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3Q 2023



#1Investor Presentation 3Q 2023 November 2023 خروج EXIT interactive interactive Interactive مصرف الإنماء alinma bank digital. fast. convenient.#2Table of Contents 1 Alinma Overview 2 Strategy Update 3 4 Historical Financial Performance 9M 2023 Financial Performance 5 Segmental Performance 6 Outlook & Guidance 7 Appendix 3Q 2023 INVESTOR PRESENTATION مصرف الإنماء alinma bank 2/48#3Alinma Overview 3Q 2023 Pay مدى mada 1234 1234 1234 1234 VALID 12/23 CLIENT NAME VISA مصرف الإنماء alinma bank digital. fast. convenient.#4History Alinma Bank was established in 2006 as full-fledged Islamic banking services provider. Est. 2006 2007 - Roy 2008 2020 مصرف الإنماء alinma bank i+A $ Establishment Alinma was established by Royal Decree by the Public Investment Fund (10%), the Public Pension Agency (10%) and the General Organization for Social Insurance (10%) Young Corporate Bank Alinma began providing Shariah compliant banking services, asset management and brokerage services through its affiliates Publicly Listed Company Alinma launched its IPO and became a publicly listed company on the Saudi Stock Exchange (Tadawul) Major Capital Increase Alinma increased its capital to SAR 20 billion from SAR 15 billion via stock dividends to fund the next stage of growth 3Q 2023 INVESTOR PRESENTATION 4/48#5Alinma Overview Alinma is the youngest bank in KSA #2 in KSA 3.79% NIMS (2Q 2023) 19.3m Monthly Average Users 640K Smartphone Daily Average Users (Number of Smart Phone Users Logins) #3 in KSA #4 in KSA 16.01% ROE (2Q 2023) 2.05% ROA (2Q 2023) Retail Digital Snapshot 98.9% Digital Transactions 17.5% CAR 31.7% +28.5% Cost to Income Net Income YoY Financial 4.44m Position KSA Market Share Customers 0.79% COR 1.69% 150.8% NPL Ratio NPL Coverage #4 Traded Stock in KSA by Value and #5 by number of trades (9M 2023) 3Q 2023 INVESTOR PRESENTATION مصرف الإنماء alinma bank 6.3% Assets (2Q 2023) 6.9% Financing (2Q 2023) 7.3% Deposits (2Q 2023) 5.2% NIB Deposits (2Q 2023) SAR 26.8 bn Value Traded (9M 2023) Stock Highlights SAR 66.8 bn Market Capitalization (30 September 2023) 15.2% Foreign Ownership #1 among Saudi banks (30 September 2023) SOURCE: Bank Financial Statements, Tadawul 10% Owned by Public Investment Fund 5/48#6Management Team Alinma has built an experienced new management team poised to execute its strategy Saleh Abdullah Al Zumaie in Deputy CEO, Head of Retail Jameel Naif Al Hamdan Head of Corporate Banking & Digital Banking ail Mohammed Sultan Al Sehali Chief Internal Audit Officer لماء Abdullah Ali Al Khalifa Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Abdullah Jamaan Al Zahrani Head of Treasury ali Saud Aied Al Mufaddaly Chief Compliance Officer (CCO) مصرف الإنماء alinma bank Meshary Abdulaziz Al Jubair Chief Operating Officer (COO) Eyad Osama Al Othman General Counsel & Board Secretary Fahad Abdulaziz Al Mohaimeed Yaser Abdulaziz Al Marshde Hisham Abdullah Al Turaigi inn Head of Strategy & Business Excellence Chief Sharia Officer (CSO) Chief Credit Officer (CCRO) La Abdullah Mohammed Al Salamah Chief Human Capital Officer (CHCO) Adel Saleh Abalkhail Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Meshal Hamad Al Rabiah Chief Risk Officer (CRO) 6/48 3Q 2023 INVESTOR PRESENTATION#7Strategy Update 1158< 3Q 2023 Lean My سداد 0 U 7512 SAR OSM -1 11a SA 1660 201 satst مصرف الإنماء alinma bank digital. fast. convenient.#8Strategic Positioning Alinma Bank's strategic positioning cascades down into each business strategy Excellence Shariah Compliance Digital 3Q 2023 INVESTOR PRESENTATION Corporate Retail Treasury Segment wise Bank wide Be recognized and celebrated as the fastest and most convenient bank in KSA مصرف الإنماء alinma bank Be the #1 in Net Promoter Score (NPS) across KSA Banks > Be the #1 Employer of choice across KSA Banks Be the most digitally advanced, fastest, and most convenient Retail bank in KSA Be the Corporate bank with the best customer experience (increasingly integrated) and offer the fastest turnaround time in KSA Be the most innovative Shariah compliant Treasury partner across KSA 8/48#9Strategy Overview Key success factors for Alinma Bank's strategic positioning "Most digitally advanced, fastest, and most convenient bank" digital fast convenient Affluent & HNW #1 NPS Youth Retail Corporate Best UX 40-50% more customers "#1 Employer of choice" across KSA Banks مصرف الإنماء alinma bank "Best customer experience and fastest turnaround time" Large, Mid Corporate Project Finance High-quality SME Trade Finance & Cash Management Digitization Hedging Advanced Analytics DevOps Digital Treasury Investments FI Agile Deployment ALM "Recognized and celebrated as the fastest and most convenient bank" simple excellent innovative 3Q 2023 INVESTOR PRESENTATION 30+ new products "Most innovative Shariah-compliant Treasury partner" 9/48#10Strategy Progress Update Driving changes across the businesses and bank-wide 2021-2025 Strategic Ambitions Digital Fast مصرف الإنماء alinma bank Build digital factory and apply latest available technologies - Advanced Analytics (AA), Al and Big Data Improve processes and speed to market 3Q 2023 Achievements Youth app is launched to limited number of customers ■ Freelancer digital onboarding (account opening) ▪ Payroll digital onboarding (for Corporate customers) ■ 18 TCR machines Implemented reaching total of 84 Implemented digital execution for credit cards (40%) and personal loans (35%) ☐ 2023 Initiatives In-Progress Driving Agile delivery of IT projects Digital team being expanded with requisite skills Continuously improving new digital app ■ Continue enhancement of digital journeys and app functionality, and increase cross- sell ■ Continuous improvement in turn-around time for retail customers Convenient Enhance customer convenience and experience Total 3Q 2023 INVESTOR PRESENTATION 77 Initiatives ■ Launched Open Banking Services and obtained full KSA standard certification Merged 5 branches (25 YTD) ■ Client relationship models for Private and Affluent customers being improved ■ Enhance ecosystems programs for customer convenience 60/Initiatives Completed 78% 17/77 Initiatives In Progress 22% 10/48#11Retail Focus on building two customer franchises Focus to date Wealth Segments Acquisition focused on classic segments Future Focus Gold, Platinum, Diamond, and Private segment customers driving majority of deposits Digital capabilities to acquire customers Initiatives Completed to Date: Key Achievements 15/18 initiatives completed 3Q 2023 83% 3Q 2023 INVESTOR PRESENTATION Digitally-savvy Affluent and HNW 2 Digitally-savvy 3 Youth مصرف الإنماء alinma bank Customer experience and operational excellence Alinma Retail Vision Experienced professionals and self-employed Saudis 35-50 year-old customers in the wealth segment Young Saudi professionals and University students 18-35 year-old customers in the wealth segment Drive growth in deposits Drive growth in Financing Reinvent the experience and improve multi- channel delivery Enhance experience around digital journeys and in-branch services Elevate customer engagement through tailored services and products "Be the most digitally advanced, fastest, and most convenient Retail Bank in KSA" Launch of New Tailored Products New Operating Models and Effective Processes 18 Distribution Expansion 5 1 1 of 3 banks chosen for REDF Price subsidization program Launched expats lending Automating the safety box journey Implemented digital execution for credit cards (40%) and personal loans (35%) TCR machines Implemented in Q3 reaching total of 84 Merged branches (25 YTD) New branch (Qassim University) 11/48#12Global Transaction 1 Large, mid-corporate & project finance 2 High-quality SME portfolio 3 Banking (GTB) - Cash & Trade Management Corporate Evolve the bank and diversify across sectors Focus to date Large corporates and project finance مصرف الإنماء alinma bank ☐ Alinma Corporate Vision Focused on lending Leveraging Kafalah program Future Focus Drive customer centricity, aligning RMs, product specialists and industry experts Foster Kafalah program lending Build the cross-sell model Revamp commercial processes Tech-enabled front line Enhance product & channel offering in cross- Extend SME portfolio along supply chain related offerings Preferred GTB financial service provider Migrate business partners to GTB solutions for efficiency, productivity and higher profitability Lead in GTB field via innovation and digitalization "Be the Corporate bank with the best customer experience and offer fastest turnaround time in KSA" sell categories Integrate digital offering Expanded Mid-Corp Segment Growth in SME Portfolio Automation of Credit Approval (End-to-End Journey) Initiatives Completed to Date: Key Achievements +101% +110% +85% +20% Launched 1st phase covering program-based lending. 9/19 initiatives completed 47% 3Q 2023 Growth in booked assets Growth in Non- funded assets (LG & LC) Program Based Lending Kafalah financing 3Q 2023 INVESTOR PRESENTATION 12/48#13Treasury Become core partner for corporate clients and grow Fl franchise Focus to date Liquidity management and stable risk Strong track record with well-managed liquidity profile and investment revenue and stable risk Fl customers serviced well > Future Focus Initiatives Completed to Date: Key Achievements 12/12 initiatives completed 100% 3Q 2023 INVESTOR PRESENTATION Enhanced financial 1 Derivative products 2 institutions franchise 3 مصرف الإنماء alinma bank High Quality Asset Liability Management Alinma Treasury Vision Grow product portfolio to provide holistic value proposition to clients Drive Customer centricity to facilitate bank-level alignment and improved cross-sell revenues Fls represent important source to diversify funding and show continued interest into KSA investments Grow deposits and long term liabilities on one side and term assets on the other to maintain a healthy balance sheet Continue to focus on liquidity and stable funding ratios "Be the most innovative Shariah compliant Treasury partner across KSA" Expansion of Products and Volumes +28bn +26.6bn Increased FI Coverage Investment Yield Enhancement New Products +5 banks Continue to enhance investment portfolio FX business volumes PRS volumes Correspondent Fls added globally yield Collared PRS 3Q 2023 Grow Structured Deposits and Flexi Forward 13/48#14Digital Build Digital to scale customer experience and operational excellence across the bank Focus to date Driving digital capabilities World-Class Digital Capabilities 2 Improve Operating Model 3 Drive Operational Excellence مصرف الإنماء alinma bank Alinma Vision Pursuing initiatives across Advanced Analytics and Big Data, Al and RPA Future Focus Projects are driven by Agile ways of working Augment digital work force with best in class talents and upskill digital teams by establishing digital training e-academy Accelerate digitization Deliver with speed, quality and efficiency Progress on Advanced Analytics while building new capabilities Reinvent the customer experience and improve multi-channel capabilities Leverage the ecosystem to create innovative and unique propositions Improve ways of working, e.g. Agile delivery, DevOps, etc. Establish the digital factory to power rapid delivery and foster innovation Improve efficiency through digitization of services and products Automate internal processes using robotics to enhance turnaround times. "Be recognized and celebrated as the fastest and most convenient bank in KSA" Initiatives Completed to Date: Key Achievements 14/17 initiatives completed 3Q 2023 82% 3Q 2023 INVESTOR PRESENTATION New Models & Digital Factory Updates Youth app is launched to limited number of customers and reached + 10K registered customers Launched Open Banking Services and obtained full KSA standard certification Freelancer digital onboarding (account opening) Payroll digital onboarding (for Corporate customers) IT Projects Delivery 52% IT Projects Delivered through Agile Technology Improvements Implemented Dynatrace tool dashboard to monitor customer journeys performance 14/48#15Human Capital Fostering a great working environment and being the cultural transformation champions in the organization مصرف الإنماء alinma bank Focus to date Hiring and training activities Drive cultural change agenda 2 Grow capabilities across the bank Organizing Alinma for Alinma 3 success Human Capital Vision > Improve Work Environment Future Focus Cascade new strategy to organization and embed in communication Female Empowerment Hire Top Talent Measure and improve employee engagement/ organizational health Regularly celebrate success stories Hire top talent including new capabilities (i.e. data science) Continuously develop capabilities through learning Develop rotational programs, new career path to foster innovation Adjust working model based on new requirements Implement agile forms of organization in future Digitalize and streamline HC processes "Be the #1 Employer of choice across KSA Banks" Initiatives Completed to Date: Key Increased Employee Engagement 3 Achievements 9/9 initiatives completed 3Q 2023 Activities conducted to increase employees' engagement 100% 3Q 2023 INVESTOR PRESENTATION 21% Female percentage of total workforce Conducted an Insight Day workshop for all bank's department heads Increased Training & Key Placements +70% Of bank employees have been trained (YTD) 2 Leadership programs were conducted for middle management Workforce YTD +320 95.5% Saudization rate Employees obtained professional certificates (YTD) 15/48#16Historical Financial Performance 10:00 له M 9:59 + إضافة رصير 8500.75 طلب التحويل مدفوعات مدار COD AlinmaPay 401 Pay مصرف الإنماء الرصيد تدوري إلى shase alinma bank المدفوعات الحكومية تدويل ويسترن تحويل محلي العمليات السارقة عوى الكل 200 ريال شراء من خلال نقاط البيع شراء من خلال 100 ريال المحادثات. 。 الرئيسية البطاقة المطريات digital. fast. convenient.#17Balance Sheet Track Record Solid history of strong balance sheet momentum... Total Assets (SARbn) +13% CAGR Financing (SARbn) +15% CAGR مصرف الإنماء alinma bank Customers' Deposits (SARbn) +13% CAGR 200.4 146.5 156.9 173.5 145.2 121.5 131.8 111.2 126.3 119.5 121.1 83.9 94.8 90.1 102.1 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 YOY +8% +19% +11% +16% YOY +13% +17% +14% +16% YOY +13% +17% +1% +20% NPL Ratio (%) 3.00% 2.00% 1.00% Liquidity (%) 200% 150% 1.9% 100% 50% Capitalization (%) 30% 135.0% -106.1% 20% 82.8% 10% 0% 0.00% 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2018 2019 CET1 ratio 2020 2021 2022 T1 ratio CAR LDR SAMA Ratio .NSFR LCR 3Q 2023 INVESTOR PRESENTATION 19.8% 18.6% 15.8% 17/48#18P&L Track Record ...translating to consistently strong top-line growth and solid profitability Total Operating Income (SARmn) +13% CAGR Total Operating Expenses (SARmn) +14% CAGR Net Income (SARmn) مصرف الإنماء alinma bank +6% CAGR 7,963 6,660 3,484 3,624 3,954 3,599 4,845 5,610 5,682 2,783 2,857 2,322 2,535 2,709 1,966 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 YOY +16% +1% +17% +20% YOY +20% +25% +4% +9% YoY -11% -22% +38% +33% Net Profit Margin (%) 6% 4% 2% 0% 2018 Cost To Income Ratio (%) 40.0% Cost of Risk (%) 2.00% 0.85% 4.54% 38.0% 1.50% 3.62% 36.0% 1.00% 34.7% 34.0% 0.50% 1.10% 0.00% 32.0% 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2019 2020 2021 2022 Yield rate COF rate Net profit margin 3Q 2023 INVESTOR PRESENTATION 18/48#199M 2023 Financial Performance 3Q 2023 مصرف الإنماء ) alinma bank مصرف الإنماء Banking Kiosk alinma bank digital. fast. convenient.#203Q 2023 Balance Sheet Highlights مصرف الإنماء alinma bank Balance sheet growth from financing and investments growth funded mainly from customers' deposits Total Assets (SARbn) +16% Total Liabilities (SARbn) Total Equity (SARbn) +18% +5% 226.9 232.6 213.7 193.9 199.1 193.2 200.4 180.6 31.3 31.9 33.2 33.0 33.5 161.9 168.6 3Q 22 4Q 22 1Q 23 2Q 23 3Q 23 3Q 22 4Q 22 1Q 23 2Q 23 3Q 23 3Q 22 4Q 22 1Q 23 2Q 23 3Q 23 QoQ +4% +7% +6% +3% QoQ +4% +7% +7% +3% QoQ +2% +4% -1% +1% 3Q 23 Financing 3Q 23 Customers' Deposits 3Q 23 CASA Deposits 3Q 23 CASA % of Total Deposits 3Q 23 LDR SAMA Ratio 3Q 23 CAR SARbn 169.1 +15% YTD 3Q 2023 INVESTOR PRESENTATION 180.2 SARbn +24% YTD 90.0 49.9% 79.8% SARbn +9% YTD -6.9ppts YTD -3.Oppts YTD 17.5% -228bps YTD 20/48#219M 2023 P&L Highlights Net income for 9M 2023 grew by 28% YoY from 27% funded income growth Total Operating Income (SARmn) Total Operating Expenses (SARmn) مصرف الإنماء alinma bank Net Income (SARmn) +34% +22% +10% 2,437 2,541 1,191 1,324 1,100 2,075 2,148 2,179 1,072 1,072 1,225 974 989 970 860 3Q 22 QoQ III 4Q 22 1Q 23 2Q 23 3Q 23 3Q 22 4Q 22 1Q 23 2Q 23 3Q 23 3Q 22 4Q 22 1Q 23 2Q 23 3Q 23 +3% +1% +12% +4% QoQ +22% -8% -3% -0% QoQ -13% +13% +26% +8% 9M 23 Funded Income 9M 23 Non-Funded Income 9M 23 Net Income 9M 23 Net Profit Margin 9M 23 Cost to Income Ratio 9M 23 ROE SARmn 5,600 +27% YoY 3Q 2023 INVESTOR PRESENTATION SARmn 1,557 SARmn 3,519 3.81% +10% YOY +28% YOY +22bps YOY 31.7% -2.9ppts YoY 17.0% +292bps YoY 21/48#22Balance Sheet Trends Balance sheet growth of 16% from increase in financing and investments Management Commentary ■ Growth in total assets of 16% YTD mainly driven by 15% financing growth and 6% growth in investments and 52% growth in balances with SAMA and interbank. ■ Total liabilities grew by 18% during 9M 2023 mainly from a 24% rise in customers' deposits. Total Assets Movement YTD (SARbn) 200.4 5.8 2.5 SAR (mn) مصرف الإنماء alinma bank +16% 22.6 1.3 232.6 3Q 2023 4Q 2022 A% 3Q 2022 A% Total assets 4Q 22 Cash, interbank & SAMA +52% Investments Financing Other Total assets 3Q 23 +6% +15% +32% Cash, interbank & SAMA balances 16,957 11,178 +52% Investments 40,970 Financing Other assets 169,063 5,595 Total assets 232,585 Due to SAMA, banks & other Fl 10,123 Customers' deposits 180,233 38,518 146,492 4,249 200,436 16,483 145,168 Other liabilities 8,769 6,908 +27% Total liabilities 199,125 168,560 Share capital 20,000 20,000 +18% +0% Retained earnings 6,675 4,285 +56% 10,935 +55% +6% 38,266 +7% +15% 139,987 +21% +32% 4,041 +38% +16% 193,229 +20% -39% 23,225 -56% +24% 132,048 +36% 6,654 +32% 161,927 +23% 20,000 +0% 5,406 Total Liabilities Movement YTD (SARbn) +18% 35.1 1.9 19 199.1 168.6 (6.4) +23% Other reserves 1,785 2,591 -31% 897 Tier 1 sukuk 5,000 5,000 +0% 5,000 +99% +0% Total liabilities 4Q 22 Total equity 33,460 31,876 +5% 31,302 +7% Due to SAMA, banks Customers' deposits & other Fl -39% Other Total liabilities 3Q 23 +24% +27% 3Q 2023 INVESTOR PRESENTATION 22/48#23P&L Trends Net income for 9M 2023 grew by 28% YoY due to 23% income growth Management Commentary ■ Net income for 9M 2023 grew 28% YoY to SAR 3,519mn from 23% income growth. 12.6% higher operating expenses YoY. ■ 3Q 2023 net income improved 34% YoY driven by 22% increase in income. Net Income Movement YoY (SARmn) 1,202 140 2,739 +28% SAR (mn) (255) (227) مصرف الإنماء alinma bank 10 3,519 (90) 9M 2023 9M 2022 A% 3Q 2023 3Q 2022 A% Net income Funded 9M 22 income Non-funded Operating Impairments Associate & Zakat income Expenses JV Net income 9M 23 Funded income 5,600 4,399 +27% 2,006 1,674 +20% Non-Funded income 1,557 1,417 +10% 535 402 +33% Total operating income 7,157 5,815 +23% 2,541 2,075 +22% Operating Income Composition (SARmn) Operating Expenses 2,270 2,015 +13% 766 710 +8% Net operating income before impairment 3% 4% Funded income 4,887 3,800 +29% 1,775 1,366 +30% charge 15% Impairments 974 748 +30% 306 264 +16% Net operating income 3,913 3,053 +28% 1,469 1,102 +33% 7,157 Fees from banking services Investment gains/dividends Income before zakat & income tax 3,923 3,054 +28% 1,476 1,103 +34% Zakat 405 315 +28% 152 114 +34% 78% Exchange income Net income 3,519 2,739 +28% 1,324 989 +34% 3Q 2023 INVESTOR PRESENTATION 23/48#24Financing مصرف الإنماء alinma bank Increase in gross financing during 9M 2023 from 13% growth in retail financing, and 16% in corporate financing Financing, Gross (SARbn) 143.7 150.5 157.2 +15% Financing, Gross Composition (SARbn) 12% Large corporate & project finance Mid corporate Corporate 76% 165.9 173.5 12% 107.9 113.2 117.0 124.2 131.2 173.5 4% 35.9 37.3 40.2 41.6 42.3 3% QoQ 3Q 22 +5% 4Q 22 +4% 1Q 23 +6% 2Q 23 +5% 3Q 23 Retail Corporate Financing, Gross Movement YTD (SARbn) +15% 13.9 2.8 1.2 173.5 150.5 1.9 3.1 Total financing, gross 4Q 22 Home financing Personal & other retail +10% financing +17% Large corporate & project finance Mid corporate SME Total financing, gross +13% +101% +24% 3Q 23 3Q 2023 INVESTOR PRESENTATION SME Home financing 69% Retail 24% Personal & other retail financing Management Commentary ■ Gross financing grew 15% during 9M 2023. ■ Retail financing grew 13% YTD from strong momentum in personal & other financing +17%. ▪ Total corporate financing grew 16% YTD, where mid-corporate rose 101%, and SME financing increased 24%. ■ Gross financing comprises of 76% corporate and 24% retail as at 30 September 2023. 24/48#25Investments 6% growth in investments YTD from additional investment grade securities Investments (SARbn) Investments Movement YTD (SARbn) 38.3 38.5 39.9 +6% +6% مصرف الإنماء alinma bank 40.1 41.0 38.5 1.3 0.8 0.3 63 41.0 3Q 22 4Q 22 1Q 23 2Q 23 3Q 23 Total investments 4Q 22 Sukuk Funds QoQ +1% +4% +1% +2% +4% +56% Equities & other +11% Total investments 3Q 23 Investments Composition (SARbn) 6% 31% 41.0 63% 3Q 2023 INVESTOR PRESENTATION Investments Composition (SARbn) 7% Held at amortized cost 6% Held at FVOCI Held at FVSI 41.0 87% ■Sukuk Funds Equities & other Management Commentary ■ Investments growth of 6% during 9M 2023 was mainly attributed to 4% increase of investments in sukuk. ■ The investment portfolio as at 30 September 2023 comprised of 87% sukuk investments, 6% funds and 7% equities & other investments. 25/48#26Deposits Deposit growth of 24% driven by 9% CASA growth and 44% time deposits growth Customers' Deposits (SARbn) Customers' Deposits Movement YTD (SARbn) +24% 177.9 180.2 159.9 145.2 132.0 27.6 145.2 87.2 90.0 84.7 82.5 86.4 +24% مصرف الإنماء alinma bank 7.5 180.2 90.7 62.7 75.2 90.2 45.6 QoQ 3Q 22 +10% 4Q 22 +10% 1Q 23 +11% 2Q 23 +1% 3Q 23 Total customers' deposits Time CASA Total customers' deposits 4Q 22 3Q 23 Time CASA +44% +9% Customers' Deposits Composition (SARbn) CASA % of Total Deposits (%) 80% 35% Retail 65.5% 60% 180.2 40% 65% Non-retail 3Q 2023 INVESTOR PRESENTATION -49.9% Management Commentary ■ Deposits rose by 24% during 9M 2023 from growth in CASA and Time deposits of 9% and 44% respectively. ■ CASA deposits account for 49.9% of total deposits as at 3Q 2023. ■ Total deposits comprise of 65% retail and 35% non-retail deposits as at 30 September 2023. 20% 3Q 22 4Q 22 1Q 23 2Q 23 3Q 23 26/48#27Income from Financing & Investments Gross funded income grew 83% from 50% growth in investment income and 89% growth in financing income Funded Income, Gross (SARmn) Funded Income, Gross Movement (SARmn) مصرف الإنماء alinma bank +71% 3,515 3,176 2,783 2,437 2,049 5,176 392 +83% 3,905 9,473 2,090 2,439 3,077 2,775 1,753 296 QoQ 3Q 22 347 344 401 438 +19% 4Q 22 +14% 1Q 23 +14% 2Q 23 +11% 3Q 23 Total funded income, Investments gross +50% Financing +89% Total funded income, Investments Financing 9M 22 gross 9M 23 Funded Income, Gross Composition (SARmn) 1% 21% 32% Retail 46% Corporate 9,473 3Q 2023 INVESTOR PRESENTATION Treasury Funded Income, Gross Composition (SARmn) 12% Investments 9,473 Financing Investments & brokerage 88% Management Commentary ■ Gross funded income for 9M 2023 increased by 83% YoY to SAR 9,473mn from a 50% increase in funded investment income and a 89% rise in financing income. ☐ The expansion in gross funded income and net profit margin is largely reflective of the rising benchmark rates. 27/48#28Net Profit Margin مصرف الإنماء alinma bank Average balance of investments and financing grew 16%; while net profit margin saw an increase of 22bps YoY Average Balance of Investments & Financing (SARbn) Net Profit Margin QTR (%) 170.8 178.9 185.2 +16% 197.2 206.9 136.6 142.7 149.2 157.9 166.2 34.1 QoQ 3Q 22 36.2 35.9 39.3 40.8 +5% 4Q 22 Investments +3% 1Q 23 +7% 2Q 23 +5% 3Q 23 Financing Net Profit Margin Movement YoY (%) +22bps 2.07% 3.59% 0.16% Net profit Investments Financing yield margin yield 9M 22 3Q 2023 INVESTOR PRESENTATION Net Profit Margin YTD (%) 8% +15bps 3.70% 3.80% 3.78% 3.85% 4Q 22 QoQ 1Q 23 2Q 23 3Q 23 +10bps -2bps +6bps 6.45% ■ 6% 3.81% 4.22% 4% 3.59% 2% 3.81% 2.64% -2.00% 0.63% 0% COF rate Net profit 9M 22 FY 22 1Q 23 1H 23 9M 23 margin 9M 23 Net Profit Margin -Yield rate COF rate Management Commentary Average balance of investments and financing grew 16% YTD. Net profit margin increased by 22bps YoY to 3.81% in 9M 2023. ■ The QTR net profit margin increased by 6bps QoQ to 3.85%. 28/48#29Fee and Other Income Non-funded income for 9M 2023 increased by 10% YoY Non-Funded Income (SARmn) Non-Funded Income Movement YoY (SARmn) +33% 577 535 480 445 225 45 402 1,417 192 128 146 136 95 385 407 307 334 308 +10% مصرف الإنماء alinma bank 1,557 (81) (49) QoQ 3Q 22 +19% 4Q 22 -7% 1Q 23 +30% 2Q 23 -7% 3Q 23 Fees from banking services Other income Non-funded Income 9M 22 Fees from banking services +26% Exchange income +22% Investment gains/dividends -31% Other income -65% Non-funded Income 9M 23 Fees from Banking Services Composition (SARmn) ■Fund management 34% Card services 10% 11% 20% 1,100 2 3Q 2023 INVESTOR PRESENTATION Trade finance services Brokerage fees 25% Other fees Management Commentary ■ Non-funded income for 9M 2023 increased 10% YoY to SAR 1,557mn from improved fees from banking services and exchange income. ■ Fund management fees comprise the majority of fees from banking services at 34%, while card services fees account for 25%, other fees for 20% and trade finance services and brokerage fees represent 11% and 10% respectively. 29/48#30Operating Expenses 9M 2023 saw 13% growth in operating expenses YoY mainly from higher employee and G&A costs Operating Expenses (SARmn) Operating Expenses Movement YoY (SARmn) +8% +13% مصرف الإنماء alinma bank 710 750 758 747 766 125 34 96 2,270 2,015 318 319 307 313 305 70 74 73 80 86 334 358 367 359 367 QoQ 3Q 22 +6% 4Q 22 +1% 1Q 23 -1% 2Q 23 +3% 3Q 23 Operating Expenses Personnel cost D&A Other G&A Operating Expenses 9M 22 9M 23 Personnel cost D&A Other G&A +13% +17% +11% Operating Expenses Composition Cost to Income Ratio (%) (SARmn) 45% ■Salaries & employee-related 40% 35% 34.7% 48% 31.7% 41% 30% Depreciation & amortization 2,270 25% 20% Other G&A 11% 15% 9M 22 FY 22 1Q 23 1H 23 9M 23 3Q 2023 INVESTOR PRESENTATION Management Commentary ☐ Operating expenses increased 13% YoY to SAR 2,270mn for 9M 2023 mainly due to higher salaries, software maintenance expenses, POS terminal deployments, higher SMS communication, and marketing costs. +10.4ppts positive Jaws contributed to a 3ppts decrease in the cost to income ratio from 34.7% to 31.7%. 30/48#31Impairments for Financing Cost of risk for 9M 2023 increased by 5bps from 26% higher credit impairment charges YoY Impairments for Financing (SARmn) Impairments for Financing (SARmn) 273 436 +10% 337 326 301 3Q 22 QoQ 4Q 22 +60% 1Q 23 -23% 2Q 23 -3% Impairments Allowance Composition 3Q 23 -8% Cost of Risk (%) 1.5% (SARmn) 23% 1.0% Retail 0.74% 4,431 0.5% Corporate 77% 3Q 2023 INVESTOR PRESENTATION 762 9M 22 0.79% 0.0% 9M 22 FY 22 1Q 23 1H 23 9M 23 مصرف الإنماء alinma bank +26% 964 9M 23 Management Commentary ■ 9M 2023 impairment charge for financing increased by 26% YoY to SAR 964mn. ■ Cost of risk for 9M 2023 increased by 5bps YoY to 0.79%. ■ 77% of impairment allowance in 9M 2023 pertains to corporate and 23% is for retail financing. 31/48#32Non-Performing Loans NPL ratio increased YoY Non-Performing Loans, Gross (SARbn) 3.3 2.9 2.4 2.2 +1% 3.1 2.9 2.6 2.5 2.1 2.5 NPL, Gross Movement YTD (SARbn) +1% 0.3 2.9 (0.3) مصرف الإنماء alinma bank 2.9 0.5 0.7 0.6 0.8 0.2 QoQ 3Q 22 +22% 4Q 22 +13% 1Q 23 -5% 2Q 23 -6% 3Q 23 Total NPL 4Q 22 Retail Corporate Total NPL 3Q 23 Retail Corporate +75% -13% NPL Composition (SARbn) 73% 2.9 NPL Ratio (%) 3.00% 2.50% 2.11% 1.94% 1.89% 1.67% 1.69% 27% 2.00% Retail 1.50% 1.00% Corporate 0.50% 0.00% 3Q 22 4Q 22 1Q 23 2Q 23 3Q 23 3Q 2023 INVESTOR PRESENTATION Management Commentary ■ NPL ratio increased by 2bps YoY and decreased 20bps QoQ to 1.69% in 3Q 2023. ■ Retail financing, which account for the smaller proportion of NPLs, increased by 75%, while corporate NPLs decreased by 13% YTD. ■ The NPL ratio for retail stood at 1.9% while corporate stood at 1.6% as at 3Q 2023. 32/48#33NPL Coverage NPL coverage decreased YoY Stage-Wise Financing, Gross (SARbn) +15% 143.7 150.5 157.2 165.9 173.5 2.9 3.1 3.3 2.9 2.4 7.0 8.9 9.0 8.5 7.8 132.3 139.1 146.0 155.7 161.6 QoQ 3Q 22 +5% 4Q 22 +4% 1Q 23 +6% 2Q 23 +5% 3Q 23 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 NPL Coverage Ratio (%) 300% Stage-Wise Coverage (%) مصرف الإنماء alinma bank Stage-Wise Financing, Gross Composition (SARbn) 95% 73.3% 56.1% 56.8% 57.1% 52.2% 200% 155.5% 136.3% 150.8% 121.5% 130.1% 45% 18.9% 19.3% 19.4% 21.1% 17.1% 100% 0% -5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 3Q 22 4Q 22 1Q 23 2Q 23 3Q 23 3Q 22 4Q 22 1Q 23 2Q 23 3Q 23 ■Stage 1 ■Stage 2 Stage 3 3Q 2023 INVESTOR PRESENTATION 5% 2% 173.5 93% Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 0.5% Management Commentary ■ NPL coverage decreased by 4.7ppts YoY to 150.8%. Stage 1 coverage remained stable YoY at 0.5%. Stage 2 coverage decreased, while the stage 3 coverage increased due to movement of stage 2 accounts with higher coverage to stage 3. 33/48#34Capitalization Capital grew 5% YTD while ROE saw an increase of 3ppts YoY Total Capital (SARbn) +5% Risk Weighted Assets (SARbn) +19% مصرف الإنماء alinma bank 33.8 34.4 35.8 35.7 36.1 206.3 187.7 168.2 173.6 1.9 2.0 2.2 2.3 2.3 3.2 193.9 0.6 6.1 2.4 0.4 6.0 6.0 6.0 12.3 12.7 31.8 32.4 33.6 33.3 33.8 178.5 187.3 194.1 153.5 160.5 QoQ 3Q 22 +2% 4Q 22 +4% 1Q 23 -0% 2Q 23 +1% 3Q 23 3Q 22 4Q 22 1Q 23 2Q 23 3Q 23 QoQ +3% +8% +3% +6% Tier 1 Capital Tier 2 Capital Credit Operational Market Capitalization (%) Profitability (%) 20% 25% 20% 20.1% 15% 15% 17.5% 14.0% 10% 10% 5% 5% 2.0% 0% 0% 9M 22 FY 22 1Q 23 1H 23 9M 23 9M 22 3Q 2023 INVESTOR PRESENTATION FY 22 ROAE 1Q 23 1H 23 17.0% 2.2% .ROAA 9M 23 Management Commentary ■ Total Capital grew 5% to SAR 36.1bn YTD while Risk Weighted Assets grew 19% YTD. ■ CAR has declined 2.6ppts YoY to 17.5% due to increase in credit risk weighted assets. ■ ROE saw an increase of 3ppts and ROA increased 200bps YoY. 34/48#35Liquidity Alinma's liquidity position is healthy and comfortably within regulatory limits NSFR (%) LDR SAMA Ratio (%) 112.1% 100% 115% 110% 106.1% 107.0% 107.3% 103.2% 105% 100% 90% 87.0% 80% 100% 70% 95% 90% 3Q 22 60% 3Q 22 Leverage Ratio (%) NSFR 4Q 22 1Q 23 2Q 23 3Q 23 Regulatory Minimum LCR (%) 4Q 22 1Q 23 LDR SAMA Ratio مصرف الإنماء alinma bank 2Q 23 - Regulatory Maximum 90% 79.8% 3Q 23 Management Commentary ■ NSFR improved 4.1ppts YoY to reach 107.3%. ■ LDR ratio decreased 7.2ppts YoY to 79.8%. 100% ▪ The leverage ratio decreased 219bps YoY to 13.4%. 20% 15.6% 15% 200% 156% 165% 13.4% 129% 134% 134% 150% 10% 100% 5% 50% 3% 0% 0% 3Q 22 4Q 22 1Q 23 2Q 23 3Q 23 3Q 22 4Q 22 1Q 23 2Q 23 3Q 23 Leverage ratio Regulatory Minimum .LCR Regulatory Minimum 3Q 2023 INVESTOR PRESENTATION ■ 3Q 2023 LCR increased 36ppts YoY to 165%. 35/48#36Segmental Performance 3Q 2023 10:13 ← Прау Sign Up Full Noma Mohamed Mostafa Mobile Number 050000000 ID Number 1234567890 Email [email protected] Password Confirm Password I agree to AlinmaPay Terms of Service Submit عربي مصرف الإنماء alinma bank digital. fast. convenient.#37Segmental Performance Highlights Retail and corporate comprise the majority of segmental income Operating Income Composition (SARmn) Net Profit Before Zakat Composition (SARmn) 12% 34% 9% Retail Corporate 45% 7,157 Treasury Customers' Deposits Composition (SARbn) Investments & brokerage Retail 35% 180.2 Non-retail 65% 3Q 2023 INVESTOR PRESENTATION 11% 15% 44% 3,923 30% Financing, Gross Composition (SARbn) 24% 173.5 76% مصرف الإنماء alinma bank Corporate Retail Treasury Investments & brokerage Corporate Retail 37/48#38مصرف الإنماء alinma bank Segmental Performance Highlights Retail and Corporate reported growth in operating income YoY Operating Income Movement YoY (SARmn) Net Income Before Zakat Movement YoY (SARmn) 850 619 5,815 +23% 129 7,157 918 3,054 200 +28% 12 79 3,923 (256) (328) Total operating income 9M 22 Retail Corporate Treasury +36% +34% -23% Investments & Total operating brokerage income +24% Income before Retail Corporate Treasury Zakat 9M 23 9M 22 +20% +114% -36% Investments & brokerage +22% Income before Zakat 9M 23 Customers' Deposits Movement YTD (SARbn) 20.1 145.2 Financing, Gross Movement YTD (SARbn) +24% 15.0 180.2 150.5 5.0 50 +15% 18.0 173.5 Customers' deposits Retail Non-retail 4Q 22 Customers' deposits 3Q 23 Financing, gross Retail Corporate 4Q 22 Financing, gross 3Q 23 +21% +31% +13% +16% 3Q 2023 INVESTOR PRESENTATION 38/48#39Segmental Performance - Retail Strong financing and deposit growth driving operating income growth of 36% YoY مصرف الإنماء alinma bank 1.9% SAR (mn) 9M 2023 9M 2022 A% 3Q 2023 3Q 2022 Retail NPL (%) A% 2.0% 1.6% Income from investments and financing, net 2,889 2,023 +43% 1,058 801 +32% 1.2% Fees from services & other income 339 355 -5% 192 202 -5% 0.8% Total operating income 3,227 2,377 +36% 1,250 1,003 +25% 0.4% Total operating expenses 1,272 1,263 +1% 497 539 -8% 0.0% Total charges/(reversals) for impairments 766 125 +513% 185 81 +129% 3Q 22 4Q 22 1Q 23 2Q 23 3Q 23 Income for the period before zakat 1,189 989 +20% 568 383 +48% Retail Deposits (SARbn) +21% Retail Financing (SARbn) +13% 91.1 97.1 102.1 112.0 117.2 40.2 41.6 42.3 35.9 37.3 3Q 22 4Q 22 1Q 23 2Q 23 3Q 23 3Q 22 4Q 22 1Q 23 2Q 23 3Q 23 QoQ +7% +5% +10% +5% QoQ +4% +8% +3% +2% 3Q 2023 INVESTOR PRESENTATION Management Commentary ■ Retail operating income rose by 36% YoY to SAR 3,227mn from 43% increase in funded income. ■ Retail net income rose by 20% YoY due to a significant increase in funded income. ■ Retail deposits increased 21% while financing increased by 13% during 9M 2023. ■ The retail NPL ratio increased during 9M 2023 to 1.9%. 39/48#40Segmental Performance - Corporate Strong income growth and lower impairments translate to significant net income growth YoY SAR (mn) 9M 2023 9M 2022 A% 3Q 2023 3Q 2022 A% Financing, Gross Composition (SARbn) Income from investments and financing, net 2,163 1,641 +32% 761 621 +22% 19% 27% Fees from services & other income 265 168 +58% 30 (3) +1116% Total operating income 2,427 1,808 +34% 791 618 +28% 131.2 16% Total operating expenses 496 368 +35% 99 50 +99% 7% Total charges/(reversals) for impairments 208 635 -67% 121 192 -37% Income for the period before zakat 1,724 805 +114% 571 377 +51% 8% 12% 11% Corporate Deposits (SARbn) +16% Corporate Financing (SARbn) +16% 38.6 107.9 113.2 117.0 124.3 131.2 28.4 27.6 23.7 23.7 مصرف الإنماء alinma bank Real Estate Services Government Commerce Manufacturing Building & construction Other Management Commentary ■ Corporate operating income increased by 34% YoY mainly from an increase of 32% in funded income. ■This income growth, together with lower impairments, translated to 114% net income growth despite a 35% rise in operating costs. Corporate financing rose by 16% during 9M 2023 while corporate deposits increased 16%. 3Q 22 4Q 22 1Q 23 2Q 23 3Q 23 3Q 22 4Q 22 1Q 23 2Q 23 3Q 23 QoQ +0% +20% +36% -28% QoQ +5% +3% +6% +6% ■ The corporate NPL ratio decreased 55bps YoY to 1.6%. 3Q 2023 INVESTOR PRESENTATION 40/48#41Segmental Performance - Treasury Income and net income decreased YoY SAR (mn) 9M 2023 9M 2022 A% 3Q 2023 3Q 2022 A% Investments (SARbn) مصرف الإنماء alinma bank +6% Income from investments and financing, net 471 667 -29% 163 229 -29% Investment-related income 179 261 +31% 46 19 -139% 38.3 38.5 39.9 40.1 41.0 Fees from services & other income 193 172 +12% 70 42 +68% Total operating income 843 1,100 -23% 279 290 -4% Total operating expenses 278 188 +47% 90 50 +80% Total charges/(reversals) for impairments 2 10 +81% (0) 9 -102% Net operating income 564 901 -37% 188 231 -19% Share of loss from an associate and joint venture 3Q 22 4Q 22 1Q 23 2Q 23 11 1 +854% 7 1 +592% QoQ +1% +4% +1% 3Q 23 +2% Income before Zakat 574 902 -36% 196 232 -16% Treasury Assets (SARbn) 59.0 51.3 52.4 +16% 63.4 60.9 3Q 22 4Q 22 1Q 23 2Q 23 QoQ +2% +13% +7% 3Q 2023 INVESTOR PRESENTATION 3Q 23 -4% Management Commentary ■ Treasury operating income fell by 23% YoY to SAR 843mn in 9M 2023 due to decrease in income from investment by 29%. Treasury assets rose by 16% during 9M 2023 to SAR 60.9bn, driven by 6% growth in the investment portfolio to SAR 41bn. 41/48#42Segmental Performance - Investments & Brokerage Modest operating income growth in 9M 2023 SAR (mn) مصرف الإنماء alinma bank Assets Under Management (SARbn) 9M 2023 9M 2022 A% 3Q 2023 3Q 2022 A% -0% 74.7 75.9 73.5 76.2 75.6 Income from investments and financing, net 78 68 +14% 24 22 +8% Fees from services & other income 582 462 +26% 197 142 +39% Total operating income 659 530 +24% 222 164 +35% Total operating expenses 224 195 +15% 19 79 70 +12% 3Q 22 4Q 22 Income before Zakat 436 357 +22% 142 110 +29% QoQ +4% 1Q 23 -1% 2Q 23 -1% 3Q 23 +2% Brokerage Trading Income (SARmn) +54% 66.0 101.8 Brokerage Trading Values (SARbn) 82.9 -36% 52.7 Management Commentary ■ Investment and brokerage (I&B) operating income rose by 24% YoY to SAR 659mn from 26% increase in non-funded income. ■ I&B net income increased 22% YoY. Brokerage trading income for 9M 2023 increased by 54% while brokerage trading values decreased 36% YoY, and AUM decreased by 0.4% YoY. 9M 22 9M 23 9M 22 9M 23 3Q 2023 INVESTOR PRESENTATION 42/48#43Outlook & Guidance 1158< 3Q 2023 Lean My سداد 0 7512 SAR U OSM -1 11a SA 1660 201 satst مصرف الإنماء alinma bank digital. fast. convenient.#44Empty#45Appendix 3Q 2023 مصرف الإنماء alinma bank digital. fast. convenient.#46Sustainability Alinma Bank released its 2022 ESG Investor Presentation مصرف الإنماء alinma bank Inaugural ESG Investor Presentation 2022 digital. fast. convenient. مصرف الإنماء alinma bank The first step for the Alinma journey to complete disclosure and reporting for all material factors to give investors and other stakeholders the complete picture on sustainability credentials and progress. It has been prepared using a Materiality Matrix methodology which identifies the Environmental, Social and Governance elements of our business that carry the most importance for both the bank and for its stakeholders. 3Q 2023 INVESTOR PRESENTATION To view the Presentation, please visit: ir.alinma.com 46/48#47IR Contacts مصرف الإنماء alinma bank Ahmed Sager Head of Investor Relations Mobile: +966-53-775-3352 Direct: +966-11-218-6364 Email: [email protected] Ibrahim Al Khudair Investor Relations Assistant Manager Mobile: +966-55-788-5520 Direct: +966-11-218-6181 Email: [email protected] Visit our new website here for more investor disclosures: Financial statements Annual reports Investor presentations Earnings call transcripts Al Anoud Tower, King Fahad Road P.O. Box 66674, Riyadh 11586 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Tel.: +966-11-218-5555 Fax: +966-11-218-5000 Website: www.alinma.com digital. fast. convenient.#48Disclaimer مصرف الإنماء alinma bank This presentation is being provided to you for general information purposes only. The information contained in the presentation has been obtained from sources believed by Alinma Bank ("Alinma") to be up to date, correct and reliable, but Alinma does not make any representation or warranty, express or implied, with respect to the fairness, correctness, accuracy, reliability, reasonableness or completeness of the information so provided and/or the opinions or analyses drawn therefrom. The information provided does not constitute or form part of any legal advice or legal opinion. No advisory, fiduciary or other relationship is created between Alinma and you or any person accessing or otherwise using any information so provided in the presentation, nor does the information constitute an offer or invitation to sell or issue, or a solicitation of any offer to purchase or subscribe for, securities, nor shall it or any part of it, nor the fact of its distribution, form the basis of, or be relied on in connection with, any contract or investment decision in relation thereto. It is not a recommendation by Alinma to purchase securities. Before using the information so provided, you must seek your own independent advice in relation to any investment, financial, legal, Shariah, tax, accounting or regulatory issues discussed and the presentation shall not be construed as constituting tax, investment or legal advice. Analyses and opinions contained herein may be based on assumptions that if altered can change the analyses or opinions so expressed. Nothing contained herein shall constitute any representation or warranty as to future performance or results of any financial instrument, credit, currency, rate or other market or economic measures. Furthermore, past performance is not necessarily, and shall not be deemed to be, indicative of future results. Alinma and its affiliates, and any of its directors, officers, employees, agents, advisors, contractors, and suppliers, disclaim liability and, thus, will not be liable for any loss, damages, actions or course of actions, of whatsoever nature, arising out of or in connection with the use of, or reliance on, this presentation. Any opinion, estimate or projection in this presentation constitutes an opinion, estimate or projection as of the date of this presentation, and no assurance is hereby made that future results will be consistent with any such opinion, estimate or projection. Further, Alinma has no obligation to update, modify or amend either this presentation or the information therein provided or to otherwise notify any recipients of the presentation if any of the information, opinion, projection, forecast or estimate set forth herein, changes or subsequently becomes inaccurate. The information in this presentation is subject to change without notice, and it may be incomplete or condensed, and it may not contain all material information concerning Alinma. This document has been furnished to you solely and exclusively for your information. It is not intended for distribution to the press or other media, or for any public distribution, and may not be reproduced or redistributed by mail, facsimile, electronic or computer transmission or by any other means to any other person without the express consent of Alinma. By accepting this document you agree to be bound by the limitations set out in this disclaimer. The distribution of this document in other jurisdictions may be restricted by law and persons who come into possession this document must inform themselves about, and observe and obey, any such restrictions. You understand that in order for you to be eligible to view the Information, you must be a "sophisticated investor" within the meaning of the Offers of Securities Regulations issued by the Capital Market Authority of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and either you must have the expertise, or you must consult a financial advisor, for you to evaluate the performance of securities under changing conditions. The costs of such an evaluation will be solely for your account. 48/48

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