Q2 FY23 Financial Performance

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Oct 27, 2022



#1Investor Presentation Q2 FY23 Oct 27, 2022 SBI card QSBI Card SBI card 331 0123 4567 8901 123 4567 8901 MONTH/YEAR 12/25 VIJAY KUMAR MONTH YEAR 12/25 VISA MAR Signature ЛІМФА КЛИУН AIRY VISA Signature รูเดิมรถเร AIRY#2Q2 FY23 Business Highlights Focus on business growth Robust financials: PAT 526 Cr, 52% YoY Higher Business Volumes New accounts at 1,295K, ▲ 36% YoY . Spends at 62,300 Cr+ Receivables at 37,730 Cr, Robust Financials 43% YoY 41% YoY · Total revenue at 3,453 Cr, ▲ 28% YoY • PAT at 526 Cr, ▲ 52% YoY • ROAA at 5.4%, 41 bps YoY and ROAE at 24.1%, 404 bps YoY Healthy Asset Quality • GNPA at 2.14%, 122 bps YoY and NNPA at 0.78%, Healthy capital adequacy, CAR at 23.2%, Tier 1 at 20.2% Recent Developments . Launch of Cashback SBI Card SBI Card recognized as 'Reader's Digest Trusted Brand' 13 bps YoY OSBI Card 2#3Executive Summary Q2 FY23 Figures in Cr OSBI Card Profitable operations PAT 526 Cr, 52% YoY PAT 526 ROAA 5.4% ROAE 24.1% ▲ 52%/ 16% 41 bps/ 165 bps ▲404 bps/ 671 bps Market Share (FY23)* Cards in force 19.1% (FY22 18.7%), Spends 18.0% (FY22 19.2%), Transactions 18.3% (FY22 19.8%) Portfolio 18% YoY in cards, 41% YoY in receivables 43% YoY in spends, CAR 23.2% Receivables 37,730 NNPA 0.78% 187 bps/ 149 bps ▲ 41% / 14 % 13 bps/ 1 bps Asset Quality GNPA @ 2.14%, NNPA @ 0.78% Liquidity Diversified borrowings mix, sufficient unutilized banking limits available. LCR @ 82% against stat. norm of 60% Cards in Force 1.48 Cr ▲ 18%/▲ 4% *As per RBI report available till Sep'22 Spends 62,306 43%/▲ 4% Represents YoY growth over Q2 FY22 GNPA 2.14% in Sep'22 vs 3.36% in Sep'21 and 2.24% in Jun'22 Represents QoQ growth over Q1 FY23 3#4Executive Summary H1 FY23 Profitable operations PAT 1,153 Cr, 77% YoY PAT 1,153 ROAA 6.1% Figures in Cr OSBI Card ROAE 27.4% ▲ 77% 141 bps 801 bps Market Share (FY23)* Cards in force 19.1% (FY22 18.7%), Spends 18.0% (FY22 19.2%), Transactions 18.3% (FY22 19.8%) Portfolio 18% YoY in cards, 41% YoY in receivables 59% YoY in spends, CAR 23.2% Receivables 37,730 NNPA 0.78% Asset Quality GNPA @ 2.14%, NNPA @ 0.78% Liquidity 187 bps 41% 13 bps Diversified borrowings mix, sufficient unutilized banking limits available. LCR @ 82% against stat. norm of 60% Cards in Force 1.48 Cr ▲ 18% *As per RBI report available till Sep'22 Spends 121,977 59% Represents YoY growth over H1 FY22 ΔΙ Represents QoQ growth over Q1 FY22#5Key Trends New Accounts ('000) 1,295 953 1,008 1,002 902 Corporate Spends (Cr) OSBI Card 14,183 12,980 12,263 11,411 8,491 Q2 FY22 Q3 FY22 Q4 FY22 Q1 FY23 Q2 FY23 Q2 FY22 Q3 FY22 Q4 FY22 Q1 FY23 Q2 FY23 Retail Spends (Cr) Receivables (Cr) Transactor Revolver EMI RBI RE 50,895 42,417 45,488 41,872 35,070 26,741 29,129 31,281 33,215 37,730 4% 2% 1% 0% 0% II 32% 33% 34% 35% 35% 27% 27% 25% 26% 24% 37% 38% 40% 38% 41% Sep'21 Dec'21 Mar'22 Jun'22 Sep'22 Q2 FY22 Q3 FY22 Q4 FY22 Q1 FY23 Q2 FY23 IEA 59% 60% 59% 61% 59% IEA, Interest earning assets = EMI + Revolver#6Market Share Cards in force Dominant credit card player in India Spends OSBI card Transactions I I 18.3% 19.1% 19.1% 18.7% 19.4% 19.2% I 19.7% 19.8% 17.9% 18.0% 17.7% 18.3% FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 * FY20 FY21 FY22 *As per RBI report available till Sep'22 I I FY23 * FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23*#7New Accounts and Cards-in-force New Accounts ('000) Cards-in-force ('000) OSBI card 1,295 14,316 14,828 953 902 12,580 Q2 FY22 Q1 FY23 Q2 FY23 Q2 FY22 Q1 FY23 Q2 FY23 Channel wise Split Channel wise Split 52.2% 67.8% 62.9% 57.0% 57.8% 59.3% 47.8% 32.2% 37.1% 43.0% 42.2% 40.7% Q2 FY22 Q1 FY23 Q2 FY23 Q2 FY22 Q1 FY23 Q2 FY23 SBI Open Market SBI Open Market#8Portfolio Growth 43,560 Spends (Cr) 59,671 62,306 Q2 FY22 Q1 FY23 Q2 FY23 Spend per Avg Card ('000) 170 171 142 114 130 140 Q2 FY22 Q1 FY23 Ret+Corp Ret Q2 FY23 30 day spend active rate % 50% 50% 50% Q2 FY22 Q1 FY23 OSBI Card Receivables (Cr) 33,215 26,741 Q2 FY22 37,730 Q1 FY23 Q2 FY23 Receivable per Card (*) 21,257 23,202 25,445 Q2 FY22 Q1 FY23 Q2 FY23 Receivable Mix % 4% 0% 0% 32% 35% 35% 27% 26% 24% 37% 38% 41% Q2 FY22 Q1 FY23 Q2 FY23 Q2 FY23 Transactor Y22 Q Revolver ■EMI ■RBI RE#9Portfolio Insights Cards-in-Force As on 30th Sep 2022 New Sourcing For Q2 FY23 30% Occupation 70% OSBI Card Salaried Category Age Profile By City Tier 16% 21% 30% 30% 37% 40% 30% 47% 30% 19% Salaried Self Employed ■Govt/PSU Cat A Cat B Under 30 31-45 >45 Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Others 1.20 0.83 1.17 17% 0.71 21% 1.04 26% 1.06 34% 39% 19% ■Salaried 83% 0.97 ■Self Employed 28% 1.06 ■Govt/PSU Cat A Cat B Self employed new sourcing primarily from SBI Sourcing 53% 1.08 14% 24% 0.94 43% 0.99 1.01 Under 30 31-45 >45 Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Others Indexed 30+ delinquency#10Retail Spends Insights Online Spend % Spends Categories Category 1 OSBI card Total Spends % Growth^ POS Spends Online Spends Departmental Stores, Health, Utilities, 57.8% 11% 5% 13% 54.4% 51.9% Education & Direct Marketing 44.9% 44.2% III Category 2 Consumer durables, Furnishing & 10% 5% 39% Hardware Category 3 45% 6% 212% Apparel & Jewelry FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 H1 FY23 Category 4 Travel Agents, Hotels, Airline, Railways, 5% 3% 6% Entertainment & Restaurant ^ Q2 FY23 Over Q2 FY22 | Category analysis excludes Fuel & Automotive Service category 10 10#11Financial Results Figures in Cr OSBI card I Q2 FY22 Q1 FY23 Q2 FY23 QoQ YoY H1 FY22 H1 FY23 YOY PAT I Total Revenue 2,696 3,263 3,453 6% 28% 5,146 6,716 31% Finance Costs 254 308 368 19% 45% 483 676 40% Operating Costs 1,383 1,663 1,834 10% 33% 2,550 3,497 37% 1,153 Earnings before Credit Costs 1,058 1,291 1,252 -3% 18% 2,114 2,543 20% 627 650 526 345 Credit Costs# 594 450 546 21% -8% I 1,239 996 -20% PBT 464 841 706 -16% 52% 874 1,547 77% Q2 FY22 Q1 FY23 Q2 FY23 H1 FY22 H1 FY23 Cost to Income 56.7% 56.3% 59.4% 314bps 277bps 54.7% 57.9% 323bps Gross NPA 3.36% 2.24% 2.14% -10bps -122bps 3.36% 2.14% -122bps Net NPA 0.91% ROAA 4.9% ROAE 20.1% EPS (Basic) 3.67 0.79% 0.78% 7.0% 5.4% 30.8% 24.1% 6.65 5.57 -1bps -13bps 0.91% 0.78% -13bps -165bps 41bps 4.7% 6.1% 141bps -671bps 404bps 19.4% 27.4% 801bps -16% 52% I 6.91 12.22 77% # Credit costs include impairment losses on other assets and net loss on derecognition of financial instruments under amortized category 11#12Explaining Returns OSBI Card Q2 FY22 Q1 FY23 Q2 FY23 QoQ YoY H1 FY22 H1 FY23 YOY | Interest Income 16.8% 15.5% 15.1% -38bps -169bps 16.9% 15.2% -163bps Fees and other Income 20.1% 19.3% 18.7% -65bps -146bps I 18.9% 18.9% -6bps Recoveries 1.7% 1.7% 1.4% -26bps -30bps 1.5% 1.5% 2bps Total Revenue 38.7% 36.5% 35.2% -128bps -344bps 37.3% 35.6% -167bps Finance Costs 3.6% 3.5% 3.8% 30bps 11bps 3.5% 3.6% 9bps T Operating Costs 19.8% 18.6% 18.7% 10bps -114bps 18.5% 18.6% 8bps I Earnings before Credit Costs 15.2% 14.4% 12.8% -168bps -241bps | 15.3% 13.5% -183bps Credit Costs 8.5% 5.0% 5.6% 53bps -295bps 9.0% 5.3% I -370bps PBT 6.7% 9.4% 7.2% -221bps 54bps I 6.3% 8.2% 187bps Taxes 1.7% 2.4% 1.8% -56bps 13bps I 1.6% 2.1% 46bps ROAA 4.9% 7.0% 5.4% -165bps 41bps I 4.7% 6.1% 141bps Avg Assets/Avg Equity 4.1 4.4 4.5 4.1 4.5 ROAE 20.1% 30.8% 24.1% -671bps 404bps 19.4% 27.4% 800bps 12#13Revenue Figures in Cr OSBI Card Q2 FY22 Q1 FY23 Q2 FY23 QoQ YoY H1 FY22 H1 FY23 YoY Composition Revenue from operations Revenue from Operations 2,576 3,100 3,297 6% 28% 4,938 6,397 30% Q2 FY22 Q1 FY23 Q2 FY23 Other Income Total Revenue 119 163 156 -4% 31% 208 319 53% 2,696 3,263 3,453 6% 28% 5,146 6,716 31% 21% 23% 21% Finance Costs Net Revenue 254 308 368 19% 45% 483 676 40% 45% 46% 45% 2,441 2,954 3,086 4% 26% 4,663 6,040 30% 24% 27% 26% 7% 7% Interest Income Yield# 18.0% Cost of Funds 5.5% Net Interest Margin 14.1% 17.1% 5.1% 13.2% 16.4% 5.4% 12.3% -68 bps -166 bps 18.1% 16.6% -150 bps 7% 33 bps -7 bps -96 bps -184 bps 5.3% 5.3% -3 bps 14.3% 12.6% -166 bps Interest Income Spend based Subscription based Instance based & other # Interest Income yield is based on interest income from card holders (excluding Interest income on investments, deposits & others). *Finance costs includes interest on lease. Cost of funds is calculated by adding lease liabilities, included in other liabilities, to borrowings. 13#14Borrowings & Capital Adequacy 5.5% Q2 FY21 Cost of funds 5.1% Q1 FY23 Borrowing Composition 5.4% Q2 FY23 Leverage OSBI card 3.8 3.9 4.2 Sep'21 Jun'22 Sep'22 Capital Adequacy Ratio Tier Tier - II Sep'21 Jun'22 2% Sep'22 4% 25.0% 24.7% 23.2% 3.2% 32% 30% 3.2% 2.9% 34% 21.8% 21.5% 20.2% 60% 61% 63% 6% 4% 5% Sep'21 Jun'22 Sep'22 Bank Lines ■Commercial Papers NCD Term Loan Credit Ratings: Short Term A1+ by CRISIL & ICRA Long Term AAA/Stable by CRISIL & ICRA Leverage = Liabilities / Tier 1 Equity Finance costs includes interest on lease. Cost of funds is calculated by adding lease liabilities, included in other liabilities, to borrowings. Liquidity Coverage Ratio 84% 82% 60% 60% 74% 50% Sep'21 Jun'22 ILCR% Sep'22 -Statutory requirement 14#15Structural Liquidity (ALM) 5,998 2,426 3,871 Asset Liability Maturity Profile - Sep'22 6,332 6,046 6,013 5,790 5,140 3,137 1,460 3,823 Inflows Outflows 10,152 • 4,347 3,860 3,288 1,776 6,439 2,049 780 433 1-7 D 8-14 D 15-30/31 D 1-2M 2-3M 3-6M 6-12 M 1y-3y 3y-5y >5 yr Cumulative mismatches 3,572 5,983 7,986 7,700 5,733 8,458 10,542 8,450 8,102 (0) · SBI card Well matched ALM 5,639 Cr (23%) of sanctioned bank lines unutilized and available for draw down as at Sep22 15#16Operating Costs Figures in Cr OSBI Card Operating Leverage Q2 FY22 Q1 FY23 Q2 FY23 QoQ YOY H1 FY22 H1 FY23 YOY Employee Cost 115 139 129 -7% 12% 231 268 16% (6)% (6)% Depreciation 40 39 39 -1% -3% 72 78 7% Fees and commission expense 232 331 289 -13% 25% 410 620 51% 4% 10% 26% 33% Other operating expenses 997 1,155 1,377 19% 38% 1,836 2,532 38% Operating Costs 1,383 1,663 1,834 10% 33% 2,550 3,497 37% YoY QoQ Vs. Q1 FY23 Cost to Income % 56.7% 56.3% 59.4% 314 bps 277 bps 54.7% 57.9% 323 bps Vs. Q2 FY22 Net revenue growth Opex growth 16#17Asset Quality Figures in Cr OSBI Card Stage Wise Receivables Q2 FY22 Q1 FY23 Q2 FY23 QoQ YoY H1 FY22 H1 FY23 YOY 26,741 33,215 Impairment and losses 594 450 546 21% -8% 1,239 996 -20% 37,730 2.1% 2.2% 3.4% 7.4% 8.3% Gross Credit Costs 593 448 546 22% -8% 1,237 994 -20% 11.2% 89.5% 90.5% 85.4% Recoveries (118) (148) (137) -7% 16% (206) (284) 38% Q2 FY22 Q1 FY23 Net Credit Costs 475 300 410 36% -14% 1,033 710 -31% ■Stage 1 Stage 2 Q2 FY23 Stage 3 Gross Credit Cost % 9.3% 5.6% 6.2% 61 bps -312 bps 9.7% 5.8% -391 bps Net Credit Cost % 7.4% 3.7% 4.6% 90 bps -281 bps 8.1% 4.2% -396 bps ECL % 5.0% 3.4% 3.3% -16 bps -178 bps 5.0% 3.3% -178 bps GNPA 3.36% 2.24% 2.14% -10 bps -122 bps 3.36% 2.14% -122 bps Stage Wise ECL Provisions NNPA 0.91% 0.79% 0.78% -1 bp -13 bps 0.91% 0.78% -13 bps RCR 73.7% 65.1% 64.0% -113 bps -967 bps 73.7% 64.0% -967 bps ECL Provisions 5.0% 4.0% 3.5% 3.4% 3.3% Sep'21 Dec'21 Mar'22 Jun'22 Sep'22 # Credit costs include impairment losses on other assets and net loss on derecognition of financial instruments under amortized category 1,347 1,136 1,230 73.7% 65.1% 64.0% 11.0% 5.8% 5.2% 1.6% 1.7% 1.7% Q2 FY22 Q1 FY23 Q2 FY23 ■Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 17#18Our ESG Efforts ENVIRONMENTAL Climate Change 3.9 Lac+ Trees Saved (From FY'18 to Q1'23) Through paperless communication with customers SOCIAL Employee Engagement & Welfare Launched Telemedicine app for employees & their family members offering free medical consultations For Communities OSBI Card GOVERNANCE Data Privacy & Security 2 drills of Cyber Simulation exercise for senior management and key stakeholders; as a continued effort to improve SBI Card's strength as cyber resilient organization. FY'22 FY'18 FY'19 FY'20 FY'21 FY'23 till Sep 29,381 39,664 55,434 69,747 119,718 74,805 Solar PV Plant A CSR initiative to provide 450 kWp Grid tied Solar PV plant in Civil Hospital and Government College for Girls in Gurugram, Haryana World Water Week Organized a Yuva Jagruti Shivir on 26th August 2022 at Pathkhori, Nuh, Haryana to spread awareness on water conservation Waste Reduction & Energy Consumption Discontinued pet water bottles in office premises to reduce waste & protect environment More energy consumption reduction measures like installation of energy efficient ductable units in Delhi/ NCR office and replaced old inefficient UPS batteries with new energy efficient ones. Enabled Lives through Mobility Distributed practical mobility options to 154 beneficiaries In Gurugram office Skill Development for Healthcare Job Roles Project undertaken to train 360 youth for 3 healthcare job roles in residential modes (Gurugram & Guwahati) Disaster Management Project to distribute 3500 relief kits in Telangana's flood affected areas, containing basic grocery & household essentials for a month Business Ethics, Anti-corruption & Bribery 100% coverage Annual refresher on improper payments for employees Responsible Digitalization Complying Regulatory Guidelines Accomplished Key Changes required per RBI Master Direction Compliance on Debit & Credit card Issuance & Conduct 2022 as per advised timelines Complete Applications migration to new Data Center for improved security 18#19Shareholders Summary Shareholding pattern, 30th September 2022 Resident Individuals Insurance 4.50% Others 1.46% 4.11% MF 11.70% FPI 8.82% OSBI Card Top 20 Shareholders as on 30th September 2022 S. No Name of Shareholder % 1 State Bank Of India 69.18 2 Life Insurance Corporation Of India 1.74 3 Life Insurance Corporation Of India - P & Gs Fund 1.69 4 Government Pension Fund Global 0.90 5 Mirae Asset Large Cap Fund 0.65 6 Icici Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited 0.50 7 Icici Prudential Long Term Equity Fund Tax Savings 0.50 8 Nippon Life India Trustee Ltd-A/C Nippon India Large Cap Fund 0.43 9 Vanguard Total International Stock Index Fund 0.43 Vanguard Emerging Markets Stock Index Fund, A Series Of Vanguard 10 International Equity Index Funds 0.42 11 Mirae Asset Emerging Bluechip Fund 0.40 12 Hdfc Trustee Company Limited-Hdfc Flexi Cap Fund 0.38 13 Nippon Life India Trustee Ltd-A/C Nippon India Multi Cap Fund 0.37 14 Icici Prudential Value Discovery Fund 0.37 15 Mirae Asset Focused Fund 0.36 Promoter Group SBI & Subs. 16 Abu Dhabi Investment Authority - Monsoon 0.31 69.41% 17 Motilal Oswal Flexi Cap Fund 0.29 (SBI - 69.18%) 18 Pioneer Investment Fund 0.29 19 Hdfc Trustee Company Limited - Hdfc Tax Saverfund 0.29 20 Nippon Life India Trustee Ltd-A/C Nippon India Focused Equity Fund 0.28 19#20Annexures SBI card PRIME OSBI Card OSBI Card 432 01234567 8901 MONTH/YEAR 12/25 VIJAY KUMAR >))) SimplySAVE 123 4567 8901 VALID MONTH/YEAR THRU 12/25 VISA AR Signature A12 VISA Platinum bl9gunw AIRY#21P&L Summary Figures in Cr OSBI Card P&L Q2 FY22 Q1 FY23 Q2 FY23 QoQ YoY H1FY22 H1FY23 YOY Interest Income 1,173 1,387 1,484 7% 27% 2,327 2,872 23% Fees and commission income 1,244 1,538 1,611 5% 29% 2,343 3,149 34% Sale of Services 36 35 39 13% 9% 60 74 24% Business development incentive income 121 140 162 16% 34% 206 302 47% Insurance commission income 2 1 -10% -55% 3 1 -45% Net gain on fair value changes *n.c. *n.c. *n.c. Total Revenue from operations Total Other Income Total Income/Revenue 2,576 119 3,100 3,297 6% 28% 4,938 6,397 30% 163 156 -4% 31% 208 319 53% 2,695 3,263 3,453 6% 28% 5,146 6,716 31% Finance costs 254 308 368 19% 45% 483 676 40% Fees and commission expense 232 331 289 -13% 25% 410 620 51% Net loss on derecognition of financial instruments under *n.c. *n.c. 2 *n.c. amortized cost category Impairment on Financial Instruments 594 450 546 21% -8% 1,237 996 -19% Employee benefits & Expenses 115 139 129 -7% 12% 231 268 16% Depreciation, amortisation & 40 39 39 -1% -3% 72 78 7% impairment Operating & Other expenses 997 1,155 1,377 19% 38% 1,836 2,532 38% Total expenses 2,231 2,422 2,748 13% 23% 4,272 5,170 21% Profit before tax 464 841 706 -16% 52% 874 1,547 77% Profit after tax 345 627 526 -16% 52% 650 1,153 77% *n.c. denotes not comparable 21 21#22Balance Sheet Summary Balance Sheet Mar'22 Sep'22 Assets Loans (Net) Cash & Bank Balances 30,187 36,500 1,106 Investments 1,297 Other Financial Assets 382 1,036 1,810 494 Total Financial Assets 32,973 39,840 PP&E, Intangible & Right of use assets 454 447 Deferred Tax Assets 219 247 All other non-financial Assets 1,004 1,047 Total non-financial Assets 1,676 1,742 Total Assets 34,648 41,581 Liabilities and equity Figures in Cr OSBI card Equity Share Capital 943 943 Other Equity 6,810 7,976 Total Equity 7,753 8,919 Borrowings 22,982 28,186 All other financial liabilities 2,700 3,147 Total financial liabilities 25,683 31,333 Provisions 477 551 Other non-financial liabilities 736 778 Total non-financial liabilities 1,213 1,329 Total liabilities and equity 34,648 41,581 222 22#23Recent Developments Launch of CASHBACK SBI Card OSBI Card SBI Card VISA SBI Card SPRINT Advertisement Advertised SBI Card SPRINT (STP), our new fully- digital application process in July 2022. The ad highlighted the convenience & speed of the new application process and how applicants could now get the credit cards instantly on their phones. Jacket ads in TOI, HT & other regional English Dailies were deployed, along with Masthead integration innovation with TOI. THE TIMES OF OSBI Card THINK IT. SBI Card GET IT. Our new digital application process is simpl convenient & incredibly fast! Apply now and get wwwwwyour credit card in your phone right way SPRINT OSBI Card The card offers 5% Cashback on all online spends without any merchant restrictions and 1% Cashback on offline spends. CASHBACK SBI Card launched through TV and Digital Advertising, along with PR activity. For Digital Launch, popular celebrities/ social media influencers were leveraged as part of the #NotAHack campaign. CASH B<CK ADITYA KAPOOR SBI Card Wins its 14th Reader's Digest Trusted Brand Award SBI Card has been recognised as 'Reader's Digest Trusted Brand' in the Credit Card Category for the year 2022. VOTED BY CONSUMERS TRUSTED BRAND -2022- Reader's Digest AURUM OOH at Delhi Airport High impact outdoor site at Delhi Airport (T3) to drive salience and premium imagery for AURUM. 60-day Campaign started mid- Aug. A bit like you there's nothing quite lite d AURUM 23 23#24Product Brief Super Premium Core Cards AUGUM Rada AURUM OSBI Card PRIME SBI Card BEL 0123 4567 8901 12/25 VIJAY KUMAR 4321 0123 4567 8901 12/25 VISA VIJAY KUMAR Signature Banking Co-Brand Cards Retail OSBI card Travel OSBI Card lifestyle homecente OSBI Card CLUB Vistara OSBI Card PRIME 3201234567 8901 12/25 VISA VIJAY KUMAR VISA Signature Signature LANDMARK HEWARDS 4356 1412 3456 7890 LOTHE 12/25 VIJAY KUMAR VISA Signature PRIME VIVAAN BHATT SBI Card Elite Central Bank SBI Card Lifestyle Home Centre SBI Card Club Vistara SBI Card PRIME SBI Card PRIME Vijay Kumar MONTH YEAR 12/25 VIJAY KUMAR SBI Card SBI Card UCO Bank OSBI Card SBI Card »)) SimplySAVE SimplyCLICK 4321 0123 4567 8901 1221 01234567 8901 12/25 VISA VIJAY KUMAR VISA 12/25 Platinum »))) Elite BEL 01234567 8901 VIJAY KUMAR VISA STYLEUP VIJA KU 43 01234567 8901 VISA Platinum Platinum Signature fbb) SBI Card VISA OLA Money SBI Card 4321 0123 4567 8901 12/25 VIJAY KUMAR VISA Signature ETIHAD QUEST SBI Card SimplyCLICK SBI Card SBI Card CASH B<CK ADITYA KAPOOR VISA Cashback SBI Card SimplySAVE SBI Card UCO Bank SBI Card SBI Card Karnataka Bank OSBI Card » PRIME PULSE NAME SURNAME SBI Card Pulse 4321 0123 4567 8901 12/25 VIJAY KUMAR fbb Style Up SBI Card ΤΟ ΤΑΤΑ 5242 4792 8123 6789 MONTH YEAR VISA 5242 Signature de suceso MasterCard Karnataka Bank SBI Card Tata Card CITY UNION BANK SBI Card SHAURYA OSBI Card SBI card Unnati VIJAY KUMAR 6543 2101 2345 6789 12/25 RuPay VIJAY KUMAR 432% 23 4567 4902 12/25 VISA »)) PRIME 4047 4523 4567 8901 12/25 VIJAY KUMAR VISA Akshara Singh Rathore Signature AIRFORCE/ARRY/NAVY SELECT Platinum City Union Bank SBI Card Paytm SBI Card SELECT Shaurya Select SBI Card SBI Card Unnati Air India SBI Signature Card QSBI Card VIJAY KUMAR OCTANE 432257 8901 VISA VIJAY KUMAR Signature BPCL SBI Card OCTANE @ VISA Etihad Guest SBI Premier Card OSBI Card yatra 5528-81234567890 VIJAY KUMAR RuPay PLATINUM QSBI Card titanium 5321 0123 4567 8901 15:12/25 VIJAY KUMAR IRCTC SBI Card Premier Yatra SBI Card mastercard 24#25Glossary Term Description OSBI Card New Accounts Card-in-force Spends Receivables Market share - CIF Market share - Spends Averages Spends per card Average loans per cards Yield % COF % Cost to Income % ROAA ROAE EPS Shareholders' equity Sum of all accounts opened in a reporting period. Sum of all credit cards issued by us, including suspended credit cards that may be reactivated in future, net of cancelled and deactivated credit cards. Total card spends constitutes the aggregate notional amounts transacted by our cardholders in a reporting period. Total credit card receivables outstanding from our cardholders at end of the reporting period. Market share of total cards outstanding is calculated by dividing our total cards outstanding by the industry-wide total cards outstanding, as obtained from data published by the RBI. Market share of total card spends is calculated by dividing our total card spends by the industry-wide total card spends, as published by the RBI, for the reporting period. 2-point average for quarter and 5-point for yearly calculations Average card spends per cards outstanding is calculated by dividing our total card spends by the average total cards outstanding for the period (annualized) Average loans per cards outstanding is calculated as total loans at the end of the reporting period divided by total cards at the end of the reporting period. Calculated as interest income from cardholders divided by average receivables for the period (annualized) Calculated as total finance costs for the period divided by average borrowings (including lease liabilities) for the period (annualized) We calculate our cost to income ratio as operating and other expenses divided by total income after subtracting Finance cost. Calculated as net profit divided by average total assets for the period (annualized) Calculated as net profit divided by the average shareholders' equity for the period (annualized) Earning per share is for the period and not annualized Shareholders' equity is defined as sum of share capital, reserves and surplus excluding reserves created out of amalgamation 25#26Disclaimer OSBI Card The information contained in this presentation is for information purposes only and does not constitute an offer or invitation to sell or purchase any securities of SBI Cards and Payment Services Limited in India or in any other jurisdiction. This presentation is not intended to be a prospectus or an offer document under any applicable law. This presentation may contain certain forward looking statements which have purely been made basis Management's expectations, assumptions and estimates, known or unknown risks. Such statement typically contain the terms / phrases (including but not limited to) "will", "believe", "aim", "may", "would", "expect", "would /may result", "goal", "strategy", "anticipate", "intend", "seek", "plan", "objective", "contemplate", "project", "anticipate", etc., These statements are neither factual nor based nor do they constitute any historical information about the Company and are subject to change / uncertainties in future. The actual financial or other results may materially differ from such statements and the investors are advised not to make any decisions merely on these. The Management is further not expected to update these in future as and when there is a change impacting such estimates / possibilities. The recipients should carry their own due diligence in respect of the information contained in the presentation. This presentation is strictly confidential and is intended only for the exclusive use of the recipients thereof, subject to the provision state herein, and may not be disclosed, reproduced, retransmitted, summarized, distributed or furnished, in whole or in part, to any other person. This presentation should not form basis or be relied upon in any connection with any contract or commitment whatsoever. Figures for previous period/year have been regrouped or recategorized wherever necessary to conform to the current period's/year's presentation. Totals in some columns/rows/graphs may not agree due to rounding-offs. 26#27Thank You SBI card OSBI Card SimplySAVE 4321 0123 4567 8901 VALID MONTH/YEAR THRU 12/25 VIJAY KUMAR - ЛІЛУА КПИУК TS\52 OSBI Card )))) SimplyCLICK 123 4567 8901 VALID 12/25 THRU VISA MAR Platinum blow ۱۷۷ MONTH/YEAR 75152 VISA Platinum ΛΙΖΗ

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