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#1May 23, 2023 CAPRI LOANS The Secretary BSE Limited Pheeroze Jeejeebhoy Towers Dalal Street, Fort Mumbai 400 001 - Scrip Code: 531595 Sub: Investor Presentation Q4FY23 Dear Sir/Madam, The Secretary National Stock Exchange of India Limited Exchange Plaza, 5th Floor Plot No- 'C' Block, G Block Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (East) Mumbai 400 051 ― Scrip Code: CGCL Pursuant to Regulation 30 of SEBI (Listing Obligations & Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 and further to our letter dated May 15, 2023, intimating Earning Conference Call scheduled on May 23, 2023, we are attaching herewith presentation titled "Q4FY23 Earnings Presentation". You are requested to take the same on record for dissemination to the stakeholders. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, for Capri Global Capital Limited YASHESH PANKAJ BHATT Digitally signed by YASHESH PANKAJ BHATT 6542c67b4634 postalCode 400101, street-601 Gurukrupa Nathdwar Coop scty Itd Ashok nagar road 3 Kandivali pseudonym 184004abdeeaeb67317cided/dt Number 397647005ac2073195ceb 3c26bc9af314477ccc035912ec460db Personal, YASHESH PANKAJ BHATT Date: 2023.05.2309-07:05+0530 Yashesh Bhatt Company Secretary & Compliance Officer Membership No: A20491 Encl. As Above C Capri Global Capital Limited (CIN: L65921MH1994PLC173469) 502, Tower - A, Peninsula Business Park, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai, Maharashtra - 400013 +9122 4088 8100/4354 8200 | [email protected] | LOANS Responsible. Resilient. Ready. Q4FY23 Earnings Presentation 22nd May 2023 Follow us: in#3Disclaimer This presentation and the accompanying slides (the "Presentation"), which have been prepared by Capri Global Capital Limited (the "Company"), have been prepared solely for information purposes only and does not constitute any offer or invitation, directly or indirectly, in any manner, or inducement to sell or issue, or any solicitation of any offer to purchase or subscribe for any securities of the Company in any jurisdiction and no part of it shall form the basis of or be relied upon in connection with any contract or commitment whatsoever. No offering of securities of the Company will be made except by means of a statutory offering document containing detailed information about the Company. This Presentation is not a prospectus, disclosure document, a statement in lieu of a prospectus, an offering circular, an advertisement or an offer document under the Companies Act, 2013, and the rules made thereunder, as amended, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2018, as amended, or any other applicable law in India. This Presentation should not be considered as a recommendation that any investor should subscribe for or purchase any securities of the Company or its subsidiary (collectively, the "Group") and should not be used as a basis for any investment decision. The information contained in this Presentation is only current as of its date and has not been independently verified. The Group will not update you in the event the information in the Presentation becomes stale. Moreover, both express or implied representation or warranty is made as to, and no reliance should be placed on, the truth, accuracy, fairness, reasonableness or completeness of the information presented or contained in this Presentation and nothing in this Presentation shall be relied upon as a promise or representation in this respect, whether as to the past or the future. None of the Group or any of its affiliates, advisers or representatives accept any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from any information presented or contained in this Presentation. Furthermore, no person is authorized to give any information or make any representation which is not contained in, or is inconsistent with, this Presentation. Any such extraneous or inconsistent information or representation, if given or made, should not be relied upon as having been authorized by or on behalf of the Group. This Presentation is being given solely for your information and for your use, and may not be copied, reproduced or redistributed to any other person in any manner. The distribution of this Presentation in certain jurisdictions may be restricted by law. Accordingly, any persons in possession of this Presentation should inform themselves about and observe any such restrictions. This Presentation is not a complete description of the Company. Certain statements in the Presentation may contain statements regarding the Company's market opportunity and business prospects that are individually and collectively forward-looking statements. All forward-looking statements are based on judgments derived from the information available to the Company at this time. Such forward-looking statements are subject to risks, uncertainties and assumptions that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contemplated by the relevant forward-looking statement. Any opinion, estimate or projection herein constitutes a judgment as of the date of this Presentation, and there can be no assurance that future results or events will be consistent with any such opinion, estimate or projection. The Company assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking information contained in this Presentation. Any forward-looking statements and projections made by third parties included in this Presentation are not adopted by the Company and the Company is not responsible for such third-party statements and projections. Given these uncertainties and other factors, viewers of this Presentation are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. All information contained in this Presentation has been prepared solely by the Company based on information and data which the Company considers reliable. This Presentation may not be all inclusive and may not contain all of the information that you may consider material. The distribution of this document in certain jurisdictions may be restricted by law and persons into whose possession this Presentation comes should inform themselves about, and observe, any such restrictions. CAPRIGLOBAL#4Business Performance CÁPRI LOANS#5Executive Summary: Robust All-Round Performance Strong rebound in profitability; Q4FY23 Cons. Net Profit at Rs649mn (55% YoY, 73% QoQ). FY23 Cons. Net Profit flat at Rs2,047mn despite absorbing negative charge of Rs1,614mn on Gold Loan business. ☐ Business sustained strong momentum, Cons. disbursals touched Rs28,110mn (87% YoY, 55% QoQ) led by retail segments. Cons. AUM crossed Rs 103,204mn (56% YoY, 19% QoQ). Gold Loan disbursals constituted 34% of consolidated disbursals during Q4FY23. Exclusive Gold Loan branches increased to 562 in Q4FY23 from 449 in Q3FY23. Car loan originations touched Rs20,324mn (2.7x YoY, 20% QoQ), net fee contribution from the business at Rs379mn / Rs1,179mn in Q4FY23 / FY23 respectively. Successfully concluded Rs14.4bn Rights Issue in Mar'23; CGCL CAR stands improved to 39.9% (24.2% in Q3FY23); shall support medium term growth aspirations. ☐ Gross Stage 3 ratio declined to 1.59% (-81bps YoY, -73bps QoQ); standard restructured assets declined to 93bps of AUM (-224bps YoY, -83bps QoQ). Branch count increased to 736 (6.3x YoY, 1.2x QoQ), group staff count at 9,076 (up 2.8x YoY, 1.1x QoQ). CAPRIGLOBAL#6Business Update: AUM Crosses Rs100bn, Up 56% YoY AUM Segmental Break Up (INR Mn)* Composition of AUM (%)* 103,204 3,408 4.7% 4.1% 4.3% 3.3% 19.4% 86,545 17.7% 18,301 19.1% 20.3% 21.4% 1344 77,692 0.3% 302 69,765 3,310 16,778 66,329 3.128 2.846 26.1% 25.5% 16,605 26,355 26.3% 27.0% 26.5% 14,152 12,662 22,631 20,619 17,474 18,845 7,152 3,885 11,259 5,004 2.8% 3.1% 8.3% 4.5% 10.9% 4.8% 2,413 48.1% 45.8% 42.9% 31,911 31,939 33,353 34,592 38,576 40.0% 37.4% Q4FY22 Q1 FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 Q4FY22 Q1 FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 O ■MSME MSME-DA Gold Loans HF HF-DA CF IL Total MSME MSME-DA ■Gold Loans HF HF-DA CF IL MSME-DA and HF-DA relates to off-balance sheet AUM comprising Direct Assignment (co-lending portfolio) in MSME and HF respectively. *As at the end of period indicated. CAPRIGLOBAL 5#7Disbursals: Retail Dominance Continues Segmental Disbursals (INR Mn) Composition of Segmental Disbursals (%) 28,110 2,438 9.2% 8.7% 24.7% 4,278 30.8% 32.7% 15.4% 15.2% 18,105 4,869 16.9% 17.3% 1,662 27.6% 15,039 14,880 19.7% 2,781 27.4% 11,808 4,637 3,670 3,065 9,582 34.1% 21.4% 16.7% 42.8% 3,859 2,966 4,107 17.0% 3,225 3,241 7,741 2,483 2,013 6,944 28.0% 22.8% 24.7% 21.0% 4,211 15.8% 2,695 3,131 2,856 Q4FY22 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 Total Q4FY22 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 MSME Gold Loans HF CF IL ■MSME Gold Loans HF CF IL Note: MSME disbursals between Q1FY23-Q3FY23 have been re-stated to include co-lending disbursals. CAPRIGLOBAL 6#8MSME Business Update Average Ticket Size (INR Mn) Live Accounts* 2.0 1.9 24,564 1.7 22,385 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.7 20,773 21,018 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 Q4FY22 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY22 Q4FY23 Loan to Value (%) (Incremental Disbursals) 54.1% 52.3% 51.7% 51.8% 51.3% Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 Geographical Distribution (Value-Wise)^ 1% 2%. 1% ■MP 7% ■Rajasthan 30% ■ Gujarat 13% 18% Q4FY22 Q1 FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 *As at the end of period indicated ^ As at December 31, 2022 27% ■Delhi ■Maharasthra ■ UP ■Haryana ■Punjab CAPRIGLOBAL 7#9Gold Loan Business Update Rapid Rollout In 8 States & UTS Gold Loan business continued to scale-up rapidly after the launch in Aug 22 through 108 branches across 5 states and UTS. The network expanded to 562 exclusive branches in Q4FY23 from 182 in Q2FY23 and 449 in Q3FY23. State-of-the-art and spacious branches with an average area of 600-800 square feet. All branches secured by Al- driven security systems, gold jewellery secured in vaults with SRD doors. Geographical Distribution (Value-Wise)* 4.84% 7.90% 29.47% 8.66% 14.42% ■Rajasthan ■ Haryana MP ■Gujarat Maharashtra ■New Delhi Disbursals increased to Rs9,582mn in Q4FY23 from Rs7,741mn in Q3FY23 and Rs1,489mn in Q2FY23 and achieved a closing AUM of Rs 11,259mn in Q4FY23. Average portfolio yield of 18.9%, LTV at disbursal 67.3%. Assessed value of gold in custody Rs 15,978mn (based on average spot rate for 22K gold). 17.70% ■UP 17.00% *As at March 31, 2023 CAPRIGLOBAL 8#10Construction Finance Business Update Average Ticket Size (INR Mn) ■ATS (outstanding) ■ATS (Sanc.) 191.9 165.8 172.0 175.9 83.9 85.3 88.3 89.2 93.4 18.0 Q4FY22 Q1 FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 *As at March 31, 2023 Live Accounts* 196 188 188 166 151 Q4FY22 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 Geographical Distribution (Value-Wise)* 10% 4% 16% PAIN 65% ■ Mumbai MMR ■Ahmedabad 27% ■ Pune ■ Bengaluru 27% ■ Hyderabad ■ Delhi-NCR ■ Jaipur ■ Surat ■ Vijaywada ■ Chennai ■ Others CAPRIGLOBAL#11Housing Finance Business Update Average Ticket Size (INR Mn) (Incremental Disbursals) 1.59 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.22 III Q4FY22 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Loan to Value (%) (Incremental Disbursals) 54.5% 53.5% 53.3% Live Accounts* 24,335 21,523 19,679 17,739 18,282 Q4FY23 Q4FY22 Q1 FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 56.0% 55.5% Q4FY22 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 14% 17% Q4FY23 Geographical Distribution (Value-Wise)* 2% 9% 18% *As at March 31, 2023 ■ MP 39% ■ Gujarat Salaried 42% ■ Maharashtra Self-employed 58% ■ Rajasthan ■ Delhi ■ UP CAPRIGLOBAL 10 10#12Car Loan Distribution: Leading Car Loan Originator In India 3 at Partner Banks HDFC BANK Bank of India Bank of Baroda We understand your world Relationship beyond banking इण्डियन ओवरसीज़ बैंक Indian Overseas Bank आपकी प्रगति का सच्चा साथी Good people to grow with Union Bank Union Bank YES BANK इंडियन बैंक Indian Bank पी.एस.बी. of India Punjab & Sind Bank JA GOVT OF INDIA UNDERTAKING 35 15 Pan-India coverage through presence in 450 locations in 28 States & UTs 25 61 18 40 10 9 Exclusive Branches At Amritsar, Jalandhar, Chandigarh, Lucknow, Patna, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Bengaluru, and Surat Total Locations (Branches + Feet-on-Street) 31 17 23 40 Q4FY22 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 20 30 213 279 322 322 450 12 CAPRIGLOBAL 11#13Car Loan Origination - Strong Growth Performance Consistently Rising Loan Originations (INR Mn) Loan Originations Full Year Basis (INR Mn) 20,324 16,139 13,463 9,426 7,516 Q4FY22 Q1FY23 17,020 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 FY22 Loan Originations By Volume (Nos.) 19,014 16,725 11,927 8,788 7,012 Q4FY22 Q1 FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 59,352 FY23 Average Ticket Size (INR Mn) * 1.13 1.07 1.07 0.96 Q4FY22 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 1.07 Q4FY23 * ATS = Originations by Value/Originations by Volume During Quarter CAPRIGLOBAL 12#14Earnings Performance CÁPRI LOANS#15Performance Matrix : Core Earnings Strong NII (INR Mn) Operating Profit (INR Mn) 1,884 1,610 1,528 1,433 1,339 Q4FY22 Q1 FY23 Q2FY23 571 1,126 856 li 896 846 727 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 Q4FY22 Q1 FY23 Q2FY23 Credit Costs (INR Mn) 246 40 245 112 PAT (INR Mn) 563 461 418 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 374 Q4FY22 Q1 FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 Q4FY22 Q1 FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 649 Q4FY23 14 CAPRIGLOBAL#16Non-Interest Income: Important Contributor to Core Income Non-Interest Income (INR Mn) Non-Interest Income / Net Income (%) 619 435 1,020 35.5 36.3 31.3 31.7 844 24.9 677 Q4FY22 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 Q4FY22 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 О о CGCL's non-interest income has become an important contributor to the Company's net income. The share of non-interest income in net income was 36.3%. Fees from the car loan origination business and co-lending income are two main drivers of this income. Both these businesses were launched in the last two years and have scaled up fast. CGCL earned Rs379mn / Rs1,179mn in net fees from the car loan origination business in Q4FY23 / FY23 respectively. The corresponding income in Q4FY22/FY22 was Rs123mn / Rs276mn respectively. CGCL booked Rs557mn through co-lending business in FY23 compared to Rs 170mn in FY22. CAPRIGLOBAL 15 15#17Loan Yields: GL Yields Moving Up MSME (%) Housing Finance 12.4% 12.4% 15.3% 15.3% 15.3% 12.3% 15.3% 15.3% 12.3% 12.3% IIIII Q4FY22 Q1FY23 IIIII Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 Q4FY22 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Gold Loans (%) N. A. N. A. 15.1% 15.1% Q3FY23 Q4FY23 Construction Finance (%) 18.9% 16.6% 16.7% 16.3% 16.4% 16.1% Q4FY22 Q1 FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 Q4FY22 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 16 CAPRIGLOBAL#18Key Ratios: Spreads Improve Yield on Advances (Wtd. Avg.) (%) Cost of Funds (Wtd. Avg.) (%) 15.2% 14.7% 14.6% 14.7% 8.2% 8.2% 8.2% 8.4% 8.5% 14.5% Q4FY22 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 IIII Q3FY23 Q4FY23 Q4FY22 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 Net Interest Margin (%) Spreads (YoA - COF) (%) 6.5% 6.4% 6.3% 6.3% 6.6% 9.7% 8.9% 8.6% 8.5% 8.4% Q4FY22 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 Q4FY22 Q1 FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 CAPRIGLOBAL Q4FY23 17#19Operating Expenses: Opex Ratios Flat Sequentially Operating Expenses (INR Mn) ■Employee Cost Other Opex Operating Expenses Composition (%) ■Employee Cost ■Other Opex 24% 33% 29% 31% 31% 595 516 372 213 76% 281 1,322 67% 71% 69% 69% 1,139 920 570 680 Q4FY22 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 Cost-Income (%) 60.4% 51.1% 43.1% 69.5% 68.1% Adjusted for the Gold Q4FY22 Q1 FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 Loan Q4FY22 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 Cost/AAUM (%) (annualized) 8.1% 8.1% 7.0% Cost/AAUM calculated vertical 5.5% considering opex, the 5.2% 6.7% 6.7% C/I ratio was 5.9% new car loan ~48% in FY23 4.9% 4.6% origination volume for the quarter Q4FY22 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 Cost-AUM Cost-AUM incl. NCLO CAPRIGLOBAL 18#20Key Ratios: Improvement In Return Ratios Annualized Return on Equity (%)^ Annualized Return on Assets (%) 11.2% 9.5% 8.8% Q4FY22 Q1 FY23 Q2FY23 7.3% Q3FY23 11.7% Q4FY23 * Q4FY23 ROE computed after applying suitable weightage to fresh equity raised EPS (Diluted) (INR) (Not Annualized) 3.16 2.59 2.35 2.10 3.47 Q4FY22 Q1 FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 2.5% 2.5% 2:8%..... 1.7% 2.6% Q4FY22 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 Book Value Per Share (INR)* 170.6 113.7 115.1 107.4 110.0 Q4FY22 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 * Deferred tax assets deducted from Networth before computing BVPS. CAPRIGLOBAL 19#21Liabilities & Liquidity Position Update CAPRI LOANS#22Liability Mix: Well Funded Balance Sheet* Diversified Funding Profile (INR Mn) Consolidated Borrowings Break-up (INR Mn) 75,113 5,354 65,940 3,518 61,304 3,025 4,386 3,355 3.364 53,628 3,538 6,167 48,084 3,480 4,165 1.550 3,820 4,075 4,331 4,332 75,113 65,940 61,304 21,229 53,628 18,660 48,084 18,723 17,513 14,578 61,855 50,237 53,394 41,996 38,128 53,884 47,281 42,581 33,506 36,115 Q4FY22 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 ■SCB Borrowings Market Borrowings ■SIDBI/NABARD Refinance NHB Refinance * In INR Millions as at the end of period indicated. Q4FY22 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 CGCL CGHFL CAPRIGLOBAL 21#23Liquidity Position: Comfortable Liquidity Position* INR Mn except stated Consolidated Particulars Limits Sanctioned Limits Availed Un-Drawn Repaid Outstanding Total no. of relationship maintained Limits Sanctioned in FY23 CGCL (Standalone) CGHFL 73,750 29,500 103,250 70,644 29,000 99,644 3,107 500 3,607 16,634 7,664 24,298 54,010 21,336 75,346 21 14 30,600 8,600 39,200 。 CGCL has active borrowing relationship with 21 Financial Institutions across PSU, Private Sector Banks, Foreign Banks, Mutual funds, Life Insurance companies and Public Sector Financial Institutions. *As at March 31, 2023 CAPRIGLOBAL 22 22#24Liquidity Position: Proactive Liability Management Particulars INR Mn except stated CGCL (Standalone) CGHFL Consolidated Dues during Q4FY23 2,362 700 3,062 Payment made as per Schedule (A) 2,362 700 3,062 Prepayments made for the quarter (B) 0 0 0 Total repayments/prepayments (A+B) Balance Payment for Q4FY23 2,362 700 3,062 0 0 0 Additional prepayments beyond Q4FY23 (C) 1,000 283 1,283 Total Repayments / Prepayments (A+B+C) 3,362 983 4,345 CAPRIGLOBAL 23#25Asset Quality CÁPRI LOANS#26Asset Quality: Improvement Continues ECL Analysis As Per IndAS (INR Mn) Q4FY23 Q3FY23 Stage 1 & 2 Gross 96,181 80,588 Q2FY23 73,508 Q1FY23 INR Mn except stated Q4FY22 65,953 63,627 Stage 1 & 2 ECL Provisions 1,348 1,234 1,248 1,260 1,325 Stage 1 & 2 - Net 94,832 79,354 72,260 64,693 62,303 Stage 1 & 2 ECL Provisions % 1.40% 1.53% 1.70% 1.91% 2.08% Stage 3 Gross - 1,552 1,911 1,780 1,840 1,562 Stage 3 ECL Provisions 499 557 510 508 476 Stage 3 - Net (net of aggregate ECL prov.) 1,053 1,354 1,270 1,331 1,086 _ Stage 3 ECL Provisions % 32.2% 29.1% 28.6% 27.6% 30.5% Total ECL Provisions 1,786 1,747 1,749 1,769 1,801 Stage 3 %-Gross NPA 1.59% 2.32% 2.36% 2.71% 2.40% Stage 3 %-Net NPA 1.10% 1.68% 1.73% 2.02% 1.71% Provision Coverage Ratio % 115.1% 91.4% 98.3% 96.2% 115.3% Restructured Assets 1,066 1,772 1,943 2,053 2,161 Restructured Assets (%) 1.1% 2.1% 2.6% 3.0% 3.3% Prov. on Restr. Assets 265 390 412 426 475 Prov. on Restr. Assets (%) 24.8% 22.0% 21.2% 20.8% 22.0% О Std. restructured assets: MSME Rs 809mn (2.1% of MSME AUM), Housing Rs 105mn (0.4% of Housing AUM), CF & IRL - NIL. Standard restructured assets were Rs1,454mn (1.8% of AUM) in Q3FY23. CAPRIGLOBAL 25#27Segmental NPAs: Asset Quality In Improvement Trajectory MSME^ GNPA NNPA Construction Finance & IL^* 4.60% 4.00% 4.29% 3.47% 2.89% 4.23% .19% ■GNPA NNPA 0.42% 3.11% 2.99% 0.18% 0.12% 2.30% 0.15% 0.10% 0.14% .06% Q4FY22 Q1 FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 ANNPAs computed with Stage-3 ECL provisions compared to aggregate ECL provisions previously. Housing Finance^* ■GNPA NNPA 1.85% 1.58% 1.50% 1.33% 1.06% .13% 1.58% 0.33% 0.24% -0.09% Q4FY22 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 1.24% 1.14% 0.76% Q4FY22 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 CAPRIGLOBAL 26#28Capital Adequacy CÁPRI LOANS#29Well Capitalized For Medium Term Growth Consolidated Networth (INR Mn) Capital Adequacy (%): Capital Boost In Q4FY23 35,655 29.4% 29.9% 19,225 19,701 20,414 20,644 26.0% 24.2% 30,466 14,645 15,018 15,457 15,605 3,250 1330 3,250 3,250 1434 1.707 3,250 1.789 3,250 1.939 Q4FY22 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 ■CGHFL Surplus Inv. In CGHFL (Incl. Premium) ■CGCL Networth (Excl. Inv. In Subs.) III 39.9% Q4FY22 Q1 FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 ■ CGCL Adequate cash position on balance + sheet Strong capital adequacy to support future + Undrawn credit lines of INR 3.7 Bn* == *As at March 31, 2023 growth Comfortable liquidity position to support future growth CAPRIGLOBAL 28#30Network CÁPRI LOANS#31Network: Presence In Major Growth Centres Branch Addition Has Continued 117 123 327 610 736 562 182 449 327 117 123 160 174 Q4FY22 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 □ Network expansion led by addition of Gold Loan branches continued taking total branch count to 736 in Q4FY23 compared to 610 branches in Q3FY23 and 117 branches in Q4FY22. ☐ Network of non-Gold Loan businesses expanded by 14 branches to touch 174 branches. The businesses have a presence in 14 States and UTs. Urban Retail business (MSME and Housing) operated through 174 branches in 12 States and UTS. ■Non-Gold Loan Br. ■Gold Loan Br. Headcount Addition To Support Branch Expansion 3,202 4,134 6,625 7,983 9,076 499 439 374 7,484 357 316 6,186 3,760 2,536 2,845 Gold Loan network expanded to 562 branches across 9 states and UTs by end Q4FY23. ☐ Construction Finance had 3 dedicated branches Bengaluru, Hyderabad, and Ahmedabad (new). □ Car Loan distribution had 9 dedicated branches including Amritsar, Chandigarh, Lucknow, Patna, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Bengaluru, and Surat. During the quarter, a branch was opened at Jalandhar. Q3FY22 Q4FY22 Q1 FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 ■CGCL CGHFL In addition, the Company has a dedicated tech centre in Gurugram (not counted as a branch). CAPRIGLOBAL 30#32Network: Presence In Major Growth Centres Urban Retail, CF, and Car Loan Distribution 174 Branches in 15 States & UTs 59 19 24 35 13 135 22 96 100 67 Gold Loan Branches 562 Branches in 8 States & UTs CAPRIGLOBAL 31 ल#33Financials CAPRI LOANS#34CGCL Cons. Inc. Statement: Quarterly Comparison Particulars Q4FY23 Q4FY22 Y-O-Y (%) Q3FY23 INR Mn except stated Q-0-Q (%) Interest earned 3,521 2,348 50.0% 3,004 17.2% Interest expended 1,637 916 78.8% 1,394 17.4% Net interest income 1,884 1,433 31.5% 1,610 17.0% Non-interest income 929 544 70.6% 772 20.3% Core operating income 927 536 772 Other income 2 8 0 Total income 2,813 1,977 42.3% 2,382 18.1% Operating expenses 1,917 851 125.2% 1,655 15.8% Employee cost 1,322 570 132.0% 1,139 16.1% Other operating expenses 595 281 111.4% 516 15.3% Operating profit 896 1,126 -20.4% 727 23.2% Total provisions 112 ECL provisions Write-offs Profit before tax 56 55 265 571 -80.4% 245 -54.3% 341 57 230 188 784 555 41.3% 482 62.6% Tax 135 137 108 Implied tax rate 17.3% 24.7% 22.4% Profit after tax 649 418 55.4% EPS (diluted) (Rs.) (not annualised) 3.47 2.35 374 2.10 73.4% CAPRIGLOBAL 33#35CGCL Consolidated Balance Sheet Particulars (INR Mn) Q4FY23 Q4FY22 INR Mn except stated YoY (%) Paid-up equity 412 351 17.4% Reserves and surplus 35,242 18,873 86.7% Networth 35,655 19,225 85.5% Bank borrowings and refinance 70,727 43,753 61.6% NCDs 4,386 4,331 1.3% Other liabilities and provisions 7,179 4,219 70.1% Total shareholders' equity & liabilities 117,946 71,528 64.9% Cash and bank balances 15,103 3,531 327.7% Investments 2,150 3,775 -43.0% Assets under financing activities 94,754 62,708 51.1% Other assets 5,939 1,514 292.4% Total assets 117,946 71,528 64.9% CAPRIGLOBAL 34#36CGCL Consolidated Income Statement: Annual Comparison INR Mn except stated Profit and Loss A/c FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 Interest income 5,307 6,700 6,735 8,396 Interest expenses 2,071 2,828 2,887 3,308 11,673 5,311 Net interest income 3,236 3,872 3,848 5,087 6,362 New businesses contributing to Other income 586 433 636 1,231 robust non- 2,719 Fees 558 399 626 1,103 2,703 Other income 27 34 11 128 17 Net income 3,822 4,305 4,484 6,319 9,081 interest income Net Income CAGR of 24% FY19-FY23 Operating expenses 1,790 1,732 1,520 2,536 5,756 Employee expenses 1,175 1,188 994 1,746 4,061 Other expenses 614 544 526 790 1,696 Operating profit 2,032 2,573 2,964 3,783 3,325 Provisions ECL provisions Write-offs 165 353 607 1,057 642 99 299 545 618 71 67 54 62 439 570 Profit before tax 1,867 2,220 2,357 2,726 2,683 Taxes 510 607 588 676 636 Net profit flat in Tax rate (%) 27.3% 27.4% 24.9% 24.8% 23.7% FY23 despite major expansion opex during the Profit after tax 1,357 1,612 1,770 2,050 2,047 year. Earnings per share (Diluted) (Rs.) 7.7 9.2 10.0 11.6 10.9 CAPRIGLOBAL 35#37CGCL Consolidated Balance Sheet: Annual Comparison* Balance Sheet FY19 FY20 FY21 INR Mn except stated FY22 FY23 Liabilities Paid-up equity 350 350 351 Reserves 13,477 15,042 16,822 351 18,873 412 35,242 Networth 13,827 15,392 17,173 19,225 35,655 Borrowings 27,687 28,366 37,689 48,084 75,113 Other liabilities 1,256 657 3,269 4,219 7,179 Total liabilities 42,770 44,415 58,131 71,528 117,946 Ample leverage room to continue delivering robust growth. ~2.8x growth in balance sheet in 4 years. Assets Cash and equivalents 1,691 742 2,242 3,531 15,103 Investments 93 3,607 8,075 3,775 2,150 Loans 40,222 39,288 46,863 62,708 94,754 ~2.4x growth in loan book in 4 years. Other assets 764 777 951 1,514 5,939 Total assets 42,770 44,415 58,131 71,528 117,946 *As at the end of periods indicated. CAPRIGLOBAL 36#38CGCL Consolidated Earnings: Du Pont Analysis RoA Tree (%) FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 Interest income 14.6 15.4 13.1 13.0 12.3 Interest expenses 5.7 6.5 5.6 5.1 5.6 Net interest income 8.9 8.9 7.5 7.8 6.7 Other income 1.6 1.0 1.2 1.9 2.9 Fees 1.5 0.9 1.2 1.7 2.9 Other income 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.0 Net income 10.5 9.9 8.7 9.7 9.6 Operating expenses 4.9 4.0 3.0 3.9 6.1 Employee expenses Other expenses 3.2 1.7 27 2.7 1.9 2.7 4.3 1.2 1.0 1.2 1.8 Operating profit 5.6 5.9 5.8 5.8 3.5 Provisions 0.5 0.8 1.2 1.6 0.7 ECL provisions 0.3 0.7 1.1 1.0 0.1 Write-offs 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.7 0.6 Profit before tax 5.2 5.1 4.6 4.2 2.8 Taxes 1.4 1.4 1.1 1.0 0.7 Profit after tax (RoA) 3.7 3.7 3.5 3.2 2.1 CAPRIGLOBAL 37#39Shareholding 13.8% 16.3% Shareholding as of Mar'23 ■Promoter Group ■Institutional Shareholders 69.9% ■ Others ○ Market capitalization1 : 139.3bn US$ 1.68bn² Cons. Networth³ (Q4FY23): 35.7bn • Paid-up Equity : 412.3mn ○ FV: 2 。 Dividend Per Share (FY23) 0.50 Average of market capitalization on BSE and NSE on 22nd May'23. 1. 2. 1 US$ 3. 82.80 Not adjusted for DTAs; CGCL raised 14.4bn in Mar'23 through Rights Issue. CAPRIGLOBAL 38#40Leadership CÁPRI LOANS#41Board of Directors & Corporate Governance Independent Board Guiding Executive Management... Rajesh Sharma, MD & CFO Founder & Promoter with over 2.5 decades of experience, Chartered Accountant Mukesh Kacker, Independent Director EX-IAS Officer, Jt. Secy (GOI) with over 3 decades of experience, MA (Public Policy), MA (Political Science) And Following Superior Governance Standards... Ajit Mohan Sharan, Independent Director IAS - Batch 1979 with over 3 decades of experience in varied aspects of public administration Beni Prasad Rauka, Independent Director Group CFO- Advanced Enzyme Technologies; over 2.5+ decades of experience, CA &CS Bhagyam Ramani, Independent Director Ex-GM and Director of General Insurance Corporation; 3+ decades of experience, MA (Economics Hons.) Desh Raj Dogra, Independent Director EX- CEO and MD of CARE ratings with over 4 decades of experience in financial sector and credit administration Audit Committee Oversees Company's financial reporting and financial information disclosure process Nomination and Remuneration Committee Formulates and ensures adherence to policies regarding appointment of BoD and senior managerial personnel Stakeholders' Relationship Committee Oversees redressal of security holders' and investors' complaints and effective exercise of stakeholders' rights CSR Committee Formulates and monitors implementation of CSR policy as specified in the Companies Act Risk Management Committee Formulates and reviews policy on operational, IT, and people risk CAPRIGLOBAL 40#42Stable Leadership Team Retail Amar Rajpurohit (Business Head - MSME & Housing - Sales/Product) Ex-AU Financiers, Gruh Finance, DHFL with over 17 years of work experience, B.A., LLB Vintage with CGCL: 5Y 1M Munish Jain (Business Head - Home Loans) Ex-Shriram Housing, GE Money Housing Finance, DHFL with over 20 years of work experience; MBA Vintage with CGCL: 4Y 3M Ravish Gupta (Business Head - Gold Loans) Ex-IIFL Finance, GE Money, HDFC Bank with 20 years of work experience, BCA., MDP (IIM-K, IIM-B) Vintage with CGCL: 1Y 6M Bhavesh Prajapati (Group Head - Credit, Risk & Policy) Ex-Aadhar Housing Finance, IDFC Ltd, DHFL with over 20 years of experience; MBA- ICFAI Vintage with CGCL: 4Y 11M Magesh lyer (Chief Operating Officer) Ex - InCred Finance, Reliance Capital, ICICI Bank with over 20 years of experience, B.Com, PGDBA Vintage with CGCL: 5M Retail Prasanna Kumar Singh (Group Collections Head) Ex-Bajaj Finance and PNB Housing with over two decades' experience; LLB, MBA Vintage with CGCL: 2Y 1M Bhupinder Singh (Head - Legal Litigation) More than a decade experience with various NBFCs in providing legal advice Vintage with CGCL: 3Y 11M Construction Finance Bhaskarla Kesav Kumar (Associate Director - Monitoring) Ex AGM and Unit Head of Corporate Relationships with SBI Vintage with CGCL: 8Y 4M Vijay Kumar Gattani (Associate Director - Credit) Ex-ICICI Bank, Head of Credit & Policy- ICICI HFC with over 15 years of experience, CA Vintage with CGCL: 7Y 8M. Technology Rahul Agarwal (Chief Technology Officer) Ex-Policy Bazaar, Lava International, India with over 17 years of exp., M. Tech (IIT-D) Vintage with CGCL: 1Y 10M Digital Lending Hardit Singh Lamba (Head - Digital Partnerships) Ex-Indifi Technologies, ZipLoan, TVS Credit with over 18 years of exp; DU, AIMA alumnus Vintage with CGCL: 7M Corporate Functions Ashok Agarwal (Director - Legal & Compliance) Previously practicing CA with over 26 years of experience, CA and CS Vintage with CGCL: 15Y 4M Suresh Gattani (Associate Director - Treasury Operations) Ex-Aditya Birla, two decades plus experience in accounts, finance, taxation and corporate planning Vintage with CGCL: 17Y 1M Vinay Surana (Head - Treasury) Ex- Founding Member, Axis Bank debt syndication with over 15 years of experience, CA Vintage with CGCL: 14Y 10M Yashesh Bhatt (Vice President- Compliance & Secretarial) Previously associated with L&T Fin. Serv., Tata Hsg, M&M, RIL; 15 years of work exp; CS, LLB, MFM-JBIMS Vintage with CGCL: 1Y 7M CAPRIGLOBAL 41#43Accolades (expleo ) Presents 3rd ANNUAL BFSI TECHNOLOGY EXCELLENCE AWARDS 2022 Hosted By QUANTIC FASTEST GROWING LENDING FINANCE COMPANY OF THE YEAR CAPRI LOANS SAATH APNO KA WE HAVE BAGGED THE FASTEST GROWING LENDING FINANCE COMPANY OF THE YEAR IN THE 3RD ANNUAL BFSI TECHNOLOGY EXCELLENCE AWARDS PROGRAM 2022 CÁPRI GLOBAL GREAT PLACE TO WORK - CERTIFIED ™ Building and Sustaing High-Trust, High-Performance Culture™ Capri Global pital Limited WE'RE NOW Great Place To Work. Certified CAPRIGLOBAL 42 24#44CÁPRI GLOBAL CAPITAL Thank you For further information, please contact: Ravikant Bhat [email protected] T: +91 72089 52880 Sheetal Khanduja [email protected] M: +91 97693 64166 Rajat Gupta [email protected] M: +91 99718 97739

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