SGBJ - The Acquisition

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September 2022



#1capital | As of December 2022 Investor Relations 1#2Index 1. Group Corporate Profile and Financial Highlights. 2. Corporate Governance. 3. Macroeconomic Developments and Banking Sector highlights. capital 2#3Section 1 Group Corporate Profile and Financial Highlights capital 3#4| Our Vision, Mission and Strategic Pillars Vision To be one of the leading banks in the region placing our customers and people at the heart of our journey and enabling them to make informed life decisions. Mission To simplify daily banking and support economic prosperity through digitisation, innovation and personalised customer experience. Strategic Pillars: Operational Excellence Enhance our digital capabilities and continue our digital transformation journey through continuous innovation while building an efficient future-ready infrastructure. Customer Centricity Expand into a holistic value proposition that meets the banking and investment needs of our clients and revolves around service excellence and elevated customer experience. Sustainable Growth Grow the Group's regional footprint, promote cross-border banking, diversify sources of revenue and optimize risk management framework to create sustainable and profitable growth that maximizes shareholders' value. Our People Invest in our strongest asset; our people, through creating an inspiring workplace culture focused on the continuous building of capabilities. 4#5Our Values We Put our Clients First Customer Experience We Act with Integrity Integrity Our People Our Capital People We Embrace the Journey Resilience and Innovation We Think Big Ambition We are All Owners at Capital Accountability Our clients are at the heart of all we do. We make every decision and measure every outcome based on how well it serves our customers. We Listen to our customers and strive to create an experience catered to their individual and unique needs through offering dynamic and personalized treatment. We are honest, transparent and committed to do what is best for our partners. We openly collaborate in pursuit of the truth. When choosing between what is right and what is easy, we always choose what is right. Our ethical accountability is our corporate identity. Our people are the cornerstone of everything we do. The strength of Capital Group lies in the strength of our people. We invest in our people to maximize their potential and excel as leaders. We care for each other; and we create a work environment that enables employees to have both pride & enthusiasm towards the impact they are creating. At Capital, we are resilient, and our strong foundation empowers us to approach everyday with curiosity, to seek out challenges by turning them into innovative opportunities that paves the way for constant growth. We adopt, adapt and act quickly. We acknowledge that the path to success is a continuous learning journey. Our shared and common drive towards growth and achievement makes us vibrate at a higher frequency with contagious enthusiasm towards accomplishment. we focus on solutions, and we arrive everyday inspired to make the impact through our talent, passion and hard work. We take the responsibility for outcomes and are empowered to make the decisions that will lead to those outcomes. We use our critical thinking capabilities and learnings from the past to take initiatives that allow us to collaboratively reach excellence. 5#6Our Journey • Established in 1995 in Amman - Jordan, Capital Bank is a publicly listed bank, quoted at the Amman Stock Exchange. • Capital Bank expands into the Iraqi market and acquires a majority stake in the National Bank of Iraq (NBI). ⚫ NBI's outlook becomes geared towards expansion and the Bank's structure changes to a corporate governed one. • . Capital Investments - the investment banking and brokerage arm of Capital Bank Group is established. Currently, Capital Investments provides asset management, brokerage and corporate finance advisory services through its offices in Jordan, Iraq and the UAE/Dubai International Financial Center (DIFC). • . Capital Bank completed the acquisition of Bank Audi branches and operations in Jordan and Iraq. Capital Bank Group through its subsidiary NBI is granted a license to establish a branch in Riyadh following the approval of the Saudi Council of Ministers. • • Capital Bank launches its all-digital bank 'Blink'. Capital Bank issues a tier I perpetual bond listed on Nasdaq Dubai. Capital Bank raises capital and Saudi Arabi's Public Investment Fund (PIF) becomes a strategic investor with ~24% stake. • Capital Bank completes the acquisition and merger of Société Générale de Banque Jordanie. Growth Establishment Expansion Diversification 1995 2005 2006 Acquistion 2021 2022 • • Capital Bank goes into the leasing business in Jordan and Iraq. Capital Bank embarks on an all- encompassing transformation Journey. Going Further Today 6#7| A Regional Bank - With a Diversified Business Model Global Presence Across 4 Markets (Jordan, Iraq, K.S.A. and U.A.E.) 2,190 Employees Globally capital Jordan Asset Contribution: 83%. NOI Contribution: 70%. national bank of iraq Iraq Asset Contribution: 16%. NOI Contribution: 24%. 39 Branches in Jordan 23 Branches in Iraq 1 Branch in K.S.A. capital Asset Contribution: 1%. NOI Contribution: 6%. 7#8| Capital Bank Group - Snapshot 3rd Largest In the Jordanian market. USD 9.8b Total Assets Sturdy Capital Base Above CBJ requirement of 14.125%. CAR at 14.43% Market Heavyweight Fastest growing bank since year 2020. USD 4.6b Net Loans Solid Coverage Ratio Including collaterals, the ratio will be 131%. 90.7% Stable Credit Rating b11 MOODY'S bb Strategic Investor gence CAPITAL Public Investment Fund since June 2022. USD 906m Market Cap Generating Superior Returns through a Robust Foundation. 18.7% ROE2 $ 920m Equity Listed on Nasdaq Dubai's Market Perpetual bond Tier 1. $ 100 million Increasing Earnings Per Share. USD 0.542 Rising Trend 15% Dividends as a percentage of capital (2021) ³. Sufficient Reserve LCR at 226% Of high quality liquid assets. Strong Credit Quality. 4.8% NPL 1 With a positive outlook. 2 Excluding net acquisition impact and other and non-recurring items, the ROE would be 16.4%. 3 Expected dividends for 2022 is 17% - subject to required approvals. 80#9Group Consolidated Financials In USD Mn In USD Bn Income Statement Items 2020 2021 2022 Balance Sheet Items 2020 2021 2022 Net Interest Income 97 144 224 Total Cash & Equivalents 0.6 1.0 1.4 Gross Operating Income 156 194 297 Net Credit Facilities 2.0 3.0 4.6 Total Operating Expenses (68) (102) (155) Investment Portfolio 1.0 1.7 3.1 Net Operating Income 88 92 142 Total Assets 3.8 6.1 9.8 Provision (35) (28) (40) Customer Deposits 2.4 3.9 6.9 Net Acquisition Impact 36 35 Cash Margins 0.2 0.3 0.6 Income Tax Expense (11) (14) (9) Paid up Capital 0.3 0.3 0.4 Net Profit 43 86 128 Total Equity 0.5 0.6 0.9 9#10Strong Financial Track Record - Balance Sheet (USD millions) Total Assets (CAGR 59%) Net Loans (CAGR 52%) 2022 2021 2020 3,877 2022 2021 2020 6,081 Cash & Balances (CAGR 51%) 618 1,041 1 Represents stock bonds and shares. 9,814 2022 2021 2020 1,996 2022 1,411 2021 2,982 4,604 2022 Customer Deposits & Margins (CAGR 70%) 2020 2,575 4,238 2021 Investments Portfolio' (CAGR 80%) 2020 968 2022 7,432 1,668 Total Shareholders' Equity (CAGR 35%) 2021 553 2020 502 10 3,138 920#11Strong Financial Track Record - Income Statement (USD millions) 2022 2021 Net Interest Income (CAGR 52%) 2020 97 2022 144 Net Operating Income (CAGR 27%) 2021 92 224 2022 2021 Gross Operating Income (CAGR 39%) 2020 156 142 2022 194 Provisions (CAGR 8%) 2021 28 2020 88 2020 297 2022 40 40 2021 Total Operating Expenses (CAGR 51%) 2020 68 2022 2021 35 2020 102 Net Income (CAGR 73%) 43 43 86 155 128 11#12Strong Financial Track Record - Ratios 2.82% Net Interest Margin NPL Ratio 5.30% 2.98% 2.97% 5.07% 4.81% Provision Coverage Ratio¹ 92% 74% 91% 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 Efficiency Ratio² 45.3% 43.5% 48.0% 16.31% 2020 2021 2022 1 Including collaterals, coverage ratio for 2022 is 131%. 2 Excluding one-offs and non-recurring items. Capital Adequacy Ratio 14.87% 8.6% 14.43% Return on Equity Ratio 18.7% 16.3% 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 12#13Strong Financial Track Record - Ratios Return on Assets Loan to Deposit Ratio 85% 76% 1.7% 1.6% 67% 1.2% Non Interest Income / Total Revenue 37.6% 25.8% 24.4% 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 Liquidity Coverage Ratio 175.4% 136.2% 226.0% Net Stable Funding Ratio 121% 113% 132% 0.178 Earnings Per Share 0.556 0.542 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 13#14| Loan Portfolio Breakdown Assets Breakdown Gross Loan Portfolio Breakdown Governmental 7% 8% +57% 6% +61% 7% 25% 27% 32% 16% 17% 14% Retail 32% USD 5.0 bn Corporate 50% SMEs 11% Total gross loan portfolio reached USD 5 billion as of end of 2022; of which about half consisted of Corporate clients. By Sector Retail 14% Construction 18% 51% 49% 47% Public Sector & Utilities 21% USD 5.0 bn Manufacturing 17% 2020 2021 2022 ■Net loans ■Cash & Balances Investments Other Assets Others 22% Well distributed amongst several diversified sectors. 14 14#15| Deposits Breakdown Liabilities Breakdown +64% +61% 3% 6% 2% 2% 10% 12% 15% 11% 6% 6% 6% 77% 71% 70% 2020 Customer Deposits Banks & Fl 2021 2022 Customer Margins ■Loans & Borrowings Other Liabilities Governmental 14.3% Retail 47.0% Customer Deposits by Segment Corporate 33.7% USD 6.9 bn SMEs 4.9% As of end of 2022, retail clients remained the highest constituent of total customer deposits at 47%. Customer Deposits by Type Current & Savings 29% USD 6.9 bn CDs & Deposits 71% 15#16Strong Capital Base 16.31% 14.5% 2020 Capital Adequacy Walkthrough RWA Movement 14.86% 0.6% 14.43% 0.6% 13.2% 13.1% CBJ minimum 14.125% 4.9% 11.9% 9.7% 16.5% Basel minimum 12% Primary Capital 2021 ■Capital Adequacy 2022 By December 2022, Capital Ratios remain above the minimum regulatory requirements; CAR ratio is at 14.43% against Basel and Central Bank of Jordan's requirement of 12% and 14.125% respectively. 87.5% 89.7% 78.6% 2020 2021 2022 Credit RWA Operational RWA Market RWA Consolidated USD thousands Tier 1 Capital Tier 2 Capital Total Regulatory Capital 2020 374,571 45,525 420,096 Total RWAs Capital Adequacy 16.31% 14.86% 2021 2022 442,396 723,724 57,817 74,785 500,213 798,509 2,575,896 3,366,030 5,531,977 14.43% 16#17Peer Comparison - Q3, 2022 Total Assets¹ Gross Loans¹ Deposits¹ Equity² Net Profit² البنك العربي Arab Bank 39.3 19.0 27.1 5,434 404 ARAB BANK بنك الإسكان Housing Bank 11.5 6.7 7.5 1,703 138 Housing Bank capital Capital Bank 9.4 5.0 6.5 900 113 بنك الاتحاد Bank al Etihad 9.3 5.6 7.4 775 48 Bank al Etihad بنك الأردن Bank of Jordan بنك القاهرة عمان CairoAmmanBank ahli البنك الأردني الكويتي JORDAN KUWAIT BANK 1 USD billions. 2 USD millions. Bank of Jordan 3.9 2.5 2.8 675 41 Cairo Amman Bank 5.2 3.1 3.4 578 34 Jordan Ahli Bank 4.2 2.3 2.9 461 18 Jordan Kuwait Bank 4.8 2.9 3.2 659 16 17 17#18| Capital Bank Stock • Listed on: Amman Stock Exchange (ASE). • Symbol: CAPL • • ISIN: JO1101711017 Subscribed Shares: 263,037,121 • Free Float: 21.8% • Share Turnover*: 10.57% The average closing price of the share for year 2022 reached JOD 2.42 (USD 3.41) versus JOD 1.55 (USD 2.19 in 2021) in year 2021 a 56% rise. Capital Bank Share vs Banking and ASE20 Index (Year End Closing Price) 4.13 3.90 6% 24% 3.15 0.98 2.44 107% 20% 2.03 2022 2021 Major Investors with 5% Ownership Or More (31.12.2022) 7.19% 7.42% 5.36% Saftey First Investment Company (PIF) DAI Janaabi Family 23.97% Social Security Market Cap in USD millions 1.07 1.35 32% 26% 0.81 2020 276 2020 2021 2022 Banking Index (000 PT) CAPL Closing Price (JOD) ASE Index 20 (000 PT) * Annual volume traded divided by number of outstanding shares. 573 Sa'id Samih Darwazeh 905 18#19| Capital Bank Stock - Versus Peers Dividends as a Percentage of Capital Dividend Pay-Out Ratio Ahli Kuwait Jordan Cairo 2021 7% 7% 18% 9% Capital 15% Housing Etihad Arab 20% 10% 20% 2021 2020 4% 0% 12% 12% 12% 12% 10% 12% 2020 Ahli Kuwait Jordan 98.7% 136.3% 99.2% 52.3% 76.9% 0.0% 67.7% 130.5% 49.2% 79.2% 57.2% 88.9% Cairo Capital Housing Etihad Arab 38.6% 82.1% 53.3% 352.8% Price to Earnings Ratio (P/E) Price to Book Value Ratio (P/B) J h Ahli Kuwait Jordan Cairo Capital Housing Etihad Arab Ahli Kuwait Jordan Cairo Capital Housing Etihad Arab ■Sep. 2022 14.80 21.24 15.14 10.14 8.82 12.01 12.89 10.83 Sep. 2022 0.63 0.51 0.91 0.60 1.19 0.99 0.67 0.78 2021 13.68 26.36 11.50 8.05 5.15 5.22 8.62 20.07 2021 0.59 0.44 0.87 0.68 1.04 0.48 0.65 0.82 2020 14.80 -47.88 10.78 10.98 7.55 13.42 10.59 121.11 ■2020 0.48 0.47 0.85 0.54 0.55 0.45 0.61 0.69 Source: Amman Stock Exchange. 19#20Enhancing Capital Base • In February 2022, Capital bank Group bolstered its capital base with the issuance of a Tier 1 perpetual bond for USD 100m. In June 2022, a capital raise was completed through the Public Investment Fund (PIF) of Saudi Arabia. PIF is the world's 5th largest sovereign wealth fund, with AUM exceeding USD 620m. صندوق الأسـ ارات العامة استثمارات ) 1971 Public Inve ۱۳۹۱ ه ment Fund Public Investment Fund became a strategic investor with 23.9% through the issuance of 63 million new shares. Subscription was at approximately USD 185m (through a private placement). Newly issued shares are at a premium of USD 96 million above par value. • • Capital Bank issued a perpetual 'Tier1' bond. • Issuance was listed on Nasdaq Dubai's market. • Coupon Rate was at 7%. Nasdaq Dubai 20 20#21| National Bank of Iraq - A Snapshot 2021 48% 2022 39% Assets Breakdown ■Net Loans Cash & Balances 33% 12% 7% 42% Other Assets Liabilities Breakdown 2021 77% 2022 74% In USD Mn Total Operating Expenses Net Operating Income 34% Provisions One-off and Non Recurring Items* Tax Net Profit Key Income Statement Items 2021 2022 Gross Operating Income 57 b88སེ་$ 75 (32) (40) རེ ཙེཙེཙེཡྻདྱེ 25 (2) (9) (7) (4) (5) 19 Investments 11% 7% 9% 7% 4%3% 8% 7% 8% 3% Key Figures & Ratios 2021 2022 Total Assets 1,236 1,656 Net Credit Facilities 592 651 Total Deposits 792 1,054 Capital Adequacy 24.5% 20.8% Net Interest Margin (Spread) 6.16% 6.74% Efficiency Ratio 56.1% 53.6% +39% NPL Ratio 2.5% 2.6% Coverage Ratio 153.3% 173.4% Customer Deposits Customer Margins Loans & Borrowings Banks & FI Other Liabilities *Includes one-time provisions in addition to KSA branch and leasing company establishment costs. 21#22SGBJ - The Acquisition • By end of September 2022, Capital Bank fully completed the acquisition and merger of the assets and liabilities, and the integration of the processes and personnel of Société Générale de Banque Jordanie. The financial brokerage services provided by SGBJ Financial Brokerage Company was transferred to Capital Investments - the investment arm of Capital Bank Group, resulting in an increase in number of clients and market share. Additionally, Capital Bank added a new revenue stream to the Group by acquiring SGBJ's Leasing company and was rebranded under the new name 'Capital Leasing'. The acquisition increased Capital Bank Group's assets with an additional USD 2.2 billion whilst adding a positive impact as a result of the realised synergies. SGBJ SOCIETE GENERALE DE BANQUE - JORDANIE 22 22#23Blink - The All Digital Neobank • Launched in February 2022, Blink targets unbanked, underbanked millennials and Gen-Zs within the retail banking space in Jordan. Some of the services offered are digital onboarding, eKYC, virtual and physical debit and credit cards, payments and other daily banking digital services. First regionally to offer unsecured lending through an end- to-end digital lending capability. As of end of 2022; blink onboarded over 46K customers. m Ref No Total Balance 7,896.00 300 59 My Debit Card blink Zein Malhas Date Add money in Flip card Cancel 23#24Digital Transformation – To Drive Sustainable Growth Improved Self-Service Capabilities - The launch of Capital Bank's mobile banking application resulted in high number of eligible clientele utilising the service of which almost 100% digital adoption was achieved on Corporate and SME clients; with nearly 60% performing their daily transactions via the application. - • Customer Centricity & Experience O Centralised customer communication over the mobile application to ensure updated, important and relevant information is being commuted across all channels in real time. Engaged Capital Bank's customers into digital gamification within the application. • Enhanced Efficiency & Productivity Capital Bank has introduced more than 17 new digital services during the year, and is using multiple payment methods (locally and internationally) enhancing efficiency and productivity to both the client and the Bank. 24 24 • • Ecosystem and Partnerships a In 2022 Capital Bank introduced seamless integration with Capital Investments to easily link customers' bank their accounts at Capital Bank to investment portfolios at Capital Investments within the application. The application has also been integrated with Jordan Government's digital service 'SANAD' linking them to over services provided by the Government. 100 • Innovation in Payments Capital Bank's Point of Sale devices are distributed amongst a high number of merchants, resulting in a significant growth and usage transactions. in card NFC Contactless NFC payments have been introduced to Android users using any of Capital Bank's cards to be used on any payment point device that accepts NFC. Increased Digital Adoption Capital Bank has witnessed a positive experience evident by the sustainable growth in daily digital banking transactions and the increasing number of customer logins.#25| Group Guidance Medium / Long Term Guidance - 2026 Total Assets Cost to income Ratio Capital Adequacy Return on Equity Ratio Dividends Pay-out Ratio CAGR to be higher than 10%. To be less than 40%. To exceed 14.5%. To surpass 14.5% on the consolidated level. To range between 40% - 50% of net income. 25#26| Capital Bank of Jordan - Credit Rating MOODY'S CCAPITAL Intelligence Moody's as of November 2022 Current Outlook Capital Intelligence as of 15.12.2022 Current Outlook LT Counterparty Risk Rating (Foreign) LT Counterparty Risk Rating (Domestic) Ba3 Core Financial Strength bb Ba3 LT Currency (Foreign) B+ Positive ST Counterparty Risk Rating (Foreign) NP ST Currency (Foreign) B Positive ST Counterparty Risk Rating (Domestic) NP Bank Standalone - BSR b+ Stable LT Bank Deposits (Foreign) B1 Positive LT Bank Deposits (Domestic) B1 Positive ST Bank Deposits (Foreign) ST Bank Deposits (Domestic) LT Counterparty Risk Assessment NP NP Ba3(cr) ST Counterparty Risk Assessment NP(cr) Baseline Credit Assessment b1 Adjusted Baseline Credit Assessment b1 26#27ESG - Awareness and Approach ENVIRONMENTAL SOCIAL GOVERNANCE • • • • Capital Bank implements a regular Environmental & Social (‘E&S') performance assessment through an E&S board- approved policy that is based on IFC standards. The bank has fully integrated the E&S procedures pertaining to categorisation, assessment and monitoring into the credit approval system. Designated credit/front office staff members have received adequate E&S training through the IFC E-learning platform to enable them to report any E&S risk as part of their standard processing of transactions. According to Capital Bank's E&S policy, Capital Bank categorises its transactions based on exposure to E&S risk sectors, performs an analysis for relevant transactions to assess the identified risks, mitigates and manages risks associated to those transactions by identifying the problems and designing adequate solutions using IFC Standards. Capital Bank also monitors the E&S performance of clients through staff annual site visits and questionnaires. Capital Bank takes active measures to reduce its environment footprint, through implementing waste, paper and plastic recycling in partnership with local NGOs such as collecting and recycling plastic bottle caps (under the Green Wheelz Initiative) and used paper (in cooperation with Princess Alia Foundation). Capital Bank is in the process of preparing a full sustainability report in cooperation with EY and will be accredited by GRI; to be completed by H1 of 2023. 27#28• ESG - Awareness and Approach ENVIRONMENTAL SOCIAL GOVERNANCE In 2022, Capital Bank continued its commitment to support pressing national issues, especially in the fields of education and socio-economic development to sponsor the academic and skill enhancement programmes geared towards disadvantaged students from around Jordan. Capital Bank extended its partnership with the following NGOs and Civil Society organisations: - Queen Rania Foundation. - Elia Nuqul Foundation. - Loyac Jordan for Youth Employability. - Injaz for Education & Entrepreneurship. - Eywa' Centre for Special Education. - AL Bunayyat Centre for Special Education. Capital Bank also launched an Employee Educational Grant programme, whereby it covers the educational fees of selected employees' siblings, based on a set criteria. Capital Bank continues to support socio-economic development targeting under-privileged members in the society in partnership with entities, some of which being: - The Jordanian Hashemite Fund for Human Development. - Aman Fund for Aman Fund for the Future of Orphans. · Orphan Support Association - Mafraq. - The Crown Prince Foundation Believing in the power of sport as a catalyst to the young generation, Capital Bank supported entities / activities such as the Basketball Federation and the Basketball University League, football clubs and tournaments across Jordan and Seven Mountains Initiative. 28#29Section 2 Corporate Governance capital 29#30Creditable Board of Directors Name H.E. Mr. Bassem Al-Salem Chairman, Non-Executive One of the founders of the Bank. Appointed as Chairman of the Board in 2010. Previously served as the Jordanian Minister of Labor and Minister of Finance and was a member of the Jordanian Senate. Served on the boards of several prominent private and publicly listed companies, including the Association of Banks in Jordan and the Social Security Corporation. Composition Stats All members are non-executive. 4 out of 13 members are independent. Appointment Role H.E. Bassem Khalil Al-Salem 2010 Chairman H.E. Said Samih Darwazah 2021 Vice Chairman Social Security Corporation 2009 Member Represented by Shaden Ziyad 'Darwish ALHaji' Hotaf Investment Company Experience Masters > 25 years experience Masters >25 years experience Undergraduate >15 years experience Masters 2009 Member Represented by Mr. 'Mohammed Ali' Khaldoun Al-Husry Investments & Integrated Industries >25 years experience Masters 2009 Member Representing Omar Mohamed Shahrour >25 years experience Al-Jadara Company for Real Estate Investment 2009 Member Represented by Sultan Bin Mohammed Al-Seif Al-Khalil Company for Investments Represented by Khalil Hatem Al-Salem Mohamad Hasan AlHaj Hasan 2009 Member 2017 Independent Undergraduate >15 years experience Undergraduate >15 years experience Masters >15 years experience Masters Khalid Walid Nabilsi 2017 Independent >20 years experience Undergraduate Yousef A.Y. Ensour 2021 Independent H.E. Abubaker Siddeq AlKhoori 2021 Independent The Safety First Investment Company - PIF Represented by Muteb Bin Mohammad Alshathri The Safety First Investment Company - PIF Represented by Lamya Mohammed AlFozan 2022 Member 2022 Member >20 years experience Undergraduate >20 years experience Masters > 15 years experience Masters > 15 years experience 30#31Highly Experienced Management Team Mr. Dawod Al Ghoul Group CEO Name BUSINESS Position Joined Gender Appointed in March 2020. ■ Over 26 years of extensive experience in financial and strategic planning, investments and financial restructuring. Nadim Abawat Linda Al Tarazi Ayman Abu-Dhaim Marwan Haddad Yasser Kleib Group Deputy CEO, International 2022 Group Chief Transformation Officer 2022 CEO, National Bank of Iraq 2011 68% Group Investments CEO 2021 Group Chief Institutional Banking Officer 2004 Mohammad Othman Group Chief Consumer Banking Officer 2020 32% Rami Al Khuffash Ali Abu Swai Zein Malhas Group Chief Investment and Treasury Officer 2022 Group Chief Treasurer 1997 CEO, Blink 2018 Education ■ Served on MENA region. the board of several reputable institutions across ■ Regional and global investment and the CONTROL Samer Al-Aloul Rafat Khalil Falah Kokash Master Group Chief Banking Officer 40% 2021 Group Chief Audit Executive 2007 Group Chief Risk Officer 2012 Bachelor's 60% financial institutions. Manar Aabidi Group Chief Credit Officer 2018 Munis Haddadin Group Chief Compliance Officer 2021 SUPPORT Izzidin Abu Salameh Group Chief Operating Officer Manar Al Nsour 2021 Average Experience Group Chief Financial Officer 2001 Mohammed Mu'az Group Chief Legal Counsel 2003 Haya Abuata 21 Years Group Chief Human Resources Officer 2011 Touleen M. Barto Group Chief Marketing and Corporate Communications Officer 2021 31#32Solid Governance and Decision Making CEO General Assembly Board of Directors Secretary of the Board Compliance Committee Risk Committee Audit Committee Credit Committee Corporate Governance Remuneration Committee Strategy Committee Chief Compliance Officer Chief Risk Officer Chief Audit Executive Chief Banking Officer Technology Governance Committee Direct reporting Appointment Indirect Reporting 32#33Section 3 Macroeconomic Developments and Banking Sector Highlights capital 33#34||Jordanian Economy Highlights 2.0% Real GDP Growth Rate 2.7% 2.2% Inflation Rate 4.1% 0.8% 0.3% 1.4% Foreign Currency Reserves (USD Bn)1 18.0 16.9 15.9 14.3 2019 2020 2021 Oct, 2022 2019 2020 2021 Oct, 2022 2019 2020 2021 Nov, 2022 -1.6% Jordan established a track record of fiscal reform implementation and prudence (backed by the IMF) which will likely contribute to a further narrowing of its fiscal deficit and a decline in government debt over the next few years. The annual inflation rate in Jordan reached 4.1% in October of 2022. Upward pressure came mostly from prices of housing and utilities, notably fuels and electricity. Financial challenges in the electricity sector are exacerbating fiscal pressures as subsidies have increased considerably on the back of high international commodity prices. Foreign Currency Reserves reached USD 16.9 billion - a decrease from year end of 2021 which amounted to USD 18 billion however remains - higher than the average of USD 16 billion between the years 2019 to 2021. 1 Includes gold and SDRs. Source: Central Bank of Jordan, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). 34 +4#35Jordanian Banking Sector Total Bank Deposits (USD Bn) 51.8 49.7 55.7 59.3 38.1 Banks Total Loans (USD Bn) 42.3 40.3 Prime Lending Rate 45.7 9.33% 8.33% 8.37% 10.52% 2019 2020 2021 Nov, 2022 2019 2020 2021 Nov, 2022 2019 2020 2021 Nov, 2022 Standing at USD 59.3 billion, Total Bank Deposits witnessed an increasing trend throughout the years. At USD 45.7 billion, total loans increased by 8% versus the previous year, with Loan to Deposit ratio reaching 77.1% in comparison to 76.9% in 2021. The Prime Lending Rate for banks stood at 10.52% as of November 2022. Source: Central Bank of Jordan. 35#36Iraqi Economy Highlights 5.5% Real GDP Growth Rate 9.3% 7.7% Inflation Rate 6.0% 0.6% Foreign Currency Reserves (USD Bn) 68.0 64.2 4.2% 54.4 94.7 2019 2020 2021 Oct, 2022 2019 -0.2% 2020 2021 Nov, 2022 2019 2020 2021 Oct, 2022 -15.7% are The Government's revenues dominated by oil exports; thus Iraq's economy has been rebounding driven by the rising oil output and a post- pandemic recovery in non-oil sectorst. Inflation remained elevated during the 11 months of 2022 fueled by rising energy prices, demand pressures and high global commodity prices due to supply side disruptions. Record oil exports in conjunction with high oil prices have brought in record oil revenues for the Iraqi government and pushed international reserves to their highest levels in more than two decades. Additionally, in May the Central Bank of Iraq increased its gold reserves by 35%. Source: World Bank (Iraq Economic Monitor - Fall edition), International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Central Bank of Iraq. 36#37Disclaimer Capital Bank of Jordan ('Capital Bank') has taken reasonable measures that the information and data it presents on the Investor's Presentation on this website is accurate and current. However, Capital Bank makes no express or implied warranty regarding the accuracy, adequacy, usefulness, reliability and the completeness of the information or data provided in the Investor's Presentation, which may have been provided by third parties or otherwise. Capital Bank hereby expressly disclaims all legal liability and responsibility to persons or entities that use or access this Investor's Presentation and its content, based on their reliance on any information or data that is available through the Investor's Presentation. The content of the Investor's Presentation is not designed or intended to provide any advice or recommendation to investors, investment institutions, financial institutions or any persons or entities that use or access this Investor's Presentation. The information provided in the Investor's Presentation is not designed or intended to address the particular needs of any investor, investment institution, or any persons or entities that use or access this Investor's Presentation and its content. Before acting based on any information provided herein, the reader of this Investor's Presentation should consider the appropriateness of the information and should also seek independent professional advice. Reference to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not constitute an endorsement, a recommendation, or a favoring by Capital Bank. The Investor's Presentation may contain forward-looking statements or expressions including statements regarding Capital Bank's intent, belief or current expectations. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements or expressions. Capital Bank does not undertake any obligation to publicly release the result of any revisions to these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date hereof to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events. While due care has been used in the preparation of forecast information, actual results may vary in a materially positive or negative manner. Capital Bank accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any losses or damages, including consequential losses and damages, suffered directly or indirectly by any person who uses or accesses the information in the Investor's Presentation, including without limitation, loss of profits, resulting from any investment or divestment made or any change to an investor's financial position which is made as a consequence of the reader's use of the information in this Investor's Presentation. This Disclaimer and its terms is an extension to the Terms and Conditions provided by Capital Bank to address the use of Capital Bank's Website. Address | AMMAN Sulieman Nabulsi Street, Building 26 Boulevard, Abdali Amman 11194, Jordan P.O.BOX 940982 Tel: +962 6 510 02 00 Email: [email protected] Address | DUBAI Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC), Unit Office 2102, Level 21, Index Tower Dubai, UAE P.O.BOX 506936 Tel: +971 4 316 1900 Email: [email protected] Address | BAGHDAD Al Sa'doun Street (Near Al Ferdaws Circle) Baghdad, Iraq P.O.BOX 35106 Tel: +964 780 777 7444 Email: [email protected] Jo Available on the App Store GET IT ON Google Play in

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