Sisecam Resources Investor Presentation Deck

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#1W SISECAM 188 Years th ŞİŞECAM Investor Presentation 9M'23#2Content 9M¹23 & Historical Key Financial Results 9M¹23 & Historical Segmental Results 9M¹23 & Historical Regional Results 9M¹23 & Historical Operational Results Liquidity & Capital Allocation Sustainability - CareForNext 2022-2030 Vision Şişecam at a Glance & Risk Management Policies Appendix Page 3-4 Page 5-7 Page 8-9 Page 10-13 Page 14-18 Page 19-21 Page 22-23 Page 24 1 ŞİŞECAM 2#39M¹23 Key Financial Results Revenue (TRY Mn) 43% 66,279 26,047 23,258 16,974 Q1 9M¹22 Q2 Q3 94,840 36,406 30,069 28,365 9M¹23 9M -Growth Gross Profit (TRY Mn) 38% 24,957 9,670 8,639 6,648 9M¹22 Q1 Q2 Q3 9M 34% 32,390 13,067 9,747 9,576 9M¹23 ---Margin Adjusted EBITDA* (TRY Mn) 26% 17,274 6,146 6,290 4,838 9M¹22 Q1 Q2 Q3 9M 24% 22,377 8,196 7,832 6,348 9M¹23 ---Margin Adjusted Net Income After Minority Interest* (TRY Mn) 21% 13,650 4,742 5,337 3,570 9M¹22 Q1 Q2 Q3 9M 15% ** 14,373 ** 6,126 5,674 3,483 9M¹23 ---Margin *EBITDA and Net Income After Minority Interest are adjusted to one-off items **Q3'23 figure is adjusted to incremental tax expenses booked on H1'23 results due to corporate tax rate hike for 2023 and onwards. 9M¹23 figure is not subject to such adjustment ||||| ŞİŞECAM 3#4Historical Financial Results TRY Mn Revenue Growth Y-o-Y 26% 15,550 5,161 4,033 2018 24% 2018 37% 18,059 exkkkk 32,058 11,180 8,595 4,962 5,880 2019 Revenue 2019 16% 23% 4,298 21,341 6,661 2020 Gross Profit 27% 2020 18% 2021 95,349 Adjusted EBITDA 2021 50% 24% 33,710 2022 23,151 2022 197% 26% 66,279 24,957 17,274 9M¹22 94,840 -Adjusted EBITDA Margin 9M¹22 215% 24% 32,390 22,377 9M¹23 9M¹23 43% ||||| ŞİŞECAM 4#59M¹23 Segmental Revenue and EBITDA Margin ● ● 33% 17,658 6,464 6,322 4,871 9M'22 21% 6,748 2,565 2,403 1,780 9M¹22 Architectural Glass (TRY Mn) -14% volume effect +1% +10% Glassware (TRY Mn) volume effect +66% +24% pricing, product mix, curr. effect +65% pricing, product mix, curr. effect All revenue figures showing net external sales EBITDA Margins- derived from one-off gain/loss adjusted figures 20% 19,394 7,655 6,013 5,726 9M'23 24% 11,199 4,163 3,622 3,415 9M'23 11% 5,453 1,829 2,073 1,551 9M'22 20% 12,068 5,245 4,178 2,645 9M'22 Industrial Glass (TRY Mn) +2% volume effect -5% +77% volume effect Glass Packaging (TRY Mn) +41% +75% Q1 pricing, product mix, curr. effect +46% pricing, product mix, curr. effect Q2 Q3 11111 8% 9,660 4,207 2,635 2,818 9M'23 24% 17,034 6,802 5,598 4,634 9M'23 EBITDA Margin I ŞİŞECAM 5#69M¹23 Segmental Revenue and EBITDA Margin ● ● 29% 17,789 7,460 5,847 4,483 9M'22 Chemicals (TRY Mn) -6% volume effect +46% +52% price, product mix, curr. ffect 45% 1,672 708 575 389 9M'22 All revenue figures showing net external sales EBITDA Margins- derived from one-off gain/loss adjusted figures 30% 25,899 9,603 8,658 7,638 9M¹23 Other (TRY Mn) +12% 2% 4,892 1,776 1,860 1,256 9M¹22 1,865 773 608 484 9M¹23 53% Energy (TRY Mn) +82% volume effect +100% Q1 +18% pricing, product mix, curr. effect Q2 Q3 ‒‒‒‒‒ 1% 9,790 3,203 2,936 3,651 9M'23 EBITDA Margin 14/41 ŞİŞECAM 6#79M¹23 Segmental Revenue and EBITDA Diversified Revenue Mix 27% 10% 38% 2% 9M¹23 18% 9% 21% Diversified EBITDA Mix 9M¹23 10% 12% 19% 18% 4% 12% 66,279 9M'22 17,274 9M'22 1,736 Architectural Glass -1,914 Architectural Glass 4,207 Revenue Bridge (TRY Mn) Industrial Glass 216 4,451 Industrial Glass Glassware 1,237 4,966 Glassware Glass Packaging Adjusted EBITDA Bridge (TRY Mn) 1,729 8,110 Glass Packaging Chemicals 2,789 4,898 Chemicals Energy -45 Energy 193 Other 1,091 Other 94,840 9M'23 22,377 9M'23 14/41 ŞİŞECAM 7#89M¹23 Regional Results Geographic Revenue Mix 14% 22% Sales in Turkey 8% 1% 9M¹23 19% ■ Europe Russia, Ukraine and Georgia 36% Exports from Turkey US Other Top 10 Export Countries Italy, Egypt, USA, France, Spain, Israel, UK, Germany, India, Bulgaria Regional Breakdown of Exports from Turkey ■ Europe 7% 4% 6% South America Other 11% 1% 16% 814$ Mn exports revenue 9M¹23 Middle East Asia 55% North America North Africa Exports to 150+ Countries I ŞİŞECAM 8#9Historical Regional Results Geographic Revenue Mix 15,550 1% 14% 23% 23% 39% 2018 18,059 3% 14% 22% 24% 37% 2019 Sales in Turkey 21,341 3% 14% 21% 20% 42% 2020 Exports from Turkey 32,058 3% 15% 25% 23% 34% 2021 ■ Europe US 95,349 2% 9% 13% 20% 19% 37% 2022 Russia, Ukraine and Georgia 66,279 3% 9% 13% 21% Other 17% 37% 9M¹22 94,840 1% 8% 14% 22% 19% 36% 9M¹23 ||||| ŞİŞECAM 9#109M¹23 Operational Results K tons Glass Production 4,324 1,832 2,492 9M¹22 3,862 1,593 2,269 9M¹23 Domestic International Soda Ash Production 3,626 2,526 1,100 9M¹22 Domestic * International: Sales from Non-Turkey Facilities + Exports from Turkey-based facilities 3,455 2,377 1,078 9M¹23 International Chromium Chemicals Sales 85 71 13 9M¹22 ■ Domestic 66 54 12 9M¹23 International* ||||| ŞİŞECAM 10#11Historical Production Results - Glass K tons Turkey; 57% Non-Turkey; 43% 4,947 1% 41% 7% 51% 2018 Turkey; 57% Non-Turkey; 43% 5,052 1% 43% 7% 49% 2019 Turkey; 54% Non-Turkey; 46% 4,857 1% 47% 6% 46% 2020 ■Flat Glass Turkey; 55% Non-Turkey; 45% 5,619 1% 42% 6% 51% 2021 Turkey; 58% Non-Turkey; 42% 5,781 1% 41% 6% 52% 2022 Glassware Glass Packaging Glass Fiber Turkey; 58% Non-Turkey; 42% 4,324 1% 41% 6% 52% 9M¹22 Turkey; 59% Non-Turkey; 41% 3,862 1% 44% 7% 48% 9M¹23 ||||| ŞİŞECAM 11#12Historical Production & Sales Results - Chemicals 1% 40% 60% 2018 1% 39% 61% 2019 Soda Ash Production -9% 38% 62% 2020 Domestic 8% 37% 63% 2021 108% 70% 30% 2022 International 1% 76% 24% 2018 70% 30% 9M¹22 Change -13% 77% -5% 2 23% 2019 69% 31% 9M¹23 -7% 76% Chromium Chemicals Sales 24% 2020 Domestic 7% 73% 27% 2021 International * International: Sales from Non-Turkey Facilities + Exports from Turkey-based facilities -22% 88% 2% 12% 2022 40% 60% 2018 88% -1% Change 12% 9M'22 39% 61% 2019 -22% Soda Ash Sales -8% 38% 62% 2020 Domestic 90% 10% 9M¹23 10% 37% 63% 2021 99% 70% 30% 2022 International 70% 30% 9M¹22 Change -4% 69% 31% 9M¹23 14/41 ŞİŞECAM 12#13Installed Gross Capacities 10% 12% Flat Glass 6% 6% ▪ Turkey - Italy 6% 4.3Mn tons/year ■ Russia - India 60% Slovakia Hungary Germany (x2) ▪ Bulgaria H - Egypt 28% Auto Glass Plants Turkey, Russia, Romania, Bulgaria Encapsulation Plants Glassware 8% 536K tons/year 14% ▪ Turkey - Russia Bulgaria 1 50% Egypt 41% Glass Packaging* ■ Turkey 3% 3.1 Mn tons/year ■ Russia 56% BCS, Turkey Sodium Dichromate, Turkey Sodium Bicarbonate**, USA Georgia 68% ▪ Turkey Soda Ash 19% 8% 8Mn tons/year 5% Other Product Range reported under Chemicals (K Tons) Chromic Acid, Turkey Powder BCS, Italy USA Bosnia Bulgaria 25 8.8 120 105 240 * Excluding Ukraine facility due to being inoperational since December 2014 ** Incl. US Natural Soda Ash Investment: Wyoming mine (operational with 2.5Mn tons/year production capacity) + Pacific & Atlantic mines (total stake adjusted capacities; soda ash 3Mn tons/year, sodium bicarbonate 240K tons/year expected to be gradually online starting from late 2026 ŞİŞECAM ** I 13#14Debt Position EUR 31% 17,695 9M¹22 TRY RUB 1% 3% USD 65% Net Debt Bridge (TRY Mn) 35,624 Borrowings -14,431 55% Cash & Cash Equ. Term Structure of Gross Debt (TRY Mn) 77,027 42,530 34,497 -3,581 9M¹23 Marketable Sec. 45% ■ Short Term 35,307 9M¹23 Other RUB 5% 2% TRY 23% EUR 30% USD 40% Net Debt: USD 1.3 Bn Net Debt/EBITDA 1.1x Fixed / Variable Interest Rate 82% / 18% I ŞİŞECAM Long Term *USD 1.6bn equivalent long-term liabilities include USD 700Mn Eurobond issued in March 2019 Following the cross currency swaps, made in 2019 for USD 575Mn of 2026 bond in exchange of EUR 421Mn in 2019, 68% of the bond was converted to EURs, 14% converted to TRY and rest of 18% kept in USD. In August 2022, USD 210Mn-equivalent EUR swap agreements have been unwound. Accordingly, as of the reporting period; 38% of the bond is converted to EUR, 14% to TRY and the rest is kept in USD. 14#15Historical Gross Debt & Liquidity Results TRY Mn Net Debt/EBITDA** Net Debt/Equity** Credit Ratings 8,009 2,606 3,164 2,239 2018 0.46 0.13 MOODY'S FITCH 15,846 2,963 8,369 4,513 2019 Marketable Securities* 0.93 0.24 LT FCY Rating LT FCY Rating B3 17,142 3,876 9,355 3,911 2020 B 0.65 0.17 Stable 27,670 4,335 Stable 12,811 2021 Cash and cash equivalents 0.91 0.20 15,524 Net Debt (*) Marketable securities: USD 93Mn-Eurobond investments and USD 287Mn-equivalent FX protected deposits (**) Marketable securities and TRY 1Bn liquid funds (booked under cash and cash equivalents) are included in net debt calculation 46,912 4,629 25,245 17,038 2022 0.61 0.18 77,027 10,399 31,321 35,307 9M'23 1.07 0.30 I ŞİŞECAM 15#16FX Position 289 2018 113 176 914 9M¹23: Net Long FX Position: USD 299 Mn 2019 -318 186 USD Original Currency (Mn) 2020 1,337 ■ EUR -403 375 813 2021 -367 562 275 2022 -507 Other Currencies corresponding TRY 616 9M¹23 434 -151 669 ||||| ŞİŞECAM 16#17FCF & Capex (TRY Mn) Net Profit Non Cash Items Changes in Working Capital Cashflow from operations Interest received, net Dividend paid, net Taxes paid Capex FCF Working Capital/Revenue 32% 9M'23 Change 14,745 11,795 -6,655 19,886 9M¹22 14,191 6,311 -11,014 9,488 -1.128 -2,154 -3,693 -1,853 -1,411 -5,094 -11,858 -741 -251 554 5.484 4,360 10,398 -3,175 -2,047 -1,539 442 -6,763 490 CAPEX/Revenue 13% CAPEX Breakdown (9M¹23) 9% 45% ■ Architectural Glass Glass Packaging 8% Industrial Glass ■ Chemicals 26% 1.9x 4% 8% ■ Glassware ■ Other Adjusted EBITDA/CAPEX 14/41 ŞİŞECAM 17#18Historical Capex Analysis TRY Mn Adj. EBITDA 1 Capex 15,550 14% 4,033 2018 1.8 2,221 95,349 8% 8% 66,279 util 32,058 23,151 8,595 7,778 2,637 18,059 16% 4,298 2,890 2019 Revenue 1.5 21,341 9% 4,962 2020 1,873 Adjusted EBITDA 2.6 2021 3.3 Capex 2022 3.0 8% 17,274 9M¹22 5,094 Capex/Revenues 3.4 94,840 13% 22,377 9M¹23 1.9 11,858 ||||| ŞİŞECAM 18#19SUSTAINABILITY Care for Next ŞİSEÇAME#20G PROTECT THE PLANET EMPOWER SOCIETY TRANSFORM LIFE Climate Change 2050 Vision for Carbon Neutrality Setting of 2030 Target Compatible with SBII (Science Based Targeta) Development of Installed RE Capacity of 53 MW Transition to Fully Electric Fumacos Cultural Heritage Global Dissemination of Glass Heritage and Cultura Digitalized Value Chain • Transition to a Digital Working Environment • Completion of Digitalization of All Organizational Operations *Making Decisions based on Data Analytic Water Use #15% Reduction in Clean Water Consumption Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Reaching a 25% Female Employment Rate • Implementation of the Women Expression Program • Creation of a Multi-National Work Environment E Sustainable Products . Increasing the Share of Sustainable Products in Tumover Increasing the Number of Sustainable Products and Solutions for Transforming Life . Dissemination of Life Cycle Analydin Program and Eco-Labelling Circular Production •Reducing Packaging Waste by 50%. •Ute of 35% Culletin Glass Packaging Talent Acquisition, Management and Development • Increasing Functional and Personal Competences through Training (47 person-hours of training per year) *Introduction of Next-Generation Skills, Increasing Rate of Employee Loyalty -WA Ų Sustainability Across the Value Chain Dissemination of the Supplier Capacity Development Progiam Compliance with the Code of Conduct by All Suppliers Bell 8490 SUSTAINABILITY MENI Slim Sompran Occupational Health and Safety Zero Occupational Accidents Well-Being Program BREPOR M Value-Added Partnerships U 10UN A SEMUND • Establishment of Collaborations and Partnerships Serving SDG 17 (Partnerchips for Godry 18#21Care for Next ■ ■ UPDATES ON SUSTAINABILITY THE ZEVRA (ZERO EMISSION ELECTRIC VEHICLES ENABLED BY HARMONISED CIRCULARITY) PROJECT The ZEVRA (Zero Emission Electric Vehicles Enabled by Harmonised Circularity) project was launched to contribute to a clean and competitive future by improving the circularity of electric light-duty vehicles and includes Sisecam as one of its partners. This innovative effort received a grant of EUR 250,000 from European Union's Horizon Europe program. Coordinated by Fraunhofer Institute, Europe's largest applied science, research, and development organization, in line with the EU's zero carbon emission target for 2035, the ZEVRA project will be realized with the contributions of 28 partners, including world-renowned automotive companies such as Skoda, Citroen, Peugeot, Toyota, and Volkswagen. As part of the project, Sisecam plans to produce competitive, low-carbon footprint, high-value-added automotive glass in line with its sustainability goals. During this 36-month project, Sisecam will support the vehicle battery with specially produced solar glass while minimizing natural resource and chemical use with innovative production techniques. I ■ HYDROGEN EUROPE Since Şişecam is among the partners of the Southern Marmara Hydrogen Coastal Valley Project, it has joined Hydrogen Europe, one of Europe's leading hydrogen energy supporters, as a project member. Hydrogen Europe is a European community that represents the interests of the hydrogen industry and its stakeholders and promotes hydrogen to achieve zero emissions. With more than 25 EU regions and more than 400 members, it covers the entire value chain of the European hydrogen and fuel cell ecosystem. The vision of the community is to achieve global carbon neutrality by accelerating the European hydrogen industry. Becoming a member of the community will provide advantages in getting information about hydrogen economy developments, developing new business relationships and accessing new grant opportunities. ■ ■ I SUSTAINABILITY PANERATECH'S DIGITAL FURNACE MONITORING Sisecam will implement PaneraTech's Digital Furnace Monitoring (DFM) on all its furnaces. Digital Furnace Monitoring is a holistic program for furnace health monitoring and management that helps manufacturers produce more glass in their furnace, even with a less-experienced workforce. Sisecam is enrolling all its furnaces in the DFM program over a period of three years. Each furnace will be transformed digitally and viewable through XSight software. All furnace activities will be recorded and analyzed on the platform, including data collected through radar technology and a regular schedule of audits. In addition, every Sisecam furnace will have Polaris IoT sensors installed for continuous refractory monitoring of critical areas. This will help the company understand early in the furnace campaign how operations impact refractory life.#22Şişecam at a Glance $5.8 Billion Revenue in 2022 5.8 Million Tons Glass Production 5th Flat Glass Producer Globally 88 year of corporate history *As of November 7, 2023 2nd Glassware Producer Globally 4.9 Million Tons Soda ash Production 150+ Export Countries Ô 5th Glass Packaging Producer Globally Free Float 47% 2nd Soda Ash Producer Globally Shareholder Structure* Şişecam 1.6% 45 Production Facilities -25K Employees İş Bank 51% Leader Producer in Basic Chromium Sulfate Globally $5.3 Billion Market Cap. * Presence in 14 Countries 4th Chromic Acid Producer Globally Listed Company since 1986 ŞİŞECAM 22#23Risk Management Policies. Leverage Liquidity FX Position Counterparty Interest Rate Derivatives Leverage with conservative Net Debt/EBITDA levels Maintain sufficient liquidity to meet short-term funding and to finance equity portion of Capex FX position limited to -10% to 20% of shareholder's equity Not only a diversified relationship banks portfolio, but also access to international debt capital and loan markets at favorable rates. Balanced fixed and variable rate loan book Limited to hedging only, no speculative trading 14/41 ŞİŞECAM 23#24Appendix • Operating Structure • Production Facilities. ● • FX Exposure • COGS Analysis • Natural Gas Prices & Profitability • Summary Balance Sheet • Summary Income Statement • New Implementations. • Transformation for Value - One Şişecam ||||| ŞİŞECAM 24#25Architectural Glass Şişecam Flat Glass India Private Ltd. Şişecam Operating Structure Şişecam Flat Glass Italy S.R.L. Saint Gobain Glass Egypt S.A.E. Trakya Glass Bulgaria EAD Şişecam Flat Glass South Italy S.R.L. TRSG Glass Holding BV Trakya Glass Trakya Glass Rus Trading Rus AO Şişecam Investment B.V. Şişecam Otomotiv A.Ş. Trakya Investment B.V. Industrial Glass Şişecam Automotive Romania SA Şişecam Automotive Rus JSC Şişecam Auto Bulgaria EAD Şişecam Auto Germany GmbH Şişecam Auto. Rus Trading LLC Indicates production joint venture partners Indicates joint venture partners Şişecam Elyaf Sanayii A.Ş. Glassware Paşabahçe Mağazaları Paşabahçe Spain SL Paşabahçe USA Paşabahçe (Shanghai) Trading Paşabahçe Glass GmbH Şişecam Investment B.V. Paşabahçe Bulgaria EAD Paşabahçe SRL Mina Posuda Limited Glass Packaging Paşabahçe Egypt Glass Man. SAE İŞBANK ŞİŞECAM Şişecam Investment B.V. Ruscam Glass Pack. Holding 000 Energosyste ms Brewery Pivdenna 000 Ruscam Management Merefa Glass Company Şişecam Glass Pack. Hungary Kft. Şişecam Shanghai Trade Co. Chemicals Şişecam Chemicals USA Inc. Pacific Soda LLC Şişecam Chem Res. LLC Ciner Enterprise Incorporation Denmar US LLC Şişecam Investment B.V. Şişecam Soda Lukavac Cromital Şişecam Bulgaria Solvay Şişecam Holding AG Solvay Sodi Energy Camiş Elektrik Şişecam Enerji Oxyvit Şişecam Sigorta Şişecam Dış Ticaret Refel S.p.A. Other Camiş Ambalaj ||||| ŞİŞECAM Şişecam Investment B.V. Şişecam Çevre Sistemleri SC Glass Trading B.V. Camiş Madencilik Camiş Egypt Mining Rudnik Krecnjaka Vijenac 25#26Şişecam Production Facilities TURKEY BULGARIA ITALY GERMANY ROMANIA SLOVAKIA HUNGARY BOSNIA RUSSIA GEORGIA UKRAINE EGYPT INDIA USA TOTAL FLAT GLASS ARCHITECTURAL 4 PLANTS 1 PLANT 2 PLANTS 1 PLANT 1 1 PLANT 1 1 PLANT 10 PLANTS AUTO GLASS 1 PLANT 1 PLANT 1 PLANT 1 PLANT 4 PLANTS INDUSTRIAL GLASS ENCAPSULATION 2 PLANTS 1 PLANT 1 PLANT 4 PLANTS 1. JV with St Gobain in Russia & Egypt for flat glass operations 2. Production JV with Solvay in Bulgaria for chemicals operations 3. Ciner Group US Operations - 60% stake acquired in December 2021 GLASS FIBER 1 PLANT 1 PLANT GLASSWARE 3 PLANTS 1 PLANT 1 PLANT 1 PLANT 6 PLANTS T GLASS PACKAGING 4. Greenfield investment: announced in June 2021, planned to be fully operational with 2 furnaces in 2025 5. Two cogeneration facilities located in Turkey 6. Oxyvit - Vitamin K and SMBS production facilities 7. Refel S.p.A. - fully acquired in February 2022 8. Stockton Port Management - Port operation investment, planned to be gradually operational starting from 2027 * 19 Mining Plants, located in Turkey, Bosnia and Egypt & Offset Packaging Plant located in Turkey 3 PLANTS 1 PLANT 5 PLANTS 1 PLANT 4 1 PLANT 11 PLANTS SODA CHEMICALS 1 PLANT 1 PLANT 2 1 PLANT 1 PLANT 3 4 PLANTS CHEMICALS CHROMIUM CHEMICALS 1 PLANT 1 PLANT 2 PLANTS PORT MANAGEMENT 1 PLANT 8 1 PLANT ENERGY 1 PLANT 5 1 PLANT 11 11 11 11 11 11 T 11 ||||| ŞİŞECAM OTHER* 1 PLANT 6 1 PLANT 7 2 PLANTS 26#27FX Exposure - 9M¹23 Revenue COGS Consolidated Şişecam FX Exposure - 9M¹23 38% 47% 28% 17% TRY EUR USD RUB Other 24% 26% 7% 3% 7% 3% ||||| ŞİŞECAM 27#28FX Exposure - 9M¹23 Architectural Glass Revenue COGS Glassware Revenue COGS 41% 41% 54% 51% 39% TRY EUR USD RUB Other 33% TRY EUR USD RUB Other 30% 32% 9% 5% 5% 6% 7% 5% 8% 10% 7% 3% 10% 4% Industrial Glass Revenue COGS Revenue 25% Glass Packaging COGS 28% 46% 52% TRY EUR USD RUB 16% 67% 3% 69% 13% 5% TRY EUR USD RUB Other 30% 29% 7% 1% 1% 2% 3% 3% ||||| ŞİŞECAM 28#29FX Exposure - 9M¹23 Chemicals Revenue COGS 27% 22% 19% ■TRY EUR USD 73% 59% Revenue COGS 29% 32% Other Energy Revenue COGS TRY EUR USD 61% 57% 10% 11% 100% 100% ■TRY ||||| ŞİŞECAM 29#30COGS Analysis - 9M¹23 Input & Materials & Packaging Architectural Glass Industrial Glass Glassware Glass Packaging Chemicals Energy Other 15% 31% 1% 38% - Ngas 43% 46% 42% 56% 26% 5% 11% Şişecam 6% Electricity 2% 21% 18% 34% ■ Labor 7% 30% 17% 14% 8% 20% 84% 3% Depreciation 4% 7% 3% 5% 10% 13% 27% 6% 4% ■ Outsourcing & Other 19% 31% 12% 11% 2% 4% 17% 7% 9% 13% 13% 5% ||||| ŞİŞECAM 30#31Natural Gas Prices - 9M'23 & Historical 11% 2018 17% 12% 1% Architectural Glass Industrial Glass 2019 Actual Turkey Ngas Expense in total COGS 18% 12% 9M¹23 Glassware Glass Packaging 10% 2020 Turkey Ngas Expense in total COGS ŞİŞECAM Chemicals 12% 12% 2021 15% Energy 22% 2022 13% Şişecam 13% 9M¹23 ||||| ŞİŞECAM 31#32Natural Gas Price & Profitability 26% 146 2018 Turkey Ngas (base 2017-end) vs Adjusted EBITDA Margin 24% 205 2019 23% 206 2020 Weighted Avg. Ngas Price Index 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Jan. 2023 - Feb. 2023 - Mar. 2023 - Apr. 2023 - Oct. 27% 293 2021 24% 2,003 2022 Şişecam Adj. Ebitda Margin Natural Gas Price Changes - Turkey (Year-end Effective) 92% Hike for Industrials & 103% for Elect. Prod. 14% Hike for Industrials & 6% for Elect. Prod. 10% Discount for Industrials & 13% for Elect. Prod. 200% Hike for Industrials & 242% for Elect. Prod. 444% Hike for Industrials & 328% for Elect. Prod. 3% Discount for Industrials & 13% for Elect. Prod. 13% Discount for Industrials & 17% for Elect. Prod. 21% Discount for Industrials & 20% for Elect. Prod. 20% Discount for Industrials & 17% for Elect. Prod. 20% Hike for Industrials & 20% for Elect. Prod. 24% 2,073 9M¹23 ||||| ŞİŞECAM 32#33Summary Balance Sheet SUMMARY BALANCE SHEET (TRY Mn) Total Assets Cash & Cash Equivalents Financial Assets & Derivatives Trade Receivables Inventories Equity-Pickups Property, plant and equipment Right of Use Assets* Investment properties Intangible assets Tax & Deferred Tax Assets* Other** Total Liabilities Interest Bearing Liabilities & Derivatives* Trade Payables Liabilities & Provisions for employee benefits Tax & Deferred Tax Liabilities Provisions Other*** Equity* Equity holders of the parent Minority Interest 19M¹22 139,730 16,890 9,002 19,379 16,006 1,713 42,875 859 1,331 21,563 2,605 7,506 62,067 41,743 9,390 422 1,474 4,082 4,957 77,663 59,574 18,089 *Includes impacts of change in IFRS-16 **Other Receivables, Prepaid Expenses, Other Current & Non-Current Assets ***Other Payables, Deferred Income 9M¹23 222,440 31,321 12,621 26,157 25,839 3,081 72,501 2,292 5,151 31,635 1,854 9,989 105,387 77,920 12,694 740 1,973 6,492 5,568 117,053 93,967 23,086 Change 59% 85% 40% 35% 61% 80% 69% 167% 287% 47% -29% 33% 70% 87% 35% 75% 34% 59% 12% 51% 58% 28% 1Restatement: In accordance with TFRS-3 principle, provisional figures had been used for the consolidation purpose of US entities. Following the completion of valuation studies, Sisecam 9M¹22 consolidated financial statements and Chemicals business line financials have been restated accordingly. ||||| ŞİŞECAM 33#34Summary Income Statement SUMMARY INCOME STATEMENT (TRY Mn) Revenue Cost of Goods Sold Gross Profit General and administrative Sales and marketing Research and development Other operating income (expense), net Income from Equity Pick-ups Income from Investing Activities Other income/(expense) EBIT EBITDA Financial income (expense), net Income before Tax Tax Income (expense), net Net income Net income after Minority Interest Minority Interest Earnings per share (TRY) 1 9M¹22 66,279 -41,322 24,957 -3,266 -9,421 -159 1,428 158 1,133 -57 14,774 18,383 -87 14,686 -495 14,191 13,650 541 4.58 9M¹23 94,840 -62,451 32,390 -5,604 -12,855 -257 2,018 701 2,183 29 18,604 23,290 -801 17,803 -3,059 14,745 13,360 1,385 4.61 Change 43% 51% 30% 72% 36% 62% 41% 344% 93% -151% 26% 27% 818% 21% 518% 4% -2% 156% 0.5% 1Restatement: In accordance with TFRS-3 principle, provisional figures had been used for the consolidation purpose of US entities. Following the completion of valuation studies, Sisecam 9M¹22 consolidated financial statements and Chemicals business line financials have been restated accordingly. ||||| ŞİŞECAM 34#35Digital and Automated Treasury Management ERP Migration of All Companies to SAP ▪ Vendor data Management in a single platform Establishing an identical ERP system by moving all companies to SAP. SWIFT ▪ SWIFT API ■ SWIFT GPI ▪ SWIFT KYC As a member of SWIFT Corporate, to integrate all innovations offered by SWIFT in the fastest way possible. kyriba Global Payment Management ▪ API connections between multiple systems. Payment Management in a single dashboard with a highly secure workflow. ||||| ŞİŞECAM 35#36Digital and Automated Treasury Management Instant monitoring of bank accounts in Turkey. Instant cash reporting from banks all over the world supporting SWIFT API Fintechs MT940 SWIFT API ↑ Kyriba Daily monitoring of bank accounts around the world Global Payment Management EFFECTIVE CASH MANAGEMENT Adapting digital developments to our company for an effective cash management and payment system. Making payments completely trackable from a single center by expanding the use of Kyriba Ensuring the security of payments by reprocessing all payments under fraud controls in Kyriba Making payments more integrated with API connection between SAP MDG and Kyriba Highly secure payment workflow ||||| ŞİŞECAM 36#37Transformation for Value - One Şişecam TRANSFORM for VALUE RISE Simplification Legal Entities & Shareholding Structure (2014-2020) ONE ŞİŞECAM 30.09.2020 Processes Process Governance Processes Alignment, Design and Performance Monitoring Culture Mutual Understanding & Collaboration Organization Structure 'New Operating Model' Simplification of the Remaining Corporate Structures in Group Operating Model and Organization Design Governance Corporate Structure Digitalization Internal Legislation Revisions and Developments Strengthen the Fundamentals Change Management Internal Legislation Transform Our People Talent & Skills Career Architecture TRANSFORM: for Global Excellence, Customer-Centric Value Chain Prepare for the New Challenges Ahead! >>> >>> ||||| ŞİŞECAM 37#38Disclaimer This information in this document has been obtained by T. Şişe ve Cam Fabrikaları A.Ş. (“Şişecam” from sources believed to be reliable, however, Şişecam cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or correctness of such information. This document has been issued for information purposes only. The financial reports and statements announced by Şişecam to the public and the relevant corporations are accepted to be the sole material. Şişecam does not accept any liability. whatsoever for any direct or consequential loss arising from any use of this document or its contents due to the misleading information in this document. All estimations contained in this document are the opinions of Şişecam and can be subject to change without notice. This document cannot be interpreted as an advice to the investors and Şişecam cannot be held responsible for the results of investment decisions made on account of this document. This document has been issued specially to the person, whom the document is concerned and may not be reproduced, distributed or shared with third parties for any purpose. FX Rates USD/TRY Period End Period Average EUR/TRY Period End Period Average 2018 5.26 4.83 6.03 5.68 2019 5.94 5.67 6.65 6.35 2020 7.34 7.00 9.01 8.01 2021 13.33 8.88 15.09 10.46 2022 9M¹22 9M¹23 18.70 18.52 27.38 16.58 15.90 22.21 19.93 18.14 29.03 17.39 16.85 24.07 14/11 ŞİŞECAM 38#39Contact Details Gökhan Güralp, Chief Financial Officer [email protected] Hande Özbörçek, IR Director, [email protected] Tel: (+90) 850 206 3374 Ferizan Kızıl, IR Manager, [email protected] Tel: (+90) 850 206 0343 Investor Relations Team SC [email protected] T. Şişe ve Cam Fabrikaları Şişecam Genel Merkezi D-100 Karayolu Cad. No:44A 34947 Tuzla/İstanbul Turkey Tel: (+90) 850 206 50 50 Fax: (+90) 850 206 40 40 1/1/1/11 ŞİŞECAM 39

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