Nativa Horizontal Future Project

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#1Ann Ⓡ UV Nativa Horizontal NATIVA LOCATION: NATIVA RESORT, TÁRCOLES, GARABITO, PUNTARENAS, COSTA RICA#2170 Nativa Horizontal Agenda ● ● ● . Call to order. Quorum Verification. Appointment of the President and Secretary for the Assembly. JULY 23 JULY 24 Presentation of projects carried out by the Administration and report on labor process. Update of judicial collection process, liens and auctions against owners on default. • Presentation and approval of Financial Statements. Ratification of the appointment of the administrator of Condominio Horizontal Residencial Nativa. Report, discuss and decision about the proposal of Condominio Vertical Residential Las Vistas related to the payment of the condominium fees by the Sub-Condominium owners and voting rights, and pre-approval of extraordinary fee to cover costs for arbitration process. Approval of the condominium budget, as well as approving a maintenance fee. • Approval of requirements to be appointed as member of the Board of Directors. General matters. • Authorize the President and Secretary of the Assembly to sign the minutes, and authorize the President, or whoever the Assembly designates to appear before a Notary Public of their choice to protocolize the Minute. . Closing of the meeting.#3คล Nativa Horizontal Members Alex Phillips PRESIDENT Lorena Amador VICE-PRESIDENT JULY 23 JULY 24 Gerardo Bejarano TREASURER Kerst Houweling BOARD MEMBER Bjorn Jakobsen BOARD MEMBER#4คล Nativa Horizontal Gerardo Bejarano Message from the Treasurer JULY 23 JULY 24#5ARA E| Nativa Horizontal Mission Statement NATIVA HORIZONTAL JULY 23 JULY 24#6คล Nativa Horizontal 品 JULY 23 | JULY 24 H Our mission as Board of Directors of Nativa Horizontal is to enhance and preserve the quality of life and sense of community through effective and efficient management of the Association, enforcement of rules and covenants to preserve property values, and support initiatives and capital improvements that benefit the greater good of the community. This Board will serve the Homeowners by taking a fair, ethical and objective approach in representing the interest of all Homeowners.#7Delinquency 1. When fees are not paid within the first seven days of each month, the owner will receive a reminder. 2. After day ten, the owner will be given one last warning that the amount due has to be received on the Horizontal account on day fifteen of that month. 3. If by day fifteen of that month the indicated amount of money has not been received, the owner will be placed on a delinquent list which will be located at the front gate of Nativa and visible to all owners and visitors. 4. This delinquent list, which will include ALL owners behind on their fees, can also be found on the owners' section of the Nativa Resort webpage ( as well as at various public areas of the condominium. 5. If the owner is one month behind on their payment and found on this delinquent list, they will no longer be allowed to access any common areas, including but not limited to all swimming pools in Nativa Resort. 6. Furthermore, they will no longer be allowed to enter or leave the resort through the main gate and will have to do so through the BACK ENTRANCE, by the main security guard where the bodega is located.#87. At the back entrance (located by the bodega) there will be two books. One contains the list of owners. that are in debt to the board and the other will be a LOGBOOK, both of which will be under the custody of a security guard at all time. 8. All delinquent owners as well as their guests or renters will have to present themselves to the security guard upon arrival and provide identification or a valid passport. Upon doing so they must park, step out of the car and register in the LOGBOOK. This procedure will apply every time a delinquent owner, guest, or renter wants to enter or leave Nativa Resort. 9. If any delinquent owner rents or lends out his/her apartment, these guests or renters must register themselves in the LOGBOOK and must be authorized by the security guard present and the delinquent owner of the apartment in person. This means that the delinquent owner must also be present and register themselves in the LOGBOOK and personally escort their guest or renter to their property every time they wish to enter or leave Nativa Resort. 10. Lastly, if people take advantage of the system mentioned above and withhold their payment until the fifteenth of each month two times in a row, we the board, reserve the right to take action against that owner.#9ANA Nativa Horizontal Solutions JULY 23 | JULY 24#10170 Nativa Horizontal JULY 23 JULY 24 Solving Inhereted Problems • Handled and resolved any outstanding liability cases. • Updated and restored the unmaintained resort. Found solution to fund the $35,000 due by former board. • Made agreement with developer to finance a new truck and trailer, main and back gate, security cameras and monitor room. • Financed insurance for said truck one year in advance. Paid marchamo for Backhoe, which was on our property illegally. Treatment plant AMANCO. ASADA#11MA Nativa Horizontal Liabilities JULY 23 | JULY 24#12E&Y is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a critical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for out communities. EY refers to the global organization and may refer to one or more of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.#13General Meeting NATIVA July 24th, 2021 EY Law Central America, Panama & Dominican Republic#142 i. Findings - Security Personnel ACTIVE EMPLOYEES ☐ By 2020, there were 12 active employees that occupied the position of security guard. ☐ They worked 12-hour shifts, regardless if they worked the night-shift or the day-shift. ☐ The above entailed that they worked permanent overtime (four hours of overtime for the day-shift, six hours of overtime for the night-shift). ☐ The solution that was implemented before 2020, in order to minimize the contingency of this permanent overtime, was to raise the employees' base salary, so that they receive an amount much higher than the minimum wage. ☐ Nonetheless, the employees never received payment slips that properly defined which amount was being paid for their ordinary shift, and what part of their compensation was for overtime. EY Law#15i. Findings - Security Personnel 3 ☐ Given that NATIVA did not clearly established how the payment was broken-down, employees could ask for the payment of overtime calculated over their monthly salary. This led to a contingency of up to $562,681,061.00 (around US$908,000 based on the current exchange rate). ☐ Also, prior to 2015, employees were periodically terminated, both privately and through mediation agreements signed before the TRAC (an Alternative Dispute Resolution Center). ☐ Most agreements signed during those years have the information required to give solidity to what has been agreed and that have the character of res judicata. However, none of these agreements specifically state the amount of overtime that is being paid to the terminated employees. The lack of detail in the items may generate questions as to whether the amounts were paid according to law. ☐ Finally, NATIVA has the employees' documentation from 2012 onward. Information prior to that date is not under NATIVA's possession. ☐ There was no file per employee, but a file per year, so not all the documentation was available for the Board to review. EY Law#16i. Findings - Security Personnel ☐ Based on the above, the Board decided to terminate the labor relationship with each one of these twelve employees and negotiated an agreement before an Alternative Dispute Resolution Center, in order to avoid future claims regarding their employment rights, overtime or other benefits. ☐ These agreements clearly stated the amounts being paid for overtime and they covered the entire relationship with each employee, since their initial hiring date. ☐ To define the contingency, the Board decided to calculate the employees' base salary as if it was equivalent to the minimum wage that was on force each year, and to calculate the overtime based on such minimum wage. That way the contingency decreased to about $180,100,882.53 (around US$291,000 based on the current exchange rate). ☐ On September 30th 2020, the employees were dismissed without cause, and on October 1st, NATIVA signed a termination agreement with each one of the them. □ The amounts finally paid to employees were for a total of $45,800,000 (around US$74,000 based on the current exchange rate), plus the cost of the RAC Center and legal fees. ☐ Also, a new security company was hired, in order to provide such services with a higher standard. EY Law#17v. Active Judicial Processes ☐ By 2020, there were six active cases against NATIVA: 5 Plaintiff CESAR LUCIANO MORALES MORALES Status ACTIVE. The plaintiff is lost at sea. However, the process may continue with the plaintiff's wife in his representation. We have asked for the process to be filed as the time for the plaintiff's wife to reactivate it has lapsed. However, the Court has rejected our appeal and asked the parties to express if we were interested in participating in a hearing to negotiate a possible agreement. We did not respond, in order to avoid activating the case, and the plaintiff did not respond either. This reinforces our theory that the process should be filed. DANIEL MONGE PICADO ACTIVE. The notification to some defendants is still pending. Therefore, the Labor Court has ordered the provisional filing of the process. The plaintiff has until August 23rd, 2021, to provide a new address. In case the plaintiff does not comply, we will ask for the process to be permanently filed. DAVID LUCIANO BOZA VARGAS JESÚS ALBERTO SOSA SANCHEZ LUIS FERNANDO BERMÚDEZ VILLALTA MARCO GARCÍA WON IN FIRST INSTANCE. The Labor Court accepted the exception of res judicata and transaction filed by NATIVA. However, the plaintiff appealed the judge's resolution. SETTLED. Settled on 12/4/20 for the amount of $2,000,000.00 ($1,600,000.00 and $400,000.00 that cover costs and fees). SETTLED. Settled on 2/19/21 for the amount of $6,000,000 ($4,500,000 and $1,500,000 in 12 tracts of $125,000 on the 30th of every month, starting on 04/30/2021). SETTLED. Settled on 2/26/21 for the amount of $9,500,000. EY Law#18Ann Nativa Horizontal What the Board has Accomplished JULY 23 JULY 24#19ADA Nativa Horizontal Hired new security team: EULEN and with that installed new cameras and improved the monitor rooms JULY 23 JULY 24 Installed automatic gates: front and back gates Upgrated signs around Nativa Acquired new truck, trailer, and equipment Implemented new schedules and bought new uniforms for maintenance team Installed WIFI at necessary locations Improvements Made Improved bodega, main gate and back gate by developer ASADA: water tanks and macro-meters Created new website for all owners Water treatment plant Hired new director: Christian Rivas Created new systems to improve delinquency and lot maintenance Fixed roads and fences#20OLD Liberty 125 SVI NEW#21BODEO OLD FRONTER 229846 FRONTIER 229846 NATIVA SOT NEW soo KIA KIA MOTORS 639 e#22OLD NEW KIA MOTORS#23OLD NEW INT180M#24OLD NEW#25OLD max SAD NEW 1114#26OLD NEW#27Lotes 1-23 24-67 OLD NEW Las Vistas Las Brisas Las Lomas & EL Jardin NativeInfo Office nimiento ቀጥ LAS VISTAS EL JARDÍN LAS BRISAS LAS LOMAS BODEGA#28OLD NEW#29OLD NEW MATIV NATINA#30OLD NEW#31HET OLD N NEW#32OLD NEW#33OLD NEW#34OLD NEW#35OLD NEW#36OLD NEW 112.5#37170 Nativa Horizontal Security JULY 23 JULY 24#38MED Eulen Costa Rica Security Services EULEN SEGURIDAD#3901 CRIMINAL INCIDENT#40Important events: 1. It is estimated that the subjects could have entered at approximately midnight since according to the video of the Ivarra Family security cameras, it is possible to visualize the arrival of these from the Vistas sector at that time. 2. At approximately midnight, the subjects enter the property of Messrs. Luis Fernando Ibarra Rojas and María Lorena López Rosales. Lot 49. They remove a laptop, a professional photographic camera and equipment for internal wireless network distribution. 3. Also entering the House of the gentlemen, Jorge Federico Vargas Uzaga and Susana Villalobos. Lot 57, where they manage to steal a laptop, a cell phone and a wallet with some credit cards and cash. 4. At 03:31 they enter the house of Messrs. Helmer Madrigal Núñez and Fanny Sánchez Téllez. Garden lot # 5 from where they remove two "Bar-type" chairs. 5. Messrs. Diego Foresi and Corhina Foresi enter Condominium 3A, building 4 in Brisas, from where two bicycles are stolen. 6. They try to enter the Lomas 2B Condominium of Messrs. Edward Miller and Jocelyn Miller, they only break some parts of the aluminum doors, but they do not succeed.#41Actions: 1. 03:43, The supervisor on duty Gustavo Umaña, is alerted by the monitoring officer on duty Luis Miguel Flores about the presence of the subjects, trying to flee through the sector of gate # 3. 2. The supervisor moves immediately to attend to the emergency while reporting to the Public Force. 3. Once on the public highway, the subjects are chased by the supervisor and are cornered meters before the delegation of the Public Force, where they leave the quad. 4. Subjects flee through a nearby swamp and into the mountainous part of Carara. 5. The quad, owned by Mr. Bejarano and Mr. Foressi's bicycles, are confiscated at the Office of the Public Force and hours later they are delivered to supervisor Gustavo Umaña, for the corresponding transfer to Nativa and return to their legitimate owners. 6. 05:16 Notice is given to Mr. Christian Rivas, Nativa's general administrator about the events. 08:00, a valuation tour is carried out in conjunction with the supervisor Brayan Umaña and Mr. Christian Rivas. 7. OIJ officials enter at 12:49, Ronny Salvador Fallas Granada, ID: 603310548. José Miguel Castro Mesen, ID: 206580714 in the gray Nissan Frontier vehicle, registration 333144, to carry out the corresponding inquiries.#4202 IMMEDIATE ACTIONS#431. Take the highest disciplinary sanction allowed for the monitoring officer on the day of the event. 2. Prohibition of the use of personal cell phones, during working hours. 3. External patrolling will be carried out from the beginning of the cyclone-type mesh to gate 3. 4. Two armed officers will be accompanied in said unit to provide support to the sole officer (supervisor), on an internal journey in the NATIVA community. 5. This support will be provided by our company for a week starting today at 11:00 pm, while the NATIVA board of directors decides what actions to take. 6. A polygraph test will be performed on the monitoring officer and the supervisor.#4403 Criminal Records#45Cantidad de Delitos 2 4 The increase in criminal prevalence can be clearly seen, where at the beginning of the first quarter of 2019, at the beginning of the pandemic it was 22.6% against 28% as of May 30, 2021. The increase is notable from the third quarter. 6 CRIMINAL PREVALENCE ACCORDING TO CRIMINAL CATEGORIES REPORTED BY QUARTER 01/03/2019 TO 31/05/2021 0 1 2 3 4 Resumen de la Consulta Resumen de la consulta realizada en el período seleccionado: Categoria Delictiva Total de delitos ROBO Cantidad 16 16 MM EULEN E SEGURIDAD#46PER EULEN LESEGURIDAD CRIMINAL PREVALENCE ACCORDING TO CRIMINAL CATEGORIES REPORTED BY QUARTER 01/03/2019 TO 15/06/2020 Cantidad de Delitos Cantidad de Delitos 4 3 2 1 1 1 1 0 1 2 3 Trimestres 4 Resumen de la Consulta Resumen de la consulta realizada en el periodo seleccionado CRIMINAL PREVALENCE ACCORDING TO CRIMINAL CATEGORIES REPORTED BY QUARTER 15/06/2020 TO 15/06/2021 1 4 3 3 2 1 4 0 1 2 3 4 Trimestres Categoria Delictiva Total de delitos ROBO Resumen de la Consulta Cantidad 7 Resumen de la consulta realizada en el periodo seleccionado Categoria Delictiva Total de delitos ROBO 1 Cantidad 9#47PER EULEN LE SEGURIDAD Theft in the illegitimate seizure of a foreign piece of furniture that, unlike theft, is carried out without typified force to access or flee from the place where the element or people are located. Robbery or robbery is a crime against property, consisting of the seizure of other people's property in a fraudulent manner, using force in things or violence or intimidation in people. Attack against a person or entry into property with the intent to steal. Resumen de la Consulta Resumen de la consulta realizada en el período seleccionado Cantidad de Delitos 6 Categoria Delictiva Total de delitos ROBO Cantidad 6 6 Criminal Prevalence According to Criminal Categories Reported by Victim 01/01/20 to 01/31/21 0 2 4 VIVIENDA Victimas#48PER EULEN SEGURIDAD Criminal Prevalence According to Criminal Categories Reported by Victim 01/01/21 to 30/5/21 Cantidad de Delitos 3 2 1 0 EDIFICACION VIVIENDA Victimas Resumen de la Consulta Resumen de la consulta realizada en el periodo seleccionado Categoria Delictiva Total de delitos ROBO Cantidad 5 5#4904 Securiy System Approach#50camientos, canos Security layers approach Risks Nativa Resort Threats Deterrence 1. Display 2. Security patrolls 3. Destroy Liceo Rural de Tárcoles Prevention Deterrence 1. Display 1. Detect 2. Deny 2. Security patrolls 3. Deter 3. Destroy 4. Delay 5. Destroy EULEN SEGURIDAD Ent. y Sali Sada Nativa Resort Reaction 1. Detect Risks Casa Nativa Vista Facilitate the materialization of threats Threats Ent. y Salida Nativa Resort Nativa Resort Jac 2. Alarm 3. Evaluate 4. Response Threats 34#51EULEN > SEGURIDAD RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE FIRST SECURITY LAYER 1. CAUTION / DETERS SIGNS, PLACED ON THE MESH 2. RANDOM PATROLLING WITH TRAINED DOGS. 3. PATROL WITH MOBILE UNIT IN EXTERNAL PERIMETER MMD 4. INSTALLATION OF POWER LIGHTS WITH MOTION SENSORS 5. SOUND SYSTEM ON THE OUTER PERIMETER#52RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE SECOND SECURITY LAYER EULEN > SEGURIDAD MMD સં 1. 2. CAUTION / DETERS SIGNS, PLACED ON THE MESH CONTINUOUS PATROL OF MOTORIZED OFFICERS ON THE INTERNAL PERIMETER. 3. PLACE ALARMS IN HOUSES WITH MOTION SENSORS 4. INSTALLATION OF INTELLIGENT DIFFERENT INHABITED SITES CAMERAS IN#53PEW Σ EULEN SEGURIDAD THANK YOU#54ADA Nativa Horizontal Financial Statements JULY 231 JULY 24#55Condominio Horizontal Residencial Nativa Cedula Jurídica número 3-109-379094 BALANCE DE COMPROBACION POR EL PERIODO TERMINADO EL 30 DE JUNIO 2021 Con cifras comparativas al 31 de Diciembre 2020 - $ 31/12/2020 30/6/2021 Variacion Scotiabank CR57012300003012458028 Scotiabank CR50012300003012458057 Scotiabank CR24012300003012458040 Scotiabank CR31012300003012458011 CUENTAS POR COBRAR COMERCIALES CUENTAS POR PAGAR COMERCIALES CAPITAL SOCIAL SUPERAVIT ACUMULADO INGRESOS CUOTA CONDOMINAL OTROS INGRESOS EGRESOS GENERALES Y ADMINISTRATIVOS OTROS EGRESOS TOTAL $ SASAS AA AAAA SA SA SASA SASA -12.66 $ 328.34 $ $ 5,171.18 $ $ 1.31 $ $ 67,798.17 $ 17,910.58 8,596.19 $ 8.09 $ $ 341.00 3,425.01 92,153.87 90,801.86 $ 18,044.38 $ 17,722.62 $ 6.78 -49,887.59 -1,352.01 -321.76 20.00 $ 20.00 $ $ 216,047.71 $ $ 719,028.00 $ 17,442.89 $ 147,679.62 $ 241,800.00 $ -68,368.09 -477,228.00 614.30 $ -16,828.59 $ 795,861.74 $ 285,968.42 $ -509,893.32 $ 9,609.37 $ 4,223.06 $ -5,386.31 - $ -0.00 $#56Condominio Horizontal Residencial Nativa Cedula Jurídica número 3-109-379094 INGRESOS Y EGRESOS POR EL PERIODO TERMINADO EL 30 DE JUNIO 2021 - $ - Con cifras comparativas al 31 de Diciembre 2020 INGRESOS: INGRESOS CUOTA CONDOMINAL OTROS INGRESOS TOTAL INGRESOS 31/12/2020 30/6/2021 % SSS 719,028.00 $ 241,800.00 99.7% $ 17,442.89 $ 614.30 $ 736,470.89 $ 242,414.30 99.7% MENOS EGRESOS EGRESOS GENERALES Y ADMINISTRATIVOS OTROS EGRESOS TOTAL GASTOS Ꮜ ᎾᎯ ᎾᎯ 795,861.74 $ 285,968.42 98.5% $ 9,609.37 $ 4,223.06 1.5% $ 805,471.11 $ 290,191.48 100.0% SUPERAVIT / PERDIDA DEL PERIODO ISR POR PAGAR SUPERAVIT / PERDIDA NETA DEL PERIODO $ SASS -69,000.22 $ -47,777.18 -19.7% $ - $ -69,000.22 $ -47,777.18 -19.7%#57ACTIVOS: Condominio Horizontal Residencial Nativa Cedula Jurídica número 3-109-379094 BALANCE GENERAL POR EL PERIODO TERMINADO EL 30 DE JUNIO 2021 - $ - Con cifras comparativas al 31 de Diciembre 2020 31/12/2020 30/6/2021 CIRCULANTE: Scotiabank CR57012300003012458028 Scotiabank CR50012300003012458057 Scotiabank CR24012300003012458040 $ $ Scotiabank CR31012300003012458011 CUENTAS POR COBRAR COMERCIALES TOTAL CIRCULANTE $ $ SASSA SA SASA $ -12.66 $ 5,171.18 $ 1.31 $ 328.34 8,596.19 8.09 67,798.17 $ 17,910.58 92,153.87 $ 90,801.86 $ 165,111.87 $ 117,645.06 TOTAL ACTIVO $ 165,111.87 $ 117,645.06 PASIVO Y PATRIMONIO CIRCULANTE: CUENTAS POR PAGAR COMERCIALES TOTAL PASIVO CIRCULANTE S5 $ 18,044.38 $ 17,722.62 $ 18,044.38 $ 17,722.62 TOTAL PASIVO EA $ 18,044.38 $ 17,722.62 CAPITAL SOCIAL PATRIMONIO SUPERAVIT ACUMULADO SUPERAVIT / PERDIDA NETA DEL PERIODO TOTAL PATRIMONIO TOTAL PASIVO Y PATRIMONIO $ $ SASSA SA $ 20.00 $ 216,047.71 $ 20.00 147,679.62 -69,000.22 $ -47,777.18 $ 147,067.49 $ 99,922.44 $ 165,111.87 $ 117,645.06 $ SA#58Ingresos Servicios Ingresos totales Beneficio bruto Otros ingresos (pérdida) Ingresos por intereses Otros ingresos operativos (gastos) Otros ingresos totales (pérdida) Gastos Financial & accounting-audit cost Bank charges, SINPE, bank commisions External Contracted Services Total Financial & accounting-audit cost FREIGHT AND TRANSPORTATION Condominio Horizontal Residencial Nativa Ingresos y Egresos mensual $ enero - junio, 2021 ene. 2021 feb. 2021 mar. 2021 abr. 2021 may. 2021 jun. 2021 Total $ 40,300.00 $ 40,300.00 $ 40,300.00 $ 40,300.00 $ 40,300.00 $ 40,300.00 $ 40,300.00 $40,300.00 $ 40,300.00 $ 40,300.00 $ 40,300.00 $ 40,300.00 $ 40,300.00 $ 40,300.00 $40,300.00 $40,300.00 $ 241,800.00 $40,300.00 $241,800.00 $ 40,300.00 $ 241,800.00 $ 10.34 $ 11.29 $ 226.56 $ 5.92 $ 4.39 $ 4.62 $ 263.12 $ 351.31 $ 351.31 $ 361.65 $ 11.29 226.56 $ 5.92 4.39 4.62 $ 614.43 $ -152.09 -361.45 $ $ 29.48 $ 77.81 $ 40.06 $ 37.10 $ 15.06 $ 23.43 $ -513.54 222.94 $ 3,288.30 $ 3,288.30 $ 3,288.30 $ 3,288.30 $ 3,288.30 $ 19,729.80 $ 3,165.69 $ 3,366.11 $ 2,966.91 $ 3,325.40 $ 3,303.36 $ 3,311.73 $ 19,439.20 $ 3,288.30 Gastos bancarios Grounds Equipment Maintenance & Supplies $ 412.34 Fuel (not for cars nor truck) but includes chainsaws, weed wackers, lawn mowers, backhoe, etc Total Grounds Equipment Maintenance & Supplies HOA General Assembly IMPUESTO PERSONAS JURIDICAS Insurance $ 175.20 $ 72.86 $ 0.51 $ $ 248.06 412.85 SAS $ 274.15 $ 279.61 $ 117.19 SAS $ 274.15 $ 279.61 $ 185.41 $ SA SA $ 185.41 $ 739.17 739.17 $ 332.80 $ 332.80 $ 117.19 $ SA SA SASS $ 548.61 $ 815.24 548.61 $ SASS 815.24 $ SASA $ 2,622.83 - $ 2,622.83 $ 15,091.50 $ 202.38 $ 202.38 $ 201.50 $ 16,345.68 $ 15,337.74 $ 15,337.74 A General Liability Insurance (Basic + Umbrella) and infrastructure when poss. $ Total Insurance $ 443.74 LIQUIDACION LABORAL EMP. ANTIGUOS SASS 443.74 $ 815.24 $ 815.24 $ 647.92 MACROMEDIDORES Maintenance & Grounds & Potable & Treated water Grounds Equipment Maintenance & Supplies Maintenance & Grounds for Green Areas Supplies for grass cutting machines (consumables - but not fuel) Total Maintenance & Grounds for Green Areas SAS $ 81.50 $ SAS 179.83 81.50 $ 179.83 Road Maintenance Road preventive maintenance/patching, drainage cleaning, signs & sidewalks $ 74.49 $ 147.66 Streetlight maintenance (materials only), ocasional replacement Total Road Maintenance Water-Works 74.49 $ 147.66 Main Potable Water Tank maintenance includes chlorination & lab tests Potable water tubing maintenance EA 232.85 $ 9,207.90 $ 7,784.95 $ 531.08 EA $ $ 232.85 $ 261.33 261.33 $ 3,332.66 $ 3,554.81 $ 3,332.66 SASA $ 123.58 $ 123.58 $ 123.58 $ 3,678.39 $ $ 1,705.14 $ 860.07 $ 17,523.93 $ 1,705.14 Treatment Plant maintenance including chlorination of output & lab tests Total Water-Works $ 13,746.74 $ 14,606.81 Total Maintenance & Grounds & Potable & Treated water Miscellaneous Supplies & office Cleaning Supplies Foodstuff, bottled water -special needs (someone to stay later)- General Supplies (misc. supplies, small tools, bolts, paint, etc...) Office Equipment Basic Maintenance Paper, ink, fax paper, other office supplies and misc $ 13,746.74 $ 9,207.90 $ 7,784.95 $ 13,821.23 $ 9,437.06 $ 7,964.78 $ 3,096.29 $ $ 3,329.14 $ 3,332.66 $ - $ - $ 33,835.88 123.58 $ 38,008.45 $ $ 37.47 $ 59.25 $ 59.54 $ $ 712.82 $ 158.37 $ 809.28 SSSSA $ 19.12 $ 353.13 $ 25.98 SSSSS $ 156.26 19.12 70.05 $ 1,750.52 353.13 25.98#59Condominio Horizontal Residencial Nativa Ingresos y Egresos mensual $ enero - junio, 2021 Total Miscellaneous Supplies & office Pool & Pool Area Maintenance Pool supplies Total Pool & Pool Area Maintenance Professional Services General Legal Total Professional Services Security Related Security Camera, Monitor & Backbone System Maintenance Security Personnel -either own or external- External Security Personnel Total Security Personnel -either own or external- Total Security Related Utilities Common Area & Wells Electric Bills Electric Bill at office & Bodega Lease of Equipment Office & Bodega facilities rental or maintenance Other Utilities Phone & Internet line for office Total Utilities Vehicles & truck Vehicle Fuel (only PU's & truck & roving security) Vehicle Maintenance & supplies (tires, oil changes & minor repairs) Total Vehicles & truck Workers/Personnel Personnel for maintenance & grounds CCSS, Bco. Pop, INS R-T, tax, & other "system" charges based on payroll Maintenance-grounds-cleaning personnel salaries Total Personnel for maintenance & grounds Uniforms Safety Gear & Uniforms Maintenance & Grounds Total Uniforms Total Workers/Personnel Gastos totales Otros gastos Ganancias o pérdidas no efectivas Ganancias o pérdidas de cambio OTHER OUT-OF-REGULAR-BUDGET REPAIRS/IMPROVEMENTS AT RESORT Fix/Replace & paint gates at all entrances, as well as guard booth renovations Repairs at Bodega and office building Total OTHER OUT-OF-REGULAR-BUDGET REPAIRS/IMPROVEMENTS AT RESORT Otros gastos totales Ganancias netas $ ene. 2021 37.47 $ feb. 2021 772.07 $ mar. 2021 158.37 abr. 2021 may. 2021 $ 1,207.51 $ $ 219.60 $ 219.60 jun. 2021 129.59 - $ Total $ $ $ SASASSA 2,305.01 $ 219.60 219.60 $ $ 1,893.59 $ 2,768.50 $ 7,414.50 $ 1,073.00 $ 1,073.15 $ 1,073.15 $ 15,295.89 $ 1,073.15 $ 1,073.15 $ 15,295.89 $ 1,893.59 $ 2,768.50 $ 7,414.50 $ 1,073.00 394.94 $ 4,099.71 $ $ 1,372.94 $ 5,867.59 $ $ 17,891.87 $ 17,984.33 $ 17,962.33 $ 17,885.34 $ 17,743.44 $ 17,722.54 $ 107,189.85 $ 17,891.87 $ 17,984.33 $ 17,962.33 $ 17,885.34 $ 17,743.44 $ 17,722.54 $ 107,189.85 $ 17,891.87 $ 17,984.33 $ 18,357.27 $ 21,985.05 $ 17,743.44 $ 19,095.48 $ 113,057.44 $ 2,406.85 $ 1,774.10 $ 2,343.21 $ 1,774.10 $ 1,774.10 $ $ 2,314.57 $ 1,116.38 $ 1,550.49 $ 476.73 $ 187.08 $ 191.37 $ $ 636.75 $ 8.25 $ $ 2,164.74 $ 4,329.48 $ 2,164.74 $ 2,164.74 $ 2,164.74 $ 2,164.74 $ $ 1,774.10 $ 5,618.19 863.43 15,153.18 11,846.46 $ 122.54 $ 122.54 $ 77.15 $ $ 5,125.47 $ 264.87 $ 73.15 $ 160.78 $ 196.09 $ 166.65 $ 8,870.10 $ 4,703.64 938.69 $ 5,407.37 $ 5,685.42 $ 4,750.49 $ 34,542.49 $ 257.02 $ $ 171.35 $ $ 428.37 $ 32.72 $ 180.18 212.90 $ 32.62 80.95 $ 403.31 $ 351.53 32.62 $ 80.95 $ 754.84 SASA SASASA $ 966.80 $ SASASASA SA 835.68 $ 900.11 $ 914.46 $ 895.42 $ 927.54 $ 5,440.01 $ 3,378.96 $ 3,500.12 $ 20,559.33 $ 3,648.32 $ 3,184.50 $ 3,396.64 $ 3,450.79 $ 4,615.12 4,020.18 $ 4,296.75 $ 4,365.25 $ $ 189.84 - $ 189.84 $ - $ $ 4,274.38 $ 4,427.66 $ 25,999.34 $ $ - $ 189.84 189.84 $ - $ SA $ 4,615.12 $ 4,210.02 $ 4,296.75 $ 4,365.25 $ 4,274.38 $ 4,427.66 $ 26,189.18 $ 47,834.89 $ 49,084.25 $ 61,205.94 $ 42,010.25 $ 36,863.96 $ 48,969.13 $ 285,968.42 SA SA $ $ $ $ -218.46 $ -32.77 $ -33.00 SA S $ $ -218.46 $ 3,027.66 - $ 3,027.66 $ $ 2,994.89 $ -33.00 $ -6,954.78 $ -11,767.85 $ -20,646.38 - $ $ - $ $ -154.01 $ -76.98 $ -12.14 $ 1,602.76 $ 120.00 - $ 1,602.76 $ 120.00 $ $ 1,448.75 $ 43.02 $ -12.14 $ -3,153.08 $ 3,397.41 $ -8,652.37 $ $ -527.36 SSS SS $ 4,630.42 $ 120.00 - $ 4,750.42 $ 4,223.06 $ -47,777.05#60ADA Nativa Horizontal Budget JULY 23 JULY 24#61Utilities 1% 0% 13% 13% 2% ■Security Related Workers/Personnel 8% ■Miscellaneous Supplies & office 0% ■Maintenance & Grounds & Potable & Treated water 15% Insurance ■Uncategorized and Unexpected Expenses ■HOA General Assembly Professional Services 48% CURRENT BUDGET#62CURRENT MONTHLY FEE DISTRIBUTION ■Current Budget Utilities Security Related Workers/Personnel ■Miscellaneous Supplies & office Maintenance & Grounds & Potable & Treated water ■Insurance Uncategorized and Unexpected Expenses ■HOA General Assembly Professional Services TOTAL 50% 0% 7% 4% 6% 24% 8% 0% 1% 0% 0%#63Utilities 8% 10% ■Security Related 10% 0% Workers/Personnel 5% Miscellaneous Supplies & office 1% Maintenance & Grounds & Potable & Treated water Insurance Uncategorized and Unexpected Expenses HOA General Assembly Professional Services Reserve 15% 11% 1% 39% BUDGET FOR APPROVAL#64PROPOSED MONTHLY FEE DISTRIBUTION Utilities Security Related Workers/Personnel 8% 10% 10% 0% 5% ■Miscellaneous Supplies & office 1% Maintenance & Grounds & Potable & Treated water Insurance ■Uncategorized and Unexpected Expenses ■HOA General Assembly ■Professional Services Reserve 15% 11% 1% 39%#65$25,000.00 $20,000.00 $15,000.00 $10,000.00 $5,000.00 UTILITIES SECURITY RELATED WORKERS/PERSONNEL MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES & OFFICE MAINTENANCE & GROUNDS &... INSURANCE UNCATEGORIZED AND UNEXPECTED... HOA GENERAL ASSEMBLY Current Budget Budget for approval PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RESERVE CURRENT BUDGET VS APPROVAL#66ADA Nativa Horizontal BUDGET FOR APPROVAL UTILITIES SECURITY RELATED WORKERS/PERSONNEL MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES & OFFICE MAINTENANCE & GROUNDS & POTABLE & TREATED WATER INSURANCE UNCATEGORIZED AND UNEXPECTED EXPENSES HOA GENERAL ASSEMBLY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $5,128.84 $20,500.00 $5,800.00 $220.00 $7,950.00 $721.00 $2,510.00 $159.70 $5,032.65 RESERVE TOTAL $3,985.00 $52,007.19 JULY 23 | JULY 24#67PROPOSED MONTHLY FEE FOR THE OPERATING YEAR 2021-2022 $52,007.19 / 124 (owners) = $419.41#68Las Vistas#69กกล 訓® Nativa Horizontal JULY 23 | JULY 24 To Become a Board Member#70คล Nativa Horizontal JULY 23 | JULY 24 Requirements 1 Requirement 1 2 Demonstrate management and leadership experience. M Requirement 3 Must have sufficient time to devote to Horizontal as a member of the Board. 5 Requirement 5 Integrity and high ethical standard. Requirement 2 Attend two official Board Member meetings per month. 4 Requirement 4 Must be up to date on all monthly fees. 6 Requirement 6 Must reside in Costa Rica.#71| ADA Nativa Horizontal JULY 23 JULY 24 Future Project#72คล Nativa Horizontal Future Project Maintaining, repairing and re-paving of all roads in Nativa condominium.#73คล Nativa Horizontal Votes 1 Vote 1 All work done by Current Horizontal Board 4 Vote 4 2 Vote 2 Las Vistas M Budget Vote 3 5 6 Vote 6 Vote 5 Requirements to become a Board Member Future Project JULY 23 JULY 24 Horizontal New Fee#74คล Nativa Horizontal Next Steps - Announcements EA NEWS Action Step 1 Meetings every 3 months. with Sub-Condominiums Action Step 2 Monthly posting of Financials Action Step 3 Private Property - Footpaths Action Step 4 Posting of newsletter every 3 months on Website JULY 23 JULY 24#75170 Nativa Horizontal le Thank you! Contact us if there are any questions. Website JULY 23 JULY 24 Instagram @nativaresort Email [email protected] Address

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