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#1VIVID-Isle of Man UK MARKET ANALYSIS - PHASE 4 RESULTS 14.09.2021 MRS Evidence Matters" Company Partner Rare consulting#2RARE: GROUP VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET - Contents RESEARCH BACKGROUND 3 KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (KPIs) 7 THE MARKET 20 20 HOLIDAY PLANNING 28 HOLIDAY EXPERIENCE 40 40 ww VIVID Rare: [consulting]#3RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET Purpose of this document This document provides a comparative overview of the second and fourth phase of research findings. Based on the research findings of phase 2 conducted in 2020, we developed hypotheses and research objectives for phase 3 and 4 conducted in 2021. This document is therefore a final debrief of the research process, providing insights and recommendations from the final fourth phase of research. Keith Crane Research Director September 2021 ww VIVID Rare: [consulting]#4RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET General research objectives Identify the requirements to consider travelling Measure levels of destination awareness Capture customer journey Barriers to a holiday to the Isle of Man Identify activity availability and product development opportunities Compare the results of the phase 4 study with the previous results of phase 2, which was conducted in 2020. ww VIVID Rare: [consulting]#5RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET Research questions addressed in this analysis Overall awareness of the Isle of Man - have heard of vs have visited. Top competitors. Top short break types for 2021/2022 Average review and planning time and average booking travel time. Top sources of media for gathering information. Top holiday experiences people want and holiday experience types vs who they travel with. Anything significant in terms of accommodation types short break vs 7-night vs longer holiday - what is wanted depending on who they travel with. What is important when choosing a destination and desire to travel to the Isle of Man. Top barriers to an IOM holiday. ww VIVID Rare: [consulting]#6RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET Methodology Sample 1,007 nationally representative respondents 18+ recruited via third party panel provider client database. We have screened respondents in based on willingness to: go on holiday only within the British Isles in 2021/2022 go on holiday both inside and outside the British Isles in 2021/2022 Fieldwork dates 30th July 3rd September 2021 Data Capture The research was designed using a 39-question survey to be completed in about 20 minutes. ww VIVID Rare: [consulting]#7KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (KPIs) ww VIVID Rare: [consulting]#8RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET Key insights CONSIDERATION OF THE ISLE OF MAN IS LOW, AND HAS FALLEN Consideration of all holiday/short break destinations in the British Isles has dropped compared to phase 2, possibly due to reopening of travel abroad. However islands have been hit worst; consideration of the Channel Islands fell from 45% to 28%, and the Isle of Man dipped from 42% to 29%- the lowest level of consideration among all the areas tracked. This could be linked to uncertainty about how border and quarantine rules may differ. The Isle of Man remains low at 2% in unprompted awareness of British Isle holiday destinations, while Scotland and Devon saw big gains over phase 2. KEY BARRIERS ARE COSTS AND BORDER/QUARANTINE CONCERNS The top barriers to visiting are concerns about the perceived costs of travel (41%) and accommodation (34%). However travel fears related to COVID-19 are also an issue for 23%, while 28% are concerned about borders being open. 18% of respondents wrongly think they would need to quarantine before and after visiting the Isle of Man while a further 35% are not sure if they would need to- these combined figures were the second highest after Ireland and the Channel Islands- both of which actually do have testing and quarantine regulations in place. CONSIDERATION AMONG MILLENNIALS HAS DROPPED SIGNIFICANTLY Millennials previously showed higher levels of consideration of the Isle of Man for holidays in phase 2, making them a key target group. However consideration among them has slipped sharply; for example the 26-30 age group dropped from 57% to 41%, and 31-35 group fell from 60% to 38%. This could be due to travel restrictions on foreign travel lifting; this cohort are possibly especially likely to take advantage of that as many have young families and are at lower risk of serious effects of contracting COVID-19. E VIVID Rare: [consulting]#9RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET Recommendations MARKETING SHOULD HIGHLIGHT QUARANTINE/TESTING - FREE STATUS... A key strategy for marketing and advertising should be to highlight that visitors to the Isle of Man that borders are open and they will not need to quarantine before or after their visit or test on arrival. It could also highlight the low prevalence of COVID-19 on the island, to help overcome the 1 in 4 who have general safety concerns about COVID-19. ...AND HELP TO OVERCOME CONCERNS ABOUT TRAVEL/ACCOMMODATION COSTS Marketing strategy could also focus on flagging up low cost ways to reach the Isle of Man, and showcase value for money accommodation options. ww VIVID Rare: [consulting]#10RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET Decrease in those who have heard of Isle of Man but never visited Which of the following short break and holiday destinations in the British Isles, if any, are you aware of? - Isle of Man UK adults 18+ who plan to go on holiday in the British isles in 2021/2022 78% 74% 13% 14% 8% 7% 1% 2% 1% 3% I have heard of but never visited I have heard of and visited over 5 years ago I have heard of and visited in the last 5 years I have not heard of Not sure Phase 2 Phase 4 The proportion of those who have heard of the Isle of Man but never visited it shrank between phase 2 and phase 4, from 78% to 74%- meanwhile there was growth in those who weren't sure and who had never heard of it (albeit a tiny minority for both). Source: Rare Consulting. UK Adults 18+ planning to go on holiday in the British Isles in 2021/2022. Phase 2 data collected 9th - 17th September 2020 (N=1,021). Phase 2: Q6 - Which of the following short break and holiday destinations in the British Isles, if any, are you aware of? Base: full sample (N=1,021). Phase 4: full sample (N=1,007). Data collected: 30th July - 3rd September 2021. Q8. ww VIVID Rare: [consulting]#11RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET Unprompted awareness of IOM as a holiday destination remains very low Unaided awareness of British Isle holiday/ short break destinations 2nd Phase CORNWALL SCOTLAND LAKE DISTRICT WALES DEVON LONDON BLACKPOOL ISLE OF MAN 33% 22% 20% 19% 18% 11% 6% 2% 4th Phase SCOTLAND DEVON CORNWALL WALES LAKE DISTRICT LONDON BLACKPOOL ISLE OF MAN 43% (+21) 35% 31% 22% 17% 10% 7% 2% (+17) (-2) (+3) (-3) (-1) (+1) (=0) Both Scotland and Devon roughly doubled their mention rates in unaided awareness between phase 2 and phase 4. The Isle of Man remained at 2% in both phases. Source: Rare Consulting. UK Adults 18+ planning to go on holiday in the British Isles in 2021. Phase 2 data collected 9th - 17th September 2020 (N=1,021). Q5 - When thinking about holidays or short breaks in the British Isles, which places come to mind? Base: full sample (N=1,021). Base: those who mentioned Isle of Man (N=23). Phase 4: full sample (N=1,007). Data collected: 30th July - 3rd September 2021. Q7. ww VIVID Rare: [consulting]#12RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET The Isle of Man is the least considered British Isles destination Which of the following short break and holiday destinations on the British Isles, would you consider visiting in the future? UK adults 18+ who plan to go on holiday in the British isles in 2021 - Top 2 boxes The Isle of Man remains the destination with the lowest consideration, at 29%; consideration has dropped by 13 percentage points. This trend was mirrored in the other island destinations and could be linked to uncertainty over COVID-19 travel rules. Consideration for all destinations fell from phase 2 to phase 4, potentially due to the reopening of travel abroad. 73% 72% 63% 59% 71% 59% 69% 57% 67% 64% 60% 55% 52% 45% 46% 45% 38% 28% 42% 29% f f f f f f f h E G Scotland Lake District Cornwall Devon Wales Yorkshire Ireland Isle of Wight Channel Islands (Guernsey / Jersey) Isle of Man Phase 2 Phase 4 Source: Rare Consulting. UK Adults 18+ planning to go on holiday in the British Isles in 2021. Phase 2 data collected 9th - 17th September 2020 (N=1,021). Q7 - Which of the following short break and holiday destinations on the British Isles, would you consider visiting in the future? Top 2 Box: 'Very likely' and 'Somewhat likely'. Base: full sample (N=1,021). Phase 4: full sample (N=1,007). Data collected: 30th July - 3rd September 2021. Q10. ww VIVID Rare: [consulting]#13RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET Consideration of the Isle of Man among millennials has dropped Which of the following short break and holiday destinations on the British Isles, would you consider visiting in the future? - Isle of Man UK adults 18+ who plan to go on holiday in the British isles in 2021 - Top 2 boxes 60% 57% 50% 51% 50% 41% 39% 38% 33% 33% 28% 28% 45% Consideration of the Isle of Man for holidays is still highest among millennials, however consideration among this group fell sharply in phase 4 compared with phase 2. Most age groups saw a dip in consideration, however consideration among the 56-65 age group has increased slightly. 39% 2830% 28% 23°25% 25%24% 18% 18-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-65 66-70 70+ Phase 2 Phase 4 Source: Rare Consulting. UK Adults 18+ planning to go on holiday in the British Isles in 2021. Phase 2 data collected 9th - 17th September 2020 (N=1,021). Q7 - Which of the following short break and holiday destinations on the British Isles, would you consider visiting in the future? 'Very/Somewhat likely' Base: those aware of the Isle of Man. 18-25 years old (N=130), 26-30 years old (N=87), 31-35 years old (N=83), 36-40 years old (N=79), 41-45 years old (N=87), 46-50 years old (N=93), 51-55 years old (N=88) 56-60 years old (N=76), 61-65 years old (N=69), 66-70 years old (N=69), more than 70 (N=145). Phase 4: full sample (N=1,007). Data collected: 30th July - 3rd September 2021. Q10. ww VIVID Rare: [consulting]#14Destination 2nd Phase RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET In phase 2 millennials were more keen to consider loM as a future destination.. Demographic 18-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-66 66-70 70+ ISLE OF MAN 50% 57% 60% 51% 50% 39% 45% 23% 28% 39% 25% LAKE DISTRICT 74% 81% 84% 74% 77% 68% 80% 68% 65% 68% 62% SCOTLAND 79% 83% 79% 71% 68% 74% 80% 68% 68% 70% 60% IRELAND 72% 69% 67% 59% 58% 52% 63% 51% 40% 47% 32% CORNWALL 70% 75% 79% 67% 80% 79% 78% 68% 71% 62% 59% DEVON 63% 70% 78% 70% 77% 76% 76% 70% 71% 65% 56% WALES 70% 69% 80% 75% 68% 62% 73% 62% 62% 64% 55% YORKSHIRE 61% 63% 71% 63% 66% 58% 71% 70% 61% 69% 56% ISLE OF WIGHT 59% 56% 65% 43% 52% 48% 46% 36% 36% 39% 31% CHANNEL ISLANDS 49% 50% 56% 44% 51% 43% 45% 43% 40% 43% 36% Source: Rare Consulting. UK Adults 18+ planning to go on holiday in the British Isles in 2021. Phase 2 data collected 9th - 17th September 2020 (N=1,021). Q7 - Which of the following short break and holiday destinations on the British Isles, would you consider visiting in the future? Base: full sample. 18-25 years old (N=135), 26-30 years old (N=88), 31-35 years old (N=87), 36-40 years old (N=80), 41-45 years old (N=87), 46-50 years old (N=93), 51-55 years old (N=89), 56-60 years old (N=76), 61-65 years old (N=69), 66-70 years old (N=70), more than 70 (N=147). ww V VIVID Rare: [consulting]#15Destination RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET ..By phase 4 they are still likeliest to visit, although their consideration rates have dropped 4th Phase Demographic 18-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-66 66-70 70+ ISLE OF MAN 28% 41% 38% 28% 33% 33% 18% 25% 30% 28% 24% LAKE DISTRICT 63% 57% 59% 68% 60% 56% 62% 59% 69% 60% 48% SCOTLAND 61% 67% 59% 64% 59% 70% 56% 62% 66% 74% 63% IRELAND 44% 59% 54% 52% 38% 56% 41% 37% 38% 42% 38% CORNWALL 62% 64% 54% 59% 62% 63% 53% 65% 63% 57% 54% DEVON 41% 66% 51% 60% 55% 56% 51% 69% 64% 58% 60% WALES 60% 65% 57% 74% 54% 54% 53% 57% 64% 63% 60% YORKSHIRE 45% 54% 43% 51% 53% 50% 46% 50% 61% 56% 62% ISLE OF WIGHT 42% 47% 42% 35% 39% 43% 33% 29% 33% 38% 33% CHANNEL ISLANDS 30% 29% 27% 28% 26% 31% 23% 23% 30% 38% 29% Source: Rare Consulting. UK Adults 18+ planning to go on holiday in the British Isles in 2022. Phase 2 data collected: 30th July - 3rd September 2021 (N=1007). Q10 - Which of the following short break and holiday destinations on the British Isles, would you consider visiting in the future? Base: 18-25 years old (N=133), 26-30 years old (N=87), 31-35 years old (N=86), 36-40 years old (N=79), 41-45 years old (N=86), 46-50 years old (N=92), 51-55 years old (N=87), 56-60 years old (N=75), 61-65 years old (N=68), 66-70 years old (N=69), more than 70 (N=145). ww VIVID Rare: [consulting]#16RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET Consideration of Isle of Man has declined among both men and women Which of the following short break and holiday destinations on the British Isles, would you consider visiting in the future? - Isle of Man UK adults 18+ who plan to go on holiday in the British isles in 2021/2022 41% Males 28% 43% Females Phase 2 Phase 4 30% Between phase 2 and phase 4 of the research, consideration of the Isle of Man as a short break destination has dropped considerably, by 13 percentage points for both respectively. Source: Rare Consulting. UK Adults 18+ planning to go on holiday in the British Isles in 2021. Phase 2 data collected 9th - 17th September 2020 (N=1,021). Q7 - Which of the following short break and holiday destinations on the British Isles, would you consider visiting in the future? 'Very/Somewhat likely' Base: those aware of the Isle of Man. Males (N=489), females (N=519). Phase 4: full sample (N=1,007). Data collected: 30th July - 3rd September 2021. Q10 ww VIVID Rare: [consulting]#17RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET Previously higher consideration in London and North West fell Which of the following short break and holiday destinations on the British Isles, would you consider visiting in the future? - Isle of Man UK adults 18+ who plan to go on holiday in the British isles in 2021 Phase 2 Phase 4 The previously higher consideration of the Isle of Man in London and the North West has dipped to create a more even split across regions. This means that advertising strategy should be broadly focused across regions. 57% 57% 49% 46% 45% 41% 40% 39% 38% 35% 35% 34% 30% 28% 29% 28% 24% 22% f f f f f f f f f 35% 34% 23% 30% 33% 30% London Northern North Scotland Ireland* West North East* South West East of West East Wales Yorkshire and the South East England Midlands Midlands Humber Source: Rare Consulting. UK Adults 18+ planning to go on holiday in the British Isles in 2021. Phase 2 data collected 9th - 17th September 2020 (N=1,021). Q7 - Which of the following short break and holiday destinations on the British Isles, would you consider visiting in the future? 'Very/Somewhat likely' Base: those aware of the Isle of Man. South East (N=139), London (N=131), North West (N=110), North East (N=40)*, East of England (N=94), West Midlands (N=88), South West (N=86), Yorkshire and The Humber (N=83), East Midlands (N=74), Scotland (N=86), Northern Ireland (N=28)*, Wales (N=48). * Caution: small base size. Use it for illustrative purposes only. Phase 4: full sample (N=1,007). Data collected: 30th July - 3rd September 2021. Q10. ww VIVID Rare: [consulting]#18RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET Concerns over travel costs and borders being open are main barriers to visiting IOM When thinking about 2022 holidays and short breaks what would prevent you from booking a trip to the Isle of Man? UK adults 18+ who plan to go on holiday in the British isles in 2022 Cost of travel 41% Worries about Cost of accommodation Borders not being open currently 34% 28% travel and accommodation The weather Availability of accommodation Fear of having to go into quarantine on return Travel fears relating to Covid-19 Quality of accommodation 28% 28% 24% 23% 21% Lack of information about the Isle of Man 21% Reading negative online reviews 20% None of the above 16% costs are the key barrier to travel, however 28% cited concerns about borders being open, while 1 in 4 worry about having to quarantine on return. I perceive there is a lack of activities General safety concerns 14% 13% Variety of accommodation options 12% Lack of Covid-19 vaccine available Lack of package deals available Familiarity (been before) Uncertainty about Brexit impact on IOM 11% 10% 9% 8% Source: Rare Consulting. UK Adults 18+ planning to go on holiday in the British Isles in 2021. Phase 4 data collected: 30th July - 3rd September 2021. Q36- When thinking about 2021 holidays and short breaks what would prevent you from booking a trip to the Isle of Man? Base: full sample (N=1,007). ww VIVID Rare: [consulting]#19RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET 1 in 5 wrongly think they would need to quarantine when visiting the Isle of Man Which of the following British Isle destinations, if any, do you think you need to quarantine before and after visiting? UK adults 18+ who plan to go on holiday in the British isles in 2022 22% 19% 18% 17% 13% 13% 10% 9% 9% 69% 71% 71% 8% 71% 65% 60% 39% 47% 61% 45% 41% 33% 35% 27% 22% 22% 21% 20% 20% 20% Ireland Channel Islands Isle of Scotland Man Wales Isle of Wight Cornwall Devon Yorkshire Lake District I think you need to quarantine before and after visiting I don't think you need to quarantine before and after I don't know 18% think they would need to quarantine before and after visiting the Isle of Man, while a further 35% aren't sure. The combined proportion was the third highest after Ireland and the Channel Islands, both of which actually do have testing and quarantine requirements. Source: Rare Consulting. UK Adults 18+ planning to go on holiday in the British Isles in 2021. Phase 4 data collected: 30th July - 3rd September 2021. Phase 4 Q36- When thinking about 2021 holidays and short breaks what would prevent you from booking a trip to the Isle of Man? Base: full sample (N=1,007) ww VIVID Rare: [consulting]#20RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET Safety and lack of information became a barrier 2nd Phase Demographic 18-30 Index 31-45 Index 46-65 Index 66+ Index Cost of travel Cost of accommodation 31% 76 50% 122 45% 109 35% 85 26% 75 40% 116 37% 108 33% 95 Borders not being open currently 27% 94 32% 112 28% 101 25% 89 Availability of accommodation 24% 86 34% 124 27% 98 24% 87 Lack of indoor activities 28% 100 31% 111 26% 93 27% 96 Lack of 'package deals' via a travel agent/online agent 18% 77 25% 106 23% 96 30% 125 General safety concerns 20% 88 27% 119 22% 96 22% 97 Quality of accommodation 25% 117 25% 118 17% 81 19% 88 Uncertainty around the impact of Brexit on the Isle of Man 21% 102 26% 123 20% 94 16% 78 Reading negative online reviews 24% 123 21% 107 18% 90 16% 81 Lack of outdoor activities 15% 105 16% 116 15% 109 8% 59 I am defined as a vulnerable person and it is not safe for me to travel to the Isle of Man 12% 96 18% 143 9% 73 12% 93 Variety of accommodation options 16% 134 14% 118 9% 79 8% 71 Travel fears relating to Covid-19 when travelling to Isle of Man 19% 158 15% 124 8% 68 6% 52 Fear of having to go into quarantine on return from the Isle of Man 17% 152 13% 121 7% 62 8% 74 I don't know enough about the Isle of Man Familiarity Lack of offering for families 17% 163 10% 93 7% 62 10% 98 14% 160 10% 117 5% 57 7% 78 16% 198 7% 86 5% 57 6% 75 Worries about getting to activities and attractions when on Island (have to hire or take a car) 18% 218 9% 105 5% 61 2% 22#21RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET Safety and lack of information became a barrier Demographic 18-30 Index 31-45 Index 46-65 Index 66+ Index Cost of travel 32% 76 50% 117 45% 105 36% 84 Borders not being open Reading negative online reviews Cost of accommodation Availability of accommodation I perceive there is a lack of activities Quality of accommodation Variety of accommodation options Familiarity (e.g. been before) The weather 27% 94 31% 111 28% 99 26% 90 24% 125 21% 111 17% 88 16% 84 25% 71 40% 111 38% 107 33% 93 Familiarity and concerns about 24% 86 34% 121 27% 98 24% 85 activities as well 16% 111 17% 116 14% 100 9% 62 as fears about 25% 118 25% 121 17% 81 20% 93 Covid-19 related measures are top 16% 141 14% 126 9% 80 7% 66 barriers for 14% 167 11% 133 5% 61 6% 74 youngest, even above cost of 27% 98 31% 112 26% 93 28% 99 travel. Lack of Covid-19 vaccine being made available 17% 164 14% 131 6% 59 9% 84 Lack of indoor activities (e..g, museums, shopping centres, indoor sports centres etc) 18% 167 15% 134 8% 68 6% 55 Fear of having to go into quarantine on return 18% 79 25% 108 22% 95 28% Travel fears relating to Covid-19 Lack of 'package deals' via a travel agent/online agent General safety concerns Lack of information about the Isle of Man 20% 87 27% 119 22% 95 21% 22 121 92 16% 178 10% 105 6% 67 9% 95 13% 104 19% 148 9% 69 11% 92 22% 106 25% 123 19% 90 16% 79 I am defined as a vulnerable person and it is not safe for me to travel. Uncertainty around the impact of Brexit Source: Rare Consulting. UK Adults 18+ planning to go on holiday in the British Isles in 2021. Phase 4 data collected: 30th July - 3rd September 2021. Q36- When thinking about 2021 holidays and short breaks what would prevent you from booking a trip to the Isle of Man? 15% 223 7% 101 4% 62 5% 70 18% 239 8% 114 5% 64 2% 27 Base: 18-30 (N=223), 31-45 (N=254), 46-65 (N=327), 66+ (N=217). Green / Red numbers represent scores that are higher/lower than the rest of the sample (95% level, 2-tailed) 99 and below in red, 100 in grey, 100+ in green.#22RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET Phase 2: South East, London and West Midlands index higher than other locations South East Index Lack of outdoor activities 32% 139 Lack of 'package deals' via a travel agent/online agent 29% 138 In common with London Lack of offering for families 29% 138 Poor past experience 25% 156 London Index Reading negative online reviews 34% 131 Lack of 'package deals' via a travel agent/online agent 28% 133 In common with South East Poor past experience 23% 144 Familiarity 20% 133 West Midlands Availability of accommodation Variety of accommodation options Familiarity Index 47% 124 40% 154 21% 140 Of all the regions analysed South East, London and West Midlands show higher indexes across all the categories. The tables show the three highest indexes per region. Source: Rare Consulting. UK Adults 18+ planning to go on holiday in the British Isles in 2021. Data Collected 9th - 17th September 2020 (N=1,021). Q25- When thinking about 2021 holidays and short breaks would prevent you from booking a trip to the Isle of Man? Base: full sample (N=1,021). * Index vs. total population. Green / Red numbers represent scores that are higher / lower than the rest of the sample (95% level, 2-tailed) 99 and below in red, 100 in grey, 100+ in green. ww VIVID Rare: [consulting]#23RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET In Phase 4, highest index scores relate to safety East Midlands Index I am defined as a vulnerable person and it is not safe for me to travel Cost of travel 9% 138 54% 127 Variety of accommodation options 14% 121 East of England Index I am defined as a vulnerable person and it is not safe for me to travel 13% 187 Quality of accommodation 32% 151 General safety concerns 18% 142 Scotland Index Uncertainty around the impact of Brexit 11% 154 Borders not being open 34% 120 Lack of information about the Isle of Man 23% 111 Highest index scores (most important obstacles) are safety-related concerns in East Midlands and East of England. In Scotland, geopolitical factors such as Brexit score higher. Source: Rare Consulting. UK Adults 18+ planning to go on holiday in the British Isles in 2021. Phase 4 data collected: 30th July - 3rd September 2021. Q36- When thinking about 2021 holidays and short breaks what would prevent you from booking a trip to the Isle of Man? Base: East Midlands (N=66), East of England (N=83), Scotland (N=79). * Index vs. total population. Green / Red numbers represent scores that are higher / lower than the rest of the sample (95% level, 2-tailed) 99 and below in red, 100 in grey, 100+ in green. ww VIVID Rare: [consulting]#24RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET In Phase 4, highest index scores relate to safety East Midlands Cost of travel Cost of accommodation The weather East of England Index 54% 127 42% 120 29% 102 Costs are top barriers for half the population in these three locations. Index Cost of travel 58% 137 Cost of accommodation 42% 118 Borders not being open 33% 116 South West Cost of travel Cost of accommodation Availability of accommodation Index 49% 114 37% 103 30% 109 Source: Rare Consulting. UK Adults 18+ planning to go on holiday in the British Isles in 2021. Phase 4 data collected: 30th July - 3rd September 2021. Q36- When thinking about 2021 holidays and short breaks what would prevent you from booking a trip to the Isle of Man? Base: East Midlands (N=66), East of England (N=83), Scotland (N=79). * Index vs. total population. Green / Red numbers represent scores that are higher /lower than the rest of the sample (95% level, 2-tailed) 99 and below in red, 100 in grey, 100+ in green. ww VIVID Rare: [consulting]#25RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET Women over index for perceived barriers to visiting Isle of Man Demographic Males Males index Females Females index Cost of travel Cost of accommodation Borders not being open The weather Availability of accommodation Fear of having to go into quarantine on return Travel fears relating to Covid-19 Quality of accommodation Lack of information about the Isle of Man 39% 94 44% 105 32% 93 37% 107 26% 92 30% 108 of travel and 27% 97 29% 103 27% 96 29% 104 23% 94 25% 105 21% 93 24% 107 20% 96 22% 104 17% 82 25% 118 Reading negative online reviews 18% 92 21% 108 I perceive there is a lack of activities 13% 92 15% 108 General safety concerns 9% 70 16% 129 Lack of indoor activities (e..g, museums, shopping centres, indoor sports centres etc) 9% 74 15% 125 Variety of accommodation options 10% 85 13% 114 Lack of Covid-19 vaccine being made available 10% 93 12% 107 Lack of 'package deals' via a travel agent/online agent 11% 106 10% 94 Familiarity (e.g. been before) 9% 97 9% 103 Women appear more averse to visiting the Isle of Man than men. Cost accommodation are the top barriers for both, however women are likelier than men to feel they lack information about the IOM, and to feel that there may not be enough activities. Men may possibly be more drawn by the Isle of Man's famous sporting events and activities (TT, golf Uncertainty around the impact of Brexit 5% 66 11% 133 and cycling.) I am defined as a vulnerable person and it is not safe for me to travel. 5% 69 10% 130 Source: Rare Consulting. UK Adults 18+ planning to go on holiday in the British Isles in 2021. Phase 4 data collected: 30th July - 3rd September 2021. Q36- When thinking about 2021 holidays and short breaks what would prevent you from booking a trip to the Isle of Man? Base: males (N=491), females (N=516).#26THE MARKET ww VIVID Rare: [consulting]#27RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET Highlights - The market INTENTION TO GO ON HOLIDAY HAS DROPPED SHARPLY In phase 4, intention to go on holiday has fallen compared to phase 2; in 2020 58% planned to holiday domestically and abroad in 2021, and 42% just within the British Isles. By phase 4, these figures had fallen to 40% and 15% respectively for 2022, which could be due to the fact that the traffic light status of foreign countries is subject to change at very short notice by the British government. The lower 2022 rate for the British Isles could be because consumers may be waiting to see if there are fewer barriers to travel abroad in 2022. COUNTRYSIDE AND RURAL COASTAL ARE PREFERRED The top scoring types of break were country (53%) and rural coastal breaks (49%), representing a key opportunity for the Isle of Man. Appetite for town, city and large resort hotel holidays was higher than phase 2, likely due to the prevalence of vaccinations this year boosting confidence in being around larger numbers of people. ww VIVID Rare: [consulting]#28RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET Intention to travel only inside the British isles will decrease Phase 2 When thinking about holidays and short breaks you want to take in the future, which of the following statements best applies? UK adults 18+ who plan to go on holiday in the British isles in 2020-21-22-23 Phase 4 UK adults 18+ who plan to go on holiday in the British isles in 2021-22-23-24 41% 5% 11% 42% 0% 58% 55% NB: this is unweighted data 20% 17% 9% 8% 53% 47% 2020 2021 2022 2023 I plan to go on holiday only within the British Isles I plan to go on holiday outside the British Isles only I plan to go on holiday both inside and outside the British Isles 41% 39% 40% 27% 16% 15% 14% 16% 15% 14% 8% 2021 2022 2023 2024 I plan to go on holiday only within the British Isles I plan to go on holiday outside the British Isles only I plan to go on holiday both inside and outside the British Isles Source: Rare Consulting. UK Adults 18+. Phase 2 Data Collected 9th - 17th September 2020 (N=2,580). Q4 - When thinking about holidays and short breaks you want to take in the future, which of the following statements best applies? Base: full sample (N=2,580). Phase 4: full sample (N=1,007). Data collected: 30th July - 3rd September 2021. Q16. ww VIVID Rare: [consulting]#29RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET More people choose staycation When thinking about holidays and short breaks you want to take in the future, which of the following statements best applies? - In 2022 UK adults 18+ who plan to go on holiday in the British isles in 2022 16% 47% I plan to go on holiday both inside and outside the British Isles I plan to go on holiday only within the British Isles Source: Rare Consulting. UK Adults 18+ planning to go on holiday in the British Isles in 2021. Phase 2 data collected 9th - 17th September 2020 (N=1,021). Q4-When thinking about holidays and short breaks you want to take in the future, which of the following statements best applies? Base: full sample (N=1,021). Phase 4: full sample (N=1,007). Data collected: 30th July - 3rd September 2021. Q16. ww VIVID Rare: [consulting]#30RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET Half of people favour rural coastal, an opportunity for the loM When thinking about holidays and short breaks you want to take in 2022 in the British Isles, which of the following destinations do you favour? UK adults 18+ who plan to go on holiday in the British isles in 2022 Countryside and rural coastal breaks remain the favourite types, which presents an opportunity for the Isle of Man. There were increases for city, town, holiday park and large hotel resort holidays, possibly as a result of high vaccine uptake making people more comfortable about being round larger numbers of people and densely populated areas. 57% 53% 54% 49% 49% 47% 42% 38% 36% 38% 37% 34% 32% 27% 26% 23% 22% 16% Countryside Rural coastal Traditional seaside Harbour town City or large town Heritage town Phase 2 Phase 4 Holiday park Mountain Large hotel resort Source: Rare Consulting. UK Adults 18+ planning to go on holiday in the British Isles in 2021. Phase 2 data collected 9th - 17th September 2020 (N=1,021). Q9- When thinking about holidays and short breaks you want to take in 2021 in the British Isles, which of the following destinations do you favour? Base: full sample (N=1,021). Phase 4: full sample (N=1,007). Data collected: 30th July - 3rd September 2021. Q17. ww VIVID Rare: [consulting]#31RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET Gender split is balanced across all destinations Phase 2: When thinking about holidays and short breaks you want to take in 2021 in the British Isles, which of the following destinations do you favour? UK adults 18+ who plan to go on holiday in the British isles in 2021 Phase 4: When thinking about holidays and short breaks you want to take in 2022 in the British Isles, which of the following destinations do you favour? UK adults 18+ who plan to go on holiday in the British isles in 2022 56% 59% 54%55% 54% 45% 40% 36% 35% 37% 35% 32% 26%25% 25% 28% ,17% 14% 55% 51% 49% 50% 49% 45% 43% 39% 38% 38% 35% 37% 34% 30% 24% 24% 23% 21% Countryside Rural coastal Traditional seaside Harbour town City or large town Heritage Mountain Holiday park Large hotel town resort Countryside Rural coastal Traditional seaside Harbour town City or large town Heritage town Holiday park Mountain Large hotel resort Males Females Source: Rare Consulting. UK Adults 18+ planning to go on holiday in the British Isles in 2021. Phase 2 data collected 9th - 17th September 2020 (N=1,021). Q9-When thinking about holidays and short breaks you want to take in 2021 in the British Isles, which of the following destinations do you favour? Base: full sample. Males (N=498), females (N=523). Phase 4: full sample (N=1,007). Males (N=491), females (N=516). Data collected: 30th July - 3rd September 2021 (N=1,007). Q17. Males Females ww VIVID Rare: [consulting]#32Destination RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET Countryside is most favoured across all ages 2nd Phase Top 3 destinations by age group Demographic 18-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-66 66-70 70+ Rural coastal 44% 43% 39% 60% 54% 60% 63% 68% 64% 65% 51% Countryside 47% 46% 56% 53% 61% 55% 67% 60% 68% 59% 63% Traditional seaside 47% 46% 48% 58% 52% 52% 57% 53% 45% 44% 44% Mountain 28% 26% 28% 32% 35% 27% 30% 21% 20% 14% 21% City or large town 49% 36% 44% 30% 26% 32% 35% 32% 27% 32% 40% Holiday park 37% 21% 36% 45% 37% 30% 21% 12% 21% 21% 15% Large hotel resort 27% 25% 21% 18% 16% 12% 15% 8% 7% 7% 10% Heritage town 26% 28% 34% 28% 27% 35% 37% 37% 45% 41% 38% Harbour town 25% 23% 33% 28% 32% 48% 38% 49% 51% 48% 51% Source: Rare Consulting. UK Adults 18+ planning to go on holiday in the British Isles in 2021. Phase 4 data collected 9th - 17th September 2020 (N=1,021). Q9 - When thinking about holidays and short breaks you want to take in 2021 in the British Isles, which of the following destinations do you favour? Base: full sample. 18-25 years old (N=135), 26-30 years old (N=88), 31-35 years old (N=87), 36-40 years old (N=80), 41-45 years old (N=87), 46-50 years old (N=93), 51-55 years old (N=89), 56-60 years old (N=76), 61-65 years old (N=69), 66-70 years old (N=70), more than 70 (N=147). ww VIVID Rare: [consulting] Top choice 2nd choice 3rd choice#334th Phase RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET Countryside is the most favoured holiday destination across all age groups Top 3 destinations by age group Demographic 18-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-66 66-70 70+ Rural coastal 23% 37% 37% 55% 45% 48% 53% 61% 68% 63% 64% Countryside 33% 53% 59% 59% 53% 41% 56% 61% 65% 57% 57% Traditional seaside 29% 42% 60% 55% 60% 47% 35% 45% 50% 45% 51% Mountain 23% 42% 32% 33% 25% 20% 17% 20% 24% 11% 15% City or large town 54% 36% 34% 41% 28% 39% 35% 41% 38% 36% 30% Holiday park 42% 42% 45% 47% 50% 40% 28% 17% 22% 15% 10% Large hotel resort 37% 32% 29% 24% 22% 25% 12% 17% 12% 9% 18% Heritage town 12% 34% 30% 41% 29% 33% 34% 45% 58% 46% 51% Harbour town 19% 27% 23% 39% 41% 41% 47% 50% 58% 58% 62% Destination Source: Rare Consulting. UK Adults 18+ planning to go on holiday in the British Isles in 2022. Phase 4 data collected: 30th July - 3rd September 2021 (N=1,007). Q17 - When thinking about holidays and short breaks you want to take in 2021 in the British Isles, which of the following destinations do you favour? Base: 18-25 years old (N=133), 26-30 years old (N=87), 31-35 years old (N=86), 36-40 years old (N=79), 41-45 years old (N=86), 46-50 years old (N=92), 51-55 years old (N=87), 56-60 years old (N=75), 61-65 years old (N=68), 66-70 years old (N=69), more than 70 (N=145). ww VIVID Rare: [consulting] Top choice 2nd choice 3rd choice#34RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET People with higher income still choose rural destinations Phase 2: When thinking about holidays and short breaks you want to take in 2021 in the British Isles, which of the following destinations do you favour? UK adults 18+ who plan to go on holiday in the British isles in 2021 Phase 4: When thinking about holidays and short breaks you want to take in 2022 in the British Isles, which of the following destinations do you favour? UK adults 18+ who plan to go on holiday in the British isles in 2021 54% 47% 49% 46% 64% 61% 58% 53% 59% 55% 55% 52% 42% 38% 35% 32% 38% 38%37% 33% 35% 35% 33% 28% 28% 31% 29% 27%25% 23% 27% 20% 15% 5% 12% However, there was an increase of 25% in wealthiest population towards visiting cities or large towns. 58% 55% 58% 52% 58% 51%52% 48% 51% 46%44% 48% 47% 46% 43% 39% 41% 41%. 38% 37% 38% °38% 35% 33% 33% 31% 33% 32% 30% 23% 24% 20% 21% 20% 23% 17% Traditional seaside Countryside Rural coastal Harbour town City or large town Heritage town Holiday park Mountain Large hotel resort Countryside Rural coastal Traditional Harbour seaside town City or large town Heritage town Holiday park Mountain Large hotel resort Under £25,000 £25,001 - £55,000 £55,001 - £75,000 £75,001 and more Under £25,000 £25,001 £55,000 £55,001 - £75,000 £75,001 and more Source: Rare Consulting. UK Adults 18+ planning to go on holiday in the British Isles in 2021/2022. Phase 2 data collected 9th - 17th September 2020 (N=1,021). Phase 2: Q9 - When thinking about holidays and short breaks you want to take in 2021 in the British Isles, which of the following destinations do you favour? Base: Under £25,000 (N=349), £25,001-£55,000 (N=499), £55,001-£75,000 (N=103), £75,001 and more (N=70). Phase 4: Under £25,000 (N=353), £25,001-£55,000 (N=405), £55,001-£75,000 (N=126), £75,001 and more (N=123). Data collected: 30th July - 3rd September 2021 (N=1,007). Q17. ww VIVID Rare: [consulting]#35HOLIDAY PLANNING ww VIVID Rare: [consulting]#36RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET Highlights - Holiday planning PEOPLE DECIDE THEIR HOLIDAY 1 TO 3 MONTHS IN ADVANCE Most people who only plan to go on holiday within the British Isles (31%) and also outside the British Isles (38%) tend to book 1 to 3 months in advance. Across all age ranges, people are least likely to book less than 2 weeks in advance. People aged 36-55 years prefer to book further in advance, ranging from 4-6 months and 6+ months in advance, whereas people aged 18-35 and 55-70+ years are more likely to book 1 to 3 months in advance. Those with higher incomes of £75K+ are more likely to book 4 to 6 months in advance (37%). Whereas incomes below £75K+ are consistent in preferring to book 1 to 3 months in advance. PEOPLE BOOK TRAVEL 1 TO 3 MONTHS IN ADVANCE When traveling only within the British Isles (29%) or both within and outside the British Isles (39%), most people prefer to book their travel 1 to 3 months in advance. Very few travellers book less than 2 weeks in advance, which is consistent across all age ranges. Interestingly, people aged 41-45 years (32%) and 51-55 years (28%) are more likely to book travel 6+ months in advance. 22% of people with £25-£55K income brackets are willing to book travel 6+ months in advance, which steadily declines as income increases, with just 14% of people with income brackets of £75K+ looking to book travel that far in advance. Looking at the findings from holiday bookings and travel bookings, the results suggest that people tend to book their travel alongside their holiday booking. ww VIVID Rare: [consulting]#37RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET More people are planning their holidays earlier Quick decisions remain quite stable, but those who plan their travel 6 months in advance or more almost doubled. Those who plan 1 to 3 months before their travel decreased in the same percentual points. This suggests that, this year, more people are taking more time to plan holidays in advance, potentially due to hoping restrictions would be lifted by the time they travel. Phase 2: When thinking about holidays and short breaks you want to take in 2021, how far in advance will you review options / plan? UK adults 18+ who plan to go on holiday in the British isles in 2022 Phase 4: When thinking about holidays and short breaks you want to take in 2022, how far in advance will you review options / plan? UK adults 18+ who plan to go on holiday in the British isles in 2022 8% 4% 17% 17% 43% 41% 23% 21% 14% 14% 9% 4% Less than 2 weeks in 2 to 4 weeks in advance advance 1 to 3 months in advance 4 to 6 months in advance 6+ months I plan to go on holiday only within the British Isles I plan to go on holiday both inside and outside the British Isles 16% 12% 38% 31% 25% 22% 22% 22% Less than 2 weeks in 2 to 4 weeks in advance advance 1 to 3 months in advance 4 to 6 months in advance 6+ months I plan to go on holiday only within the British Isles I plan to go on holiday both inside and outside the British Isles Source: Rare Consulting. UK Adults 18+ planning to go on holiday in the British Isles in 2021. Phase 2 data collected 9th - 17th September 2020 (N=1,021). Phase 2: Q11 - When thinking about holidays and short breaks you want to take in 2021, how far in advance will you... Review Options / Plan? Base: Those who plan to go on holiday only within the British Isles (N=433), those who plan to go on holiday both inside and outside the British Isles (N=588). Phase 4: those who plan to go on holiday only within the British Isles (N=275), those who plan to go on holiday both inside and outside the British Isles (N=399). Data collected: 30th July - 3rd September 2021 (N=1,007). Q19. www VIVID Rare: [consulting]#38RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET Taking more time to plan is clear for those aged 36-55 Phase 2: When thinking about holidays and short breaks you want to take in 2021, how far in advance will you... - Review Options / Plan? UK adults 18+ who plan to go on holiday in the British isles in 2021 Younger and older age groups spend less time planning while middle aged consumers typically spend 4 to 6 months or more planning. Phase 4: When thinking about holidays and short breaks you want to take in 2022, how far in advance will you... - Review Options / Plan? UK adults 18+ who plan to go on holiday in the British isles in 2022 12% 13% 8% 5% 5% 10% 6% 4% 5% 6% 6% 4% 2% 4% 4% 4% 7% 6% 3% 8% 6% 9% 17% 23% 12% 14% 18% 21% 18% 10% 18% 12% 15% 16% 10% 11% 20% 16% 11% 7% 21% 15% 17% 20% 52% 46% 28% 23% 26% 40% 22% 45% 32% 36% 41% 43% 36% 41% 39% 44% 35% 50% 32% 41% 38% 32% 23% 30% 30% 31% 25% 20% 21% 21% 26% 30% 16% 24% 22% 26% 21% 16% 35% 18% 25% 15% 22% 16% 29% 25% 26% 17% 22% 23% 21% 22% 19% 21% 17% 14% 15% 16% 18% 13% 14% 10% 9% 11% 11% 9% 18-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-65 66-70 70+ 18-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-65 66-70 70+ Less than 2 weeks in advance 2 to 4 weeks in advance 1 to 3 months in advance â– 4 to 6 months in advance 6+ months Less than 2 weeks in advance 2 to 4 weeks in advance 1 to 3 months in advance. â– 4 to 6 months in advance 6+ months Source: Rare Consulting. UK Adults 18+ planning to go on holiday in the British Isles in 2021/2022. Phase 2 data collected 9th - 17th September 2020 (N=1,021). Q11-When thinking about holidays and short breaks you want to take in 2021, how far in advance will you... Review Options / Plan? Base: 18-25 years old (N=135), 26-30 years old (N=88), 31-35 years old (N=87), 36-40 years old (N=80), 41-45 years old (N=87), 46-50 years old (N=93), 51-55 years old (N=89), 56-60 years old (N=76), 61-65 years old (N=69), 66-70 years old (N=70), more than 70 (N=147). Phase 4: 18-25 years old (N=133), 26-30 years old (N=87), 31-35 years old (N=86), 36-40 years old (N=79), 41-45 years old (N=86), 46-50 years old (N=92), 51-55 years old (N=87), 56-60 years old (N=75), 61-65 years old (N=68), 66-70 years old (N=69), more than 70 (N=145). Data collected: 30th July - 3rd September 2021 (N=1,007). Q19. ww VIVID Rare: [consulting]#39RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET Longer planning is clearer for higher income consumers Phase 2: When thinking about holidays and short breaks you want to take in 2021, how far in advance will you... - Review Options / Plan? UK adults 18+ who plan to go on holiday in the British isles in 2021 Phase 4: When thinking about holidays and short breaks you want to take in 2022, how far in advance will you... - Review Options / Plan? UK adults 18+ who plan to go on holiday in the British isles in 2022 7% 5% 1% 4% 10% 6% 5% 3% 10% 14% 14% 19% 18% 29% 15% 30% 14% 36% 40% 30% 45% 49% 39% 35% 23% 22% 20% 15% 12% Under £25,000 14% 12% £55,001 £75,000 17% £25,001 £55,000 £75,001 and more Less than 2 weeks in advance 2 to 4 weeks in advance 1 to 3 months in advance 4 to 6 months in advance 6+ months 20% 20% 25% 25% 25% Under £25,000 £25,001 £55,000 16% £55,001 £75,000 37% 20% £75,001 and more Less than 2 weeks in advance 2 to 4 weeks in advance 1 to 3 months in advance 4 to 6 months in advance 6+ months Source: Rare Consulting. UK Adults 18+ planning to go on holiday in the British Isles in 2021/2022. Phase 2 data collected 9th - 17th September 2020 (N=1,021). Q11 - When thinking about holidays and short breaks you want to take in 2021, how far in advance will you... Review Options / Plan? Base: full sample. Under £25,000 (N=349), £25,001-£55,000 (N=499), £55,001-£75,000 (N=103), £75,001 and more (N=70). Phase 4: Under £25,000 (N=353), £25,001-£55,000 (N=405), £55,001-£75,000 (N=126), £75,001 and more (N=123) Data collected: 30th July - 3rd September 2021 (N=1,007). Q19. VIVID ☑Rare: [consulting]#40RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET Those who go on holiday inside the British isles take longer time to book This year, those booking domestically and abroad are planning their holidays further in advance than those booking holidays domestically and abroad a year ago. Phase 2: When thinking about holidays and short breaks you want to take in 2021, how far in advance will you... - Book travel? UK adults 18+ who plan to go on holiday in the British isles in 2021 Phase 4: When thinking about holidays and short breaks you want to take in 2022, how far in advance will you... - Book travel? UK adults 18+ who plan to go on holiday in the British isles in 2022 13% 6% 21% 22% 44% 42% 12% 21% 12% 10% 9% 5% 22% 14% 29% 39% 17% 26% 20% 16% Less than 2 weeks in advance 2 to 4 weeks in advance 1 to 3 months in advance 4 to 6 months in advance 6+ months Less than 2 weeks in advance 2 to 4 weeks in advance 1 to 3 months in advance 4 to 6 months in advance 6+ months I plan to go on holiday only within the British Isles I plan to go on holiday both inside and outside the British Isles I plan to go on holiday only within the British Isles I plan to go on holiday both inside and outside the British Isles Source: Rare Consulting. UK Adults 18+ planning to go on holiday in the British Isles in 2021/2022. Phase 2 data collected 9th - 17th September 2020 (N=1,021). Q11 - When thinking about holidays and short breaks you want to take in 2021, how far in advance will you... Book travel? Base: those who plan to go on holiday only within the British Isles (N=433), those who plan to go on holiday both inside and outside the British Isles (N=588). Phase 4: those who plan to go on holiday only within the British Isles (N=275), those who plan to go on holiday both inside and outside the British Isles (N=399). VIVID Data collected: 30th July - 3rd September 2021 (N=1,007). Q19. www Rare: [consulting]#41RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET All age groups book holidays between 1 to 3 months in advance When thinking about holidays and short breaks you want to take in 2021, how far in advance will you... - Book travel? UK adults 18+ who plan to go on holiday in the British isles in 2021 When thinking about holidays and short breaks you want to take in 2022, how far in advance will you... - Book travel? UK adults 18+ who plan to go on holiday in the British isles in 2022 Bookings in the last 4 weeks prior to holidays decreased significantly in general, but mostly for those 46+. 7% 11% 7% 9% 6% 7% 7% 9% 8% 7% 11% 8% 5% 1% 7% 8% 9% 10% 8% 15% 4% 4% 23% 17% 16% 17% 21% 21% 14% 13% 18% 16% 18% 17% 21% 7% 29% 14% 22% 18% 27% 15% 19% 48% 31% 23% 13% 31% 39% 31% 33% 41% 24% 36% 41% 35% 39% 44% 55% 45% 40% 45% 42% 33% 46% 32% 23% 25% 19% 27% 24% 24% 17% 20% 21% 27% 28% 26% 32% 21% 28% 218 13% 25% 24% 20% 21% 21% 24% 9% 20% 19% 19% 17% 18% 16% 12% 13% 12% 13% 17% 15% 12% 12% 12% 9% 18-25 7% 26-30 8% 10% 10% 18-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-65 66-70 70+ 31-35 36-40 5% 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-65 66-70 70+ Less than 2 weeks in advance 2 to 4 weeks in advance 1 to 3 months in advance 4 to 6 months in advance 6+ months Less than 2 weeks in advance 2 to 4 weeks in advance 1 to 3 months in advance 4 to 6 months in advance 6+ months Source: Rare Consulting. UK Adults 18+ planning to go on holiday in the British Isles in 2021/2022. Phase 2 data collected 9th - 17th September 2020 (N=1,021). Q11 - When thinking about holidays and short breaks you want to take in 2021, how far in advance will you... Book travel? Base: 18-25 years old (N=135), 26-30 years old (N=88), 31-35 years old (N=87), 36-40 years old (N=80), 41-45 years old (N=87), 46-50 years old (N=93), 51-55 years old (N=89), 56-60 years old (N=76), 61-65 years old (N=69), 66-70 years old (N=70), more than 70 (N=147). Phase 4 (N=1,007): 18-25 years old (N=133), 26-30 years old (N=87), 31-35 years old (N=86), 36-40 years old (N=79), 41-45 years old (N=86), 46-50 years old (N=92), 51-55 years old (N=87), 56-60 years old (N=75), 61-65 years old (N=68), 66-70 years old (N=69), more than 70 (N=145). Data collected: 30th July - 3rd September 2021 (N=1,007). Q19. ww VIVID ☑Rare: [consulting]#42RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET Those with higher income tend to book less in advance Bookings 4 to 6 months and 6+ months in advance of holidays became more popular across all the income ranges, with no significant difference between smallest and largest household incomes. Phase 2: When thinking about holidays and short breaks you want to take in 2021, how far in advance will you... - Book travel? UK adults 18+ who plan to go on holiday in the British isles in 2021 Phase 4: When thinking about holidays and short breaks you want to take in 2022, how far in advance will you... - Book travel? UK adults 18+ who plan to go on holiday in the British isles in 2022 20% 21% 25% 36% 44% 44% 43% 32% 16% 18% 21% 17% 10% Under £25,000 10% £25,001 - £55,000 7% £55,001 £75,000 17% 20% 14% 15% 37% 38% 30% 33% 20% 19% 25% 26% 21% 8% £75,001 and more Under £25,000 2 to 4 weeks in advance 1 to 3 months in advance 4 to 6 months in advance 6+ months 22% £25,001 £55,000 16% £55,001 £75,000 14% £75,001 and more 2 to 4 weeks in advance 1 to 3 months in advance 4 to 6 months in advance 6+ months Source: Rare Consulting. UK Adults 18+ planning to go on holiday in the British Isles in 2021/2022. Phase 2 data collected 9th - 17th September 2020 (N=1,021). Q11 - When thinking about holidays and short breaks you want to take in 2021, how far in advance will you... Book travel? ww Base: full sample. Under £25,000 (N=349), £25,001-£55,000 (N=499), £55,001-£75,000 (N=103), £75,001 and more (N=70). Phase 4 (N=1,007): Under £25,000 VIVID (N=353), £25,001-£55,000 (N=405), £55,001-£75,000 (N=126), £75,001 and more (N=123) Data collected: 30th July - 3rd September 2021. Q19. ¾ Rare: [consulting]#43RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET Most people gather info through online and digital ads When thinking about booking holiday and short breaks in 2021, which of the following will help you when gathering information? UK adults 18+ who plan to go on holiday in the British isles in 2021 Online / Digital Advert Advice / Recommendation from friends and family TV commercials Specialist Press Advert on Social Media National Weekend Newspaper Product mentioned in TV news story Outdoor Advertising Lifestyle Magazine Holiday destination Website Local Press Holiday destination social Media Travel Bloggers / Influencers National Travel Supplement Radio Other A review from a journalist of a destination. Review website Travel agent-in shop Online travel itineraries and information E-mail Foreign Office / Government resources Information from an airline / ferry operator / accommodation provider Travel agent online Booking website Destination mobile phone apps 59% 59% 58% 58% 57% 56% 56% 55% 55% 54% 54% 53% 53% 53% 53% 53% 52% 51% 50% 49% 49% 48% 46% 45% 45% 45% Source: Rare Consulting. UK Adults 18+ planning to go on holiday in the British Isles in 2021. Phase 2 data collected 9th - 17th September 2020 (N=1,021). Q12 - When thinking about booking holiday and short breaks in 2021, which of the following will help you when gathering information? Base: full sample (N=1,021). ww 2nd Phase VIVID Rare: [consulting]#44RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET Most people gather info through advertising on TV and online When thinking about booking holiday and short breaks in 2022, which of the following will help you when gathering information? UK adults 18+ who plan to go on holiday in the British isles in 2022 TV commercials Product mentioned in TV news story Online Digital Advert Advice / Recommendation from friends and family Local Press Specialist Press Advert on Social Media National Weekend Newspaper A review from a journalist of a destination Review website Lifestyle Magazine Holiday destination Website Holiday destination social Media Radio Outdoor Advertising National Travel Supplement Travel Bloggers / Influencers Online travel itineraries and information Foreign Office / Government resources Destination mobile phone apps E-mail Other Travel agent in shop Information from an airline / ferry operator / accommodation provider Travel agent online Booking website 54% 54% 53% 53% 53% 52% 52% 52% 52% 52% 51% 51% 51% 51% 50% 50% 49% 49% 49% 49% 48% 47% 45% 44% 42% 41% Source: Rare Consulting. UK Adults 18+ planning to go on holiday in the British Isles in 2021/2022. Phase 4 data collected: 30th July - 3rd September 2021 (N=1,007). Q20 - When thinking about booking holiday and short breaks in 2021, which of the following will help you when gathering information? Base: full sample (N=1,007). ww 4th Phase VIVID Rare: [consulting]#45RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET In phase 2 most people evaluated their choice through review websites When thinking about booking holiday and short breaks in 2021, which of the following will help you when evaluating your choice? UK adults 18+ who plan to go on holiday in the British isles in 2021 Review website Holiday destination Website Online travel itineraries and information Booking website Information from an airline / ferry operator / accommodation provider Holiday destination social Media Advice/Recommendation from friends and family Online Digital Advert Travel agent online Travel agent in shop Destination mobile phone apps A review from a journalist of a destination. National Travel Supplement Foreign Office / Government resources Travel Bloggers / Influencers Review websites play the most pivotal role in helping consumers to evaluate their choices, followed by holiday destination websites. 61% 56% 55% 53% 53% 51% 50% 47% 46% 46% 46% 46% 45% 43% 43% 43% 41% 41% 41% 40% 40% 39% 39% Lifestyle Magazine 38% Radio Other 38% 38% Source: Rare Consulting. UK Adults 18+ planning to go on holiday in the British Isles in 2021. Phase 2 data collected 9th - 17th September 2020 (N=1,021). Q12 - When thinking about booking holiday and short breaks in 2021, which of the following will help you when when evaluating your choice? Base: full sample (N=1,021). ww VIVID Rare: [consulting] E-mail Outdoor Advertising Advert on Social Media Local Press TV commercials National Weekend Newspaper Specialist Press Product mentioned in TV news story 2nd Phase#46RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET Use of review websites for evaluating choices shrank in phase 4 When thinking about booking holiday and short breaks in 2022, which of the following will help you when evaluating your choice? UK adults 18+ who plan to go on holiday in the British isles in 2022 Review website Holiday destination Website Online travel itineraries and information Advice / Recommendation from friends and family Booking website Information from an airline / ferry operator / accommodation provider Online Digital Advert Travel agent online A review from a journalist of a destination Holiday destination social Media Foreign Office / Government resources National Travel Supplement Travel Bloggers / Influencers Advert on Social Media National Weekend Newspaper Travel agent in shop 51% 49% 48% 48% 46% 45% 43% 43% 41% 40% 40% 39% 39% 39% 39% 38% Product mentioned in TV news story 38% Destination mobile phone apps 37% E-mail 37% Outdoor Advertising 37% Specialist Press 37% Lifestyle Magazine 36% Other 36% Radio 35% Local Press 34% 34% There was a 10 percentage point drop in consideration of use of review sites for choice evaluation compared to phase 2, however it remains the top source. Holiday destination websites, online travel itineraries and advice from family/friends all play an important part in the choice making process. 4th Phase TV commercials Source: Rare Consulting. UK Adults 18+ planning to go on holiday in the British Isles in 2021/2022. Phase 4 data collected: 30th July - 3rd September 2021 (N=1,007). Q20 - When thinking about booking holiday and short breaks in 2021, which of the following will help you when evaluating your choice? ww VIVID Rare: [consulting]#47RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET Phase 2: most booking done via booking websites and online agents When thinking about booking holiday and short breaks in 2021, which of the following will help you when booking your chosen holiday/short break? UK adults 18+ who plan to go on holiday in the British isles in 2021 Booking website Travel agent online Holiday destination Website Travel agent in shop Destination mobile phone apps Information from an airline / ferry operator / accommodation provider E-mail Review website Online travel itineraries and information Foreign Office / Government resources Online / Digital Advert Advice / Recommendation from friends and family Holiday destination social Media Booking websites were the go-to source for consumers to booking their holidays in phase 2, at 51%. Online travel agents were second choice, at 38%. 51% 38% 30% 30% 29% 29% 28% 27% 26% 23% 21% 20% 18% Travel Bloggers / Influencers Product mentioned in TV news story 17% 17% A review from a journalist of a destination. 16% Radio 16% Other 16% Outdoor Advertising 15% National Weekend Newspaper 15% Advert on Social Media Specialist Press 14% 14% Lifestyle Magazine TV commercials National Travel Supplement 14% 13% 13% 2nd Phase Local Press 13% Source: Rare Consulting. UK Adults 18+ planning to go on holiday in the British Isles in 2021.Phase 2 data collected 9th - 17th September 2020 (N=1,021). Q12 - When thinking about booking holiday and short breaks in 2021, which of the following will help you when gathering information? Base: full sample (N=1,021). ww VIVID Rare: [consulting]#48RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET Phase 4: booking websites remain most popular, followed by online agents When thinking about booking holiday and short breaks in 2022, which of the following will help you when booking your chosen holiday/short break? UK adults 18+ who plan to go on holiday in the British isles in 2022 Booking website Travel agent online Travel agent in shop Holiday destination Website Information from an airline / ferry operator / accommodation provider E-mail Review website Destination mobile phone apps Advice/Recommendation from friends and family Other Online travel itineraries and information Foreign Office / Government resources Holiday destination social Media Booking websites remained the key source for consumers to book their holidays in phase 4, at 48%. Online travel agents were second choice, at 38%. 48% 38% 35% 33% 32% 32% 30% 29% 29% 29% 28% 27% 25% 25% 24% 22% 22% National Travel Supplement 22% Radio 20% Advert on Social Media 20% Specialist Press 20% 20% 19% 19% 19% Travel Bloggers / Influencers Online / Digital Advert Outdoor Advertising Lifestyle Magazine Local Press A review from a journalist of a destination. National Weekend Newspaper TV commercials Product mentioned in TV news story 15% Source: Rare Consulting. UK Adults 18+ planning to go on holiday in the British Isles in 2021/2022. Phase 4 data collected: 30th July - 3rd September 2021 (N=1,007). Q20 - When thinking about booking holiday and short breaks in 2021, which of the following will help you when booking your chosen holiday/short break? Phase 4: full sample (N=1,007). ww 4th Phase VIVID Rare: [consulting]#49RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET Costs, quality and safeness are key When thinking about choosing a destination for a holiday and short break in 2022 in the British Isles, to what extent is each of the following important to you? UK adults 18+ who plan to go on holiday in the British isles in 2022 Booking with confidence - refunds available Cost of accommodation Quality and range of accommodation options Being in an area not crowded with other people The destination has a low COVID-19 risk Cost of travel Good weather English speaking country Accessible healthcare Having activities to do with my family Visiting friends and relatives Wide range of outdoor activities Familiarity Borders being open Wide range of indoor activities It is accessible by ferry It is accessible by plane The most important thing for those travelling within and outside the British Isles comes to ensure that future restrictions will not make them lose the investment. Costs, quality of accommodation and Covid-19 safe measures are clearly key topics. I plan to go on holiday only within the British Isles 82%83% 76% 80% 79%82% 75% 73% 75% 71% 73% 75% 73% 80% 59% 45% 57% 54% 53% 56% 52%55% 51% 58% 50% 39% 45% 44°45% 68% 28% 31% 20% 48% I plan to go on holiday both inside and outside the British Isles Source: Rare Consulting. UK Adults 18+ planning to go on holiday in the British Isles in 2022. Phase 4 data collected: 30th July - 3rd September 2021 (N=1,007). Q30-When thinking about choosing a destination for a holiday and short break in 2021 in the British Isles, to what extent is each of the following important to you? Base: those who plan to go on holiday only within the British Isles (N=275), those who plan to go on holiday both inside and outside the British Isles (N=399). www VIVID Rare: [consulting]#50HOLIDAY EXPERIENCE ww VIVID Rare: [consulting]#51RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET Highlights - Holiday experience 7-NIGHT COASTAL BREAKS FOR FAMILY COULD BE AN OPPORTUNITY FOR THE ISLE OF MAN Those who go away for 2-4 nights prefer to invest their time on city breaks (60%), attending events (60%) and sporting holidays which entail golf (58%), cycling (57%) and adventure activities (53%). Whereas, those who go away for longer periods of time, 7 to 8+ days, seek to break away from their normal routine, go walking, be amongst wildlife and be surrounded by beautiful landscapes. City breaks are the top destination for couples (54%), groups of friends prefer attending events (31%), families with children prefer adventurous (36%) and wildlife (35%) escapes, whereas people going on holiday on their own prefer to engage in relaxation and wellness activities (23%), and golf (23%). HOTELS ARE PREFERRED FOR LONGER STAYS Most of those who go on weekend 2-4 night breaks prefer Inns (60%), B&Bs (59%) and hostels (59%). Those who go for midweek short breaks prefer to stay in hotels (46%), serviced apartments (42%) and self catering (42%). Similarly, those who go away for longer periods of time, 7 to 8+ days, seek out hotels (60%), serviced apartments (53%) and self catering (63%) options. Also family units with children and multigenerational families prefer self catering and serviced apartments (19% and 16%, respectively). Couples prefer to stay in Inns (55%), whereas those travelling on their own prefer to stay in hostels (26%) or with family and friends (25%). ww VIVID Rare: [consulting]#52RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET Longest holidays are for relaxing and culture Short breaks are being used for short visits to cities, attending events and sporting holidays including adventures. On the other hand, relaxation, walking, enjoying wildlife, nature and landscapes are preferred experiences when it comes to longest holiday periods. These trends have remained constant across phase 2 and phase 4. Phase 2: When thinking about holidays and short breaks in the British Isles you want to take in 2021, what kind of holiday experience are you seeking when taking... UK adults 18+ who plan to go on holiday in the British isles in 2021 Phase 4: When thinking about holidays and short breaks in the British Isles you want to take in 2022, what kind of holiday experience are you seeking when taking... UK adults 18+ who plan to go on holiday in the British isles in 2022 70% 68% 67% 61% 59% 59% 58% 57% 54% 49% 48% 46% 44% 44% 38% 60% 60% 58% 57% 53% 53% 51% 47% 47% 44% 43% 43% 42% 45% 46% 46% 47% 42% 39% 36% 42% 39% 37% 32% 33% 37% 30% 21% 43% 39% 41% 39% 43% 39% 36% 36% 32% 34% 38% 30% 25% 36% 35% 34% 29% 32% 26% 28% 27% 22% 25% 29% 29% 21% 26% 22% 24% 24% 14% 17% 15% 17% 14% 14% 11% 12% 11% 8% 9% 12% 14% 15% 17% 14% 15% 12% 15% Attending 4% Cityeak Adventurous 7% Food & 6% Cycling 8% Walking 11% Events -LAND BASED Drink Getting away for a break from 6% Adventurous WATER BASED 8% Heritage Other type 8% Wildlife and culture of activity 9% Relaxation & Wellness 11% Beauty & Landscapes 10% Coastal Break 9% 9% 11% 7% City Break Attending Golf Cycling Events (music, sports) 8% Adventurous Food & Drink (e.g. kayaking, climbing) Walking for a break Getting away Other type of activity Wildlife Relaxation & Heritage and Wellness culture Beauty & Landscapes from the the routine routine â– ... Weekend short break/ holiday - typically 2-4 nights ... Midweek short break / holiday - typically 3-5 nights ... 7 night holiday ... 8+ night holiday Weekend short break/ holiday - typically 2-4 nights ... Midweek short break/holiday- typically 3-5 nights ... 7 night holiday ... 8+ night holiday Source: Rare Consulting. UK Adults 18+ planning to go on holiday in the British Isles in 2021/2022. Phase 2 data collected 9th - 17th September 2020 (N=1,021). ww Q14 - When thinking about holidays and short breaks in the British Isles you want to take in 2021, what kind of holiday experience are you seeking when taking... VID Base: full sample (N=1,021). Phase 4: full sample. Data collected: 30th July - 3rd September 2021 (N=1,007). Q23. VIVID Rare: [consulting]#53RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET Couples prefer city breaks Couples prefer to visit cities and to break away from their normal routine. They also enjoy relaxation and wellness holidays, beautiful landscapes and good food and drink. They are less interested in golfing and adventure holidays. Phase 2: When thinking about holidays & short breaks in the British Isles you want to take in 2021, what kind of holiday experience are you seeking when going... UK adults 18+ who plan to go on holiday in the British Isles in 2021 Phase 4: When thinking about holidays & short breaks in the British Isles you want to take in 2022, what kind of holiday experience are you seeking when going... UK adults 18+ who plan to go on holiday in the British Isles in 2022 17% 21% 14% 20% 17% 18% 17% 31% 17% 18% 19% 15% 24% 13% 14% 8% 13% 11% 11% 9% 10% 27% 9% 12% 15% 14% 19% 17% 7% 11% 15% 14% 10% 11% 10% 6% 12% 9% 14% 10% 12% 8% 10% 12% 14% 14% 14% 14% 16% 11% 20% 11% 12% 8% 22% 28% 28% 30% 32% 22% 14% 27% 27% 36% 33% 37% 24% 28% 29% 10% 36% 24% 30% 30% 31% 10% 35% 36% 32% 35% 32% 26% 20% 23% 59% 63% 60% 14% 13% 59% 59% 56% 56% 47% 50% 50% 51% 44% 45% 43% 21% 21% 19% 18% 17% 17% 14% 15% 16% 15% 14% 14% City Break Food & Drink Relaxation & Getting away Wellness 54% 36% 50% 26% 16% 14% 50% 52% 51% 47% 45% 43% 42% 36% 37% 30% 36% 23% 22% 21% 22% 18% 18% 18% 17% 16% 16% 23% City Break Food & Drink Relaxation & for a break Beauty & Landscapes Walking Heritage and Coastal culture Break Attending Events Wildlife Cycling from the Other type of Adventurous Adventurous activity. - LAND WATER BASED BASED Golf Wellness Getting away for a break from the routine Beauty & Landscapes. Walking Heritage and culture Attending Events Wildlife Cycling Other type of Adventurous activity Golf routine On holiday in a group of friends On holiday as a multigenerational family unit with children and grandparents On holiday as a family unit with children On holiday as a couple On holiday on my own On holiday in a group of friends On holiday as a multigenerational family unit with children and grandparents On holiday as a family unit with children On holiday as a couple On holiday on my own Source: Rare Consulting. UK Adults 18+ planning to go on holiday in the British Isles in 2021. Phase 2 data collected 9th - 17th September 2020 (N=1,021). www Q14-When thinking about holidays & short breaks in the British Isles you want to take in 2021, what kind of holiday experience are you seeking when going... VIVID Base: full sample (N=1,021). Phase 4: full sample (N=1,007). Q24. ☑Rare: [consulting]#54RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET People taking longer holidays prefer hotels People prefer to go glamping, camping and stay in hostels for weekend short breaks. Whereas on longer holidays lasting 8+ nights, they prefer to stay in hotels and serviced apartments. Phase 2: When thinking about holidays and short breaks in the British Isles you want to take in 2021, what type of accommodation would you consider using for... Phase 4: When thinking about holidays and short breaks in the British Isles you want to take in 2022, what type of accommodation would you consider using for... UK adults 18+ who plan to go on holiday in the British Isles in 2021 UK adults 18+ who plan to go on holiday in the British Isles in 2022 5% 6% 5% 5% 10% 11% 9% 13% 23% 9% 11% 16% 19% 21% 16% 7% 18% 6% 7% 13% 19% 11% 13% 16% 12% 14% 21% 20% 22% 18% 21% 15% 20% 35% 27% 23% 19% 22% 29% 36% 34% 45% 37% 42% 43% 32% 44% 43% 42% 41% 42% 39% 28% 41% 43% 38% 37% 41% 61% 69% 65% 60% 50% 58% 57% 56% 55% 46% 46% 45% 45% 46% 45% 59% 60% 59% 46% 53% 51% 54% 53% 52% 38% 42% 42% 44% 43% 42% Inn (pub with rooms) B&B Hostel Guesthouse Hotel Glamping (e.g.. Camping yurt; wigwam; shepherd's hut; Stay with friends and or Apartment family Serviced. Self-catering Motorhome Inn (pub with rooms) B&B Hostel Guesthouse Hotel Glamping (e. Camping g., yurt; wigwam; Stay with friends and or family Serviced Apartment Self-catering Motorhome etc) 8+ night holiday 7 night holiday Midweek short break/holiday - typically 3-5 nights Weekend short break/holiday - typically 2-4 nights shepherd's hut; etc) 8+ night holiday 7 night holiday Midweek short break / holiday typically 3-5 nights Weekend short break / holiday- typically 2-4 nights Source: Rare Consulting. UK Adults 18+ planning to go on holiday in the British Isles in 2021. Phase 2 data collected 9th - 17th September 2020 (N=1,021). Q16 - When thinking about holidays and short breaks in the British Isles you want to take in 2021, what type of accommodation would you consider using for... Base: full sample (N=1,021). Base: full sample (N=1,021). Phase 4: full sample (N=1,007). Q25. ww VIVID Rare: [consulting]#55RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET Couples prefer inns, families prefer motorhomes and camping Couples prefer to stay in inns, B&Bs and hotels. Whereas families with children prefer motorhomes, apartments, self-catering and glamping. People travelling alone prefer to stay in hostels, and with friends and family. Phase 2: When thinking about holidays and short breaks in the British Isles you want to take in 2021, what type of accommodation would you consider using for... Phase 4: When thinking about holidays and short breaks in the British Isles you want to take in 2022, what type of accommodation would you consider using for... UK adults 18+ who plan to go on holiday to the British Isles in 2022 UK adults 18+ who plan to go on holiday to the British Isles in 2021 18% 13% 13% 14% 18% 9% 17% 17% 9% 16% 17% 24% 20% 20% 20% 22% 17% 22% 24% 16% 23% 26% 13% 14% 9% 8% 12% 14% 13% 17% 20% 10% 7% 14% 14% 12% 9% 14% 14% 16% 19% 27% 20% 39% 38% 14% 11% 30% 24% 15% 36% 36% 43% 22% 35% 40% 37% 28% 39% 32% 31% 37% 36% 36% 27% 40% 61% 61% 46% 59% 48% 61% 53% 52% 53% 52% 55% 50% 53% 48% 42% 32% 48% 45% 43% 47% 43% 36% 25% 26% 26% 25% 21% 21% 22% 21% 21% 21% 21% 18% 18% 17% 13% 14% 16% 17% 16% 17% 16% 17% Hotel B&B Inn (pub Guesthouse Serviced with rooms) Motorhome Self-catering Glamping (e. Apartment g., yurt; Stay with friends and or family Hostel Camping Hotel B&B Inn (pub with Guesthouse. rooms) Serviced Apartment Motorhome Self-catering Glamping (e. g., yurt; wigwam; Stay with friends and or family Hostel Camping wigwam; shepherd's hut; etc) On holiday as a multigenerational family unit with children and grandparents On holiday in a group of friends On holiday as a family unit with children On holiday as a couple On holiday on my own On holiday in a group of friends shepherd's hut; etc) On holiday as a multigenerational On holiday as a family unit with children. family unit with children and grandparents On holiday as a couple On holiday on my own Source: Rare Consulting. UK Adults 18+ planning to go on holiday in the British Isles in 2021. Phase 2 data collected 9th - 17th September 2020 (N=1,021). Q17-When thinking about holidays and short breaks in the British Isles you want to take in 2021, what type of accommodation would you consider using for... Base: full sample (N=1,021). Phase 4: full sample. Data collected: 30th July - 3rd September 2021 (N=1,007). Q27. ww VIVID Rare: [consulting]#56RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET Genders are more balanced in the last phase The percentage The percentage of males and females who chose the long or short option for each type of holidays. The index shows how those figures compare to total population in both phases. of the total Total Male Index remale Index sample. Phase 2 Phase 4 Phase 2 Phase 4 Phase 2 Phase 4 Phase 2 Phase 4 Phase 2 Phase 4 Example: 46% chose the Weekend & Midweek 46% 43% 45% 44% 98 103 47% 42% 102 97 Adventurous option 7+ nights 9% 11% 11% 10% 118 90 8% 12% 84 110 "Adventurous experience" when Weekend & Midweek 48% 47% 48% 47% 100 101 49% 47% 100 100 going on holiday Breaks 7+ nights 16% 17% 17% 17% 106 100 15% 17% 94 100 weekend and midweek up to 5 days. Weekend & Midweek 46% 43% 46% 42% 101 98 45% 44% 100 102 Relax & food 7+ nights 17% 19% 18% 20% 110 104 15% 18% 91 96 Weekend & Midweek 46% 42% 45% 42% 100 100 46% 42% 100 100 Nature & Culture 7+ nights 18% 22% 21% 22% 116 99 16% 22% 86 100 Weekend & Midweek 45% 41% 42% 40% 95 97 47% 42% 105 103 Adventurous - LAND BASED Golf Adventurous - WATER BASED 7+ nights 7% 12% 10% 13% 131 113 5% 10% 72 86 Break from the routine Weekend & Midweek 50% 46% 50% 44% 101 97 50% 47% 100 103 City Break Walking 7+ nights 16% 21% 21% 21% 127 102 12% 21% 75 98 Coastal Break Weekend & Midweek 46% 45% 44% 45% 96 100 47% 44% 103 100 Relaxation & Wellness Cycling Food & Drink 7+ nights 11% 13% 14% 13% 134 100 7% 13% 69 100 Heritage and culture Wildlife Weekend & Midweek 50% 45% 50% 44% 101 97 49% 47% 99 103 Attending events Beauty & Landscapes 7+ nights 6% 10% 7% 10% 122 95 5% 11% 81 105 Source: Rare Consulting. UK Adults 18+ planning to go on holiday in the British Isles in 2021/2022. Phase 2 data collected 9th - 17th September 2020 (N=1,021). Q14- When thinking about holidays and short breaks in the British Isles you want to take in 2021, what kind of holiday experience are you seeking when taking... Base: Males (N=488), females (N=517). Phase 4: Males (N=491), Females (N=516). Data collected: 30th July - 3rd September 2021 (N=1,007). Q23. * Index vs. total population. Green / Red numbers represent scores that are higher / lower than the rest of the sample (95% level, 2-tailed) 99 and below in red, 100 in grey, 100+ in green. ww VIVID * Rare: [consulting]#57RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET 46+ groups score higher in experiences split by length of stays 2nd Phase Total 18-30 Index 31-45 Index 46-65 Index 66+ Index Weekend & Midweek 46% 46% 99 47% 102 46% 99 45% 97 Adventurous 7+ nights 9% 9% 94 10% 111 8% 90 11% 112 Weekend & Midweek 48% 44% 90 46% 96 49% 101 56% 116 Breaks 7+ nights 16% 14% 84 16% 97 18% 112 16% 101 Weekend & Midweek 46% 41% 90 45% 98 47% 104 52% 114 Relax & food 7+ nights 17% 16% 95 15% 90 18% 105 19% 115 Weekend & Midweek 46% 42% 91 48% 105 44% 95 52% 113 Nature & Culture 7+ nights 18% 14% 80 15% 82 24% 133 19% 103 Weekend & Midweek 45% 45% 100 45% 100 46% 103 40% 89 Golf 7+ nights 7% 7% 91 8% 107 6% 85 13% 175 Weekend & Midweek 50% 48% 96 51% 102 48% 96 56% 112 Walking 7+ nights 16% 10% 62 13% 82 23% 141 19% 114 Weekend & Midweek 46% 45% 99 45% 99 45% 98 53% 116 Cycling 7+ nights 11% 9% 89 10% 98 13% 128 6% 58 Weekend & Midweek 50% 48% 98 52% 105 49% 98 48% 97 Attending events 7+ nights 6% 6% 109 4% 73 7% 115 7% 116 Source: Rare Consulting. UK Adults 18+ planning to go on holiday in the British Isles in 2021. Phase 2 data collected 9th - 17th September 2020 (N=1,021). Q14 - When thinking about holidays and short breaks in the British Isles you want to take in 2021, what kind of holiday experience are you seeking when taking... Base: full sample 18-30 (N=223), 31-45 (N=254), 46-65 (N=327), 66+ (N=217).* Index vs. total population. Green / Red numbers represent scores that are higher/lower than the rest of the sample (95% level, 2-tailed) 99 and below in red, 100 in grey, 100+ in green. ww VIVID Rare: [consulting]#58RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET Oldest index higher for short breaks, youngest for long stays 4th Phase Total 18-30 Index 31-45 Index 46-65 Index 66+ Index Weekend & Midweek 46% 42% 96 43% 100 45% 104 45% 104 Adventurous 7+ nights 9% 11% 105 11% 104 10% 89 11% 96 Weekend & Midweek 48% 39% 84 48% 103 50% 107 53% 113 Breaks 7+ nights 16% 19% 113 16% 95 17% 98 16% 94 Weekend & Midweek 46% 35% 82 45% 105 44% 102 50% 117 Whereas youngest groups have higher index scores for longest periods than a week, the Relax & food oldest people tend 7+ nights 17% 21% 109 16% 84 20% 105 21% 107 to index higher in stays shorter than a Weekend & Midweek 46% 37% 88 45% 108 41% 99 45% 108 week. Nature & Culture 7+ nights 18% 19% 86 18% 84 25% 117 26% 121 Weekend & Midweek 45% 38% 91 43% 106 45% 109 43% 104 Golf 7+ nights 7% 16% 133 10% 83 9% 75 10% 84 Weekend & Midweek 50% 43% 94 47% 103 44% 96 53% 116 Walking 7+ nights 16% 16% 77 19% 92 27% 126 24% 114 Weekend & Midweek 46% 43% 97 43% 97 46% 103 50% 112 Cycling 7+ nights 11% 13% 101 14% 105 13% 100 13% 101 Attending events Weekend & Midweek 7+ nights 50% 42% 92 48% 105 48% 105 45% 99 6% 14% 135 8% 79 8% 80 11% 104 Source: Rare Consulting. UK Adults 18+ planning to go on holiday in the British Isles in 2022. Phase 4 data collected: 30th July - 3rd September 2021 (N=1,007). Q23 - When thinking about holidays and short breaks in the British Isles you want to take in 2021, what kind of holiday experience are you seeking when taking... ww ¾ Base: 18-30 (N=155), 31-45 (N=268), 46-65 (N=407), 66+ (N=175). *Index vs. total population. Green / Red numbers represent scores that are higher / lower than the VIVID Rare: [consulting] rest of the sample (95% level, 2-tailed) 99 and below in red, 100 in grey, 100+ in green.#59RARE: GROUP-VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET Phase 2: South East, West and East Midlands scored higher than other locations 2nd Phase South East Index Nature & Culture 7+ nights 22% 123 Adventurous 7+ nights 13% 138 Walking scores Walking 7+ nights 19% 115 high in all three regions West Midlands Index Walking 7+ nights 27% 165 Relax & Food 7+ nights 24% 144 Cycling 7+ nights 16% 149 East Midlands Index Nature & Culture 7+ nights 24% 133 Walking 7+ nights 23% 141 Golf 7+ nights 16% 216 Of all the regions analysed South East, West Midlands and East Midlands show higher indexes across all the categories. The tables show the three highest indexes per region. In all three these regions (and almost all the others) 7+ nights stays score higher than shorter breaks. Source: Rare Consulting. UK Adults 18+ planning to go on holiday in the British Isles in 2021. Data Collected 9th - 17th September 2020 (N=1,021). Q14 - When thinking about holidays and short breaks in the British Isles you want to take in 2021, what kind of holiday experience are you seeking when taking... Base: full sample (N=1,021). * Index vs. total population. Green / Red numbers represent scores that are higher / lower than the rest of the sample (95% level, 2-tailed) 99 and below in red, 100 in grey, 100+ in green. ww VIVID Rare: [consulting]#60RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET Phase 4: Top scoring regions are London, South West and South East of England 4th Phase London Index Attending events 7+ nights 16% 152 Adventurous 7+ nights 16% 135 Walking scores Cycling 7+ nights 17% 132 high in all three regions South East Index Walking 7+ nights 27% 128 Adventurous 7+ nights 13% 121 Attending events 7+ nights 13% 123 South West Index Cycling 7+ nights 16% 126 Walking 7+ nights 26% 124 Relax & Food 7+ nights 23% 119 Of all the regions analysed, London, South East and South West show higher indexes across all the categories. The tables show the three highest indexes per region. In all three these regions (and almost all the others) 7+ nights stays score higher than shorter breaks. Source: Rare Consulting. UK Adults 18+ planning to go on holiday in the British Isles in 2022. Phase 4 data collected: 30th July - 3rd September 2021 (N=1,007). Q23 - When thinking about holidays and short breaks in the British Isles you want to take in 2021, what kind of holiday experience are you seeking when taking... Base: London (N=132), South East (N=130), South West (N=89). *Index vs. total population. Green/Red numbers represent scores that are higher / lower than the rest of the sample (95% level, 2-tailed) 99 and below in red, 100 in grey, 100+ in green. ww VIVID Rare: [consulting]#61RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET Males score higher when doing activity on their own 2nd Phase Total Male Index Female Index On my own 16% 22% 139 10% 65 Couple 44% 40% 92 47% 107 Adventurous Family 22% 21% 97 23% 102 Group 16% 16% 96 17% 104 On my own 16% 18% 114 14% 88 Couple 58% 58% 101 57% 99 Breaks Family 20% 18% 90 22% 109 Group 12% 10% 82 14% 117 On my own 17% 19% 110 15% 91 Couple 60% 59% 99 60% 101 Relax & Food Family 16% 16% 98 16% 102 Group 11% 8% 78 13% 121 On my own 15% 19% 128 11% 74 Couple 55% 53% 98 56% 102 Nature & Culture Family 21% 20% 94 23% 105 Group 10% 8% 83 11% 116 On my own 26% 39% 147 15% 55 Couple 36% 28% 78 43% 121 Golf Family 16% 16% 98 16% 102 Group 17% 15% 87 19% 112 On my own 18% 22% 121 15% 81 Couple 56% 55% 99 57% 101 Walking Family 20% 18% 93 21% 107 Group 11% 11% 100 11% 100 On my own 21% 28% 131 15% 70 Source: Rare Consulting. UK Adults 18+ planning to go on holiday in the British Isles in 2021. Phase 2 data collected 9th-17th September 2020 (N=1,021). Q15- When thinking about holidays and short breaks in the British Isles you want to take in 2021, what kind of holiday experience are you seeking when going... Base: full sample Males (N=488), females (N=517). * Index vs. total population. Green/Red numbers represent scores that are higher / lower than the rest of the sample (95% level, 2-tailed) 99 and below in red, 100 in grey, 100+ in green. Couple 47% 41% 87 53% 112 Cycling Family 21% 22% 106 20% 94 Group 12% 11% 89 13% 111 On my own 17% 22% 127 13% 75 Couple 50% 50% 100 50% 100 Attending events Family 15% 13% 89 17% 110 Group 27% 23% 85 31% 114 ww ¾ VIVID Rare: [consulting]#62RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET Females 4th Phase Total Male Index Female Index prefer group On my own 17% 18% 108 16% 93 Couple 36% 36% 100 37% 100 activities (1/2) Adventurous Family w/ children 35% 33% 93 38% 108 Multigen. family 11% 8% 73 14% 130 Group 19% 18% 98 19% 101 On my own 19% 18% 97 19% 103 Couple 54% 58% 107 51% 93 Breaks Family w/ children 25% 25% 99 25% 101 Multigen. family 11% 9% 84 13% 116 Group 18% 13% 72 22% 126 On my own 18% 16% 90 20% 110 Couple 52% 56% 107 48% 92 Relax & Food Family w/ children 25% 25% 102 24% 98 Multigen. family 10% 9% 94 11% 107 Males score higher in Group 17% 11% 65 22% 134 activities on their own or as a couple. However, female On my own 16% 16% 97 17% 103 indices are higher for activities as a family or as a group Couple 47% 50% 107 44% 93 Nature & Culture Family w/ children 32% 31% 99 32% 101 Multigen. family Group 13% 11% 84 15% 116 16% 13% 77 20% 122 Source: Rare Consulting. UK Adults 18+ planning to go on holiday in the British Isles in 2022. Phase 4 data collected: 30th July - 3rd September 2021 (N=1,007). Q24 - When thinking about holidays and short breaks in the British Isles you want to take in 2022, what kind of holiday experience are you seeking when going... Base: Males (N=491), Females (N=516). * Index vs. total population. Green / Red numbers represent scores that are higher / lower than the rest of the sample (95% level, 2-tailed) 99 and below in red, 100 in grey, 100+ in green. www VIVID Rare: [consulting]#634th Phase RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET Females prefer group activities Total Male Index Female Index On my own 23% 26% 110 21% 90 Couple 31% 28% 90 34% 112 Golf Family w/ children 22% 22% 100 22% 99 Multigen. family 12% 11% 94 13% 105 Group 23% 25% 105 22% 96 (2/2) On my own 19% 20% 107 17% 94 Couple 48% 51% 106 45% 93 Walking Family w/ children 30% 30% 99 30% 100 Multigen. family 13% 10% 81 15% 120 Group 17% 13% 73 22% 127 On my own 22% 23% 104 21% 97 Couple 37% 39% 104 35% 95 Cycling Family w/ children 32% 30% 93 34% 107 Sporting activities' indices are clearly below the average for men when it comes to be on holiday as a family or a group. Multigen. family 13% 12% 93 14% 108 Group 17% 15% 86 20% 116 On my own 18% 20% 113 16% 88 Couple 43% 44% 100 43% 100 On the other hand, females value these activities even as a group. Attending events Family w/ children 26% 25% 97 27% 103 Multigen. family Group 10% 9% 92 11% 109 30% 26% 85 34% 115 Source: Rare Consulting. UK Adults 18+ planning to go on holiday in the British Isles in 2022. Phase 4 cata collected: 30th July - 3rd September 2021 (N=1,007). Q24 - When thinking about holidays and short breaks in the British Isles you want to take in 2022, what kind of holiday experience are you seeking when going... Base: Males (N=491), Females (N=516). * Index vs. total population. Green / Red numbers represent scores that are higher / lower than the rest of the sample (95% level, 2-tailed) 99 and below in red, 100 in grey, 100+ in green. ww VIVID Rare: [consulting]#64RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET 18-30 overindex across most categories (1/2) Whereas youngest group of people score higher in almost all categories, from 46 years old and older score higher when it comes to go on holidays as a couple. Total 18-30 Index 31-45 Index 46-65 Index 66+ Index On my own 17% 18% 103 15% 90 18% 108 18% 105 Couple 36% 32% 87 30% 83 43% 118 52% 143 Adventurous Family w/ children 35% 36% 103 47% 131 30% 84 8% 23 Multigen. family 11% 14% 134 9% 82 9% 82 16% 151 Group 19% 24% 126 20% 105 14% 77 16% 85 On my own 19% 20% 105 17% 93 19% 101 19% 105 Couple 54% 43% 80 47% 86 59% 108 69% 127 Breaks Family w/ children 25% 32% 126 38% 152 21% 83 5% 21 Multigen. family 11% 17% 152 10% 95 9% 84 9% 83 Group 18% 25% 138 17% 94 16% 90 17% 96 On my own 18% 19% 105 18% 101 17% 96 18% 103 Couple 52% 38% 73 44% 86 59% 113 65% 126 Relax & Food Family w/ children 25% 32% 129 38% 153 20% 79 4% 16 Multigen. family 10% 20% 201 7% 74 8% 83 7% 71 Group 17% 21% 129 17% 102 14% 82 18% 108 On my own 16% 18% 111 15% 94 16% 96 18% 108 Couple 47% 35% 75 36% 76 54% 114 65% 139 Nature & Culture Family w/ children 32% 36% 114 49% 154 27% 85 7% 21 Multigen. family Group 13% 21% 161 13% 99 11% 83 9% 70 16% 23% 140 14% 88 14% 83 18% 111 Source: Rare Consulting. UK Adults 18+ planning to go on holiday in the British Isles in 2022. Phase 2 data collected 9th - 17th September 2020 (N=1,007). Q24-When thinking about holidays and short breaks in the British Isles you want to take in 2022, what kind of holiday experience are you seeking when going... Base: 18-30 (N=155), 31-45 (N=268), 46-65 (N=407), 66+ (N=175). * Index vs. total population. Green / Red numbers represent scores that are higher / lower than the rest of the sample (95% level, 2-tailed) 99 and below in red, 100 in grey, 100+ in green. www VIVID Rare: [consulting]#65RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET Older score Total 18-30 Index 31-45 Index 46-65 Index 66+ Index higher as a On my own 23% 15% 66 23% 100 28% 120 34% 145 Couple 31% 25% 81 30% 96 37% 120 34% 111 couple or on Golf Family w/ children 22% 30% 135 25% 111 17% 75 2% 11 Multigen. family 12% 24% 194 8% 69 7% 55 10% 80 Group 23% 24% 103 25% 105 21% 89 27% 114 their own (2/2) On my own 19% 19% 104 18% 99 18% 99 19% 102 Couple 48% 34% 70 42% 87 54% 112 64% 133 Walking Family w/ children 30% 38% 129 41% 139 27% 90 4% 14 Multigen. family 13% 23% 179 12% 91 9% 70 12% 91 Group 17% 22% 128 18% 106 14% 82 17% 100 On my own 22% 18% 82 21% 97 20% 92 44% 203 Couple 37% 33% 88 34% 91 44% 119 40% 106 Cycling Family w/ children 32% 35% 110 41% 127 27% 85 2% 7 Multigen. family 13% 21% 162 10% 83 9% 72 12% 92 Young people tend to score Group 17% 23% 130 18% 104 13% 75 16% 93 higher when enjoying On my own 18% 15% 85 18% 105 18% 101 21% 117 holidays as a family in more ludic activities too. Couple 43% 37% 86 43% 98 46% 105 55% 127 Attending events Family w/ children 26% 32% 123 32% 124 23% 87 2% 7 Multigen. family Group 10% 15% 150 10% 105 6% 60 10% 104 30% 38% 127 30% 99 26% 88 24% 80 Source: Rare Consulting. UK Adults 18+ planning to go on holiday in the British Isles in 2022. Phase 2 data collected 9th - 17th September 2020 (N=1,007). Q24-When thinking about holidays and short breaks in the British Isles you want to take in 2022, what kind of holiday experience are you seeking when going... Base: 18-30 (N=155), 31-45 (N=268), 46-65 (N=407), 66+ (N=175). * Index vs. total population. Green/Red numbers represent scores that are higher / lower than the rest of the sample (95% level, 2-tailed) 99 and below in red, 100 in grey, 100+ in green. www VIVID Rare: [consulting]#66RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET London, East Midlands and Scotland score higher than other locations 2nd Phase London Index Relax & Food Family 24% 149 Cycling Group 23% 195 Cycling scores Walking Group 16% 151 high in all three regions East Midlands Index Cycling On my own 35% 165 Group 31% 189 Adventurous On my own 27% 173 Scotland Index Cycling On my own 35% 168 Nature & Culture On my own Relax & Food 23% 156 Group 15% 138 Source: Rare Consulting. UK Adults 18+ planning to go on holiday in the British Isles in 2021. Phase 2 Data Collected 9th - 17th September 2020 (N=1,021). Q15 - When thinking about holidays and short breaks in the British Isles you want to take in 2021, what kind of holiday experience are you seeking when going... Base: full sample (N=1,021). * Index vs. total population. Green / Red numbers represent scores that are higher / lower than the rest of the sample (95% level, 2-tailed) 99 and below in red, 100 in grey, 100+ in green. Of all the regions analysed London, East Midlands and Scotland show higher indexes across all the categories. The tables show the three highest indexes per region. ww VIVID ☑Rare: [consulting]#67RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET Multigenerational family holidays score highest 4th Phase Relax & Food is in the top three scores within the three different Of all the regions analysed London, South East of England and Yorkshire and The Humber show higher indexes across all the categories. The tables show the three highest indexes per region. London Index Relax & Food Multigen. family 21% 191 Attending events Multigen. family 19% 183 Nature & Culture Multigen. family Highest scores are on holidays with all the family. 22% 162 Yorkshire & The Humber Index Adventurous Multigen. family 19% 144 Relax & Food Multigen. family 14% 141 regions. Nature & Culture Group 23% 139 South East Index Walking On my own 26% 143 Relax & Food On my own 31% 138 Attending events Couple 57% 135 Source: Rare Consulting. UK Adults 18+ planning to go on holiday in the British Isles in 2022. Phase 2 data collected 9th - 17th September 2020 (N=1,007). Q24-When thinking about holidays and short breaks in the British Isles you want to take in 2022, what kind of holiday experience are you seeking when going... Base: London (N=132), Yorkshire and The Humber (N=106), South East of England (N=130) * Index vs. total population. Green / Red numbers represent scores that are higher / lower than the rest of the sample (95% level, 2-tailed) 99 and below in red, 100 in grey, 100+ in green. ww VIVID Rare: [consulting]#68MRS Evidence Matters Company Partner Rare: [group] THANKS! [email protected] +44 (0) 20 7859 4627#69RARE: GROUP - VIVID / ISLE OF MAN - UK MARKET The Process DONE Informs design of Helps identify Informs design of 1 2 3 4 Depth interviews with current customers Overview: 9 interviews with established customers (defined by audience profiles). Lol: 75 minute 1-2-1 interviews over Zoom Objectives: Explore themes for investigation Set up & interview design: Rare Recruitment: loM (With Rare form) Quant survey with UK representative sample Overview: 1,000 UK Nat Rep* Survey will identify those in market ie., 'considering', and barriers/behaviours of our target market. Lol: 7-8 minute LOI, online survey Objectives: Measure existence of themes for investigation Set up & questionnaire design: Rare: Recruitment: Rare: Depth interviews with new potential customers Overview: 10 interviews with those in market 'considering Lol: 75 minute 1-2-1 interviews over Zoom Objectives: Explore themes for investigation Set up & interview design: Rare Recruitment: Rare: Timings: 15 working days Observe change in interest and market potential Overview: 1,000 UK Nat Rep* Sample to identify those in market ie., 'considering', and attitudes of our target market. Lol: 7-8 minute LOI online survey Objectives: Compare changes since previous wave Set up & questionnaire design: Rare:, 3 question amends allowed Recruitment: Rare: Timings: 10 working days ww VIVID Rare: [consulting] ¾

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