33% 71.52% NPL Gross 0.88% 2.55% NPL Net 0.35% 1.27% CAR 16.64% 20.51% Net profit = 75%>< Pre tax profit (assumption) 17#18Lending Growth •Total outstanding loan increased by 21,57% YoY to 18,09 trillion. It supported by consumer loan which contributed 51,69% of overall outstanding loan. • Consumer growth increase significantly on 4th Quarter 2011 to 2nd quarter 2012 with range 21,59%; bankjatim bersama kami, berkembang pasti 20 18 16 14 12 18.09 15.85 16.14 16.56 14.88 13.59 13.09 12.50 11.77 10.74 10 10.12 8.95 8 7.89 6 4 2 0 1009 2009 6008 4009 1010 2010 3010 4010 1011 2011 3011 4Q11 Loans Jun-11 Dec-11 Jun-12 YOY Working Capital 6,20 5,83 6,41 3,39% Investment 2,82 2,61 2,33 -17,38% Consumer 5,86 7,69 9,35 59,56% Outstanding Total 14,88 16,13 18,09 21,57% 18 1012 2012#19Lending Growth LENDING GROWTH EAST JAVA bankjatim bersama kami, berkembang pasti % Dec-11 s/d May-12 (In Trillion Rupiah) Loans Dec-11 May-12 Working Capital 128,3 135,1 5,03% Investment 30,1 33,7 10,68% Consumer Outstanding Total 63,8 68,4 6,72% 222,4 237,3 6,28% For Lending Growth in East Java, the working capital credit has the largest proportion of Rp 135.1 trillion compared to Rp 237.3 trillion in total loans. As for the growth from December 2011 to May 2012 which has the highest growth is investment loan which grew 10.68% from December 2011 to May 2012. In East Java Total loans grew 6.23% from December 2011 to May 2012 19#20Multipurpose Loan Strengthen Lending Position • Out of 471,814 civil servants in East Java, around 52,88 % has been served by Bank Jatim in June 2012 . East Java civil servants are increasing at 14 % in 2011. January-June 2012 increasing 4 % and Q3 will be new civil servant recruitment. • Borrowers are civil servant whose salary is paid via their payroll Bank Jatim account. • Multipurpose loan Desember 2011 are 247,024 increase to 249,508 in June 2012. 10.00 9.00 8.00 7.00 6.42 5.98 6.00 5.50 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 2010 2011 June 2012 Total Kreedit 8,28 8,87 9,480 1.00 (trilyun) Plafon j(uta) 32.5 35.9 40.9 0.00 Rekening PNS 398.601 454.235 471.814 Mar-09 Jun-09 Sept-09 8.14 8.00 7.57 7.18 Dec-09 Mar-10 Jun-10 Sept-10 Dec-10 Mar-11 Jun-11 8.28 8.32 Sept-11 Dec-11 Mar-12 Jun-12 20 20 bankjatim bersama kami, berkembang pasti 9.05 8.81 8.87 8.65 9.48#21Third Party Fund Raising • Third Party Fund increased by 21,24% to Rp25,29 trillion (YoY) with Time Deposit and Saving contribution. Deposit which Account • Time contributes 31,95% of Third Party Fund total increased progressively 28,87% (QoQ) and 36,03% (YoY) •Saving Account provides 25,62% of Third Party Fund total increased Third Party Fund bankjatim bersama kami, berkembang pasti BU 30 25 5.95 6.48 20 4.57 5.16 4.36 7.13 15 6.27 8.08 5.94 6.16 4.51 10 4.81 5- 9.47 10.35 10.32 12.15 10.73 8.20 0 Mar-11 Jun-11 Sept-11 Dec-11 Mar-12 Jun-12 Current Account ■Time Deposit Saving Account Third Party Fund 25.62% 42.43% progressively 8,91% 8,91% (QoQ) and 41,79% (YoY) • CASA Ratio 2nd Quarter reach 68,05% 31.95%. (above banking industry) Current Account Time Deposit Saving Account 21#22Correlation between NIM, CoF and Productive Assets •Cost of Fund decrease shows that Bank Jatim has low cost of funding • Net Interest Margin decrease because of lending rate has slightly decrease for market lending strategy • The result Productive Assets increase by 18,38% • Bank Jatim NIM reach above National Average NIM that 5,53% on May 2012 bankjatim bersama kami, berkembang pasti 10.00% 9.17% 9.00% 7.66% 7.95% 8.00% 6.63% 7.00% 6.00% 4.80% 5.00% 4.30% 4.10% 3.84% 4.00% 3.00% 2.00% 1.00% 0.00% Dec-09 Dec-10 Dec-11 Dec-12 NIM CoF In billion Rupiah 35 28.66 30 24.21 25 21.67 20 18.12 15 10 5 0 Dec-09 Dec-10 Dec-11 Dec-12 22#23Operational Networking bankjatim bersama kami, berkembang pasti CATEGORY Dec-11 Jun-12 BUSINESS PLAN 2012 Conventional Branch Office 40 40 0 Conventional Sub Branch Office 64 64 Sharia Branch Office 1 1 Sharia Sub Branch Office 3 3 Cash Office 164 167 Sharia Office Channeling 47 47 Payment Point Mobile Cash/Counter 115 124 29 200302 25 13 57 57 9 ATM Mobile Cash Cash Deposit Machine ATM* 4 6 2 1 1 0 262 274 115 •⚫ Until June 2012, Bank Jatim ATM was join with ATM Bersama networking about 40.837 terminal, ATM Prima Networking about 39.216 terminal and could be use in transaction wit EDC machine in merchant with Prima Debit logo. 23#24Human Resources bankjatim bersama kami, berkembang pasti Position Mar-11 Jun-11 Sept-11 Dec-11 Mar-12 Jun-12 ВОС 4 4 4 4 4 4 BOD 4 5 5 5 5 5 Management 1 12 8 14 14 13 14 Management 2 141 135 145 155 167 186 Management 3 443 438 483 478 556 530 Staff 1441 1450 1385 1362 1281 1260 Total 2045 2040 2036 2018 2026 1999 Non 71+1115 206+1229 244+1349 370+1557 331+1684 424+1766 Permanent Total 3231 3475 3629 3945 4041 4189 Description Management 1 : Management 2 : Management 3 : Non Permanent : Head of Division Branch Manager, Sub Division Leader, Sub Operational Manager, Sub Branch Manager, Relationship Manager, Senior Analyst Assistant Relationship Manager, Supervisor and Cash Office Manager Contractual Employee, Employee Candidate and Outsourcing Employee 24#25Risk Profile Compliance Risk Loan Risk bankjatim bersama kami, berkembang pasti Risk Type Jun-11 Sept-11 Dec-11 Mar-12 Jun-12 Loan Moderat Moderat Low Low LowMod Market Risk Market Low Low Lowmod Low Low Liquidity Low Low Low Low Low Reputation Risk Risk Profile Liquidity Risk Operational Moderat Moderat Lowmod Lowmod Lowmod Strategic Risk Law Risk Operational Risk Law Low Low Low Lowmod Lowmod Reputation Moderat Moderat Low Lowmod Lowmod Strategic Low Low Lowmod Lowmod Lowmod Compliance Low Low Low Low Low 25#26Good Corporate Governance GOOD CORPORATE GOVERNANCE IMPLEMENTATION bankjatim bersama kami, berkembang pasti ACCOUNTABILITY TRANSPARENCY RESPONSIBILITY INDEPENDENCY FAIRNESS POLICY CODE OF CONDUCT SELF ASSESMENT 26#27bankjatim bersama kami, berkembang pasti Good Corporate Governance SELF ASSESMENT GOOD CORPORATE GOVERNANCE IMPLEMENTATION JUNE 2012 ASSESMENT OF ASPECT BoC task and duty implementation BoD task and duty implementation SCORE WEIGHT SXW 1.175 10% 0.118 1.175 20% 0.235 Committe task completion and implementation Conflict of interest prevention Bank Compliance Function Implementation 1.075 10% 0.108 2.700 10% 0.270 1.225 5% 0.061 Internal Audit Function Implementation 1.950 5% 0.098 External Audit Function Implementation 0.700 5% 0.035 Risk Management Function Implementation including Internal Control System Prudential Principle in providing to related party and to big fund 2.235 7.5% 0.174 1.725 7.5% 0.129 Financial and non financial condition transparency, GCG Report Implementation and Internal Report 2.250 15% 0.338 Bank Strategic Plan GCG COMPOSITE POINT 2.250 5% 0.113 100% 1.679 RATING 2 27#28Awards & Achievement INVESTOR AWARD 120 NVESTOR SSTBANKS MY Annual Report Award 2010 Committee – State-owned Company with Bapepam, Ditjen Pajak, Bursa Efek Indonesia, Ikatan Akuntansi Indonesia and Corporate Governance National Committee) 1st ranked Company Category SOE/ROE Financial Non Listed Infobank Award 2011 "Excellent" Predicated on Bank category with asset 1 Trillion to 10 Trillion for 10 consecutive years Bisnis Indonesia Daily Newspaper BPD Jatim Special Recognition for CEO In Developing Corporate Culture PT BPD Jatim Special Recognition for CEO In Developing Corporate Culture Bisnis Indonesia Daily Newspaper The Best Of 5th BUMD of The Year ROE Performance Achievement. Persatuan Wartawan Indonesia East Java Branch Trophy and Charter Award from Persatuan Wartawan Indonesia of East Java Branch to Bank Jatim of Financial Performance Achievement. Investor Magazine 2011 & 2012 Best Regional Champion Bank with asset above Rp10 trillion MRI & Info Bank 5th Best Performance Overall Regional Bank Tempo Magazine The Best Bank in term of asset >10 trillon -28- 28#29Growth Strategy for Enhanced Business Growth · bankjatim bersama kami, berkembang pasti Expand Third Party Funding by Developing Product Expand Loan by Enhanced Growth Multipurpose Loan(for civil servant, pensioners, others) and SME Loan Explore the new business such as clearing house for RB in East Java Quality • Maintain and enhanced the quality of : 1. Loan portfolio 2. Banking operation 3. Product and services 4. Human resources • Efficiency Logistic and infrastructure • Reduce cost of fund 29#30IT Development and Strategy Develop internet banking system (i-banking) SMS and Mobile Banking (s-banking) Electronic Loan transfer system Clearing House for Rural bank as member APEX Bank Cooperation with BCA for payment system using debit card dan credit card for Regional Public Hospital and Private Hospital Deployment payment system online system host to host for Regional Tax (Dispenda), Payment for educational fee, water bills and other payment utilities like Electricity bills. 30#31bankjatim Strategy bersama kami, berkembang pasti With the development of the business climate in East Java, a growing number of competitors who see the potential to penetrate the banking market in East Java SHORT TERM Bank Jatim focus in the Year 2012 + MIDDLE TERM BPD REGIONAL CHAMPION (BRC) I Bank Jatim has a short-term target is to increase the bank's performance with respect to service quality and customer satisfaction with : Increase the target for the collection of Third Party Funds to 16,95%; Target of 24% credit amount is prioritized to the Credit of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) with a composition of at least 80% of total loans and a maximum of 20% for corporate; LDR increase to 78-85 %; Maintaining Operating Expense to Operating Income of 62,63% Bank Jatim focus in the Year 2014 In the medium term until the year 2014 the I main focus is: Increase the target for the collection of Third Party Funds to 18,62%; Target number of credit amounting to 24.94% who prioritized for Micro Credit, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) with a composition of at least 80% of total loans and a maximum of 20% for corporate; LDR maintaiin 85 %; Maintaining Operating Expense to Operating Income of 64,77% Become BPD Regional Company's terms of Champion (BRC) Increase in the performance in financial and non-financial Expansion of service network to strengthen the competitiveness of the Company and continue to serve the people of East Java CHAMPION ONAL BPD 31#32Corporate Profile bankjatim bersama kami, berkembang pasti 32#33Share Ownership Provincial Government of East Java District and the City of East Java ■Community bankjatim bersama kami, berkembang pasti Share Ownership % Shareholders-Series A 80,00 20.00 Provincial Government of East Java 51,46 51.46 Regency and the city of East java 28,54 Shareholders-Series B 20,00 Local Investor-Individual 3,97 28.54 Local Investor-Business Entities Foreign Investor- Business Entities & Individual 13,20 2,83 33#34Board of Commissioner bankjatim bankjatim bersama kami, berkembang pasti Muljanto President Commisioner Position period (2011-2015) From left to right: Isnanto Independent Commisioner Position period (2011-2015) Chairul Djaelani Commisioner Position period (2011-2015) Wibisono Independent Commisioner Position period (2011-2015) 34#35Board of Director bankjatim bankjatim bersama kami, berkembang pasti Hadi Sukrianto President Director Position period (2011-2015) From left to right: Partono Agrobusiness & Sharia Business Director Position Period (2011-2015) Djoko Lesmono Middle and Corporate Business Director Position period (2011-2015) Suparlan Compliance Director Position period (2011-2015) Eko Antono Operational Director Position period (2011-2015) 35#36Share Performance 440 430 420 410 400 390 380 370 360 350 340 01 Agustus 2012 02 Agustus 2012 03 Agustus 2012 06 Agustus 2012 07 Agustus 2012 08 Agustus 2012 09 Agustus 2012 10 Agustus 2012 13 Agustus 2012 14 Agustus 2012 15 Agustus 2012 16 Agustus 2012 23 Agustus 2012 24 Agustus 2012 27 Agustus 2012 28 Agustus 2012 29 Agustus 2012 30 Agustus 2012 31 Agustus 2012 bersama kami, berkembang pasti bankjatim Surabaya-60271 Rachmad 98-104 Street Head Office Bank Jatim 2nd floor Investor Relation Unit Email: Contact Person: 1. 2. ([email protected]) Corporate Secretary ([email protected]) Revi Adiana Silawati (ferdian [email protected]) ([email protected]) Investor Relation Unit Ferdian Timur Satyagraha 36#37Thank You bankjatim bersama kami, berkembang pasti 37

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